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Deltarune theory: The Universal Mother

Jun 08, 2024
everyone loves queen right, she's fun, she's got style, it's really cool to fight her dynamic with her subjects and the lighteners and ralsi to some extent are really interesting and also a little strange if someone had a completely superficial understanding of the plot of the exchange. between noel and queen at the end of the giga battle would seem completely out of place why would noah be talking about living in a world controlled by queen if she knows it's just a dream this is where we put on our literary analysis glasses and see? That Noelle is actually talking to her overbearing


talking to Queen is just a speculative leap that's backed up by basically everything else we see in Canaan about Noel's


, but what does that mean for Queen exactly?
deltarune theory the universal mother
Queen embodies a kind of archetypal, tyrannical ruling mother and provider, putting herself above others and demanding worship. This is basically the villainous, over-the-top idea of ​​a mother figure. Someone who provides but also belittles parent-child relationships will always have a power imbalance, but as the child ages, that imbalance should disappear. starts to take control of her life and becomes a functional adult queen who overrides this natural progression by blatantly claiming that she is better than adults too, everything about her character just screams mommy issues personified and I want to explore what that means. It really means for everyone, not just Christmas.
deltarune theory the universal mother

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deltarune theory the universal mother...

Let's dive head first into this, although we need to establish some ground rules so that the role of a queen's mother does not extend into darkness apart from Rossi, but I will explain that later we can see that swatch and swatchlings are her servants and butlers, who could still fit the archetype if it weren't for the fact that the display seems to imply that a dark worship of the queen has romantic, possibly even sexual, connotations, and with the displays posing sexually in the background, the atmosphere isn't exactly familiar as It is when she interacts with Lancer, for example, Lancer is also a bit of a relaxed bunch at first glance, a queen is her real mother, well, not exactly Lancer calls her wild mom when he helps you escape, but once he They recruit, he calls her daddy girl to me.
deltarune theory the universal mother
It seems like a case where the King of Swords at one point tells Lancer that he doesn't have a mother, which may actually be true and that the queen takes care of Lancer and then asks the boy to call her something else than don't be a mom and that the queen is a machine, I doubt it. she might actually be Lancer's biological mother, since she doesn't appear to be biological at all. Most likely, she's just an old flame of the king and Lancer's birth mother is the ever-elusive Queen of Spades, so what about Ralsi? So he is a darkness. but I firmly believe this


applies to him too and before anyone tries to pull Rossi out of his ass as a lighter


or God forbid Rossi is Asriel theory, I need to state that the next Rossi travels between dark worlds without being physically taken there is not impossible, even if it is still not explained, Brazil has a resemblance to the boss monsters, not any boss monster in particular, although Susie claims otherwise, it has a colored conversation sprite, which which means he's a dark nerd.
deltarune theory the universal mother
I refuse to talk more about this. Topic, let's go discuss that in the comments section of my other theory video, now let's delve into my actual theory with an easy one, noel, we all get Noelle and Queen's mother-daughter dynamic, which is overbearing and pushes mom trying to make his daughter happy without thinking about what she might really want because the child never protests vocally, but rather goes one step ahead. Queenie specifically appears to stalk Noel or attempts to do so by having the troops with Chris find Noel. She claims to search, but she really believes that she is trying to follow her.
In every move, my reasoning for this is that Noel seems to spend a lot of time in the library's computer lab and not at home. She should have a computer in her own home if she uses the library one more. Why do I have one? Sneaky Suspicion: Noah's mom has a history of keeping track of everything Noel does around the house, even on the computer, judging by how ready Noelle is to spend a whole day at the caddy's house, I guess she is. It is common for her to avoid being at home at all. The strange and sad quests are the in-game reason why Queen has a particular interest in keeping Noel safe.
Those strange and sad searches are probably because she searches for her sister's name over and over again. It is implied that the short deaths for December are probably missing and have been missing for a long time, this would narratively mean that Noel's mother started taking an interest in Noel after his death disappeared and that makes a lot of sense to me after one of his daughters goes missing and the current police chief, who is also a friend of his family, can't find her, you do everything in your power to make sure the same thing doesn't happen to your other daughter also on the road. from the snowy grave.
The queen and Susie seem to disagree about what Noel should do after being manipulated into murder. Susie says Noel needs. wake up already while the queen says she's already too awake my personal reading of this is that susie is trying to get noel to see what's in front of her to wake up and confront what happened while the queen thinks noel should just ignore him leave to sleep stay in blissful ignorance of what happened to her, yes, susie's use of awakening is already directly related to the lie about the dark world she told noel, it doesn't seem to be a lie that worked, although later on on the route noel is seen questioning everything that happened wondering if it wasn't just a dream of suzy's on the snowy tomb route whether she wanted to or not it made noelle see the dark world as if it wasn't just another dream Which in the normal route, basically what I'm trying to say is Noel's. mother wants to keep her asleep, she wants Noel to remain obedient and good and hide from who he really is, judging by the robot's face jokes and how Noel wearing his costume is the only way he gets away from Queen by being What her mother wants her to be is Noel temporarily gets her off her back.
She has a moment of peace. I'm not the only one who pointed this out, but does Noel really want to be on the track team? Does he really want to do all the school work? she constantly excels at or simply does these things because they are what her mother wants her to do, things that are familiar to her. Noel has this insatiable need to go into the unknown to see new things, experience new fears, and it's genuinely admirable but also tragic. compared to how she is restricted and not allowed to step outside of what is expected of her, her mother's misfit love for Noel is perfectly shown through a queen who puts her through.
Can Noah stand up to his mother like she stood up to Queenie, I guess? We'll have to wait and see on that. Now let's apply this reading to everyone else. First of all, Susan Queen. The first shock when Noel was kidnapped. This is apparently a minor thing, as it's just a setup for the rest of the chapter, but it's important. Note that Susie doesn't seem to fit in anywhere in her hometown, what does that mean? Maybe she's wondering. Well, I'm not the first to think this. There's a mini theory floating around that Susie actually recently moved to her hometown and it explains why she doesn't know who Asriel is.
Why she doesn't get along with anyone. Why does everyone keep wondering about her. I know she's Chris' mom, but that can also be explained by Toriel just working at the school. Jorge specifically says that Alphys told him about Suzie's behavior as if Toriel had never interacted with Susie in a school setting again. This lines up with Toriel specifically being a preschooler. the teacher and susie recently moved to town all this to say susie and the queen clash for the first time when someone susie cares about is taken away from an easy read as susie and her mother's relationship became strained or worse. even more so when they moved to the hometown, no wonder That queen doesn't seem to really understand Susie or talk to her in a meaningful way, being an attentive or neglectful parent, it's an easy way to make a child end up being so aggressive. and closed like Susie.
Plus, I know it's a very tempting read. Saying that Suzy's parents are completely abusive and I'm not saying that can't be the case. I would just like to argue that her mother is at least trying to relate to her in some way, but failing without saying why susie cares about shitty skateboard video games, the library queen keeps trying to appeal to emotions from suzy through logic and reason, I guess, so she looks up those games in the library because she's bored and procrastinated, not because she has any personal interest in skateboards, specifically Suzy. It is, as she says, her birthday, a trademark of Gamer Gold, but it is also much more than that and Queenie doesn't see it because she is looking at Susie through a very narrow and wrong window.
There are also some important things to note about Toriel, it's not just her. Only the adult Susie seems to respect him in any meaningful way when Toriel asks him to call her parents. Susie just has no idea how to square that neatly with what the Queen does, but she's on the table and I feel like it needs to be addressed, maybe Susie. He just doesn't like her parents, but they're trying to do right by her anyway, we just don't know it and the queen is an interesting window into our potential interpretation. Oh boy, this is a long one.
I just realized I have class in 20 minutes queen and chris face off for the first time in the arcade game this is basically a fun game they play with queen for seemingly no reason but one important thing to note here is that chris can't play the queen game without the help of his friends, this is significant Because the next time Queen and Chris confront each other is when Queen decides to make a truce with them, I think this specific order of events shows that Chris and Toriel would just be able to have fun with the rest of the family there too with those other two members missing. things aren't that easy, Toriel herself says that the house gets lonely with just the two of them and we can tell from Chris's past actions that they and Toriel didn't always get along, they throw bath bombs down the toilet, they eat each other. the whole cake. every time he does, he keeps his room constantly locked because of them and most damning of all is that he used to borrow the book on how to care for humans from the library, so much so that it's the only thing Chris can comment on the Damn , Chris and Toriel are a family, but a cooperative one at best and there's not much more to it.
At worst, a genuinely dysfunctional family. Chris is miserable under Toriel's care and she does nothing about it. She comments that she is worried about them, but she does it. nothing that really helps them heal, much like how Queenie treats critics possibly better than all the kids, but it's shallow, it's casual, it's not what Chris needs, she actively praises them for being bland and not opinionated and it's easy to draw parallel tutorial that doesn't seem to facilitate any of chris' interests even though they have many like piano or worship or crafting or dancing or literally anything, toriel actively and blatantly dismisses everything about bugbear in front of chris and constantly talks about all of them. the wonderful things that asriel did or how great azrael was at creating this A deep rift between Chris and the rest of his family, like what Queen tries to do by equating Chris with herself while dismissing his friends for not understanding them, is a problem we can also see in Toriel, but more implicitly, let's look at the interaction that Toriel has. with Aswan, the supermarket, yes, since we're filming a pointless shot and it's really embarrassing to watch, but I want to focus specifically on the part where he raises the children at the beginning, mentions Asriel and Toriel quickly dismisses him with a "I'll." I'll get back to you about that and when he tells her to say hello to Chris for him she dismisses that too, at no point does she actually say hello to Chris for him, sure someone could say this is a minor detail but along with how fast it is. to throw away the flowers that Chris brought her, we can assume that this is not an isolated incident, that she is still doing everything in her power to distance herself from Asgore in every way and that's fine, more power to her, but It's not right when it affects her directly.
The boy's relationship with his father, Chris, has been successfully isolated from everyone and anyone they might have ever had a bond with other than Toriel. Whether she wants to or not, Toriel created a home for Chris. that no longer feels like a home, she also isolated them at school because she keeps donating for them and not allowing them to have a normal educational experience. It is a known fact that atFamily is not recommended to work together in the same workplace because it strains family relationships. Azrael is Chris's idolized older brother and Toriel made it easy for them to live in his shadow. and when he left, they had no one left but toriel, it is shown that chris is genuinely alone in the city without susan rosse and that the whole thing being there means nothing to them or queenie, whether he wanted to or not, Isolated Chris from his loved ones for personal reasons. win just like toriel did god no wonder chris acts the way she does when they feel like everyone around them hates them abandons them or tries to use and control them i'm not saying toriel is a bad mother i just think there's more to it her, there is a nuance that she is simply a good goat mother, she has flaws at all times and you cannot have the same approach to raising all children.
Her method may be good for Asriel and the very young children, but it's clear that Chris isn't happy while he's in charge of her. one reason or another, I think it's also very important to mention the alcohol connection, yes, yes, it's funny haha, battery acid joke, but let's examine what Queenie is constantly around in the chapter drinking what for her it's supposed to be alcohol, however there are only two places where she is shown to be drunk, talking to chris centiali, and her near final battle. This is significant because they are both directly related to Chris, especially during the battle where Chris makes an overly emotional toast to Queenie, which she again plays for laughs in Winter's Watch.
In the dialogue we can see that Toriel has a drinking problem. She is not an alcoholic, but she is not responsible for her drinking either. The papyrus compares this to her having too much eggnog, which is just Toby winking at us and saying that Toriel made a shit face. ends up being the one taking care of Toriel in these moments by bringing her water, basically making sure she's okay, which shows that Toriel, whether she wants to or not, makes her children responsible for her well-being when she drinks, obviously Undertale and Dalton are It's not the same thing, but I think something like this, a nasty habit a character has, can easily be carried over from game to game Now that the emotional toast Chris gave to Queenie doesn't feel as funny, does the whole thing need to start? this section with I don't like Berkeley, he's annoying and obnoxious and every moment he's on screen I yell at him or complain, however I feel like he's a major pin for this theory so I'll give him the time of day he He wants his birthday to be an overcompensating disaster. of a boy who seeks to impress at every opportunity, he takes pride in being better than others, but as we all know, pride is often just a code for people who have zero self-esteem and throughout the chapter we see him trying to compensate in Excessive queenie trying to impress her and constantly bothering her while she ignores him.
I feel like it's an important distinction to make between ignoring and forgetting. I'll talk about half oblivion with rossi, but what you need to know about birdly is that queenie. has active masculine intent with his mistreatment of Birdly, the rollercoaster fight with Burnley is a particularly strong display of this, where literally the entire flavor text shows Burley trying to approach Queenie as a mother figure and her ignoring him and neglecting it in every way. She Can, it's a funny piece, yes, but it's also a tragic representation of what Burley has to face at home. The fact that when he first won a spelling bee he was overwhelmed with affection and praise taught him that he doesn't need to earn her love well.
An adjusted child with loving parents acts that way when he receives praise from a spelling bee, he feels that he needs to earn her attention and care and because he depends so much on Noel for that which gives him that recognition, he feels that he is less than her, less than everyone else. all that talk about a clever utopia is just desperately clinging to the one part of his identity that queenie seems to find slightly entertaining, then he takes her down and she goes back to hating him in her own words, there's nothing wrong with bernie, he's just really annoying. um, Mrs.
Burley's mom, can we talk? This all culminates with Burnley being controlled by Queenie at the end of the chapter, which seems to be a repeat of a similar theme to Noel's, but from a different angle, with Noel we had the perspective of the Persona being controlled by Burnley. We have the perspective of people who witness someone being controlled. Literally the only way to save Burley in the fight is to show her mercy and not pay attention to her when she does it to impress people. The most tragic part of this is. That Burnley and Noel seemed to have similar family situations, except Burley's parents were never as understanding, while Noah's family suffered a tragedy and was never able to fully recover.
Does this city have a therapist? Finally, let's address the person to whom this theory may not even apply as stated. I previously dismissed reading Queenie's archetype when applied to other doctors with good reason, but Rossi seems to be exempt from this rule, as he has many darker rules, he doesn't turn to stone, he travels wherever he wants. is all alone in the castle town and most of this is probably because her origin is from the great dark source, she is made of pure darkness, unlike those other dark fanatics who are made of 50 darkness 50 polyester and probably gives Rossi powers and knowledge that Other doctors simply do not have this explanation and are not ashamed of this theory, although since this is an analysis of the text, not the tradition, I think the fact that Rossi often groups with resemblance it is just a meta-consequence that he is nobody without them. he deliberately and constantly allies himself with the heroes of the prophecy without a doubt and in doing so the narrative deals with it the same way it does with the illuminators, this again does not make him an illuminator, it only makes him a character principal of which it is the center of attention. it's in him just as the highlighters are and the dark worlds serve to explore clarity a little more deeply, so it works the same way with Rosset as well.
Others say Rossi's parents are horrible. Rossi is very clearly forgotten and neglected by Queenie, which proves this as he lives alone in Castletown, where his parents may be in Las Vegas, who knows, but they left this poor boy to his own devices with the idea of ​​a prophecy from the end of the world that looms over him at all times. somehow managed to be worse than the spearmen, queenie forgets that ross is there, which is very different from neglecting what birdley is going on, she has nowhere to put him and instead introduces him to her butler, which seems like a clear metaphor of a child who is abandoned and whose parents do not make an effort to raise him, so he has to learn to raise himself.
She also relates to Rossi's ideas of identity and goodness. Only after spending a lot of time with Susie does he realize the nuances. about being kind and what it's like to be yourself and that leaves him unsure of who he really is, again not something that happens with kids who have healthy relationships with their parents. Identity crises when you're a teenager are normal, but Rossi is actively walking the walk. line between i choose to be a nobody and i have no idea how social interaction with someone works please for the love of god help me queenie doesn't go out of her way to talk to rossi like she does with noel chris and even susie with a To the extent that she doesn't even particularly dislike Ralph, she says she just doesn't even look at him, he has no place in this world without his friends imposing themselves on him, somehow he is quick to please while keeping up. margin trying not to be a burden because that's what you were taught intentionally or unintentionally in your upbringing.
Does Castletown have any therapists by any chance? Holy shit, I'm actually going to finish this recording before class. Well, I went deeper with Chris because I feel like there's a lot to unpack and there aren't enough people talking about it since Toriel could be directly involved in the next chapter. I hope this is addressed there, but at no point does the narrative seem to incriminate that Toriel is to blame in any way, so he wouldn't be holding his breath. especially seeing how samptorial and susie's entire interaction isn't afraid of there being no closure on this issue and the story, on the other hand it's tempting to draw a similar conclusion about the king's role in the story as we did with the queen, If the queen is the


mother, then the king.
Is the


father correct? Well, no, not at all, not even a little bit, the king seems to narratively represent all of Dr. Khan, not just the few individuals you say, no matter the route, he acts as your moral compass and that doesn't really add up. With any of the interactions you see between the kids and their dads specifically, of course, Rudy and Asgore say those are the only dads we actively talk to besides Spade, there's also a lot to unpack with the roles in the story that a They like the other characters too. spamton javelin which are obstacles for chris in his internal conflict and which must be actively sought and dealt with so that chris can obtain the shadow crystals which in turn seem to be linked to the idea of ​​an evil mirror in fairy tales, but as It's a huge can of worms and I don't have time to unpack right now.
I could write my other theories about Dalton and if I do, you'll find them in my 803 account and I'll leave them in the description. If you like my content and my drawings I recommend you read my fan comics battleship, it's basically the only content I've posted regularly so if you like what I do I think you'll like it too or if you just like my drawings, you can follow my art tumblr where I post once in a blue moon, it's not much, but it's honest work and remember that these are all just theories, it's okay to disagree, especially when it comes to a very specific reading of history like this, perhaps Queenie is the metatextual universal. the mother of all lighteners and raw says or maybe she's just a cool cyborg lady who knows the point, I'd love to hear your opinion on this, see you in 10,000 years when I post my next video, which won't even be a theory. video I can't believe I actually managed to record all that between my classes I'm a real god

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