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Denzel has never been so scary (The Equalizer Best Acting)

Jun 28, 2024
- Do you kill them? Do I look like a guy who kills people? I'm getting excited about the possibility. Tap. Whether you like it or not, you are a person of interest. I am an interesting person. What else can you tell me? Nothing. And believe me, I wish I could. Not even a little curious? - About? - How did I find you? Oh, that's easy. You... took the same ferry crossing. You noticed the security cameras in the terminal building. You went back two weeks, you saw the VW's license plates, the GPS gave you the location. How am I doing so far?
denzel has never been so scary the equalizer best acting
Next, you will do a deep search for the name. - Already in process. - Oh. Well well. That should raise your antenna. Why is that? I...don' Stay. I'm just starting. Me too. McCall. Ha! Very good. Two C's, two L's. My brother. He says you can find whatever you want in Türkiye. Yeah? UH Huh. How about a man who kidnapped his own daughter and took her away from his American mother? An abusive man. So he's not a real man. No love for the child. Just a need to punish her ex-wife, to take away the one thing that meant everything to her, with no intention of returning the child.
denzel has never been so scary the equalizer best acting

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denzel has never been so scary the equalizer best acting...

You think that? Excuse me. Do you think I could find that man in Türkiye? Or maybe on the way to Türkiye? I wouldn't be looking for a man like that. He would be dangerous. For you. Men like him would think that. And, with God as his witness, he would give it a chance. To stop. To reconsider. Think about the worst that could happen to you. To imagine that. There are two types of pain in this world. Pain that hurts. Disturbing pain. Trying one, two, three, four. Pushkin. I need to know everything: who, what, when, where, why.
denzel has never been so scary the equalizer best acting
Before you tell me you're not going to talk... You can go fuck yourself, you know that? You're going to give me what I need. -Or not. -You're a piece of shit. Why don't you get out of here and fuck off, you son of a bitch? You know who you're dealing with, huh? I'm a policeman, idiot! I swear to God, I'll fuck... Okay. Open it. Open the fucking wind... -I'm the Boston Police. -I do not have much time. Which means you don't have any. Look, you're in a lot of trouble. Just let me go. Just let me go.
denzel has never been so scary the equalizer best acting
I'm going to let you go. I'm going to let you go. -I'll be right back. -No! Motherfucker! Wait. Wait! Wait! Hello, Andri. Listen, this location has


compromised. Get all your shit out of here. You have to fix everything. Damn I'm going to do that. And who is this fucking piece of shit? Pushkin made the call. I'm just the new kid. -Pushkin. -Pushkin. I... Pushkin's money. What the hell do you care, Andri, huh? Is it a Heckler Koch? -This? -Yeah. -What is he saying? -I don't fuck with it.... -Can I see it? -Oh, do you want to see my gun?
Yes and no. -No. -Oh, damn! Okay, okay, okay! You're so fucking crazy! Shit! Alright. Everyone calm down. Frank tells me you're the man, Andri. Yeah? He says your boys are incredibly loyal to you. If you tell them to put down their weapons and lie down on the ground... ...they will do it, right? Pamper me, Andri. Tell them to go to bed. There you go. Thank you so much. There you go. Mr. Pushkin, thank you very much. We are going bankrupt. Closing the store. Mr. Pushkin, thank you very much. There you go. Here you have. You are welcome.
Please accept these parting gifts on behalf of Mr. Pushkin. There you go. Three, two... Look at that, perfect. --one. Thank you. Thanks love. Just to the right. Call it. -Boston P.S. -Detective Frank Masters. I am 10-13 years old at 155 Warren Street, back entrance. Repeat: Detective Frank Masters, 10-13, 155 Warren Street, rear entrance. -Anything else he can do for you? -You tell me, Frank. You like to be in other people's business. I try so hard not to be, but you make it very challenging for me. You must stay out of things that are not your concern. It's bad for you.
God knows I'm allergic to bad things. You know... I think everything in life... is about timing. Now, unfortunately for you... yours isn't very good. Three weeks ago we wouldn't be having this conversation, but now I'm here. I'm really starting to like this place... and the people. I'm starting to believe, from the bottom of my heart, that this is where I'm supposed to be. So whatever you and your friends do, do it somewhere else. - Are you warning me? - I'm preparing you. Did you understand what he said? He is getting ready. It's fun! Is it a Timex?
No. He is a Bulgarian... Right there. Just there. Sit down. Feel! That's the median nerve I'm compressing. On a scale of one to ten, that's a two. That's a three. You don't want it to reach four. If I go to four, you'll shit yourself. You do not want that. I do not want that. They don't want that. Tell your friends they can go. Tell them to get over it. Leave! Leave now! It's called "pain fulfillment." Your brain tells you to do one thing, but your body tells you another. Now listen to me. Take the gun from your waist.
Put it on the table. Slowly. Man, the elevator is closed. Listen, little black. Are you ready to get to work? Because everyone in my camp got to work. One down, little black. There are no snitches. It's not nonsense. Sign up, black. What's with that bitch punch? Yeah, baby, hit that shit. You got it, little man. Get over that bump. Let me get that straight, man. Hey, you okay, little black? Yes Yes. Yes ok? Sure? It's all that. Alright. Listen, man. You know you have to turn the bend tonight, right? You know you have to turn the curve.
Yeah. Didn't those blacks kill your brother? You have to empty everything from them. Yes ok. You have to take care of that tonight. Run over those blacks. Make sure you kill one of them sick blacks tonight. Make sure you empty all of that out. Hey listen. Your mother already buried your brother. Don't let him bury two children. Can you hear me? Yes. Don't come back without it empty. That's a fact, B. Shit. Come on, Miles. Holy shit. Sit down. Sit down. Sit down. Sit down. Who the fuck is this black? McCALL: I'm your father. Your mom just didn't tell you.
Come on, Miles. Come on, Miles. Come on, Miles. Do you know this black? Hey, where are you going, B? Yeah? Shit. Bam. Who the hell was that? What the hell happened? What the fuck is going on, yo? What the hell happened to you? Come on. Hey, get off me, man. Hey? Do you know where the fuck we are? I know. You? I know where we are. This is what you want? This is what you want? I thought you wanted to draw. Isn't that what you said? Draw? Yes. Paint? Yes. What the hell is that going to give me?
That shit about to put food on my fucking mother's table? Hey? Is that shit going to pay the damn bills? You need to be a gangster. You need to be a killer. Little Yummy, huh? You need them. That's fine, if that's what you want. If that's what makes you feel like a man, then be a real man. Let's go in right now. Here. Start with me. No. No, start with me. Here. Start with me. No, no, take it. No no. Come on, murderer. Come on, murderer. Come on, murderer. Put it right there. No. Do you know how to hold it?
Do you know what you are doing? Come on, murderer. There you go. There you go. There you go. Five pounds of pressure is all that is needed. Come on, gangster. Five pounds of pressure is all that is needed. Five pounds of pressure. Shit. That's all it takes. Alright. Come on, give it to me. You do not want it. Give it to me. Come on, give it to me. I won't do anything to him. See? Do you know what's up there? They are liars, and so am I. Hey, me, me, me, me, me, me. See? See what happens when you deal with a liar?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey? See what happens when you deal with a liar? Yes Yes. Yes Yes Yes Yes. I lied to your little punk ass. Alright. Now I will kill you. What do you see when you look at me? Tell me. You better give me a correct answer. I don't know. I don't know. What do you see when you look at me, murderer? I don't know! What do you see, delicious? I don't know. You do not know? I don't know. I don't know. Alright? "Man" is not spelled G U N, son. You have a choice.
You have talent. You have a chance and I don't want to hear about your environment and what your mom didn't give you and the white man won't give you a chance. You have a chance. Use it while you're alive. You don't know what death is. You have no idea what death is. Make a decision. Alright. Hello, Mr. McCall. Because I? Why not you? But why me? Let's find out together. He's not coming back. Did I have enough? -You certainly have my attention. -Because I can move on. Brick by brick. Dollar for dollar. Body by body. Or you can call his boss and tell her to shut down your operation.
Tonight. -That's not a great offer. -You will only get one. When you pray for rain, you also have to deal with mud. When you look at me... ...what do you see? The answer is nothing. I have no feelings towards you in any way. You're like... Like lint or a bottle cap. You are just something that needs to be eliminated. I knew a Russian police captain back then. He told me about a case he worked on. I don't remember the boy's name. He was a famous scholar who lived in Moscow. He was a humanitarian, an author. Anyway, he decided to share his abundance with someone less fortunate.
And although he had five children, he opened his house to a sixth. A 12 year old orphan boy. The system had beaten the boy from an early age. Concerned. Prone to violence. A lost cause. -Stop me if you know this one. -Oh no. Continue. Well. So this good man opened his house to this child. And when the boy robbed him, this good man loved him anyway. When the boy failed in school, this man showed understanding and patience. When the boy lied, cheated, scratched and fought... ...this good man showed compassion and love... ...until the boy, who had


felt anything close to being wanted or loved... .. .he finally did it.
The man had managed to break through. It was a miracle. A week later, intruders broke into the man's home. He killed the man and his wife in bed. They said they stole some small things... ...things a child might steal. Nobody knows for sure. The man's children were sent to relatives. The child, the orphan, sent back to hell. Just when he finally had a chance at life, two bullets took it away from him. -It is a very well-known story. -Did they ever catch who did it? Did they? Maybe they didn't look in the right place. Sometimes the answer is in front of you.
I think the boy killed them. I think the boy did it. The boy was afraid that his adoptive parents would wake up one day... ...and realize he wasn't worth it, like everyone else. And he couldn't stand the thought of this good man doing that to him. He would throw it away... it was a piece of lint or a bottle cap. So he... ...he decided not to find out. What do you think, Nicolai? You think you know me? You strike me as a sentimental man, Mr. McCall. That is surprising. I... I don't own that chip. I could


understand what comes from feeling this way... ...except weakness.
The men I killed, your men... ...I gave them a chance. They made their decision. I give you the opportunity to make yours. -Thank you. -You are welcome. Let me know... ...when you decide. Of course. I've done some bad things in my life, Nicolai. Things I'm not proud of. I promised someone I love very much... ...that he would never be that person again. But for you... ...I'm going to make an exception. You asked me what I saw when I looked at you. What do you see when you look at me? Gentlemen. Mac. You look pretty good for a dead guy.
We all want you to know that none of this is personal. McCALL: What you do, what you become, is none of my business. The world is full of so-called men like you. And in a perfect world, everything we do has a price, but this is not a perfect world. People do bad things. If you're lucky, you'll have a chance to fix it. But most of the time it goes unpunished. This is not one of those moments. The mistake you made was that you killed my friend, so I'm going to kill each and every one of you, and the only disappointment for me is that I can only do it once.
The train has to go. Alice has music practice at 7:45. Hey Ari, guys. Hello Carol. Roberto, I hope to see you again. I am delighted to meet you too. Dave said you could take me to the station? Goodbye dad. Goodbye dad. Help and company? Come on. See? Help and company. Take the little one. McCALL: Okay. Come on. McCALL: See you at work. Who are you? You have less than six minutes before the pills stop your heart. Who are you? ♪ Then I know ♪ ♪ It was the blood ♪ ♪ For me ♪ ♪ One day when I was lost ♪ Marco! Frame! Who are you? ♪ One day when I was lost ♪

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