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Detectives Publicly Admit This Horror Story Was Ended By The Paranormal

Apr 30, 2024


is an old fashioned spooky


, it's about a missing person in Taiwan and it takes a totally strange turn and I will say that probably most of you will get the biggest thrill from the apartment scene. You'll know that scene when He Gets to Him and that's towards the end of the video, so be sure to stick around if you like to be scared, but before we get into that story, if you're a fan of the strange, dark and mysterious presented in a story, then you move on to the right place because that's all we do and we upload once a week, so if that's your thing, the next time you hit the like button at work, get yourself home, get in in your bed and then open a Nature Valley crunchy granola bar and very carelessly eat it so the crumbs go everywhere and then without cleaning up just pull up the blankets and cover your mess and leave too, subscribe to our channel and activate all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads, okay, let's get into it.
detectives publicly admit this horror story was ended by the paranormal
Today's story On the morning of February 4, 1991, a taxi driver named Wang was chatting with the taxi dispatcher at headquarters when suddenly, for no clear reason, the dispatcher stopped talking to Wang and started staring at something. behind Wang, so Wang noticed


and immediately turned around to see what he was looking at, but the only thing he could see was just a window facing


huge Fencon parking lot that was full of taxis and their drivers, this is where they would wait. fairs and where the taxi headquarters were located was right near the airport in a very busy city called Gaung City in Taiwan, so taxis in this area were in high demand, so Wang looked at the very busy parking lot full of drivers.
detectives publicly admit this horror story was ended by the paranormal

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detectives publicly admit this horror story was ended by the paranormal...

Talking to potential clients, you know, with Wang, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, it was just a typical busy day, but when Wang looked at the dispatcher as if he didn't really see what he saw, the dispatcher simply raised his finger and pointed. in the direction he was facing, so Wang turned again and this time, when he looked in the direction the dispatcher was pointing, he could immediately see why the dispatcher was reacting that way because the dispatcher was pointing at one of his colleagues so another taxi driver whose name was Leo Schwe Chung and when Wang looked at him, he saw that Lao was running through this very busy part of the parking lot, filled with all these taxis and drivers and customers, and Lao was clutching this big statue golden Buddha in his arms.
detectives publicly admit this horror story was ended by the paranormal
As he ran, Wang and the dispatcher watched Lao and what he did was keep running through the entire parking lot until he reached his taxi, at which point he practically dove inside, closed the door, closed all the doors and then started looking at He looked around frantically as if waiting for someone who had been chasing him to show up or something, but there was no one around his car and Wang and the dispatcher scanned the parking lot and saw no one who seemed remotely interested. in Lao, so Wang and the dispatcher continued to watch Lao from the window and saw that finally Lao stopped looking for other people and at that moment he took that golden Buddha statue and placed it on the board of his Cal. and it didn't It was the first Buddha statue he had placed there from the perspective of Wang and the dispatcher, it seemed like he had at least two or three that were right next to this new one and then after Lao placed this new golden statue, he ordered it to be He leaned back in his chair and from Wang and the dispatcher's perspective it looked like he had closed his eyes and was praying or mumbling something, but whatever he was doing, it seemed a little strange and finally Wang and the dispatcher stopped. looking at Lao, who was still sitting in his chair and you know mumbling or praying or something like that and then Wang and the dispatcher looked at each other and exchanged very worried looks because they both knew that Lao was a bit strange, but because of his behavior today , it seemed like you knew something must be wrong with Lao, there must be some problem, so for context, Lao was a 35 year old guy who lived alone and had a reputation for being very antisocial and somewhat righteous. rude as if he had terrible manners, but recently Wang, the dispatcher, and other taxi drivers who worked at this company had noticed that Lao's behavior had gone from somewhat awkward and antisocial to somewhat threatening, as if he didn't even include the strange behavior he was exhibiting. now, just like in his daily interactions with people, he was very aggressive, he always told his colleagues at the taxi company how much he hated stray dogs and cats and you know, a lot of people found these stray dogs and cats. in their neighborhood in the city it was a little annoying, you know they were digging through the trash and making noise or whatever, but no one paid much attention to them, they were just stray animals trying to survive like it was no big deal, but Lao thought He liked to obsess over hating stray dogs and cats and how much he wanted them out of his neighborhood and he had recently come to work and told his colleagues that he had gone out to get a crossbow and at night he had started shooting at them. stray dogs and cats, which totally horrified his colleagues and now Lao had something strange going on with his Buddha statues that he was placing inside his taxi and also, in addition to those statues he had started placing on the windows inside. of his taxi these things called fools, which are these little strips of yellow parchment paper that basically ward off evil spirits, so Lao had basically transformed the inside of his taxi into some kind of strange shrine or temple and, in fact, Leo had put something like that. a lot of these fools on the inside of the windows and again all those statues that were on the dashboard that when driving you could barely see because your view was totally obstructed, but even though everyone in the company saw this totally strange behavior with Laos , no one walked up to him and said, "Hey, what are you doing with these statues and pieces of paper?", like what's going on here because no one wanted to interact with him.
detectives publicly admit this horror story was ended by the paranormal
He seemed like some kind of threat, so people just let him do his thing, but Now, as Wang and the dispatcher were watching Lao run around the parking lot and act totally psychotic, they looked at each other and said maybe we should do something, so Wang offered to call the police and when Wang turned to go out and make the call, he saw Lao leaving the parking lot almost crashing into cars and people driving like a total madman, so Leo really freaked out. felt good, yes, this really is the time to intervene, someone will get hurt here the next day.
Wang would do it. He contacted his friend at the police department and he would explain to him what was going on with Lao and to Wang's surprise, his friend told him that the police actually knew Lao very well and that was because not too long ago Leo was actually a suspect in a murder case, about 10 months earlier in April 1990, a 23 year old Japanese woman named Mao Aguchi had visited Taiwan on vacation and during this vacation she had disappeared, now at the time when the Taiwanese economy really relied heavily on Japanese tourism and So Taiwan marketed very aggressively to Japan, you know, come visit us, come on vacation here, so it was quite common for Japanese college students to visit Taiwan on vacation to celebrate things. like a graduation or a birthday party, and that's what mom was doing.
Here celebrating and she was traveling alone. Also, kind of a peculiar thing about Taiwanese culture at the time was that it was quite common for taxi drivers to open their personal homes to their fairs, basically saying, "Don't stay in a hotel." I'll take you wherever you go, but then at night you can stay at my house with my family, so in Taiwan it was kind of like people visited and stayed in their taxi drivers' houses, so When Maro came To Taiwan on this holiday, this is what he did: He stayed at the taxi driver's house and it was during this period of time that he disappeared and naturally when the investigation into his disappearance began, the first place the police went.
They were taxi drivers, so police first focused on a driver in Taiwan's capital who said he had taken Maro for a few rides, taken her sightseeing and then let her stay at his house, but then about that he said: you know. she left and he never saw her again, he had no idea what happened to her and the police would discover that after Maro left that particular driver's house, he would send a postcard to her family with the date after his departure and basically This ruled out the first driver as a suspect and for a while this case went cold because the police couldn't find any other taxi drivers who had given Maro a ride, but a few months later the police offered a reward for information. about what happened to Maro and that's when the police received a tip that they had seen Maro talking to Lao at the train station before she disappeared, but when the police spoke to Lao, he immediately said yes, I took Maro, but that was it.
I didn't stay at my house, it was just a ride from the train station to the city and you know, after she came out, I have no idea what happened to her, so the police would ask Lao dozens of questions more and they would try to get more. information from him, but he just didn't have any and then at the same time there was a flood of all these new leads that started coming into the police station about this case, but a lot of these leads turned out like all of them. It was just terrible advice, people were calling with totally random things just because now there was this monetary reward for information and it was like an incentive for people to just call to report anything and it was actually making the investigation a lot harder because now the police had all these bad things. advice, so they weren't really getting anywhere, but despite the slow progress that the police were making in this case, this case had really risen and become big international news and many people around the world They were following him and during this time when all these people are tuned into this case, weird things really started happening around this case, people in the city started getting all these strange phone calls from this type of woman. frantic Japanese speaker and in Taiwan people predominantly speak Taiwanese and Mandarin, not Japanese.
So this is a strange call to receive in Taiwan and also at this time you have to remember that Maro's disappearance was all over the news and therefore receiving these strange calls from a Japanese speaking woman who sounds totally frantic made that people in the city believe that it was Maro who made these strange phone calls, but these calls didn't make any sense, it was just a woman yelling in Japanese and then abruptly hanging up and there were also all these reports from people. Claiming to have seen Maro or heard Maro just in the city walking, none of it was substantiated, but there was a kind of disturbing quality to the case, so when Wang called his friend to the police department to report Lao for his totally strange behavior.
This was at a time when Miss Maro's case was still fully present in Taiwan and around the world and furthermore the police were still actively investigating this case and, frankly, Lao had not been ruled out as a suspect in this case, It was not. Considered the prime suspect anyway, but they haven't ruled him out yet, so the police heard that Leo is acting really weird and that made them think, hey, maybe we should re-investigate this guy and see if he's really connected. with Maro missing. person case and finally after Wang hung up, his friend in the police, the Police Department contacted the lead detective of the Maro case and told him what was going on with Lao and this lead detective whose name was Lynn xia G decided she would do it.
I just put Leo under surveillance to see what he was doing last year my wife and I decided to do some renovations on the house however we didn't really have the money to pay for them so we knew we would need a loan but when I started research When obtaining a loan, it was obvious that there were many opportunities that predatory traditional lenders could take advantage of, so I decided to look for the funds another way and that was to JUMP into the ocean and see if any of the various sea creatures would be willing to give me the money and luckily after being in the ocean for only a couple of minutes I saw a very smooth looking 13 ton muu shark in a leather jacket smoking a cigarette who quickly waved me over and said yes.
I'll happily lend you the money, no problem. I was excited until I got home and checked my bank account and I could see very clearly that that cool shark was not a goodMaybe it was one of his attempts to keep people engaged with the story so it doesn't fade away and become a cold case, and in fact, even some cops, including Detective Lynn, say so. I think Maro's spirit played a role and in fact Detective Lyn L said that at one point when he was inside Leo's apartment he was alone and he felt someone push him from behind and when he turned around he didn't.
There was no one there, so I was convinced. That Maro spirit inhabited that apartment. Our latest podcast from Ballin Studios is already a huge hit. It's called Run and it's hosted by


icon and master storyteller Rodney Barnes. In each episode, Rodney weaves these totally disturbing and terrifying stories about witches and demons. and monsters and ghosts and so far the response we are getting about the show is that Rodney is very good at slowly building up the fear in the episode and by the time you get to the end of the show you are really terrified and if that wasn't enough to at least lessen your interest on the show, then you should tune in just to hear the sound design.
Rodney and his team built these super creepy soundscapes and it's unlike any other show he's ever heard. Go ahead and start listening on any podcast platform, so that'll do the trick. If you enjoyed today's story and are looking for more strange, dark and mysterious content, be sure to check out all the Ballin Studios podcasts we have. Ballin Podcast Mr. Ballin's Medical Mysteries, Runo and Bedtime Stories, you can find all of those shows by simply searching for Ballin Studios on your podcast platform of choice, okay, that'll do it until next time, see you, wait, no go nowhere if you're looking.
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