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DEPA TOUR, Recorrido EXCLUSIVO por mi DEPARTAMENTO | Yordi Rosado Vlogs

Apr 23, 2024
Well, it's a very Single refrigerator. Beers, wine, I have a lot of cold tequilas. I really like Art Toys. Toys that are considered art. I have a lot of clothes, but I've had to keep them in different places, all because they don't fit here. In other words, I have a lot of clothes. books Cayetano puppy the smaller he is, well it works no Hello How are you Hey Well one more vog this week many people have asked me What is my apartment like they have told me show a little more of your house so that's good with great pleasure the truth I hadn't done it but I'm happy to do it here for the blog so I'm going to show you a little about where I live and what things I have and what the life of a single dad is like.
depa tour recorrido exclusivo por mi departamento yordi rosado vlogs
For now we'll start mine, well I'm going to start with the The entrance is an apartment because it is relatively small, I live alone, not my children, like us parents, most divorced parents see them in three weeks, I see them on the weekends that I have, but I really live alone. So, no, I don't have a big place. Later I'm going to leave. In fact, I'm very close to going to another larger place, but well, at the entrance I have like a little table where on this little table Well, well, I'm putting my things, my glasses, in short, what I'm going to take with me.
depa tour recorrido exclusivo por mi departamento yordi rosado vlogs

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I have this this book by Rolando Rojas that I love as an Oaxacan painter that I also have the pleasure of knowing and I love him very much First the kitchen no Let's see let's go to the kitchen the kitchen Well have an open kitchen that I like a lot to be able to use La Barrita and so everything is also when you are When you are alone you don't want or well at least I don't want very large spaces and places like that because the lonelier the colder it feels so the smaller it is then it works no well Well here's the kitchen eh There I have my fruit you know the things you eat in the morning from a little oven to make jetes and things like that Well this one is also for air frying Well you know your normal microwave oven is up there and very clean like that You can see, I had never made an image of the inside of the microwave oven, anyway, well, a normal kitchen, there are no knives on the other side, they don't scare me nor do I feel like I'm in danger because I'm the only one who uses them.
depa tour recorrido exclusivo por mi departamento yordi rosado vlogs
So there's no problem, the kitchen right now is going to see the room We also have you, the truth is, a very very beautiful view and it's all Well, just like everything everything everything is glass so it's gorgeous I have these little stickers buo magnets for my son to play with because he loves sea animals so like this When I made almost no, I don't like magnets very much. Funny thing, I don't like them very much since there are a lot of people who like to collect magnets and some great ones on their refrigerators. I don't like them very much.
depa tour recorrido exclusivo por mi departamento yordi rosado vlogs
So I only put my son's ones and I have this one that is from When I did the Camino de Santiago that I loved doing this one and in Whisler that I went recently with my friends But well apart from that I almost don't want me to show you my refrigerator, I'm afraid, children, because it's a very Single refrigerator There is obviously this electrolyte Because in addition Well also because dad and because son soft drinks anyway beers wine things like this pu some yogurts to diet fruit milk and well the basics No if you do me a favor and make me some food some food at the week So I love the chicken this one the chicken pancakes the meatballs the lentils Oh that's what I'm going to have for dinner with this protein and not from the freezer, you already know that I'm a tequilero, tell me if it's clear to you or not I have many cold tequilas I have this one this one who gave it as a gift Oh, this Julión who gave it was not that Julión who I have Jul I also really like El Siete leguas I like the dobel I like the drag house at casa dragones I like the platinum reserve so well I have all kinds of tequila when I have guests and when I want drink, I like ice cream, I'm a chocolate shop, why do I make so much fuss about them?
Ah, I have my place for filthy things and sweets, I have a lot of them, all of these are sweets, you can see clearly, but there are sweet chocolates from everywhere, there are many, many, many sweets here, Arnoldi. It's like that, my favorite chocolates, potatoes, I don't know, there are many, many things, soft drinks, beers, my water purifier, my toaster, My Virgin of San Juan de los Lagos, which is very miraculous and I have always thanked her for many things that she has done for me and well, let's see. Let's go to the dining room, the dining room is a dining room that I do enjoy, here I start studying my interviews, as I told you, I really like interior design, well, I really like doing things to the places where I live, feeling cozy, feeling like I live at ease.
I really like that it's half dark Look, I like it more like this, I like it more, for example, this tone, I don't like it when there's a lot of light in a place, I like it like this, and this one sounds good, the thing is, hey, I'm telling you. I like art books, I like this one, the combinations of wood and cement. Well, in this case, I had these special mirrors made because I liked them and it seemed like something modern, because I really like, as I say, Highway Way modern art and I like many things about Highway Way.
Photography. Sculptures do like many things. the refrigerator is on I'm going I'm going I'm ready so I have books that I really like like the shadow of the wind there is something about Dalí love in the time of cholera I really like Art the Art Toys these toys that are considered art this me Fascinates is a Co and I like it a lot there is a lot of family the co represent as a family like the elements that happen in the family both happy and sad this one that's why they make their eyes like that anyway well then Well I like it a lot no this one I have my Alex there in the corner to listen to music my photos of my children Ah look these stones are very pretty because I collected these stones on the Camino de Santiago when I was doing it So I was doing this I was doing the road and every stone that caught my attention or that caught my attention It seemed like a certain energy had a certain meaning and I said, imagine how many people have spent here, hundreds and hundreds of years, and I'm doing it as a moment with a lot of energy for me, a good vibe, well, I brought the pebbles and here I have them.
This is a very nice gift. What a beautiful thing my daughter made for me, look what a beautiful thing and what's more, she invented it. This song reminds me of you. She gave it to me for my birthday and she gave me the covers of the songs that several friends of mine remind me of with that song, so the truth was perfect, my first one was called lanz per perfume, which I love, it reminds me of my mother, and lalaland, which reminds me of my daughter Regina, eh, hcs the son, my son, Elías, and so on with all my friends, couple, so the truth is, it was beautiful every each song and obviously it is I give them as a tip okay father made me a list on my Spotify with all the songs from each of my friends that they said because these are songs that they said for me the song that unites me with Jordi It's like that for me, it's like that for me, that's how it seemed precious to me, so well, in the end, you have to ask yourself, is it always up?
Well, I don't know if you asked, but yes, it's always up. I'm a little bit, I really like it when things are up, but like everyone else. I have my scary drawers, but look, for example, here I have many of my books. Well, if I want to give someone one, I also have books that are my original versions, the first version that came out, and I have those closed. Well, maybe one day my grandchildren will be interested in them or I don't know This is the part of the room, since it is a room where I also watch TV, I tried to make it a little more cosy, more cozy, I had this pair of armchairs for people who want to be independent or sit independently, I like it I am very fond of views here, you can see, well, the view of the Mexican park, which is a very beautiful park, is reflected a lot, you see that it always happens, but the truth is that it is a very beautiful view and I really like it and enjoy it.
I'm here Ah quite a while eh when I'm here when I'm here in my house I love to sit in that little corner lie down Watch movies I lie down here I put on a blanket here I put whatever I'm having anyway and I start Well, obviously I'm going to watch TV, no That's a little bit the idea of ​​this part has my plants Yes I feel very much that one I feel that there are two things that an apartment should have plants and photos like any house should have plants and photos to me it seems like that does it Very cozy, I also have these little things that make it smell very delicious.
What are they called flavorings? And these flavorings, well, it makes it smell delicious all the time. what time at what time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Only weekends the truth is very comfortable and it smells very delicious photos of my children more personal photos photos of my friends see eh My friends that I love you with all my heart that we have been friends for years of course photos of my children when they were younger photos of course of my partner of my girlfriend By the way this book If you haven't read it you have to read Atlas Shrugged it's something fantastic I really like cinema As you can see and watch it here with this little finger because my dog ​​ate this piece of Goody Allen's book, see, one thing is to say Oh, I don't devour Goody Allen's movies and another thing is to make it literal.
I really like the sculpture. This is a sculpture that my son made for me. One day my son came and told me, Daddy, He made you a sculpture and he gave it to me like that. I loved the one with the sculpture. Look at these magazines. I love them. They are magazines, because they are special magazines, like tribute ones, like special issues of Live magazine. This is from The Beatles, it's fantastic, look, I have this one with the original image of Star Wars, the Star Wars movie. It also fascinates me, it's like, well, well, a very very special and very important special edition, the truth is that there are many things about Star Wars, and anyway, this one is me.
My daughter gave it as a gift because she knows that I'm fascinated by this one, it really has some amazing things. Eh Well, well, posters, original photos, photos from the filming, anyway, and then this one too, which I love about shark, the first movie, eh, Steven Spielberg's so successful that it was. It's crazy and I also have this alping so I have several e well several magazines that I really like and that I do have them with more care no it's not like I have them like that so anyway look here I have koles because I'm giving koles to friends or to people who suddenly tell me or comment to me, I am very happy to be able to send them koles.
Here I have many books But I lack space for books because before I had a place with a very large library, I don't have all my books here But well, I have some before I had them arranged by topics and in alphabetical order and so on, but well, obviously, right now I've had to adapt to what I have, no, so here, no, I haven't done it. This is a book of mine that I made called my 15, which is for girls after the cube and here I already have a relax I have no good This I have games this some prizes like quite Ah look Here I have a box of touches for the parties and so I have a box of to that It's fantastic and it's very fun But well this Yes, it's that Monica Geller drawer that's worth it And you throw everything away Well, let's go to the rooms.
My children's rooms seem fine to you. I'm going to skip them because obviously Eh, well, since they are more private, I don't have a living room here. TV which I really enjoy here I go to bed I start watching TV I also go to that little corner I really enjoy it I like as I told you a lot about art so well and here I sit Well obviously the bathroom I don't believe much in mats and This thing and the Santa Claus who covers his eyes when you open those things I don't love them so I'm more of a minimalist then Here Ah do you remember that in another blog on Acropolis I told you that I really liked the photos of abandoned destroyed places This French photographer is dedicated to looking for abandoned places and takes some fantastic photos.
In fact, I have one of them at home that I love and that it took me a lot of work to get and we talked about it. Well, here is one of the ones that I told you about. I had a photo that had taken me a lot of work to get of a very abandoned theater and this is a photo that I like a lot, as I tell you, I really like the art part. It is my daughter's room, which, well, obviously I don't think you'd love it if I showed it to you. This is my children's room, which doesn't matter to them.
Exactly the same thing if I show it to them, they have a really nice view that right now I'm going to show them from my room. Now I'm going to show it to them so that look at her like how she is look at my son he loves making Legos and he makes Legos very seriously and I think he also likes art because look he made here the starry night of Bango that did take a while eh It's good, very complicated In fact, I was uploading stories at some point, this one has his little robot here, here must be his Star Wars robot, look at it.
There it is, well, very very nice things, these types of things that fascinate me, how they make you relax and then... We see and you can stay for years watching the sand fall from one side to the other with the oil and with the water and the view of my children's room, the truth is it is very beautiful, it is a very urban, very very urban view that I like very much because It leads directly to this And the truth is that it is a beautiful street I like it a lot so from time to time we go out to make it airy it is one because it is a view that I really love, very very comfortable and it was one of the first parts that I they conquereda


rtment here and here is my bedroom This is my bedroom because I love to design friends I love to design my my places my things what I like what catches my attention I like to feel in a place that is visually pleasant for me so well This for It's visually pleasant to me Well I have my bed I sleep on this side here I sleep normally too as I say I like books I like elements I like things I have a lot of personal photos Ah my favorite song is everybody wants to ru the world so I have it there, if you notice, I don't have any or anything, I say that sometimes they have given me some recognition but I don't like recognition, putting them in the decoration of the house is something funny, I am a bit of a go-getter along with books that I don't, well, here I don't have space to store them Well, I do it there, no, this, I have my TV here in front of me, which is very nice, I have this beautiful little box that is a form of communication with my girlfriend, which is this, we send each other photos but it's only like a WhatsApp, but only for her and and mine So we send each other photos we send each other these messages and when there is a message the little heart moves and that is to say it moves like this it spins around I have well my photos of my parents photos of this in short things that my children have done to me photos obviously with my girlfriend Ah look what a father I have here my do XL This is a toy that was like the best at the time in my super eighties era you put this these cassettes that are three-quarter cassettes they were called you turn it on and it asks you questions and You answer b c now Has anyone had a 2 XL or does anyone know what I'm talking about, please, if you have, comment on it.
The view from my bedroom is practically the same. I have two little armchairs to sit here and have coffee one day in the morning and it is also the same as I showed you a little while ago in my children's room. The truth is that it fascinates me. It relaxes me. Then I go out a lot to make calls here. Neighbors, the truth is I'm not an eroticist and I'm a bit of a gossip, not because you could suddenly say something, but the truth is, no, I don't do it, and rather I tell them, suddenly, I go out, I start reading, I have these little armchairs right now, they don't have their cushions, but they I put the cushions on the weekend and here I sit and have a great time on this side to see what I have in my drawers I'll be happy to show you I always have here the book I'm reading right now I'm reading Álvaro Gordoa get away with it The truth is, it's great, I highly recommend it, of course, they want to know, they want us to go to my drawers, if there's nerve, eh, I have no idea what they're going to find, let's see, you have it like this, yes, I have it like this, well, these are very cool, they are letters for me You are filling your own future, father, and as good as I am, I was reading this one about Hey Shark by Manuel Sotomayor Francesco, which is one of my favorite books in life.
If someone has a loss, they are going through grief. Someone who died, who died. I highly recommend this book, it is very good Jana García A life between heaven and earth, seriously, it is the book that I have given the most in my life, I think I have a look at Alan, traveling changes your life, Alan, around the world, the language of God, this is great for the whole issue of codependency and such it is very very good I highly recommend this one I have this to make notes and so it Always seems Impossible until done it always seems impossible until someone does it Ah this book is also good it is called Goodbye to Marriage couple looking for new commitments is by Luciano Lutero, he is an Argentinian.
He doesn't actually say Goodbye to Marriage, but rather he talks about the different forms of relationships that can exist. It is very, very interesting. I have some glasses. I have this thing that I bought to charge my phone, which I have never seen before. I used it, I'm lazy in the world I don't use it no I didn't like it anyway a little bit of everything a letter from my sister I think it's this or conclusion I have a lot of books I have my bathroom my bathroom Well in reality it's something eh simple the The truth is that I have a lot more clothes, I have a lot of clothes, but I have had to keep them in different places and all because I don't have much room here, but you know what I wear most are blazers, so I have many here, they are watching all the interviews.
You don't see how all the interviews are going on. I really like t-shirts. I'm a big fan of t-shirts and sweatshirts. I also really like hoodies. You know, the hoodies with the hood fascinate me. I really like leather jackets. Which jacket is my favorite? Look at this one. I love this one. I love this one. I really like it. It's like a camisole. Oh, one of my favorites, I'm going to show you which one is my favorite. the interview with Alex Lora and they are pure rock groups, pure rock groups that I like. Well, I don't like them that much, but this one was cool.
But hey, there are many, many things that I like that it won't take me years to post this one. So why? See how I have my drawers, I have them organized. Ah, I am a lover of black and white t-shirts and I have. Oh, this, I love this. It fascinates me, well, little drawings that my son has made for me, things that he gives me, it's like very nice the truth is here is the very nice thing and here you notice it nice here Oh this I would really like to show it to you now to finish Let me turn it on so that the light comes on I have a Dream Board you can locate what a Dream Board is these are these dream boards of desires like blackboards of what you want to manifest and what you want to create and what you want to have, then well, that's where it goes with great pleasure I share mine with you the most important thing Of course my children are always there in the middle because my partner I always like to have as a partner So at that time when I did it I didn't have a partner so I looked more or less as representations of what I wanted what manifest manifest first health and exercise health and exercise is very important for me to be able to have peace tranquility to travel I love to travel so this I did it last year and I traveled canyon sis simo I always set my sights I mean to travel I have to do this new year I really like the sea I really like boats I have always wanted an Oscar award So I have it there at the same time I have to want a grammy so this is also look how beautiful this is This is the first eh eh the ribbons that we used to cut the first branch of fat Burger so there it is there I cut it and I did it my friends again this good I put this one well to wish good good vibes this one that was on the Camino de Santiago Of course I do well financially this one those are like a little I really like architecture so I would like to have a building one day I'm sure that soon it will also be the houses and I like all of that, interior design, so that's why I put them here.
I highly recommend that you make a Dream Board. I made this one last year and practically everything was granted to me. Seriously, you see, why do you have to have a Dream Board nearby? Because you see it you remember it you stop when you go to the bathroom when you go to get dressed every day you are seeing it So it is a very good option and I promise you that if you work for it you have it in your head you know that you are going to achieve it and you work for it I promise you that it will be achieved But well, well, I gave you this


because you have asked me a lot.
Hey, why don't you be your house now, what are you going to do? What are you going to do? Órale, I said it would be with great pleasure for you. Yes, the truth is, I never did. I had taught them, as I told them, I said, well, here I live in your house, also delighted, and well, when I change and everything, I will show you the following, here I am very happy, very calm, very comfortable Oh, I am missing Cayetano Cayetano Here comes the little dog come Cayetano Come my love come my life come come my love How are you how are you Do you want to go out in the do you want to go out in the blog This is my buddy come buddy he has a little motor inside he has a little motor inside he is always playing always like this yes I yes I come here he comes to sit with me sometimes down, sometimes up Come on, upload that cetan when I was little, it was impressive, daddy, I'll take it off now, don't show off in front of the cameras, I'm going to take a look at the photos that Cayetano had when he was little and beautiful, and I'm going to tell you something once and for all.
Most of them, just see this, most of these frenchies or French bulldogs, their eyes change, as you can see, they are very cute, they are very good at living in apartments, they are very noisy. They do make noise and snore like washing up, but they are very affectionate and They are very good at living in an apartment, no, they don't have to be going out so much and they don't even bark, but hey anyway, thank you. I hope you liked it. If you liked it, please give it a like if you like it and want to help me grow this channel.
Well, please share it, that would be great. And even better if, more than just sharing it, you subscribe to the Channel. I'm going to love it. Put your comments. What did you think? What do you think? What did you like? What didn't you like? What would you do to the


rtment? Well, the truth is, I love listening to them. and read them because they have very good ideas So this one, tell me what you want and subscribe subscribe to the channel you are going to be one of the first because this video is being one of the first on the Channel first first So all the subscribers well it is very cool because they are going to be really like the first one because like the basis of this whole channel So good Thank you very much and there are things well parents that I am going to be teaching you on the channel So keep an eye on activate the bell to notify you when the next one comes out What happened Are you bored or what?
Since I said no, they're almost not true. Bye i

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