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Jun 07, 2021
you, don't come and don't come, friend, here we go there, the thing is distracted here, oh no, look, I got you. brother, here I'm going to cure you, wait, stay still, it's okay, you can cure me, cure me, you I'm going to heal, it's okay, we'll help each other, it's okay here, stay still, I got you, oh no, wait, why are you running away? Do you need help? Oh, she's coming. Alright. I understand. Alright. I'm out. I'm out. I'm out. Oh, you didn't expect her to come out of there? She doesn't sing a nice song. You have to admit it, don't you?
dead by daylight gory fan choice frightday
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, so it even worked as usual, no, damn, why does Marty


like that suck? Because I hate that woman, no, that was horrible, I hated it, it wasn't fun. All I want to play as a killer is Oh, weird, sweet, I'm sorry, so he was fine, so nurse, how come he's somehow a nurse? And that guy, I like the blue eyes and the stuffer girl, whatever, they were probably like the super Oki version of this. so I'll probably like they'll probably get away from me, but I'll try anyway, you know, these people seem advanced, she got good, I'm ready, she got like he has a special shirt and stuff, hey, guys, can you? press the ready button, come on, you're the only one, say, hey, you guys, you guys are the type that don't press it, combined, desmi, it looks so different with all those things like hook, okay, then, okay, right click to throw the axe, alright man.
dead by daylight gory fan choice frightday

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dead by daylight gory fan choice frightday...

I like your song It's okay, it's cool, it's okay, I can run, what do I like? Do I have endurance or can I just run it constantly? for you friend I saw you I saw you I saw you you think I didn't see you I'm going I'm going to throw it away I don't know how good I am at pointing this out again leave me I'll catch it yes I have it wait why so bloody what just happened what just happened why did brittany go why did it hurt i don't know what just happened there we're going to face destroy yeah buddy where did you go wait there's no one here wait till date they have it on I'm going to lose Are they going to lose that bad?
dead by daylight gory fan choice frightday
Guys, oh, I hear one, I go, not this one, uh, this one's not active, wait a second, wait, they have two going. How, oh I see you, bro, wait, he's running, he's running, he's running, he's running, okay, come on, where is he? go wait why oh wait oh fall I can play too ok wait where did he go? Even though I lost, I really suck at this, come on, they got three, that's how, maybe I only had two, maybe I was just a bad person, oh me. See you, see you buddy, cut it, shine, throw this at them or what we try, wait, yeah, okay, I didn't understand how that job was terrible.
dead by daylight gory fan choice frightday
I see you both, okay, here we go, here we go. I saw you, I saw you. and look I like it, come on, oh yeah, then you don't have to hit it, hit it, oh no, she's limping, my stamina is gone, buddy, okay, I saw you go in there, I heard you, wait, how did she get away ?, friend, how was it? She is hurt so quickly, what is that? Come on, how is she still so fast? The other person was able to totally like oh wait oh I speed up when I get close to them because look I'm getting her now Hey oh geez wait how did she do that dude?
These people know these tricks and stuff oh dude she He knows that my sounds are on the compass. Hey, do they cut in a straight line? Well, they have two left to do, that's what it is, oh, you're right now, I'm eating. look here we go come how close we have to be get it right once these people are really good at this dare now what do you see here now pick it up oh pick up pick up where is it oh come here, well, stay, stay still, come here. come here, don't move, don't move, don't move, wiggle, yeah, you're moving, aren't you, I'm not putting you here, yeah, yeah, okay, so wait, wait, wait, wait, wait , wait, what's wrong, what's that noise, what's that noise, why am I getting? noises like that oh because they've been reduced to one ah this is this is horrible wait where wait how did it come out that's oh my god I like it it doesn't matter if I'm a survivor or a killer I've seen you I suck at this game you didn't do it don't you think I saw you come here come here you again how did you get loose you did that lucky thing again what did I nail you are joking through the cornfield I see you come on come on you won't understand you won't escape that's all I know there now you'll leave it come here sit still come here stop moving and you're going to fall this time ok this time when you leave it they've already done it hey I have that exit thing that says find the exit they already did it oh wait it's like that yes enjoy it yes yes having fun yes keep going trying to escape keep fighting ah come on, gotta get at least one I don't know yeah there oh hey Dude, what are you doing?
They try to save her. Yeah, wow, what just happened? What was that? These guys are persistent. They really like it. Look at them. Look at them. What do you guys look at? Guys, everyone has to escape, we have her again, we will go find her, hey, stop crawling, how many times are you allowed to escape? Because the last time I did this I couldn't escape. Many times she is fighting again. We leave it. there what you think now eh what you think now eh your friend is not safe anymore I'm not going to anyone else I don't know where they escaped from I feel like I'm downstairs or something in the basement is this the exit down? here how can i get these? because it says there's like Oh lord, ah, give me some of those yeah, I've got one, oh no, I've got three, okay, what's this?
There's like a timer. Where is she? Where is the exit? No, this is the exit no, I don't know what this is, oh, this is the exit, sacred cow, no, come on, wait, why is there wait a second, wait a second, wait, wait, no, come back Here you idiots, ah, okay, I'm still playing this game. Did I have as much fun as a three? I feel like they harassed me to be like the murderer I was harassed by them no one like me when I was on a hook there were like three people trying to save me, you know well guys, that's all for today it's a Friday of joy for the fans, I hope you enjoyed if you clicked the like button.
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