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Deadliest Snakes | How Snake Poison Works in Human Body | Anaconda vs Titanoboa | The Dr Binocs Show

Mar 22, 2024
Stranger, do you know who he is? He is Mr. Python, one of the largest


s. Today we are going to learn about


s and their role in our environment. Hello, Mr. Python. Come closer. Some people like snakes. Some don't like them or are even afraid of them, but it doesn't matter. what you feel about them snakes are monsters or camouflage skilled hunters and champion devourers snakes are reptiles with more than 2,900 species that come in a variety of colors and patterns, of which around 375 are venomous but only 19 are Harmful to people Some snakes are smaller than a feather like the Brahmana blind snake makes it the smallest snake in the world.
deadliest snakes how snake poison works in human body anaconda vs titanoboa the dr binocs show
While others like the


can grow as big as your school bus, but all snakes have some things in common and that is that they have long, thin and flexible bodies covered in scales. With no arms or legs, all snakes are carnivorous and most eat rodents such as mice and rats that eat


food and crops and also transmit diseases. In this way, snakes keep rodent populations under control. We must be grateful to them because without their help the rodents. They would invade the Earth. Snakes have up to 200 teeth but they do not use them for chewing since they point backwards but it helps them bite and grab their prey and they can swallow prey three times larger than their mouth.
deadliest snakes how snake poison works in human body anaconda vs titanoboa the dr binocs show

More Interesting Facts About,

deadliest snakes how snake poison works in human body anaconda vs titanoboa the dr binocs show...

They can do this because the special tendons found in their mouth are incredibly elastic and because the two halves of their jaws are not joined together like yours, children never bite off more than you can chew, after all, We are not blessed with superpowers like divine snakes and their superpowers are not limited to eating a large meal, they possess other parts such as detecting heat, they can change their skin from time to time, they hear with their jaws and smell with their tongue and some of them can even fly. Trivia, did you know the snake? Venom can kill and cure many snakes.
deadliest snakes how snake poison works in human body anaconda vs titanoboa the dr binocs show
Inject venom to paralyze or kill victims before swallowing them, but scientists have also discovered that the same venom that causes horrible symptoms and even death in people who have been bitten by a venomous snake can be turned into medicine. Snakes are incredibly powerful beings and yes, some have venom, but this is their God against predators. They are relatively peaceful defensive creatures in the wild who like nothing more than relaxing alone. See you again for more fun facts until next time. This is me walking away. Hey, wait, Kitty, well, fighting a


ous snake is a bad idea since it could be deadly.
deadliest snakes how snake poison works in human body anaconda vs titanoboa the dr binocs show
Ugh, hello friends, I know that like Kitty, you want to know the effects of snake venom on the



, so let's get into it, but what is this Venom? Firstly, snake venom is a type of venom that is usually a yellow liquid and is produced at the back of the snake's head in the salivary glands, the parts of the head where saliva is produced. It is made up of proteins, enzymes and other molecular substances. Toxic substances work to destroy cells, disrupt nerve impulses, or both snakes use their venom to hunt prey or defend themselves from predators, but the vital question is how the snake's venom


Let me explain you. You see when someone mistakenly steps on Snape, the poor snake, who is resting. He considers it an attack and has no choice but to hit the person with tremendous speed. Once the snake bites the muscles in his head squeeze the Venom glands, this pushes the liquid through his Hall of Fang muscles which act like hypodermic needles and insert the Venom into the flesh of their prey once the venom is injected, what happens next depends on the type of snake and the venom it contains. Yes, dear friends, some toxins target the nervous system, called neurotoxins.
Neurotoxins prevent neurons in the brain from transmitting signals that cause paralysis while hemotoxins damage the circulatory system by bursting red blood cells and causing blood clots or by critically lowering the blood pressure of the victim, on the other hand, myotoxins damage the system. muscle by causing theft of tissue in the muscles and preventing muscle contraction, that is why it is essential to have knowledge about different species of snakes so that doctors can provide the right type of antivenin, which is the cure for a snake bite, and You will be surprised to know that the antidote is actually made from the


itself, yes, to develop. an antivenin to a host animal is usually injected into a horse with larger amounts of poison eventually the horse's immune system causes the blood plasma cells to produce antibodies these antibodies are then extracted from the


of the host animal, processed and purified so that they can be given to it. to the snake Bite victims also remind my friends, if someone is bitten by a snake, immediately call the doctor and in the meantime be sure to move the person beyond the impact distance of the snake.
Next, have the person lie down and keep them calm and rest, staying as still as possible. Prevent the poison from spreading and finally cover the wound with a clean, loose bandage. Dream that it is time for you to know that the king cobra is the largest snake in the world and has the ability to inject venom. Additionally, the inland taipan is considered the most venomous snake in the world. I hope I learned something new in today's episode, until next time, it's me, Dr. Binox, walking away, it doesn't matter little kitten, don't move, that was a giant snake.
Hello friends, it is obvious to be intimidated by these powerful forces of nature, especially after hearing stories of them hunting massive prey. animals, but one question that always baffles us is: can they swallow a human well? In today's episode, let's delve into the stomachs of these slithering reptiles and answer an indigestible question: what happens if an


swallows you? Zoom in Anacondas are the largest snakes on earth. which can grow up to 30 feet long and weigh over 200 kilograms, we often see them feeding on giant animals like goats, deer, and even huge crocodiles, so we always wonder how easy it will be for a creature this size to make a Countdown.
Well, fortunately for a human it's not going to be easy at all. Yes, due to the enormous size of humans and their especially wide shoulders, it is difficult for anacondas to swallow a fully developed adult, but we do not yet know all their capabilities, so it will not be a good idea to underestimate their super flexible jaws. and their super strength, therefore, considering how unpredictable these creatures can be, let's see what will happen if by chance a hungry anaconda takes over a human walking through the jungle, well, in that case, the first thing a anaconda. What it will do is constrict them, meaning it will rub its body around its prey to crush them so hard that their blood will stop pumping and not reach their brain, causing them to quickly pass out.
Yes, this pressure is around 9,000 pounds, which is it. is equivalent to being crushed under an elephant, so it is almost impossible for its prey to pass the first stage, but for the sake of this video, let's assume that some superhumans manage to survive this massive Force somehow or that the snake did not have want to crush yourself. its prey that day, in that case the anaconda will begin to swallow them little by little. Yes, the snake's flexible jaws are four separate parts and are elastic, allowing them to stretch their mouth and crawl over their prey starting head first.
Fortunately, compared to other snakes, anacondas are non-venomous, so their teeth will not paralyze the person who enters their mouth, but what the prey has to deal with is disgusting, slimy saliva. Yes, the anaconda uses its saliva as lubricant, which makes their task easier. sliding its food down its throat still won't be that easy due to the size of its shoulders, so the snake has no choice but to break them to make it more comfortable to swallow and once the shoulder bones are broken, it passes to the next place. The prey will be in the snake's esophagus, there the muscles of the esophagus will push the prey towards the snake's body.
Later, the anaconda will use its flexible body and ability to bend its ribs to further crumple the prey and slide the human down. to its belly inside the stomach, as happens with all living things, the powerful acid and enzymes will begin to melt the prey's skin and eventually its bones and before long the praised body will dissolve further as it moves through from the small intestine of the snake. due to more powerful enzymes that are secreted through its liver and pancreas and, apart from the vaunted nails and hair, everything else will be digested by the snake before the remains are expelled on a journey of a couple of weeks .
Did you know that there has been no documented document? cases of an anaconda eating a human, on the other hand, the main danger to anacondas comes from humans, either hunting them or invading their habitat. I hope you learned something new in today's episode until next time, it's me, Dr. Binox, walking away, oh never mind, it's just a little blind snake, a little kitten, imagine what would have happened if a


was still alive. It is the largest snake that has ever crawled on Earth. Hello friends, I'm


ing you two who are curious to know more about these giant creatures called


, so in today's episode. let's explore existence and answer a scary question water the Titanoboa did not become extinct about 60 million years ago in the deep rivers of Colombia South America swam the world's giant snake called titano boa with an estimated length of more than 40 feet and weighed around 1000 kilograms, these creatures were said to be almost three times larger than the giant anaconda.
Experts speculate that it belongs to the family of snakes called Boyd, commonly known as boas, which are non-venomous snakes, but despite the lack of venom, the Titanoboa was blessed with a sharp depth that they could use to grab their prey and It has been said that the teeth can bend like golden hooks that dig into you, the more it wrestles the more it hooks, once that happens these creatures grip their prey with all their might. Its force leads to ischemia within minutes, meaning that blood flow to the heart or brain is restricted due to pressure causing a shortage of oxygen and eventually, once the prey moves away, fossil records reveal that the titanoboa's lower jaw extends beyond the back of the skull giving it a greater range of motion when opening its mouth, allowing it to consume prey even as large as a human in one piece.
A snake of this size would probably have to eat about 40 kilograms of food each day, which is twice as much as an anaconda needs to meet its daily diet. Titanoboas probably fed on giant tortoises, primitive crocodiles, and other giant creatures of its kind. epoch. This is not good news because it means that humans would have been an ideal complement for them if they were still roaming around. Yes. If the Titanoboa had not become extinct, they would still have been swimming in the Amazon River, as they move effortlessly in the water and prefer a warm and humid jungle region, so there could be chances of them migrating to Florida, which It is humid most of the time. year and the presence of alligators, one of the daikanoboa's favorite snacks or they could have even moved to Asia due to its warmer climate, so anyone who went hunting and fishing in these areas would probably encounter the Titanoboa, but It also has its good side.
Yes, these giant snakes could have helped maintain ecological balance by eating animals like pigs, raccoons and other creatures that cause problems due to overpopulation, but these are mere assumptions, as unfortunately the Titanoboa became extinct millions of years ago due to climate change, but the terror of other giants. Snakes still exist as large pythons and anacondas until they roam the Earth and you want to know what would happen if an anaconda took over humans. Dream, did you know that the name titanoboa means titanic boa? In 2009, the fossils of 28 titanoboa individuals were found. in the town hall formation of the zereho coal mines in now guaria Colombia I hope you learned something new in today's episode until next time it's me Dr binox moving away help help snake help uh nevermind

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