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May 03, 2020
that could work, I know they could have been super cool. I'm just waiting for this orbit at this point to become uh, yeah, yeah, oh my gosh, at this point you'd be just chocolate milk like there's nothing left. I don't understand, let me. Come on, I'm going back to jail, welcome to the


of the obvious, equal to the first


. I'm actually really glad that NetherRealm didn't scream justice or injustice, er or injustice, it's a fun-filled adventure for the whole family. over 30 different playable characters although 90% of the player base uses flash aka Barry Allen that's why we can't have good stuff Barry Oh before we dig in there are a few things I like to cover for pure courtesy.
deadshot headshot injustice 2
In case you're a DC Comics fan because, like Bane, he's a pretty big guy. I imagine it would be a big problem if I accidentally ruined this game for you. You're a big guy for your spoiler alert. I definitely will. cover some things that would ruin the story mode for you, so even though it's extremely predictable, I don't want to inadvertently destroy the plot because at the end you'll probably find yourself saying it was creepy. The second caveat is that there is an extreme amount. of violence in this game, including violence against women, so I recommend skipping this video if you work at BuzzFeed or have ever found yourself saying words like I wrote a blog post about why I hate video games because this is what it does that feels like something The ultimate is male fantasy.
deadshot headshot injustice 2

More Interesting Facts About,

deadshot headshot injustice 2...

I'm not here to make fun of your waifu or your man waifu or your my fool, so keep that in mind. Each character in this game has a backstory and a plot entangled with other characters, like all of Superman. of his wife while she was pregnant because she thought she was the end of the world to Scarecrow's fear. Zan toxin accidentally bombed petropolis because the Joker and I'm sorry if I'm wrong on a little detail, so if you really want the full backstory just read the comics, the nerd, enter injustice, where the evil villain turns out being Gorilla Grodd, who intends to take over the world with his set of other bad guys, the society is called to make the world voices, the runners, well, wait, wait, wait, society, society.
deadshot headshot injustice 2
You mean to tell me that Gorilla Grodd didn't name his evil team the gorilla squad, you're kidding but he's not even the final boss because he's just a pawn of the real macdaddy Brainiac who plans to destroy the earth after extracting all of his knowledge, he It's basically Tai Lopez's final form. I collect preservation of the world, there is a core knowledge. I value knowledge, knowledge alone instead of being in his garage in the Hollywood Hills with his Lamborghini Brainiac has a giant floating skull ship with next-generation shields and an infinity. supply of drones he calls betas, although I like to think of them as 50% scorpion for mortal combat, 50% Futurama insult vending machines.
deadshot headshot injustice 2
I have a great thirst for human blood, of course, the only ones who can stop Brainiac. and his goons are Batman and the Justice League or at least some members of the Justice League because the Justice League just isn't the Justice League without my main man, Martian Manhunter, am I right guys, In typical Justice League fashion, not only do they end up fighting the bad guys, but they also end up fighting each other in situations that don't really need to happen, but are hilarious anyway, like half the game, they're just conflicts. unnecessary ones that arise from moral dilemmas.
I want to do this. I don't want to do that. Let's slap each other for two minutes before immediately coming to our senses and making the decision we were about to make anyway. Also, I'm sure you can imagine that the only thing that matters is that you choose Batman or Superman that Batman doesn't want. to kill people Superman wants to kill some people and in case you are curious I chose Batman although his logic is definitely not always bulletproof, if you kill a murderer the number of murderers in the world remains the same, okay Batman, but if you kill like a hundred assassins, then it goes down like 99, right, but I must warn you beforehand that no matter your decision, this game is certainly not a mortal combat and you will see virtually no one die because it is rated as T for teenager or rather, T for not trying. kill anyone, remember there is no regime anymore so we won't kill you, you screwed up Robin, you screwed up, and why are you wasting your effort on murdering some random convict who only kills a hundred and twenty people?
Brainiac has slaughtered billions of Kryptonians. In a case close to genocide, shouldn't that be the priority in the situation? Even the lower realm is aware of how silly this non-lethal attitude is because they make fun of it throughout the game. it won't kill, but you're okay with traumatic brain injuries, shut up, Robin TBI doesn't mean traumatic brain injury, it means a great example of bonding, but I guess since you're such a failed son, you can't see it. Batman is trying to be a better father, you're ungrateful, but you ignore Robin and by extension Nightwing, yeah you can get out too.
This game is amazing because of how colorful the characters are, both literally and figuratively, with the exception of Black Adam, it takes every color to make it. a rainbow turns black isn't black on a rainbow to start with I have to start with Deadshot ignoring that guy he was in that movie about that group we'll never talk about again so you're saying some I can't make a sad squash top that is not only a killer shot impressive enough to flash kneecaps, but also casually stabs your way out of a headlock. I sure could kill myself all day, in fact the only thing better than a dead shot in this game are dead shots, so we're completely identical except for another shot, anyone, not even yourself, oh my god, shut up, ha, Ha ha, so come on, Tommy, call me. young Metro because I don't trust you of course there is a small detail, the killshots are only a bad guy in this game because Gorilla Grodd has a micro explosive implanted in his head, essentially holding him hostage, so unfortunately he They treat like a dog.
Reporter Chuck, we're ready to move on, go tell the others. Wow, that's like me on Gorilla Grodd, who won't be the butt of any harambe jokes because he's not funny anymore. I really don't understand his name as Gorilla Grodd. like a gorilla he laughs because all he does is laugh maniacally, while Brainiac is the real mind of the mask pulling the strings, but at least he's made fun of many times by Green Arrow, who has the best one-liners in the entire game, where is that? Damn 38, his rose against Grodd is hilarious because in the wrong context they could be perceived as horribly racist, but since Gorilla Grodd is literally a gorilla, they're not racist at all and it's perfect.
I forgot to bring my banana arrow, wait, eat bananas, right? or it is an offensive stereotype. Atrocitus is the other villain I can't get enough of because his whole role is just a sideshow that isn't critical to the plot, but he shows up anyway just because Green Lantern is involved as Rainey AK Batman. Superman, I sleep, hey, ho mob, Green Lantern is real and, as you saw during the intro, Green Lantern's super move is just as fun as the lower realms' decision to bloom Toonami's Steve, his voice actor, oh, even that's not enough to convince you.
To play with it, not only can it spawn dump trucks, but you can also turn into guys with heavy weapons. Now Green Lantern is tasked with recruiting Aquaman, who, beyond the menacing super move of his featuring his giant piranha-like fish sidekick, is really just a guy with a trident which I love. saying the word Atlantis Atlantis the next time my people's blood is spilled it will be for Atlantis The Masters of Atlantis Atlantis Atlantis Black Canary and Catwoman are basically two psychotic ex-girlfriends because one of them is constantly shooting and screaming and the other is trying to cum Again, for the record, if Catwoman ever faces off against another Catwoman, the Catwoman who wears the least amount of clothing always wins in case you were curious, like me in Poor Leads Month.
Flash has such superhuman speed that he can go back in time, that's thoughtful. I don't think you have any idea. I'll back Foster again, but he's definitely not a cyborg unlike most of the berries I know and it's the return of Barry Allen. Yes, very high, however, the cyborg is in the game who ends. fighting a cyborg that emerged from the cyborg as a subroutine, so if you're still not confused, I'm pretty sure there's some kind of animosity between the reverse flash cyborg and the poison ivy that's scattered there somewhere, it seems like poison ivy is only included in this game to direct dick jokes at cyborg, but he ends up demolishing her with his giant cyborg fists anyway, so that's cool, it won't give you back what you lost, especially with the way Normie , if I'm honest, I love today included.
Firestorm and Blue Beetle, but I don't dare to play them because they are always together and I can't help but see that Blue Beetle doesn't have a nose, at least Dr. Fate showed up to urgently tell us a future even though it doesn't happen, everyone, everything you know will die. Captain Cold is essentially what would happen if Buck from Rainbow Six became a superhero. That knee doesn't heal super fast. The wait. frostbite injuries reduce swelling and dull pain why did you freeze his knee after


shot him? when she faced Deadshot I was the good thing here in Walnut now I'm getting a tan wow this is animal cruelty calling for jobs here the light is coming through Zelan's table I have animal cruelty ads oh yeah it definitely makes me want to skip to Wonder Woman I know who defeated a villain as perfect as Scarecrow because I hate one of the reads, but maybe he didn't die because the amount of blood shown during his death scene makes it look like he accidentally sat on some ketchup packets .
It's much better before. game when he collides with Harley who, as expected, is extremely well done, especially his super move, but I'm not sure how many of you will like the Joker now that he's all edgy. Mick jared leto edge Lord, but I don't completely hate him. he's got enough to go, I mean he's not God to your Arkham Asylum Joker, but it's the new version I can respect, not only do I admire that the nether realm is careful with their characters, but they're also self-aware as Bane. has an out-of-nowhere achievement that requires you to defeat Batman with the final head coming from a three-foot-long burning Bane bomb, so they definitely know what they're doing, although there are certain features like the shock mechanic that I didn't like. they like. always canceled for something I like, like the sand transition, yes, no, there is no definition, Arizona, very good, how do you achieve so much philosophy with a single combo of explosive things?, oh yes, I got it, I do I got it, I got it, look, I got it, you got it. seems capable of hitting me, yeah, you press B, you press B, nerd, oh my god, there it goes.
I just got kicked, what dysplasia, right? The fact that the mass can interact with all of that impresses me especially the fact that you can throw people directly at your opponent, well damn why do you always throw that guy? The character in the entire game has to be Swamp Thing, not only because of his creatively uncreated name of Swamp Thing, but his super move is amazing please no transition please no transition arena oh you know , uh, no, what are you doing this to me? do it his crouch mechanics are unmatched who are you wait wait why do you think of yourself why should they go to the ground because I'm a swamp monster wait what did you do you will never match my oh god but ours and of course he can turn the entire earth in his own personal swamp without being shrekt here's my question that's dirtying Larry oh you'd be the only swamp monster I'm a swamp man I care about okay I don't know about the land I care about excuse me about me Singular swamp, it should be heard that it is my swamp, what are you doing in my, but you do it in my jacuzzi?
The swamp map turns out to be wonderful, but Gorilla City is the best, while konjac will always be the worst, like each of us. What's the matter? Sir, at random. I'm pretty sure you chose the behavior just because no, I chose randomly. If you want the most excessive and unnecessary super move showdown, you have to pair Black Adam with Supergirl because Supergirl takes you straight to the Sun while Black Adam destroys an entire pyramid, which makes me wonder why, since those things aren't just finite but we are also. We're built by slaves, but I guess that makes it that much more excessive and impressive, and that's it.
I would likethank you so much for watching and be sure to tune in next time, fingers crossed and hope Deathstroke. It's DLC

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