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Dear Rabbit: Stop Threatening 14 Year Olds

Jun 23, 2024
By now you've probably seen the two embarrassing AI hardware startups, Rabbit and Humane, the Humane pen was rightly roasted by MKBHD and pretty much everyone else who touched it and the Rabbit quickly followed despite being a third of the price , it's just as embarrassing. in a way I want to talk about why they are ashamed, because the subtlety of this shame is not properly understood, obviously the use of the device is bad, but there are other things that are bad and also a little dishonest here, as well as some coverage of certain details that I don't think are entirely fair.
dear rabbit stop threatening 14 year olds
I want to take some time to go over them because this is what I do. Anyway, I'm a nerd when it comes to these things. Let's start with my favorite surprise, which was that the Rabbit R1 runs Android. under the hood and its entire interface is powered by an Android app, this seemed to scare people a lot because it has like 8K, a million and a half views, an article that has gone viral and obviously the most embarrassing part is that You can just run Rabbit on an Android phone because it is just an Android app.
dear rabbit stop threatening 14 year olds

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dear rabbit stop threatening 14 year olds...

This looks pretty horrible. Why would they make this device if it could just be a phone app? But I have some spicy opinions about this. The first important point, I think we should do it. understand is the nature of Android and AOSP AOSP stands for Android Open Source Project Android, what people get from their Samsung phone or their HTC phone or even their pixel is not open source. It's code created by Google based on the open source project but with a bunch of Google stuff added, like the Google Play store, and then Samsung adds their own stuff and then other vendors add their own stuff in a similar way.
dear rabbit stop threatening 14 year olds
Chrome is the most popular browser, but Chrome is not open source Chrome. It's open source, it's the open core that becomes Chrome, but Chrome itself is the base piece and then Chrome itself, like what you go and install, has all the Google stuff and a lot of other features, syncing and things added. Google is actually pretty good at this, I love Android more than almost anyone believe me, but the way they manage the open source and also the closed nature of the Play Store is honestly pretty fair and decent and I've joked for a while that the Android kind of becoming the new Linux, where it's the base operating system that many devices start with because it's similar to Linux in the sense that it's based on Linux, but it has a lot more software, a lot more like interface kits. user and the ability to build on it without diving.
dear rabbit stop threatening 14 year olds
As for web views, one of my most interesting opinions is that Linux can only be used as a desktop operating system at the moment because of Electron, which allows you to write a web application and turn it into a desktop application. Things like VSS code, things like Slack and Discord are using electron. the Chrome shell to create a better desktop application and since Chrome already works on Linux, those applications will now also work on Linux and in the industry we have realized that these basic pieces that may not seem suitable for a problem, actually they are.
Well built and integrated, they are often great solutions and in the same way that something like Chrome may seem like the wrong way to build a desktop app, it is not only better than many other ways, it is actually more platform independent. and more universal and accessible. So why am I talking about it? Well, I feel the same way about Android right now. I'm shooting this video with a Panasonic camera, but I used to shoot it with a Sony camera and the Sony cameras, all the high-end Sony cameras nowadays. They all run Android too, a lot of devices you wouldn't expect run Android because it's a very good starting point for creating a user interface, especially if you have a touch screen, you want it to be responsive and you have a CPU that is powerful enough.
For starters, running Android makes sense as a base OS and I would never shame a company like Rabbit for using Android as a starting point; In fact, if they built their own system, it would probably embarrass them even more, but why not? They're using Android as a starting point, aren't they just changing Android and building it all in an Android app? Well, here's another thing that many of you don't seem to understand if you're iOS or Mac users. Or Windows or any of these other platforms, you have apps installed, we also have the operating system, so on my Mac, if I zoom out , I have my background like here, I have my title bar like, all these things, a lot of them are part of the operating system. and then you run apps on it, the things you order in the tab, so on Android, your launcher, the home, like when you press home, the place you go, which is just an app, the whole Android experience is apps, the status bar technically is not. a service, but basically everything else on your Android phone is just an app, so if you want to customize your version of Android, what you mean most of the time is customize the launcher app on your version of Android, that's it a very good point also made in the nefron chat.
I want to point out that even the keyboard is just an app in Android technically based on Java, the mess of java cotlin jit and all that is too hard to explain for a non-technical video, but it's important to know basically every part of Android is just an app which includes the home screen, including the keyboard, including all the material as such. If you want to change or modify Android to provide a different experience, you'll probably do it through an app, so it's easy for us to mock. of this, that the


is just a shitty Android phone running an app, but that's how this all works, that's how Android works and it's a very good starting point.
I don't think it's worth shaming them for that because they have so much. lots of other things we can make fun of, which we'll talk about in a moment, yes, as they say here, basically everything runs Android, including the Humane pen, including my camera, including many devices, I just don't think it's worth it . embarrassing them especially from someone of Android authority. I would appreciate it if I think my IP or device was blocked. LOL, my pixel 6A now can't connect to Rabbit OS so I can't send any more queries, we are aware that there are some unofficial rabid OS apps and emulators websites out there, we understand the passion you have for people for testing our AI and our big action model, just their embarrassing new thing that's not a movie, they added a different letter and called it something completely different.
Instead of waiting for your R1 to arrive, this is said to clear up any misunderstandings and set the record straight. Rabbit OS on the large action model runs in the cloud with heavily customized AOSP and lower level firmware modifications, hence a locally bootable Lake APK without the proper OS. in the cloud, endpoints will not be able to access our service. Rabbit OS is customized for R1 and we do not support third-party clients using a pirated APK. Our web client carries significant risks. Malicious actors are known to publish hacked apps that steal your data for this reason.
We recommend that users avoid these pirated Rabbit OS applications. There are a lot of questionable things about this statement, but first I'll say what's good here. If you're not familiar with the interesting feature of Rabbit in the large action model, it is that when you tell the


to do something, it won't do it, what it will do instead is call its server, which runs a browser inside a computer somewhere else, that goes to a website, clicks buttons for you, does things for you. and then it tells you when it's done, it's a cool concept, the idea of ​​a device, you say, go book an Uber for me and if Uber didn't create an API, that's fine, they'll just go to the Uber website for you and do it all for you, it's a cool concept that I actually like, however it only works on the three or so services that are deployed and requires a lot of server costs and it also seems like when they deployed the app they actually weren't. checking when you accessed the API if you were using a real rabbit device or not, when the APK was leaked which is the app they immediately patched the server so you couldn't connect, they should have had it that day Zero.
I'm surprised. They didn't do it. I'm surprised they've gotten this far without that, but effectively what they're doing is selling the ability to use their service as a hardware device rather than selling you a subscription to the service because it's different and cool. and honestly the Rabbit R1 is made by teenage engineers and I love teenage engineering, they make really cool hardware. I've heard it feels a little sticky and embarrassing, which is sad because that's not what they normally do, but it's a good thing they didn't try it. and make their own hardware and instead they went to a company that actually does it well and here is the statement that the founder of Rabbit sent to Michon, the Android reporter, who found all this stuff, said some pretty embarrassing things here first, they said that they are now doing a cool cloud check, but also that we reserve all rights for any malicious and illegal cybersecurity activity towards our service.
That's a threat that threatens people for reverse engineering. Your stuff like this is as embarrassing as Beyond Shame. Can't. I think they actually did this, so obviously the review of the Marquez Brownley Humane AI pin was very, very scathing, to say the least, it ripped it to shreds. I think the title was hilarious, it was literally like the worst product I've ever reviewed so far, like yeah, this. Everything looked terrible and he did a great job of showing how terrible it was in his video. Sam Sheffer, who works at Humane, responded well, quoted, tweeted an honest and solid review.
Marquez, all fair and valid criticism, both good and bad, is a gift that we reflect and listen and learn and continue to build the contrast that with our friend Jesse here we reserve All rights for any malicious cyber security activity and illegal towards our services really makes no sense, absolute nonsense. I can't believe they actually did this and also exclusively say AOSP. because most people don't know that's just Android, it's funny and it's also been shown in the video that the local boot Lake APK without the OS and proper cloud endpoints actually worked because it had the cloud endings as the only reason he did it.
I don't have the endpoints, which is the important part is that they did an OTA update that is over-the-air, so they pushed an update to the devices that gives them a new connection method that doesn't work if you don't have the endpoints. hardware and honestly someone is probably going to fix that so this 14


old kid managed to run other Android apps on the device and the person made the videos private after threats from the CEO of the rabbit we're now on A Discord server tries to get the updated files to work. Were you threatened with legal action of any kind?
Obviously I don't have deeper receipts for that, but considering how litigious his other messages sounded, I'm not surprised that's the case. Just being disappointed at being a new company doing something that seems embarrassing right now is fine, but imagine if when Apple released the original iPhone, everyone was on it, going after everyone


them saying they were going to be sued for making fun of the iPhone. Like, yeah, I just said it in the chat. I couldn't express it better. They are the best example of what not to do. Yes, a CEO


a 14


old is pathetic and they are going to attack themselves.
Sorry to interrupt you, Theo Theo of the future. I'm stepping in because I wasn't tough enough on Rabbit's CEO. I know it seems crazy because I'm ripping a new one right there, but things are much worse than me. I think at that moment I found two pieces of important information that I felt I had to share in this video, so we're making a last minute cut. Sorry for the interruption. I promise you it's worth it. These two things are crazy. Number one is this thread from January where they asked Jesse why they aren't making an app and his response is really absurd.
Many people asked why not an app. Here are my personal opinions in a thread. The number one apps are relatively easy and easy to create. to copy too, but very hard on maintenance and building customer loyalty, we are talking about at least a year where you must have two versions of IOS and Android and these platforms are fundamentally different, literally every detail of the tweet is wrong some way. it's easy to createapplications, but you also just said that it's difficult to create because you have to have two versions like this. It contradicts itself in such a short space.
I'll just say that I promise you that building applications is easier to make and maintain than building Hardware, so saying this is a reason not to do Hardware literally makes no sense, the rest doesn't make sense either, but this particular thing that you are trying to do it is not an app that needs to match all the time and it is very painful and requires a lot of maintenance, the terms and agreements on both platforms change all the time, no no they don't, as someone who has implemented and tried apps for a while, it's very rare that things that were allowed before change, it's just not a The truth is that this guy doesn't create apps.
I'm not saying they were vicious, but they have the right at all times to delete your stuff, sure, uh, honestly, if you trust an open AI, they have the right to delete your stuff. anyway, and considering the bunny didn't work when open AI was down yesterday, yes, you're already at the mercy of others' whims by sending them as an app, you're sending them all your code. I have no words, I literally have no words. I know some non-technical people will be seeing this so I need to comment briefly explain what compilers are the code I write with all the fancy English words and the things we can read and make changes to is not what a user gets in the end most of it of time once I write all my fancy little code. and I decide to turn it into an app for someone.
You do something called compilation that takes all that code, all the words, all the things that we did and turns it into the smallest possible format that is also optimized for the platform. in which you are using the application when I build an application. I don't just send you the words I typed and they magically become an app on your computer. I am converting those words into the application with a compiler which is a work. skated bundle of letters, ones and zeros that is not real code, you are not submitting all your codes to an app store when you are reviewing the app, that is not how this works at all and if it were exactly the same app binary as is submitted to Google or Apple for the App Store is already in the rabbit and is being reverse engineered from the rabbit.
The leaked thing that everyone is installing on their phones is exactly the same thing that you would submit for the app. check so this is like God. I can't believe I spent so much time on the first sentence because this actually somehow gets worse, think about it, remember there was one of the most popular apps in the early days of the App Store and it was called the flashlight now look what happens Apple just built that feature into iOS, so they're building sustainable apps for a startup, maybe not, yeah, if your app is as simple as a flashlight, which is something that was a native API anyway, Apple decided exposing that native API as a button somewhere else if that's enough to kill your startup, you don't have a company if you really believe that what you're building is comparable to a flashlight in terms of how simple it is and the fact that it uses stuff that's already on your damn phone and already in your damn phone's software, it's actually quite appropriate because I agree that there's nothing you're adding to the world by creating the rabbit if you're thinking of it as like an app. flashlight because a flashlight app doesn't add anything. to the world if I can use the native flashlight on my phone like it should have been there before, it's cool that a company or a developer was able to add something to the iPhone that was missing on day one, it sure is cool? a feature that shouldn't be locked behind an app, it's something all phones can and should be able to do and they also made changes to the hardware so the light doesn't turn off when you keep the flashlight on for too long.
At that time Apple made a lot of changes and if that flashlight app had more than 10 lines of code in half an hour of work, the person who made it was as delusional as you, Jesse, to think that Apple copied their code and stole it. all because the flashlight was something so magical and innovative that Apple needed to see the code to figure out how to do it, like everyone should be able to understand that that's stupid, hilariously stupid, like this is one of the stupidest tweets I've ever seen on my life a stupid level. I can't believe this person is a CEO, that he raised money, and that all of this has gone this far and I promise you this isn't even the worst thing I'm about to show in this thread. sucks, the next one sucks worse, we can't put a V12 engine in a horse and Tesla doesn't need a big action model on Rabbit OS, it's a generation ahead of the current app based OS, it doesn't fit into the OS rabbit.
You don't need apps, this is just marketing nonsense as we've seen people run it on other phones. The rabid operating system is a minimal operating system that simply mounts an application that communicates with a server, anything could communicate with that server, it could be a web page. and it would work exactly the same, you have no idea what you're talking about Jesse, and even if we built Rabid OS as an app, what will the end user experience be like if you open an app to do multiple things in other apps? that you've installed with 10 other notifications popping up everywhere, surprisingly that's how Siri's current experience is the user experience that conflicts with its design purposes if you're logging into my Uber account for me and the rabbit goes to book that Uber.
The only way I don't get notifications in two places is if the Rabbit doesn't give me notifications. If the Rabbit doesn't give me notifications. Why would the Rabbit app give me notifications? This literally makes no sense, like none at all. I just don't understand why rabbit would be different from rabbit app here, it almost sounds like a point, I'll give it credit there, unlike everything else here, this almost sounds like a point, but it's so incoherent that it's not. , but we understand that booting any new hardware is difficult. Fortunately, I've created some of the best pieces of hardware in my last 15 years of career.
Raven H and Raven R still look absolutely gorgeous today. I learned a lot about the good, the bad, and the ugly from the entire process. I don't even know what these are, these are those cool watches, they didn't even design them themselves, they had teenage engineers make it so cool, clearly you're so competent that you paid someone else to do all the work for you, so the best . The way to perform as a startup is to take a chance on Hardware, how can we create the best looking, best quality piece of Hardware that is capable of harnessing the full potential of the large scale action model and at the same time lowering the barrier to entry for the first users?
Early adopters having to spend $200 on hardware is much higher than having to click two buttons to install an app. Why is this guy so stupid? How did you raise money? Hence the $200 subscription-free Tamagotchi or Pokedex R1 if you've ever worked on a large-scale hardware project, you understand that you never exceed the limit of stacking a cool piece, but quite the opposite, it's a painful process of compromise. to find the best balance, as a result, the R1 rabbit sits perfectly in the place from which it is designed at God level. Retro teen engineering culture that resonates with the fun old Tech ERA with the best price on the market powered by our patented large action model that offers features none of the other devices can do.
I don't know why this guy is so bad at English, but he's also very bad at making points, so I want to focus on that, not on the fact that reading his stuff gives me two types of aneurysms, we're not saying you should throw away your phone nor do we kid ourselves that it is better to carry two devices than one. Regardless of where and how you carry them, you are deceived about many things, if not the two devices, you have many other things here, but R1 is making a small dent in the industry by convincing our audience that, look, it can make a certain amount of things your phone can do, but much faster and more intuitive, then we will show you how.
This is underrated and will probably continue to be the user who starts teaching the operating system quickly all the things their phone can't do. Can you give us an example? here because I don't see it at all if the rabbit is just talking to a server, what are you saying here? I still can't


thinking about the app submission code. This has to be in the running for dumbest tweet of all time. Like I said, it gets worse, what do I mean by worse? Well, let's take a look at this amazing thread from Emily L Shepard that explains it because not only is Rabbit sketchy in terms of their product or their leadership or threatening to sue 14-year-


, they're stupid for a much better reason: there was a scam.
OG crypto company that failed and was formed in 2021. They were originally called Cyber ​​Manufacture Co and were a creative studio creating next-generation experiences at the intersection of entertainment and technology where a Los Angeles-based tech startup that builds cool like someone who builds a lot I'm not even saying he builds great, I'm just saying he builds anyway his main project was gamma, a virtual metaphor powered by Unreal Engine five and new forms of entertainment, remember at that time when there were between 20 and 50 nft game companies that never produced a game and then one that almost had good times playing it, you need an nft gamma that represents a unique character and gives you access to play the hosted game. and maintained by cyber manufacturer, there are different types of character nfts ranging from cooks to security, engineers and even captains, they all look quite similar, but if you want to play as a captain, you guessed it, they cost more, up to an ethereum, which You can see in the screenshot here still the case, that it costs around $3,000 to play the game as a certain character that is like Battlefront 2 or bad, that was a very good joke if you are playing anyway, at some point Jesse promised that gamma would be backed by its innovation.
AI, the innovative quantum engine technology that powers immersive AI experiences that would power the game's NPCs. I wonder if this is as incoherent as what we just read. The Group of Seven Gamma Teams, one from each class, will join today's AMA at 5 on our verified Discord voice channel. Gamma holders will have exclusive access to talk to AI-powered gamma Cru. Ask about anything in any language. 30 different languages. Any language. 30 different languages. Pick one, so they are spending thousands of dollars to access Discord channels. I feel bad getting paid. five dollars a month for my Discord man, that's crazy to me, strangely, in August 2023, quantum engine became os2, which was now a custom OS, now it wasn't for NPCs at all, now I could order food or reserve lunch for yourself.
This is also funny because os2 is a long gone project, if you're interested in it, it was a collaborative operating system between IBM and Microsoft that never came to be because Microsoft just tripled down on Windows, instead it's a crazy story that I recommend investigating. but it's not this os2, no announcement was made to project gamma members, some of whom had spent thousands on their gamma nfts, that their promised Quantum AI engine was now os2 designed to buy food, yes, imagine you're involved in this stupid game. and suddenly all the people working on it are now working on an AI that buys you food instead of your game.
On November 11, 2023, Cyber ​​announced that they were opening source for the entire gamma game except the AI ​​part. At the time they introduced this as the next step in gamma's journey, as our goal is to keep gamma alive forever, they even announced a new API for AI NPCs. Remember earlier when I said that to submit an app to the App Store you had to compile it. as a result the code isn't there, it's another thing that happens with most things including games, so if a company


s working on a game people want to keep making changes to it.
Open source means that the code for that game is now freely available to anyone. using and making Chang's changes in the value of that is that if other people want to keep the game, keep fixing it, keep it running over time, they can do it, it takes a lot of effort and they have to want it badly, but if they want it. that they can do that, the reason you would open source a project like this is very specific, you no longer plan to maintain it and you feel bad for pretendingthat that's not the reason to invent all this other stuff and then pretend that submitting code to an app store is the same as open source code, you just know nothing about how it works and it seems like there are probably some engineers screaming in frustration because that's why this ended up being open source, but Jesse can't stop talking long enough to make a point.
Oh wow, in fact, they had no intention of keeping gamma alive forever. That was a lie on November 2, two weeks before the open source announcement that Cyber ​​had quietly unveiled. to change his name to rabbit Incorporated the same rabbit ink we all know and love again, no one bothered to tell gamma customers, in fact at this point Jesse had been mostly ghosting on the server from Discord gamma from late April 2023, one of The last posts in the gamma chat were actually criticizing skeptics and telling people to keep the faith before January 2024, cyber manufacturer gamma iio. The Ai quantum engine and its associated Twitter accounts had been shut down and removed from the Internet.
NBC's promising apis disappeared. The project was difficult on the rabbit Discord channel. I asked Jesse to explain why he left gamma. His explanation was just funny while Co. tries to give the impression that he never cared at all. I don't think his clients saw it that way. It was fun during Co. I worked with a couple of people to build the unity project and made the decision to pull the plug. from there and opened the project on GitHub and once the result of the initial training of the large action model came in, I immediately focused only on the rabbit for the record, the rabbit has nothing to do with any cryptocurrency or web 3 and it never will, I thought.
It was an Unreal Engine 5 project, wasn't it? Why can't they be consistent for more than one sentence? It's crazy, it's actually crazy, the level of okay, the jumping back and forth, suddenly the name rabbit makes sense, but Jesus Christ pretends that people spend thousands of dollars. This was a fun side project. Sorry, it was fun. I worked with a couple of people to build a Unity project during Co. None of the people were spending much of their personal money on this. You are fooled by clarity. Incorporated is Cyber ​​Maker Co, still the same company that was just called Cyber ​​Maker CO as a company sold nfts and they still control many of those nfts to claim their company has nothing to do with cryptocurrencies and web 3 is a lie, yes, yes, I see it. why he's thinking about rabbit is different what the company is doing, but yeah, he's lying with that part too.
I think all the other lies are creeping up on me to the point where it's hard to care that much about that one, but damn, the level of lying here is really surreal, how? This story ends well for gamma holders with anticlimactic disappointment. While investigating, I found their Discord, so I let them know what had happened. Jesse and the team didn't even bother to tell him themselves, is what was meant. Jesse almost certainly confirmed in the Rabbit Discord that they don't intend to do anything Web 3 in the future. Thanks for letting me know if he is an early adopter of this project.
The silence of the last few months would be sad if he had done so. I knew this would have a useful end of life with people like us investing in this project. I would never have understood that the investment I parted ways with ran its core directly from someone on the project instead of completely freezing this Discord. I guess it's the End of the Road here, so it's completely dead, so the website isn't even yours anymore. Gamma is a caveat that you pay upfront for nft with a vague promise that it would give lifetime access to the gamma game that would one day be quantum powered in AI when Jesse shut down gamma the nfts no longer served any purpose so that lost their value.
Rabbit asked him to pay UPF for his R1 devices with a vague promise that it would give him lifetime access to the Cloud Rabbit OS, which will one day be powered by the large action model in teach mode, what happens when Is Jesse Changlu on the run again? What value will R1 have? Then no? This is all a scam, it's crazy. This is a beautiful example of how AI is treated the same as cryptocurrencies. where it's just a bunch of vague promises of things that don't actually work and it sucks because there are some good things that can be done with AI and I'm excited to see what those future AI projects will be like, but when the projects are nonsense like this. no one wins it's just a scam.
I don't want to keep harping on the rabbit because I think we can all agree that this is a terrible project and everyone associated with it should feel bad and quit, but I don't think Humane is that bad. garbage, don't get me wrong, this is all a mess, but Humane is building something new and at least his team accepts the criticism. I want to go back to the original video so we can talk a little bit about how I don't have much to say about Humane since they made a bad pin that isn't very helpful, but at least they're being educated about it and are hopeful for a future where can make updates that do so. useful, but for now it's basically a $700 chest warmer rabbit that I have no faith in because of how poorly they've handled the fact that people are researching the product and trying to figure out how it actually works.
I cringe and this is so disappointing. I can't believe teenage engineering worked with a company that is just absurd. I really hope they made the money out of it and I really hope they made a good amount of money integrating with other AI companies because, just like engineering. They're not going to get investment money, but if they can get investment money from another company, that's great. I really like it, this was probably what pushed me over the edge, although when I saw this post I got so angry I realized I had to do it. make this video this is a random quest to build AI robotics from the founding developer don't harass this person they're stupid they're not that malicious if mkb decided their initial videos were barely reviewable instead of posting them and iterating where would be where is up today, so this person is upset that mkbhd's stance on the rabbit is that it doesn't actually work well enough to give a real review.
This is the pinnacle of a trend that has been annoying for years by handing out barely finished products to win. a race and then continue building them after loading the full price games phones cars are now in a box so yes you are right one of the things that happened in the internet age is that software is updated over time before that the Internet was the way we got our software where, if you were creating a new program, let's say you're creating Microsoft Word, there's a day when it has to be done, you have to burn it to disks and then send it to stores If you made a mistake it stays there forever.
I can't do anything to prevent old games from having a lot of these bugs, which is why speedrunning old games is so interesting because over the decades we found all these little bugs, but also because the developers did everything they could to make sure that there were. there were no bugs for that first version because they had to, there was no second version, they just had to release it, whereas in the internet age you have the ability to update things later and slowly but surely we have built this culture of shipping something as quickly as possible, ideally we would ship the minimum subset of the product so we know people really want it and we can make that little piece work, but for a big launch like this with a ton of money, a device hardware can do it.
Not just doing the same thing, it's fair for us to get frustrated because the ability to update things over time should allow us to ship subsets of what we want that work really well and then add more pieces as we're ready and as needed. we learn from what users really want, this is just a disaster, not that in the least it is a device that the things it is supposed to do it just doesn't do at all, so some random ones can compare nature what the software is like. It was developed differently now than the original mkbhd review when I was a 15 year old kid, if I remember doing a review that was actually novel at the time because of the way this review was discussed, this review is really interesting because no one more had reviewed the laptop he was.
Speaking had reviewed this remote and was surprised because he bought the laptop after seeing the reviews and no one had mentioned the remote to me so he decided to do a different review where he actually mentions the remote and talks about it in depth so that not only is he was looking for an old MKBHD video from over 10 years ago when he was a kid, this video is really good, he actually brought value that didn't exist before and made something that I love, the best content you can make, the best companies you can make, the best.
The things you can build, do and create are things you want and that no one else has done. If no one else made a video covering this remote and he wants there to be a video covering that remote, he's going to go film it, he won't. You're going to slow down because you don't have a good camera or microphone. I love that in my opinion this is actually one of the best highlights of how dedicated and supportive Marquez was even at a young age, so using this as a dunk is just embarrassing. It's so funny because this guy doesn't think you should create content or products that you would actually use or consume; he thinks you should create something with the right amount of buzzwords to get money from investors, at least the only good thing I do.
I will say about Rabbit, is there a very effective method to convert VC AI money into money for a company that is actually teen engineering and if all of Rabbit ends up being a transfer mechanism to take VC money and give it to teen engineering? I'm fine with that, but there is no other world. I can see these guys being successful, especially with the litigation they're doing. This is unpleasant. Mar responds, well, I never charged anyone for those videos. I feel terrible for this Marquez guy, he needs to check some. of the most horrible products ever made and every time he does it, some lunatic who received 700 million from SoftBank says: here's a photo of you in the womb, what if you never made it past your Closed Alpha stage?
Too good, too good, according to project gamma. Discord, the main website, was a quantum engine. what happens is redirected to Rabbit Tech, surprising how quiet they are, but their NF, oh yeah they were originally an nft shame thing and renamed Quantum Engine, yes the founder of Rabbit was previously involved in nfts with a project called gamma, he and his team deleted all the videos. involving Jesse but they were unable to remove an interview he had with a Chinese content creator. We got the full video. These guys are total scammers, but they say from day one these guys are sketchy.
Upload the full video with subtitles. Soon they will try to eliminate everything. involved with gamma nfts yeah check let me know what you think about this embarrassing AI stuff because I'm getting a little tired but I want to know what you think because this is a mess and as a VC business person myself. I really hope this bubble collapses soon until next time, peace nerds.

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