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Defenders of the Sky: Future Ukrainian F-16 Pilots train in the UK (Documentary)

May 30, 2024
I feel really frustrated being so far away from my parents because they are older and getting older and older and I am actually the only person who can take care of them and this is hard because if they need help then you have nothing. one they may ask for, but I still think everything will be fine. I don't really know what else to say about this and it's only because I'm tasked with being the wi commander in charge of Interstorm delivery, which is the


ing of Ukrainian


up to and including the fastjet leader, so this is where the students.
defenders of the sky future ukrainian f 16 pilots train in the uk documentary
We'll introduce you to the base so you can get an idea of ​​what's going on here. This is where you will receive your primary instructions so that every morning around 8 8:30 there will be a meteorology briefing so that we know what the weather will be like during the day and that will really inform what type of flight we will do because there are different aspects of this course, um, We'll start you off with the basics of learning how to fly a choir. Once you are proficient in flying a chorus, we can then move on to the more advanced phases.
defenders of the sky future ukrainian f 16 pilots train in the uk documentary

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defenders of the sky future ukrainian f 16 pilots train in the uk documentary...

And really our goal here is to improve your English language. to prepare them for their next stage of flight


ing and then the F-16, you look at the students when they arrive and they appear to be young


receiving training exactly the same as you would see from students in the UK or anywhere else. Nation, but what I see in them is a focus, they know the seriousness of this, they face a threat to their very existence, they need to do this, we have to get them home so they can fly, fight and win, because if they don't do.
defenders of the sky future ukrainian f 16 pilots train in the uk documentary
Europe will become war, good morning everyone, oh at 30, Thursday November 9, me as Judy pilot, Jack as SCP, the general situation today is an unstable flow towards the southwest with occlusions bringing some shs, a Sometimes it can be heavy, so, occlusion, what is an occlusion is when the cold and warm fronts, yeah, well, it's when the cold front catches up to the warm front. The warm front usually travels a little bit slower, uh, and they catch up well, and that's what we have included and it's pretty shy, a lot of shs. the seriousness of this I can't imagine going to another country to learn to fly in another language and leaving my family at home while they are in a war zone I showed them a photo of my daughter and my family and one of the young men looked at me and He said: You are very lucky.
defenders of the sky future ukrainian f 16 pilots train in the uk documentary
I told him why do you say that and he said I don't think he'll ever have that so he was very aware of his mortality and he could die in the next few years and at 22. That's a great question, first of all I'm a Li representing the Ukrainian forces here. I am from the northern part of Ukraine. I have 22 guys who are older than me for a couple of years. They're fighting right now. Near the border. Unfortunately, I can't help at the moment, but in the


I will be a good support for them, they will come back and within maybe a year or a year and a half or two years they will be on the front line fighting in the air in an F16 over the Ukrainian skies.
I'm not going to give you everything you need to reach that goal right now. Find out what time you should take the step, when you are going, car. um, I can remember. How I first saw him, he was, you know, kind of a star because he was always joking, he was always on The View, too, he was always trying to support us, so when we finish the report we'll go out to the marked line for the plane and then I want you to do the Taxi start and takeoff after takeoff. I want you to go through your normal checks, for example through manac checks and field checks, and then find a suitable area to do so.
Hazel verifies the checks we do before stalling and aerobatics. Then I want you to show me your clean position. Then I'll set up a loss on the final turn and give you control so you can raise the bank and then perform the standard. store recovery sure yeah any questions about the basics of that great summary let's do a review on that aspect of emergency management flying um I've wanted to fly since I was 6 7 years old I clearly remember being at an air show sitting on the shoulders of my father and the Red Arrows flew by um very similar to one you can see in the background um it was at that point that I was going to fly um it was a long and difficult task to get there uh I remember when I was 13 saving I collected enough money to go to flying on a small passenger plane from East Midland Airport to Heath3 um and when I got on the plane I suddenly thought: I want to be a pilot, but what if I don't like flying?
That was nice. It's a worry, um, but I went up in the air and sat down and looked out the window. It's amazing to have air control as you've seen for many years, it's the key to winning the battle on the ground if you don't have immunity to the attack then you're in a lot of trouble so what we're trying to do is give them that advantage because now They don't have it themselves, they are facing a technologically advanced nation, we are going to give them that aspect of technology and that aspect of providing effect from the air or a 1045 11:45 1 hour we register again, okay, so let's go back, let's sign in the sheets, have a cup of tea and then go give a report alright, alright, which is normally expected to be something under 0.2 mil from the center of the target, but right now they're probably doubling that in right now, so 0.4 if you're hitting the center of the target at 1,000 M, you're more likely to hit the center of the target if you're a thousand to the left or right of the center, that could equal up to one meter to the left or right of the center line, so you could miss, that's why we half-talk about the importance of hitting the center. observe hey that's pretty good to be fair so all you need to work on now is your verbal yes well they are strong and brave but they don't understand where they are going.
I ask you how you think his words changed you, yeah, uh. I became much more cnic much more emotionally tough like I feel less pain I feel less emotional pain I feel less emotion at all and uh the behavior of my soul is much more different compared to what it was but I'm trying, I'm doing it I do it best I can to stay the way I was before so I can be a normal civilian after the war is over but yes all these people will come back as completely different people when you get to the bottom when you are on the battlefield and you remember or remember your like in the past, maybe half a year ago or just a couple of months, you understand that you are completely another person, now everything, not everything, but many things inside you have changed, so just to brighten things up a little, tell me about the situation before. uh Pro before I was a very relaxed and fun guy, calm, like uh hadist, who looked for happiness in his life and I'm still looking for it, but now I face the things that I faced, things that lessen the heaviness of my face . just because that's what it is and yeah when you're sitting in a trench yeah you hear how in a second and more and more people die some of them you see how they die some of them die without yours you just hear it on your radio and You're trying to do as little as you can because it's C and it's windy and it's scary because you can die while you're there and it's not the best way to die, but yeah, you're looking at the photos that were taken. like a couple of months ago and uh sometimes you can even understand that it's you like it's me.
It feels like it's in a previous life and I'll leave you alone in a second, don't worry about what I'll leave you alone. One second, don't worry, I just have one last question I want to ask you and you're a young 25-year-old guy, yeah, you're responsible for a lot of guys. And it must be a lot to bear, yes, what keeps you sad. and the yellow colors are fine, yes, leave it like that. I understand the idea of ​​freedom, my father. Freedom, okay, now it's 12:38 to 13:00. A vehicle move will take you to Clay Acre undercover to a drop off point, yes.
They will move the first two platoons, then they will have to dismount and occupy a formation point and then the third pluna will appear right after, once you are here you can shake off and launch your attack to the West. Today Mall has basically been an integration day for the new companies and platoons to have worked together yet, so we have designed this day to get them used to working with the newon commanders and the newon sergeants of the new company commander because there has not been been one thing until now or has been, but within Pon itself now they come from other Pon, true, that rejection initially they were not happy with it because it was changing and but the goal today is to get used to working with The new guys will never attack to the West as a company for the first time.
I think a good junior leader can take advantage of all the components of the fight. Power, morality is quite easy with our Ukrainian students, they are fighting for a cause that they believe in and are very motivated, the physical and the conceptual is what we can help them with, but a good leader can do all three, it is the third, yes, they go, you're in the back of the company now, right? you're happy with that position no but I'm covering here to hold one part down they're going to advance and move until they hold the second part and then they'll have the flanking section turn around so it's doing this yeah cool , at least part of that fighting in an urban environment is a very, very dangerous environment to fight in.
It's important that these guys know how to work on casual extraction and also ping victims to get them to safety and then obviously continue the battle no matter how good you are or how skilled you are in your skills and drills. . There is a high casualty rate in urban environments. You have so many floors, so many rooms, you have to make sure it's in small groups, so it's the commander controlling two at a time, pushing them forward, pushing them forward, pushing forward and getting feedback from his M, what Can you see where the sergeant is? You're just casually terrible, right?
I need eight radios, let me see them, one hidden, one two. I'll have it too Sean Dick is exactly what we want from a senior non-commissioned officer in the Royal Regiment of Scotland. He is loud, he is gobby, he challenges and he is difficult to lead, but in the best way, because you have to. Well, he, as always, came in and made friends with absolutely all of his students and sees their respect from the beginning and allows him to provide very high quality training three four five two plus six seven one plus older yes, thanks to Sean.
He's a good guy, but sometimes he has problems with interpreters because you know there aren't many of us who can understand him and he talks to the linguist who can and says: "Today you work with me, please. I'm asking you, I'm nice." . I'm asking you to please work with me today, so I'm going all the way up north just to see my f here, so because he's doing, he's attending an instructor course at one of the camps, we don't have much chance to see each other. Yeah. another because every time, if, for example, you have been promised that you will have some kind of holiday, something can change because of the Frontline situation and I am very happy that you have the opportunity to get this, you know, on British soil. so it's safe for me and him and we can see each other, you know, just um, maybe it's only for a couple of hours, but it's still a good opportunity, are you excited, I am, of course I am, you can tell , Look at me.
I am very happy, today is a happy day because I am very excited to see my boyfriend, I finally have the chance to do it and now I am just waiting for this every hour, we can finally see each other, he is my hero. You know, because you can't even imagine, you know how many problems, someone like a person can go through that and you can deal with this. Well, I'll probably head back to region D which is near Dua and it's absolutely H there. and then but now you are safe for 5 weeks, my name is Scott Car.
I am an SE Rifle Commander with four Scots and I am responsible for organizing welfare activities. TD td3 I think tonight it will be around 6 6 700. Okay, so We have organized a concert for the Ukrainian trains, we managed to get one of the big bands from Ukraine, Atie Taylor, um, and we will be doing a 1900 concert, doing a full live concert, we have a professional concert sound, so I hope the guys appreciate it. Before we return to the front lines, we think that this time, maybe for the hour and a half that we will be playing, you will like to replace your minds, come home and feel the spirit of home.
It's also very, very essential. We also want to thank through our music, we want to thank all the instructors and those who train our soldiers, who ultimately make our soldiers have the opportunity to survive on the battlefield. Seeing it yeah, of course, that was amazing. I don't want to leave to be honest, he just thinks it's not cool for him to post on camera, you know, with her girlfriend saying oh I'm so happy to see her because she's just not like that. the right thing right now I get it I totally get it yeah but it must have been really nice to see yeah you know what I'm really happy I did that because I don't know when the next opportunity is going to be so this is actually a good opportunity To do it good,This is really sad, you know, because I feel sad about this, but this is what we have to live and we have no other options, so it should just happen and I need to let it go. do his part of the work because he wants to do it too.
You know, I once asked him if you could just stop fighting and go back to normal life. You know what he said he loved it but he can't because if the war continues he can't just leave his friends? You know, in the front. line and you know, sit in a safe place, he said he will feel as guilty as you can't imagine, so the best way for him is to keep fighting until it's over for Russia or until it's over for him. I have mixed emotions, mixed feelings because on one hand I am proud of him and on the other hand of course I am worried about what will happen in the


and I just try not to think about it too much because if something happens, that will happen, but for now we.
We are still doing well, we are doing our part in this work, you know, to get closer to our Victory, it is very difficult for me to ask these questions because we are in totally different situations. I can't understand what you're going through. You just start trying to explain, you know the pain that all of this has caused you, well I really don't know how, you know, put it into words because it's a lot, I actually don't think I can talk about this, okay? I need to rest, okay, cut those 5 minutes so the French are part of the Coalition and their partners, so they will come to see what we are delivering in the choir before they go to another country to do their basic fast jet training.
So the French are interested to see what we are delivering. Did you bring me more wine? No, sorry, you have a real screen, um Ed, which is the same Asen, yeah, the same one as the and you also have a control panel for this. with ar, which was designed for the Vance to work, it's perfect, it looks really

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