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Diana and Roma build a Secret Room

Jun 29, 2024
no it's not right why because you don't know how to


it the right way ah i don't know how to


it mhm i'll show you wow let's start building a bed wow owie OE owie OE yay a pillow in a blanket uhhuh what is she doing here ? Wow, Diana, what is this? I'm building a



, let's build it together. Okay, we need a couch here and a TV here. Finished. Wow, look at the



we made. I'm hungry. Let's order Margherita pizza, yes. Hello pizza, yes we want to order a Margherita pizza, okay, yes, bye, we will wait for our pizza, mhm, what's your excuse?
diana and roma build a secret room
This is our room, but now it will be my room, but we built it, go away, how do we get our secret broom back? I have an idea uhhuh donut oh a donut I love donuts ah yes, sorry for the bad behavior, I promise to do better. I believe him, let's let him go, okay, wow, what is this? Come on ah H, what is that? Wow, it's a secret. room meow meow meow yay this is my dog ​​wow you are so beautiful and I have a cat wowow fish I'm hungry okay yum yum yum cool, thanks guys, yeah, look at my cool printer, come on, it can make 3D toys, will you? one yes, yes, I can't wait for my toys Diana, are you ready?
diana and roma build a secret room

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diana and roma build a secret room...

Yes I'm ready. Wow, thanks Roma, I, I, it's okay, Oliver, the car is ready for you. Wow, Oliver, did you like it? Yay, I'm hungry, no. hry, I will make everything eat, eat, wow, delicious, delicious, delicious, bone, and for me, how do we eat it? This will help us chocolate, wow, gummy bears, bananas, yes, yum, yum, and, time, hello, no, Oliver, no, you're too small for this, no. Oliver, look what I have for you, do you like to draw? Yeah, okay, let's get started, uhhuh, yellow, next one, yeah, great job, wow, cool, guys, do you like mine?
diana and roma build a secret room
Super guys, look what a slime, I've come, wow, how fun, it's so late, let's go to sleep, help. wow where have you been we have been in a secret room mom oh wow new house I like pink like Bunny and green like plants my favorite color is blue and yellow What is that about a Roma, stop, stop, stop, Stop, don't make so much noise? How do I fix it on the wall? H I know you can use this one, thanks Diana, you're welcome, yeah rubbish, Rome, is that you? Sorry, you can use this one. Okay, what is this noise?
diana and roma build a secret room
Is it you again? Huh? I'm trying. to sleep no problem you can use headphones h great yes I want to eat I can order pizza hello I can order a pizza ok Pizza H pizza I like pizza wo my pizza was your Pizza Roma don't worry I know what to do hello Can I eat the bigger pizza ? Okay, I'll wait bye wow Pizza thank you Diana I should make my room nice and beautiful Diana what are you doing huh huh butterfly? I love art H okay this is for you wow thank you Roma Diana catch eh Roma h h Roma don't worry I'll fix it can you help me? wow eh Diana Granda come on let's go the sun Luck is my little H is my little H great house hello hello hello we have nice houses but they are not decorated let's decorate them yes, I'm the first what is that gets worried H what shape does this circle square triangle have? wow nice necklace and bracelet great shape for a wall decoration finished much better great job my turn I'm going to use these ducks to decorate my wall yes, much better, super, very small, ok, great idea, wow, it's better, yes, Oliver, you're right, yes, we need something comfortable on the floor, mmm, look so pretty.
Next step, wow, done, I'll do the same as Oliver, interesting, come on, yeah, much better, amazing. wow oh yes something cool I will decorate my house with it oh no no oh no help help yes thank you Oliver, you saved my life uhhuh let's try it again nice nice but we have to add furniture I like it hello what's next lots of balls wow this was fun oopsie wow guys look what I have what is that you can choose a toy aha maybe this is okay wow thank you I want a ball here is your ball thank you hello come on come on Oliver super catches Diana is sad um good choice wow nice um Diana this is for you thank you great so cute yay time to play wow that was great lemonade lemonade come and buy lemonade hello hello please one lemonade one second ready thanks you're welcome delicious yum yum lemonade lemonade come and buy lemonade two lemonades please two lemonades 1 second okay I'm ready Rome what is it for you for me yes thank you delicious yay goodbye

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