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May 30, 2021
Before I get into this video, I just wanted to thank Current for sponsoring this video. If you've never heard of Current, it's basically a Visa debit card mobile banking app and has no hidden fees or overdraft fees. This is what the card looks like, it actually would have been perfect for me when I worked at McDonald's, so for example when I worked at McDonald's they would normally direct deposit my treaty on a Friday, but with this card I would have received my check on Wednesday. Instead, that's really cool because you'll get paid before everyone else. Also, this card has no overdraft fees up to $100, so I remember when I was in high school I would usually tell my mom to pay me quickly and sometimes she wouldn't respond right away and then I would embarrass myself when I went somewhere and my card was declined, so let's say you only have $40.00 on your card but you're going to buy something that costs $50 and your card won't be declined.
day in the life of a stripper
It's going to cost up to $100 you don't have to be 18 to get this card you can be under 18 and it's really easy to apply it literally takes two minutes and they send you the card for free this is also really good for people trying Track your spending and maybe start learning how to save and manage your money at a young age. I would definitely recommend getting a card like this because maybe you only want to spend like twenty dollars each week. or every month and stupid and various little things, so with this card you will receive a notification every time you spend money so you know exactly how much money you have left, how much money you spent and what you spent that on.
day in the life of a stripper

More Interesting Facts About,

day in the life of a stripper...

It happened to me at McDonald's. They paid me like $500 and then in a couple of weeks it was gone and I'm wondering what I spent it on, so with this card you'll know exactly what you spent it on. It will help you manage your money much easier. It is also very convenient because it works with over fifty-five thousand different free ATMs. Plus, if you receive a check, you won't have to go to the bank and deposit it directly yourself. you can literally take a photo of it with the app on your phone and it will be deposited into your account so there's a lot of really cool things about this card so if you want to see the updates I'll go. the link below so you can download it, but yeah, let's get into the video.
day in the life of a stripper
Good morning guys and welcome back to my YouTube channel so in today's video I'm going to do another day in my


so I actually just woke up as usual. I woke up early today, so it's like 7:00 in the morning now and I never get up that early, so I'm really proud of myself. I have a spa appointment at 10:00 a.m. They examine my face and give me a facial because you know I was taking Accutane and it cleared up my skin a lot, but now I have a breakout again. I've been off for a couple of months and I'm starting to break out again, not as bad as before but I'm afraid my acne will come back and I might have to do a second round of Accutane so I'm doing everything possible to make it clear to me.
day in the life of a stripper
So they're just going to look at my face, give me a facial, and see if I can clear it up and not have to go back on Accutane, but if I can't do that in the next few months, the dermatologist. I'll probably put this back on for a second round, but yeah, guys, I'm actually going to take a shower. Normally I just like to brush my teeth and wash my face in the morning, but I'm feeling really dusty today, so I'm about to take a shower. so if you want to see it say in my


, keep watching, well guys, I just finished showering and brushing my teeth, so I'm about to get ready for my facial appointment, as you can see, I'm breaking out again.
I hope this helps my skin so I'm leaving right now to go to my skin and facial appointment. This is my bare skin. I don't have makeup on right now. I look like a mess, my hair is still drying. also because I went out to shower but I'm about to go to my appointment for my disinfectant spray so I'll see you on the equipment first of course on the plants first on the cleansing exfoliation second I'm going to apply a scrub chemistry, guess the preference. I came for extractions that open the pores, you know, Michael, I said prepare your skin for instructions, the extractions that flared up when I started leaking acid, a little bar just to clean up all that junk you got before we can put reinforcements in, apply them.
Boosters, as you can see, we have five different types, the Camellia, probably the first genus is the common one, what is this, sir, and the last one I'm going to infuse all the good antioxidant that I had in a producer into their skin to give them more abruptness to its vibrations. Oskaloosa and last but not least we're going to put on all those sunscreens that we have if you're going to spend the day okay guys this is what my face looks like after the facial obviously I still have my acne. the acne is gone but I feel like my skin looks very bright and rejuvenated, it feels very very good, the facial was really nice and it was super relaxing to do it, that was the first time I had a facial and they really really liked it. liked it but yeah guys so I'm about to put on my makeup because I'm going to have to run some errands so let's go okay guys my ass I'm in the car driving with my sister and we're going to go look. something to eat because we're literally starving and then we're going to go to the mall and go shopping and all that, I'm so sorry, if this is like cooking, I cook it clean, but yeah, see you, okay guys, I just receive.
I came back from the mall so you can see I'm wet because it's raining outside and it's literally so ugly and leave me outside that's why I have these frizzy hairs so I basically went shopping and put away all my groceries. and then I have some things mom, I'll show you what I have. I didn't really record myself in the supermarket or the mall, one because it was raining and two because we have to wear face masks, so that's it. an inconvenience and then if I wanted to hold the camera, you know it's just not the right time so I basically bought some chonies from Pink that are like 5 for 30 so I really really like these types of underwear because they're really really comfortable, so I bought two of these.
I wanted to get more but they only had two so I took the two they had and then I bought these cute little bongs and yeah that's it I just bought some underwear and then I went to Bath and Body Works because during this pandemic I I ran out of candles and pretty ham tips, so I went and bought some like Hansel and a candle. I bought this one, it's just the smell of champagne toast, so pretty and feminine I usually just put it on. candles like in my kitchen, my living room and in my bedroom, as well as the most feminine candle that I need to put in my bedroom, my brother, actually, it's not for me, you know which one is the last one, she peeked out, everyone They shout, so she, but it's the raspberry. mimosa this smells really good so these two will probably be the ones I'll put like I said in my room and then this one is called frozen lake and it has a really clean and fresh smell so I'll probably put this like in my living room so , when people respond to my house, say, "Oh, girl, it smells fresher in here.
I have some Mike's ham soaps for my kitchen and my bathroom in this fresh morning air. I usually put that one in the kitchen and then this It's a bath, a watermelon lemonade, this is another bath, one was just coconut, this one is called kitchen lemon, that one is for the kitchen and it was for 420, so I bought those four and then I bought two candles, these are like bath sweets. what I'm about the bathroom but I think I'm going to use this one in the kitchen because this one is high - lemon, so I'm going to put this one in the kitchen with the kitchen or the bathroom so it smells like when you wash your clothes. flame sun drenched minute I'm really bad at reading but I love this one at home literally pointing at the camera like you guys can't smell it but this one smells like you know dryer sheets so yeah I basically have some chonies. some scented products and then I went shopping but I already put that stuff away because I was like all wet from the rain and I was trying to put everything away quickly and you can see how crazy right now but I'm super exhausted because I'm going to work tonight so literally I'm going to take a quick nap and then when I wake up for my nap I'll have dinner so I'll see you when I wake up okay chicken chicken breast I wanted to buy wine churches and these. they're the only ones they had that looked like corn, but they were training so I had no choice, so I'm also making - making watch moly, so I just bought avocado, lemon and some tomatoes and then I just used similar things. the chicken is very simple, like built on tacos at the register, oil size of the chicken, so I just finished eating and watching Toy Story because I had never actually seen that movie and I watched all of the Toy Story, so I literally watched it I rented because I thought: how come I never saw the last one?
But I'm going to do my hair real quick and put on makeup and then I have to go because I'm late, so let's get ready. Well, guys, I'm almost done. getting ready for work so I'm about to pack up real quick and then leave because your girl is a little late so I'll record again once I get to the club okay guys I just got off work. with Lisa she drives because we work together and she drove her car, but basically it was a decent night, it wasn't like, oh my god, crazy, but I made like two hundred and forty-one dollars, so it was okay and I also dropped a nail .
I took off my nails today and then I started taking them all off, so I'm literally taking off all my nails. I'll say, how did you know one falls? They all have to go. Basically, we're going to drive home and we're going to stop at Wendy's because we're really, really hungry, oh that's pretty much a presence in my club life. I'm so tired and exhausted so we'll get to where these guys are going to go home and go to sleep but I'll see you guys in my next video I hope you like this one and if you did please like and subscribe to my channel thank you just a quick reminder before finishing this video if you want to receive payment up to two days before and start manage your money, download the current version and it only takes two minutes and they send you the card for free

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