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Despicable Me Movies 1-3 | The Ultimate Extended Preview

Jul 01, 2024
oh you have to be pulling my leg hello cookies for sale go away I'm not home uh yes you are I heard you no you didn't this is a recording no it's not yes it is look this leave a message beep oh bye message recording Agnes come on no no s ah Dr. Zario I know how you must feel I too have encountered great disappointment but in my eyes you will always be one of the greats What happened? It's all over the news. fell, he just stole a pyramid, they say he makes all the other villains look stupid get the minions together, the minions get together, okay, okay, through the spee spe, looking good Kevin, how's the family?
despicable me movies 1 3 the ultimate extended preview
Okay, that's my boy Billy, what's up Larry, hello everyone, are you okay? Come on down, simmer, thanks, okay, now I realize you guys have probably heard of this other villain who stole the pyramids, apparently it's a big deal, people call it the crime of the century and stuff like that, but I'm upset, no, I'm not a bit, but we've had a pretty good year and you guys, in my opinion, are doing well. No, no, they won't get any raise. What did we do well? We robbed the jumbo jet from Time Square Dr. Well, that's how I do it, yeah. everyone likes to watch football on it, huh, but that's not all, we robbed the Statue of Liberty, the little one from Las Vegas, and I won't even mention the Eiffel Tower, also Las Vegas, okay, I wasn't going to tell you about this yet, but I have I have been working on something very big, something that will lift this pyramid out of the water and thanks to the efforts of my good friend, Dr.
despicable me movies 1 3 the ultimate extended preview

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Nefario, thank you, oh, there it is, Styland, we have now located the shrink ray in a secret laboratory and once. We take this shrink ray we will have the ability to carry out the true crime of the century we are going to steal wait wait I have not yet told you what it is hey Dave listen please now we are going to steal pause to achieve effect the Moon and what the moon is mine, the The world will give me whatever I want to get her back and I'll be the biggest villain of all time, that's what I'm talking about, yeah hello, I've been doing some numbers and I really don't see how we can afford this, you can't make another miracle worker Hey Chilla, I'll ask for another loan from the bank, they love me, no, Edith, stop it, I'm just walking, hello, miss, we're back, hello.
despicable me movies 1 3 the ultimate extended preview
Girls, someone came to adopt us while we were away. Let me think, no. What did you put on my desk? Wow girls, have we measured our quotas? We sold 43 mini mints, 30 spinner tacos and 18 coconuts. Okay, you say that like it's a big sale day. Look at my face. Do you still think it's a great deal day? 18 coconuts. I think we can. Do it a little better than that, right? Yeah, we wouldn't want to spend the weekend in the box of Shame, would we? No, miss, okay, go clean up some man, hi Penny, hi guys, hi mom, sorry, I meant. call but I just wanted to congratulate you for stealing the pyramid, wasn't that you? or was it a villain that actually succeeded, just so you know mom, I'm about to do something that's very, very big, very important when you find out you'll be very proud, good luck with that, okay, I'm leaving here with the team to see Mr.
despicable me movies 1 3 the ultimate extended preview
Perkins. Yes, please, he takes a seat. There are still nine of us, we don't make a sound. Wait, wait, what are you doing? I'm checking for laser beam alarm triggers. It's a restaurant. You never know what kind of booby traps this guy might have said? Hey, come on, no booby traps, ha, bobby, oh, there's a chicken, are you lost? little one, you must be lost, some guard, do it, oh, no, no, get it off me, get it off me, get it off me, look at it, I've got it, oh, what's wrong with that chicken? Hey, that Polo is Crazy, no, okay, come on.
Go look for something no, not yet, but hey, maybe you can find something with these x-ray glasses, how are they working, tell me, tell me what's wrong, something's wrong, oh, that's a picture I'll never get out of My brain, ah, I knew it. the serum is here oh so let's get it this is going to be good aha what sauce oh man oh someone is going to die tonight what are you doing, can you hear me who would do this to such a sweet little chick? out or I'm going in H stop BR call one of your munkin they seen us come get us subtly here over here here wait IT I got you now wow wow yay gete get get get get go ahead all right there it's suspect number eight Floyd eaglesan huh , okay, see if you can come closer, go, go, okay, what oh no, that's not good, what hey girl, oh girls, what are you doing here?
Well we thought we'd come visit you at work so you're saving the world in a garbage can funny hey there you are oh who's Lucy these are my girls Margot Edith and Agnes girls Lucy girls Lucy hi hi are you single oh god oh oh I have an idea since Lucy and I have a lot of work to do why Girls, don't go exploring everything, here's some money, go buy useless junk from the mall, some headbands and are you going to marry Lucy? Are they out of her pumpkin? No, she only works with me and you love her, you love her, you love her. she really love her you don't even like this Lies song now go have fun I almost forgot good luck saving the world bye gr kids right, they're funny those girls totally adore you, I bet you're funny dad, huh, I'm very fun, thanks everyone for coming on such short notice.
It is with great sadness that I inform you that as of today I will be retiring as head of AVL. Oh no, your new leader will come directly from head office effective immediately. It is the very talented and ambitious Miss Valerie D Vinci as I look at all her faces. I'm flooded with so many memories, oh boy, this is a repeat effect, excuse me, blah blah blah, we understand you're old, you're fat, done, Dr., let me breathe, I sweated a little there, first order of business, Which one of you losers is the old group? Oh, that would be me, although I don't know if I'd say loser P is anything like that.
Oh, it's the girls, not a Good Time Hey, yes, mister ma'am, you're making me nervous, how could you let Balazar brat, the AVL's most wanted villain, just get away? That's the opposite of what we do here, okay, okay, yeah, maybe he got his way again, but he did it. I didn't get the diamond and I'm so close to getting it close like that eh interesting you're fired which that's not fair at all grw he's a great agent do you know what if you fire him you're going to have to fire me sister sister? and you really want to do that I make you no no no well I guess you did honey you didn't have to do that I know how much you love your job well I love other things more you know what we're going to have to tell the girls can you do it?
The whole mom thing is still new to me, oh right, uh, hi, this is unexpected, well, you never went on your honeymoon, so we made you dinner, he's a jerk, we have pineapples, coconuts and our . yay hey Hey oh soup of the day Madame and M the gummy bears were my idea it looks too good to even eat I'm right but I made it for you m m good soup I love the combination of gummy bears with meat I'm going to keep it in my mouth because it's so good I don't want to swallow it so how was work?
Oh, did you take that guy down? Did something explode right? In fact, today Lucy and I were asked not to work at AVL anymore, no, they fired you. oh no, no, no, no, no, yes, but don't worry, I'm sure we'll get new, even better jobs soon. What's better than being cool secret agents? Oh, I know you can bet online, that's what Katie's dad does. Okay, we'll definitely look into it, that's a good suggestion and let's not go to Kti's house anymore, guys, I don't think you guys hurt me, right? No, no, no, no, this doesn't mean we're going to be villains again, okay. right, I get it, look, I know it's been a little rough lately, especially with Dr.
Nefario accidentally freezing himself in carbonite, but our life of crime is over. Ah, Mel, you're with me on this now. Listen to me, read my lips, listen to Lio, what? I said don't take that with me, we're not going to be villains again, no, yes, and I don't want to hear another word about it. Look, don't stop right now, there will be consequences, hey, no. Say anything, you're going to regret it, you quit, you're serious, come on Dave Jerry, good news guys, you got promoted, you're in charge now, hey, not bad, what do we owe the president of the expert most important gems in the world, the head of the police sent me.
He was worried because during the recent attempted heist, the deont diamond was replaced with a fake oh la la, they have deepened you what we have, yes, but what is it, oh, no, it doesn't help.

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