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Destroying 1000+ MECHS (dumb science)

May 05, 2020
That's not how towers are supposed to work so it's an update, no it's been a while guys, I hope you haven't forgotten about me. I hope they still, I hope they still use the laser code in the item shop, but they've released a new one. i updated that they didn't nerf max, they didn't remove max, they added max, they're creative, but they brought back the retail row and also added zombies to him, so I'm not really sure what he became, you're thinking, but it's been like that. eight days since I played a game fifteen days, so I thought, let's see what the ten seasons are like now we have the maximum, we have zombies, we have Oh G retail, let's see what happens.
destroying 1000 mechs dumb science
I have an idea what would happen if you grab a Mac and then we'll defeat the zombie horde and save the retail road. I love seeing retail back. I just don't enjoy zombies. I think we have a chance for Mac, yeah man, he made this guy join up to stop the zombies, yeah. I'll say for dot oh yeah it's got a new targeting laser they added me to four no guys it's awesome I think you're funny but save it retail guys yeah we just blew up the tower oh yeah okay this one It's the only one. way to enjoy the update and i just eliminated someone max is so cooked yeah i'm here trying to destroy every tower place oh the towers are coming back now there's no way to say fortnight i was a random player here let's beat him with my incredible amount of skill, hey, this guy was my driver, you abandoned me, bro, that's not right, I killed him, I killed the guy who was my driver, I forgot to feel bad, okay, so, okay, and then A brute killed me.
destroying 1000 mechs dumb science

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destroying 1000 mechs dumb science...

It's good to know that fifteen days is still nothing, yeah, after that I decided that I won't play normal for word night, they added max to creative, my specialty is breaking trash, so there is something I have to do, I have to focus in that. I'm going to just rip and shit because that's what I do best there. Okay, now we're on the main island in a creative mistake. I'm building a bouncy castle for Max. Yes, building a bouncy castle for Max. Look at this, well, that was it. It wasn't really supposed to happen, he just let me demonstrate what his size is supposed to be.
destroying 1000 mechs dumb science
It is obvious that we have failed here. We have to break the game. We have to do some scientific experiments. It will never always work perfectly. I could have done this. in normal creativity, but your minds are so limited, normal creativity has a memory limit, this has no memory limit, young padawans, well, say how I look, what I have built looks like a futuristic cereal box, but let's see What happens when we take them. Back in, oh, it starts breaking things real quick, so the real fun starts when you get on another Mac and you, oh, you knocked me out bro, not cool, yeah, we put another one back on, no big deal, This is when the fun begins, three at most. just stuck there yeah so this is just a small scale test.
destroying 1000 mechs dumb science
I think fewer bounce pads would break if we wanted a large bounce pad arena, but I just wanted to try if we could fit several in a small cereal box. You know, let's see if I die here, no, I'm leaving, this is good, okay, I'm going to build an arena with a bigger bounce platform, let's see if we can improve this a little bit, okay. I have some of the good guys. I am the last sniper. Some lab assistants appeared at bat. This every fifteen days. Players, not men. Now this may be what makes me the owner.
So if I see this garbage, you guys want to complain. about the maximum, how about we just take a little more? Okay, keep it cool, your boy, let's try it. She left immediately. The first MEC is in my imagination trying to film a normal update. It's not like you can do this. Honestly, it's my revenge. The whole broadcast by the way, you know, everyone is sitting on Twitter complaining about it, it's like you want to complain about a thousand Mexicans. The problem is that when they start to get too agitated, they start to make holes. So let's do it, oh my God, I'm floating in this right now, so they just killed someone.
I think you think that will get to a point where the server just shuts down. I spoke to someone at Epic and they told me that you had reached out. We got yeah, so if we keep going, maybe today is the day, keep it up guys, keep it up. I don't want to see any bounce pads, oh my gosh, just fix the chai holes. No, I think you guys move on, thanks guys, I got it. I just want to tell everyone in this discord. I love each and every one of you. I just had the best idea.
This is going to be so overcooked, give Max Matz. Everyone, everyone built this level. Just build a big square, there's a big square there, guys. Every once in a while I get a good feeling about experiments. This is what the guy I felt when he cured polio must have felt. You must have felt exactly the same feeling that I replaced you. I met you. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Oh friend, my game. already has FPS issues we're seeing look at that map honestly we're like we're removing Dusty Depot from the game just by removing it from the map.
I don't believe it. I don't think our computers are going to do it. let's survive this, I think our computers maybe make our computers make the ultimate sacrifice when we do this, okay guys, let's take a look at what we've done today. Everyone's games are crashing, so it will be pretty impressive if the community eliminates fifteen days. the epic mac games yeah unfortunately we couldn't fill the platform simply because everyone's game was starting to crash at some point you gotta say


it's going too far everyone let's calm down it's the calm before the storm just I am looking.
I'm watching Kade I'm watching Kade run him over and I'm getting ready to destroy him. More people are crashing, so I'm getting a little nervous. Oh, that will be like a fuse. Right there, our game survived. Well, my fps is back to normal, so we decided to build a tower with about 180 fresh Mexico. It will be placed under it. He volunteered. I'm ready to download it. He started from the bottom. Now we have a hole for you. foot, that's not how that feeling you get when you do some stupid things,


guys, that feeling you get is supposed to work, so I'm flying with some Max and this is what I see.
Why have they ended? Oh yes, science is. the best thing that has ever happened to humanity, okay, thank you all for coming to the council meeting there. I want to talk to you about our youth and how video games cause violence. Video games do not cause nefarious causes. Sighs. Okay, everyone start. drive your max towards the center avoid


the platforms come on Gus is a better fly than that a live look at the Fort Night development team deciding whether or not to keep Max in the game oh yeah thanks for meeting here today, We should talk? about how Max should be eliminated at night or should they stay thanks for gathering the elder council here for tonight yeah I like the mix too it's really funny why are the


leaving yeah I think at some point there are too many max and they float lelou when you break fifteen days, not even the maximum wants to stay for that brother, even the maximum to keep playing Minecraft is fine, I had fun, this is a great update night.
I love update nights when you add something I can just kill

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