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Day in the life of my pomeranian puppy

May 13, 2024
space around the outside, look, he slid the thing open, it's very smart to do this now, so, yeah, it's very cute and obviously it makes them eat slower, so their digestion is better and they're not going to vomit . for eating too fast and yeah, and obviously always make sure you have fresh water available so there's water in the kitchen for him because the kibble is dry and obviously you can do this with any type of food, like raw food and stuff like that too, and you can get those like slow feeders. um, I could think about getting him a slow feed, but it's like he's not really sure if he needs it, but this is so much more. funny hmm, is it much more fun? you're just chewing your food at the doggy daycare yesterday they were recommending this kind of thing or as a snuffle mat, she says she feeds the duckling dogs at the daycare this way so they take sometime it takes them like 10 minutes to instead of 30 seconds while they eat their food and what makes their brains work and all their senses and stuff keeps them a little bit happier.
day in the life of my pomeranian puppy
Come on, can you open it? Can you open the flap? Do you know how? to open it, push it open, okay boy, okay, I'm not going to make you watch him eat all the time, but we're going out for another walk later, so I'll take you. We went for a walk and I didn't do it. I didn't record any of that to die because I was trying to focus on you and you know, make sure you're okay and do your training. We did some training in different places, so I made him do all his little tricks and things just to do it. you know, happy and he's very good at sitting, so we had a little sip before crossing the street every time and we met some dogs and now he's very tired, we met a little palm g, well, not a little cheese like triple. or quadruple Marshall's size and his name was Milo and he actually doesn't normally like dogs, but I met his mother before we even had Marshall and it was nice to see them and Milo was actually very good to Marshall.
day in the life of my pomeranian puppy

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day in the life of my pomeranian puppy...

He was crazy, I think it's because he's a palm and he knows he just knows it, but every time another dog came, he barked like crazy and I don't know, we all wondered if he was trying to protect his new friend, his little brother. but yeah, now he's asleep again, puppies sleep a lot, which is good, but when they're active, they're active, but yeah, it's not even eight now, it's a quarter to eight or maybe ten to eight because the clock is slow, um and yeah, normally He goes unconscious around eight eight thirty, but I guess he's had a lot of stimulation from being outside with a lot of different little dogs and stuff and then he'll wake up and follow me when I get ready to go to the bed and take a shower. and things yes, he follows me to the bathroom sometimes I put him in his cage it depends on how tired he is if he is very tired I just put him in his cage but sometimes he follows me to the bathroom and not watching me shower, but he is in the room when I'm taking a shower and I might end up taking a nap on the bathroom floor and then we go to bed, but he's actually asleep right now, poor kid, to vlog again, right? he had some food, he wanted to get my food, so he climbed onto my lap on the couch, but instead we groomed him, brushed him, used all the stuff and I gave him some chicken while they were preparing it, so now he likes it more.
day in the life of my pomeranian puppy
I can tolerate it a little bit more, but yeah, so he's happy, now come on. I'm going to finish watching some TV shows and then we'll go to bed. I'll show you what I'm going so you don't have to wash. I wasn't sure if Marshall would break anymore, so my laundry piled up in the corner and then this one stays next to it and chews everything too, crazy boy, crazy boy, he has a bed in the corner. because he sometimes he gets stuck here if I have to go to the store for like 10 minutes, say good night everyone, good night, good night, are you sleepy? good night, good night, he's sleeping on the pile of dirty clothes now, not on the floor anymore, so this is him in his box, I doubled it to the size he is now, he's more than halfway there, but I think he's probably He could keep everything because he is very happy there, he has never done it, he has never peeled poop inside the box and he is.
day in the life of my pomeranian puppy
He's a really good boy and he likes to stretch out, so he's there in my pajama top from a couple days ago and this is his teddy that he was supposed to have as a companion and inside you can have a beating heart and, um, heat. pocket to warm him up so yeah I don't know if he'll need it when he's alone or whatever but yeah it's cool so we have the blanket around him so it's like a den and he's all cut up and cozy . there and he likes it, I might do a vlog tomorrow to see how we're doing if not, good night and until next time, bye, oh I'll go to bed, good boy, good night Marshy, I'm sorry, the light is probably bothering you.
I'll stop now.

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