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Dermatologist Explains: THREE Tips to Optimize Your Bedtime Skincare Routine!

May 30, 2024
Hey guys, I'm Dr. Daniel Sey, a board-certified


in the Seattle area. I did my residency at Harvard Medical School's residency program and moved here to the Pacific Northwest. I do medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatology. Welcome to my channel. I have been running this channel for the last four years and I am very grateful to all my friends here, thank you all for watching the videos. Today's video is going to be very fun. We'll talk about



you can do before bed to improve




. It's important to start


day off right with sunscreen and vitamin C serums, but to end a busy day like you just finished Clinic, it was a busy day seeing patients doing skin exams, skin surgeries, and removing skin cancers .
dermatologist explains three tips to optimize your bedtime skincare routine
I just want to go home, take care of yourself. of my skin how do I finish my nighttime


and do it well to wake up refreshed and my skin appreciates all my efforts what do we do these are the




from a


let's go well number one me I have to say, without a doubt, that the best What I have done for my skin at


would be to get rid of using a renoid so that retinoids can come as troin Tartine and those are prescription and they are great for anti-aging, great for acne, great for hyperpigmentation.
dermatologist explains three tips to optimize your bedtime skincare routine

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dermatologist explains three tips to optimize your bedtime skincare routine...

It's been shown in studies to help with all three, they've been out for a long time, but there are over the counter retinoids like retinol, which is very common and popular, and if you're a teenager you don't need drunk elephants. retinol unless you see a dermatologist and you have acne and there are better acne medications than drunk elephants retinol now there are ads for teens with acne and this Tre we can prescribe it, but don't blindly turn to retinol if you don't need it Okay, so please have a


goal in mind and for me being over 30 I will go for a retinol or a troid or a retinoid because I want to work on fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and my pores, especially over my nose. retinol, I usually say use it on the spot because sunlight will deactivate your retinoid, be it throid and a lot of times retinol, but now there are more stable forms that are available, I say anyway, just keep it simple and make it your nighttime ingredient to use, so after cleansing my face or after showering.
dermatologist explains three tips to optimize your bedtime skincare routine
I'm going to make sure my skin is dry enough. You don't want to apply your retinoid on wet skin because it will increase penetration and therefore increase the risk of irritation, which is a common side effect. when you start a renoid, it can even happen when you are an advanced retinoid user and you say your skin is dry and sensitive during the winter or you just had a chemical peel and your skin needs a break because your skin had a lot of strong acids applied to the skin by your dermatologist we do peels here all the time you may need to take a break from a retinoid in general, retinoids should be respected because it can cause some harm in terms of irritation, but the world of benefits.
dermatologist explains three tips to optimize your bedtime skincare routine
What you get is totally worth it if you can keep using it consistently. Now retinoids will work against acne in 2 to 3 months. They work with hyperpigmentation. 4 to 6 months. Collagen. 6 months or more. So those are the expectations when you use a retinoid in addition to the prescription stuff without a prescription I have to say rep alphar by skin better science whether it's intensive or non-intensive it's just a matter of differences in glycolic acid concentrations the intensive has more glycolic acid Me really like that renoid you can use my link down below to go to my store and buy it before you had to see me and make an appointment to get the medication we used to say but now it's available without a visit to a dermatologist so which is now considered over-the-counter, but that's a good one because you've got a retinoid, plus you've got an exfoliating alpha hydroxy acid mixed in, you've got glycolic acid, you've got lactic acid, so it's really nice to apply at


and then moisturize afterward, yeah If you are new to using retinoids, you may want to make a retinoid sandwich where you apply a layer of moisturizer, then apply a large amount of your retinoid to your face, and then follow with a moisturizer to combine with over-the-counter options. which you can get at your local pharmacy.
I'm talking about Olay. retinol 24 cavey resurfacing Retinol Serum I really like rock, that's the first retinol I used as a Dermatology resident in Boston where I was exposed to different over the counter retinols and my attending at the time always talked about rock R. So I went to a conference and rock was there and I said, Hey, I heard a lot of good things about you. Can I try your retinol? And I did it and I thought, wow, this is really nice and classy, ​​it feels really good, I didn't irritate my face. I was starting with trno, which I know is a bit difficult CU.
It was drying and irritating in the winter in Boston, where it is very cold. It was nice to have rocks running all winter long. and I could alternate like one day Tre another day without a prescription Rock, they have always had a special place in my heart I like their retinol it's their fragrance the one I used was the corrective night cream with retinol and that one has a strong fragrance that I still like but the fragrance is quite strong, so they made an unscented version in a jar. It is a good pump that you can use to dispense the cream if you want to use something normal, which is quite popular.
Actually, I didn't like it. retinol their retinols felt too oily, it just didn't feel good on my skin you know, whereas Olay, Cavey and Rock feel much better. I like the number sevens at Target, it's a great, nice brand that's 0.3%. retinol and usually you want to get 0.25% or more if the brand reveals retinol you want to increase 0.25% for skin, ptical makes 1%, that's great. I give it to my patients after a peel, which they can use if their skin is not too raw and their skin barrier doesn't feel too compromised, they can start with a retinol like 1% which pairs well with the chemical peel and that has been shown in studies, so there is a wide range of retinols that can Don't go hitting the drunk elephant.
You know, you could go ahead and do it. The drunk elephant and buy it at Sephora Mad's, another pretty good brand that makes a good retinol in the green bottle and then there's Kels, which I really like. It's great, they make a micro do retinol with peptide. I like peptides because they help signal collagen production so you see Olay you see in the K's micro do Retinol serum they also make a quick release retinol which I think is a 0.3% concentration so that's a good if you are an advanced user Neutrogena with a new 0.3% retinol cream. It looks pretty good to me, so check it out.
I should check it out specifically later in the channel. Also leave any comments if you like me. to review or compare and contrast any similar product out there, let's say Neutrogena, you know, 0.3% retinol versus another brand that has revealed 0.3%, let's say, like number seven, we can always compare the two, so What retinol number two is pretty important because not only should you moisturize after retinol, but you need to protect the sensitive areas of your face when you apply retinol because things will spread like the retinol can diffuse into your eyes and cause irritation on the skin. delicate skin of your eyes, so retinols are put in a p? measure on your finger divide it points on your face connect the dots definitely don't forget your nose you can go around your mouth but this is a very sensitive area the cheekbones are quite sensitive do not apply inside the orbital bone which could really irritate the delicate skin of the eyelids, so what I like to do is look at this cute little sample of Vaseline.
This is the cutest sample you will ever receive. You are going to receive your Vaseline, Aquafor or Cavey Healing, just put a small amount on the skin of your eyelids. add time, I take it a little bit down on the cheekbone because my cheekbones tend to collect tears there they get irritated and then you also put some on your lips, hit your lips because this is an area where I see my patients crack a lot. lips and irritation, we call it chelitis, we have inflammation, cracking of the lips, which makes it very painful when you open your mouth, it can be very painful at the corners, you can even see bleeding, so while we sleep, the heaters are on and is retiring. all the moisture from our face, so it's very important to put Vaseline or some type of Vaseline on your lips, on your eyelids, so when you put retinol on you won't have as much dryness and irritation, so that's my big tip.
I don't recommend applying directly over the retinol as you know, putting a full layer of Vaseline on top of the layer of retinol that you put on your face because that can really cause it to trap too much and push it further into the skin and cause more irritation. just use a moisturizing cream to layer over your retinol, don't stick it's okay, but I like to apply this treatment on the skin of my eyelids and lips before going to bed, number three, go to sleep on time, I'm guilty of going to sleep late at times when I have a lot of things to do, a busy family, a lot of activities, I have work, you know, making videos, editing videos.
I go to bed at a reasonable time and do my best to go to sleep on time. We strive to get 7-8 hours of Sleep is so important. We've seen studies showing that the skin needs sleep to help regenerate collagen and help repair itself, as well as other things. The brain is an example and so is the heart, so people who do not get enough sleep can have dementia problems. road and cardiovascular disease and can shorten our lifespan so I think sleep is very important with sleep. I like to talk about silk pillowcases. If you are a size sleeper like me, you can get a beauty pillow that cushions and cradles the side of your face or you can get a nice soft silk pillowcase.
I use Lily silk pillowcases and have worked with them in the past for sponsored videos. This is not a sponsored video here, but I just threw it out there. I have used their pillowcases and they are nice, but every time you make a silk pillowcase you pay more, but if you sleep like me, it is worth it because when I wake up with a normal pillowcase, those sleep wrinkles are real and I have seen published in plastic surgery magazines that these sleep wrinkles over time, when you rub and press your face, static or red wrinkles can appear that do not disappear permanent wrinkles from lying on your side for so long and so constant, they cause wrinkles that simply stay there, not just right after you wake up, but all day and every day.
These sleep wrinkles are real. Do your best to relieve tension and pressure on your face with a sleeping pillow I used. Sleep and shine and I've worked with them in the past for sponsored videos and they make a beauty pillow that cradles your face and then you can also consider a silk pillowcase to get you enough sleep. Sleeping with a nice pillowcase is important at bedtime to wake you up. Wake up refreshed and without those sleep wrinkles, check out my video on an improved morning routine with three tips. I hope today's video is helpful in improving your bedtime skincare routine, which is very important.
Well, guys, please share the video with friends who like skin care. I like the video, subscribe to the channel and leave some comments on the products you want me to review, the products you want me to compare and contrast and also other skincare topics you want to cover on the channel because every Saturday I will be posting a new video at 900 a.m. PST or 12:00 noon EST so see you there every Saturday morning long form videos alright guys thanks for watching the channel take care of yourselves peace, oh

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