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Dictatorship in India ‘Confirmed’? : Decoding the “BLACK PAPER” of the Indian Economy

Apr 20, 2024
Hello everyone, on February 8, 2024, the Congress party released something called the



on India's main opposition party. The Congress has published what is called a


document on the ruling party's 10 years of rule. Congress chief Malik Arjun K released the black document. news


this morning and pointed to the center Yes, you heard right, they published a 54 page document to educate the people of India about everything the Modi government did wrong and what atrocities they committed while they were ruling the country in the last 10 years and The The best part is that they have presented these arguments with a lot of data, so now we have two schools of thought on one hand, while the white people talk about how India is developing and progressing very quickly under the Modi government, the black document surprisingly presents a totally opposite point of view and they launched a direct attack on the Modi government, while Modi G calls the current period as the so-called Amit of India, Congress has called it the so-called anyay as in the time of the injustice.
dictatorship in india confirmed decoding the black paper of the indian economy
I am black. Vaper claims that the 10 years of Modi government were a period of injustice. K tried to corner the center over rising inflation and unemployment in the country and although most people will ignore it as just dirty political fights, as citizens of the country, you should be very happy with these arguments because they are arguments based ​​in databases and this will help you understand the difference between the BJP's perspective and the Congress' perspective. In time, it will make the debate between the BJP and Congress even more interesting as voters of the country. It will help you better understand the governance of your country, but while most media outlets have only covered the white paper and praised the Modi government for its work, we at think school also wanted to show you the other side of the picture. , so in this case study let me dig deeper into the black document to help you out.
dictatorship in india confirmed decoding the black paper of the indian economy

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dictatorship in india confirmed decoding the black paper of the indian economy...

Do you understand why the black book blames the current government for bad governance? What does the black book have to say about the current state of the Indian


and, most importantly, which document presents the ultimate truth? Modi government's white paper or Congress's black paper Before I continue, let me tell you about an interesting survey conducted by HP that talks about AI being a solution to burnout in the workplace. This survey says that 75% of leaders predict that jobs will be easier with AI and 55% of people think AI opens up more opportunities, so if you are someone who wants to learn AI for free, check out the workshop Growth School's 3-hour AI chat with gbd taking place this week and hosted by my dear friend web cin.
dictatorship in india confirmed decoding the black paper of the indian economy
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dictatorship in india confirmed decoding the black paper of the indian economy
I left the link in the description. so go and check it out. Let's start with the basics of this 54-page document, just like last time, we have selected some of the most important points that the Congress has used to expose the BJP government and you can read the entire document in a study. material section in the description now, if you've seen the white paper episode. White people basically picked the most important indicators and declared that the Indian


is doing incredibly well compared to the Congress era and it was also quite convincing, but you know. What guys, the black book points out a very important indicator that the white paper completely overlooked and that is the unemployment rate in India, so this settles the question: have we really done that badly in our labor market? unemployment?
Workers, unfortunately, the data says yes. We have done a terrible job here and this is especially because the Prime Minister promised to create two jobs in the Czech Republic every year. Our goal is to create jobs for more than 1 billion HS youth according to the black book, let alone create 2 jobs in the Czech Republic. highest in the last 45 years and surprisingly the black newspaper says that the situation is so bad that two unemployed commit suicide every hour mbai two sisters who committed suicide and used their father's licensed revolver, that is because it is believed that they were extremely upset because they did not know that they received any job according to the black paper, the total unemployment for all ages in 2012 was 1 CR people, which has now increased to 4 crore in 20122 and in addition, they also point out that youth unemployment is has doubled from 6% in 201112 to 15% in 201920 now some people might say brother this is all because of covid and this is data from 4 years ago so you know what we check all our sources and our data says that in 2013 unemployment rate was 5.42% in 2019 it was 5.27% and in 2023 it was 8.03%, so regardless of how you measure it and when you measure it, we have to admit that things are going wrong with our work situation and you know what black paper does.
Let's not stop here, the black document also notes that 10.34 CR people under the age of 30 were in the workforce in 201617, but by the end of 2022 23 the number had fallen to only 7 CR people under the age of 30 in the workforce and To make matters worse, around a third of all our graduates and postgraduates are unemployed. Simply put, the black newspaper points out that there is rampant unemployment in the country, this is the state of employment in the country and you know what Congress is going on with. to say that the government has not only failed to create jobs but has also caused problems for existing jobs and now why is Congress saying this between 2014-15 and 2022-23 real wages increased only 0.8% in the agricultural sector? 0.2% in the non-farm sector and was negative for the construction sector, so over a period of 8 years, while the rich have become richer in India, the poor in India seem to be struggling, so this is the message I want to convey with humility.
To all the BJP leaders, you have undoubtedly done a great job in controlling the economy. Reduce fiscal deficit, increase FDI and increase Forex reserves, but what are we doing with jobs today? We need to bring in more manufacturing units. attract more FDI into the manufacturing sector and only then we can create these jobs, so my question is what are we doing to create more jobs in the economy and protect the base of the pyramid? If this is clear to you, let's move on to the second point of the Black Book Guys, if you remember, the white paper talked about how the fiscal deficit has decreased with the increase in revenue from sources such as taxes and responsible spending by the government, but this is where black people accuse the government of something called tax terrorism in simple words.
It means that the government is paying heavy taxes to the small and middle classes to increase their income. Now the point to note here is that terrorism is an overstated word for this, but there is actually a story worth addressing in 2021-22. Of the Rs 14.83 crore GST collected, Congress says 64% of this revenue was earned from the bottom 50% of the population, 33% of this revenue was earned from the middle 40% and only 3% from this number was obtained from the top 10% of the population now there are two things to keep in mind here guys and if the Congress leaders are seeing this please listen to this very carefully from the looks of these statistics it almost seems that the BJP is doing a great job because the tax comes from all segments of the society and you are clearly saying that the rich of the country only pay 3% of the GST and this, to most people, will seem like the consuming class of the India is 50% of the population and the viewers I have.
I want to tell you that the big problem here is the income division in India, so here is another graph to indicate the depth of this problem. If you look at this graph, only 5% of the population in India file taxes, only 1.5% of them pay. taxes and this is absolutely terrible because these markers are at 10% for China and 43% for the United States and what is even worse is that only 0.3% of Indians contribute 80% of the taxes collected in India which means there is a huge income gap between the rich and the poor and technically if you see the poor in India they don't pay any income tax which means they don't even have an income that worth 7 lakh rupees and this number is as big as 1.2 billion people.
The real problem is that if taxes come from all classes of people, it's actually great because it says that the bottom of the pyramid consumes more than the rich, but if you look at the income tax data, it actually points out how much income the poor receive. people in India really have it, if this is very clear to you, let's move on to the second point that the Congress makes, which is the implementation of the GST, while the objective of the GST was to simplify taxes in India. Congress says it actually made it matter. worse for businesses in India The GST rules have been amended more than 900 times in the last 6 years and between 2017 and 2022 the black document accuses the Modi government of changing the rules every two days with 97 notifications, 195 circulars, 23 instructions and 19 orders in total.
This supposedly makes small businesses suffer a lot, guys. A quick note on this. We actually couldn't find a relevant source to verify this information, so what I did was conduct a small survey with the Quantum Leap MSME community, which is Raji Tala's company. where he has trained thousands of small and medium business owners and helped them with their businesses. Now in this community, 90% of business owners said that the GST actually made their life better, while 10% of them said that the GST made their life worse, so now I want to leave it in your hands, if you are business owners, if you are from the msme community, please leave a comment below and let me know if GST made your life better or worse and one point to note here is that we want to segregate. your comment from all the Bots who are very active right now due to election season so tell me if GST made your life better or not along with the reason.
If it improved your life, say yes and leave a reason so we can understand. which is a genuine comment and not coming from a robot, if this is clear let's continue with the episode, so yes it is true that GST hurt people in the short term and I think that is what happens when all Major economic policies are implemented, but most people I spoke to told me that the GST did not make their lives difficult except for the fact that they had to spend some extra money on a CA. Thirdly, the black paper points out something very critical about Indian manufacturing and exports.
See, the BJB had promised that India would compete with China, which was and still is the godfather in manufacturing by 2023. India would grow faster than China when I first visited the US as Prime Minister. India was today the tenth largest economy in the world. India is the fifth largest economy, but at current levels of around 7%, growing a little faster is all it needs to overtake China, but the question here is: Did it really turn India into a revolutionary manufacturing hub? of the world? Well, not really, because if you look at the Modi government's target, they said manufacturing should be 25% of our GDP, but you know what the share of manufacturing in India's GDP actually fell from 16 % in 2015 to 13% in 2022, so much less than 25%, we have a dangerous backlog that we now have to recover from and this is something we pointed out even in the BGB report card episode, so these numbers raise some serious questions about the make India in India initiative.
Now the question we are asking ourselves is why are we falling short in this initiative because it was supposed to be a revolutionary initiative, well two reasons number one, the ease of doing business in India is not easy enough and the number two, land acquisition is a big problem and unless we solve it, we cannot grow as fast as China, if this is clear to you, let's move on to the fourth point that the black book points out, which are nowsocial indicators. If you remember, our white paper episode talked about how the government has increased capital expenditure and how it is not wasting money on social welfare schemes, so while it is good that capital expenditure has increased, it is It is important to note that in certain places it is necessary to spend money on social welfare schemes and judging by these statistics, it seems that the BJB government is not spending enough on social welfare schemes.
They may be doing a lot, but it may not be enough, and you know what we discovered, guys, in some plans the benefits did not reach the right people and in some plans, even when the money was allocated, it was not spent on its entirety, for example, for the schemes that were introduced for farmers like pradan monry FAL Bea yoga the insurance scheme has not even reached 50% of its target audience. Farmers similarly, if you look at women, social centric schemes like Nira projects worth Rs 12,000 crore were approved, but until 2023 only 2,521 billion were used, so the black paper says it's great to spend on capital expenditure, but when you have money allocated for social assistance, when there are people who need social assistance, why don't we spend this money and help the poor?
This is the fourth argument that the Black Pap smear was done and this brings us to the fifth point, which is a very scary thing. The black paper argues that democracy in India is now weakening. How do they say that the black document implies that the government is misusing investigation agencies like Ed and CBI to attack? the opposition leaders while the Congress says that only 54% investigations were carried out against their opposition when they were in power during the BJP era. 95% of these investigations were carried out against the opposition. Only BJP government wants to destroy democracy in this country Ed Ed is their weapon CBI income tax almost anyone who goes to BJP goes there because of a particular type of pressure pressure from CBI pressure from Ed pressure from cases now some people might say brother, that's because only the Opposition leaders are corrupt BJP leaders are not corrupt, although I want to believe it, the patterns make it hard to believe now.
I am not saying this because I have something very concrete, just look at the patterns and even Indian Express has Recently I posted a graph of about 25 opposition leaders who had cases against them but after that they joined the BGP and 23 of them saw their cases fall. Now I have nothing concrete to point out, as I said in the Electoral Bonds episode. They could be isolated events and they could also be co-related events, but in some ways they seem to be extremely worrying and it would be great if a government leader could point out or explain to the people of India what exactly is happening, if they wish.
To know more about this argument, my friend Mok Mongal has covered this extensively on his channel. I will attach the link to his video in the description. Now the point to note here is that I have certain disagreements with M. Mok has certain disagreements with me, but this video of M actually points out something that is very factual and is obviously problematic, so check it out and let me know what What do you think, if this is clear to you, let's move on to the last point where the target The newspaper points out what is the problem of defense and security in India if you don't know what happened in Manipur 35,000 people have been displaced in Manipur 1,700 houses have been burned 60 people have lost their lives and 200 more have been injured since violence broke out in May 2023 in Manipur and on the night when Manipur has been burning for months, my question refers to the current situation in Manipur, the fight continues In broad daylight, many want to end the fighting, these comrades are marching for peace, so while the BJP has done so. great job in Kashmir, the question is why we couldn't act quickly in Manipur even though we now had the BJB government both in the state and at the centre, while most people might say brother, you know, that It happened in Manipur but my state is doing the same.
Well, I have to tell you that this is a system problem, guys, because if a state is burning and the center did nothing tomorrow, Tom, what makes you believe that something could happen to your state and the center will actually take some strict measures because it was an entire state burning and it was the lives of 35,000 people that are still at stake today. This is the reason why we as citizens of the country must point out and express our opinions so that the government understands that the people of India are seeing, these are the most convincing arguments that have been presented in the black document and, Apart from these arguments, there are several other arguments like demonetisation of farmers' income and Chinese border issue which the black paper points out, so if you want to read the arguments I will attach the link to the black paper in the study materials in the description, so the fundamental question here is who is right and who is wrong.
This is where we as citizens must understand that both parties have done good things and Both parties have done bad things, but if you look at the mainstream media in India, while a section of the media only applauds the government, the other section only says bad things about the government and the result of these bipolar reports is a bipolar population, so while some people might say that PA Modi is the greatest Prime Minister India has ever had, the other might call him dictator and both are stupid statements because what we have to do is decode the governance of each government and point out the good things and question the shortcomings of each one. government so that citizens can understand both sides of the argument instead of being influenced by one-sided propaganda.
This is why we covered the most compelling arguments from both the black paper and the white paper and I just hope you learned something valuable from This case study is all from me for today guys look for the attached black paper on the description. If they learn something valuable, be sure to hit the like button to make them happy and to get more interesting political and business cases. studies, subscribe to our channel and don't forget to watch the grow school artificial intelligence workshop from the link in the description because only the first thousand people who register from the link will get the free bonus.
Thanks so much for looking. See you. in the next goodbye

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