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Dave Myers (1957 - 2024) - Dave Day bike ride begins (3) (UK) - BBC News - 8/June/2024

Jun 09, 2024
there will be some eyes on the weather today for a rather special occasion taking place, let's explain in February Dave Meers, half of Geo Cook, Harry's Bikers, has died at the age of 66, two years after revealing he had been diagnosed cancer. To celebrate the popular TV show Chef's Life, thousands of cyclists will


from London to Dam's, Dave's hometown of pubs and delicatessen - today they call it Dave's day, of course it is. Jan McCubbin is with those preparing to embark on this 300 mile journey. this morning Jame, what's the atmosphere like there? Because this is a celebration of Dave's life, right?
dave myers 1957   2024   dave day bike ride begins 3 uk   bbc news   8 june 2024
Oh, it's a celebration of Dave's life today, isn't it? I was just asked what the atmosphere is like and I would say electric amazing absolutely amazing amazing give us a blast John that's good we're excited aren't we we're excited take a look at these wonderful wonderful Hawaiian shirts everyone is resplendent with their stylish Dave Meyers inspired shirts this morning and they I've come from all over the country Where are you from? old decoy Olden Lancashire Winslow in Bucks we are from Milton keing essics Milton ke cell sorry chubs fics Weeden Norths new ke call and this I think you're winning so far but everyone's winning this morning, wait, wait for Dave, let's see, very kind, very kind Dan, everyone is here for a purpose.
dave myers 1957   2024   dave day bike ride begins 3 uk   bbc news   8 june 2024

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dave myers 1957 2024 dave day bike ride begins 3 uk bbc news 8 june 2024...

You will leave at 8:00 a.m. m., wherever you are in the country, look for them on your M40, M6 motorway. It could be, who knows, 20,000 cyclists heading north towards Kumria today and this is what it's all about. Today it is being renamed and for British cyclists all roads lead to one place, it will be Dave's day when we say we are having a great day. or have a good day we're not going to say that anymore we're going to say I'm having a Dave day Dave dayve Bring It On Dave Meyers was half of the hairy


rs on TV along with his best friend, King, I mean, where?
dave myers 1957   2024   dave day bike ride begins 3 uk   bbc news   8 june 2024
Otherwise, could you get a B sausage and some Chinese dumplings? And since he died in February of cancer, he was only 66 years old. The British cycling community has stepped up to pay its respects to him. Dave's day, let's go. When Dave got sick, I went to see him the day before he died. And Lily asked me if she could get a couple of


s for his funeral, which I did. Some of the guys who are here today were also there and we arrived at the funeral. We had some bears like you would. and then the idea came up during conversation to take a memorial trip, so later this morning they hit the road and traveled from London to Dave's hometown of Barrow, picking up Dave's Widow Lily along the way.
dave myers 1957   2024   dave day bike ride begins 3 uk   bbc news   8 june 2024
Barrow has been amazing, but all the local people. the people who offer the houses offer spare rooms in the CU houses, there is no accommodation that leaves their gardens for people to come in, you know, and you say for free: I'll even make you breakfast, no, yes, it will be emotional, but it will be fantastic . I mean the atmosphere is going to be electric, this is for you Dave, I mean can you imagine, I don't know thousands of motorcycles roaring down the M40, it's going to be phenomenal, he was just a lovely man, you know, I think he was genuine . dude, what's the spirit, hey, that's the spirit of Dave's day, that's a spirit, what's the noise day?
Well yeah we're just doing it for Dave and Sighs and Lillian and I'm also doing it for my wife who passed away, yeah she was a lovely lady, she got cancer in 2015 and died in 2016, so personal, it's personal too, yes, you hope to raise a lot of money. I think they are raising a lot of money, a lot of money. Dave met his wife on his first filming assignment for Hary Biker. in Transylvania and for Lily preparing for Dave's day has been a tonic, we have people who come from all over the country, we have people who come from Texas, from Malaysia, from all over Europe, oh, it's endearing, it just helps me get over my grieving process. because it just makes me feel like I'm not alone with all this he always cooked that was his territory I wasn't allowed in the kitchen just to clean the kitchen and I'm telling you you would cook for an hour I would clean for two he knew how to create a moment that it was his fault and today thousands of bikers will help raise money for cancer research by creating a moment just for the day, this will be Dave's day of salvation, come on Li whenever we are.
I've been riding, you've always been on the back of the day's bike and it's my honor and privilege that later today you'll be on the back of my bike. I love you a lot. I can't wait to see you, Lily, darling, we'll go with you. You like Barrow for Dave, see you around darling, oh look who we found about to have a cup of tea, I welcome you, thank you, how fabulous is this, it's quite surprising isn't it? And everyone has that beautiful day. of sorial elegance about them, a dodgy shirt, some of them have had them specially printed, it's remarkable, it's remarkable, I mean, you wouldn't buy a second-hand car from them, you know, I mean, there's so much joy here today , No? and that's what it's about, but it's going to be emotional, of course, it's a celebration of my best friend that we've lost and um, and yeah, it's very emotional and you never know how these things are going to impact you, you know?
It's a celebration of Dave's life, that's who we are, that's why we're here because he was so annoyingly positive all the time and we loved him and that's why we're here, that was his charm, that's why you don't want people to say I'm having a great day, you want people to say I'm having a day Dave, positive, upbeat, annoyingly funny, that's what we want, that's what we want, oh look, she's a great lady, okay, listen to the big question, yes, how? a lot of people come the big answer is I don't know, I think it'll probably be about 20,000 by the time we get there, that's pretty impressive isn't it, but then there will be people on the motorway bridges watching Yes, there will be people waiting for you in Barrow.
Yes, well it's also the Day celebrations in Barrow and can I take this opportunity to thank everyone at loan and oven because they've been absolutely incredible and the local Council. the government there, the police, the whole infrastructure, they are welcoming people to the back gardens, it's great, so go, oh, just come here, we park your bike in the back, yeah, oh, I have a spare room, so, thank you, thank you. It's pretty special, isn't it? And for a lot of people today it's obviously about Dave Meyers, who was loved, but for a lot of people this is personal too, isn't it?
Because you're going to raise a lot of money today for the state of cancer research and the nspcc yeah, absolutely, it's like there's so many people here with their own cancer story, it's not there, well, it's a ruthless disease and um, and He doesn't care who it is. um and it's not like that, he just doesn't care and that's uh and that's part of the reason why we're here and there's a lot of people we're all like-minded people, you know, and it's diverse and it's it's as varied as every motorcycle you see, all the characters and personalities here are just great, that's all about a


because motorcycling isn't about A to B, it's about the middle part and that's the part of life we ​​all celebrate and that's what it's about.
I will tell them. I want to introduce you now to someone who is making the most of every moment you have, which is St., come on, come on, you guys, have a little moment, tell it. If I could tell everyone at home why this is so special because I have chronic cancer, my Lord diagnosed me with leukemia a year later and uh it's the second time and I'm fighting it. I'm just fighting it. I want a special. tablets that keep my hair looking good and uh and that's it, it's very special listen, you're fighting it and you're smiling and you're here today and it's going to be phenomenal, you'll never see it like that again.
The same thing I just got back from Bordeaux to Normandy this morning and that's why I'm here and I'm going all the way with them. You wouldn't be anywhere else. Wouldn't you be anywhere else? Give us a quick message to Dave, he's up there somewhere with a big smile on his face and a crazy t-shirt on Dave. I have a nice t-shirt for you when we ride motorcycles, buddy. Okay, good luck to you buddy, we'll catch up. one day yeah oh great you've been absolutely amazing if you can't see them on a highway near you today but the site will be spectacular wherever you are whatever you do we wish you all a fantastic that's for you Jane the The atmosphere there looks fantastic, it's a brilliant tribute to someone who is obviously so loved by those who are there.
Good luck on your journey and Jane, we'll talk later. Yes, it's a great scene. It is not like this? We'll see them a little later. They all take off and there's a huge number there, as you can see, it's going to be quite a spectacle, you'll see a little further on I also love the t-shirts, yes, the bikes, the t-shirts, the atmosphere there. All good, so let's go up here during breakfast. A little later, as we speak, a rather special event is taking place. In the final minutes, thousands of cyclists embark on a 300-mile journey from London to Baron Furnace to celebrate the life of TV chef Dave Meyers died in February at the age of 66.
Dave was now one half of the popular bikers Duro the Harry along with Sai King, who helped cheer the Riders on their ride. Large crowds are expected to line the streets to cheer on the Motorcyclists are being caught like Dave's day, this is the moment they all set off. A moment ago, you have an idea of ​​the scale of the event, right? They are all gathered in some kind of meeting, you can only watch the game. On the roads, there we were with Jane a little earlier with the crowd, there is a fantastic atmosphere, everyone is wearing those type of Hawaiian shirts that he loves so much and it will be a wonderful day, so share. with you this morning, something we witnessed about an hour ago, right?
Thousands of cyclists set out on a 300M ride from London to Baron Furnace. This is all to celebrate the life of TV chef Dave Meyers, who died. Remember? February at the age of just 66 and he, of course, was half of this popular furry biker duo, so, along with Sai King, who helped cheer the riders on the ride, large crowds are expected line the streets to cheer on the motorcyclists. Being nicknamed Dave Day, there has been much delight, hasn't there? We were there with the bikers right before they left and then as a tribute, they're wearing their Hawaiian shirts and they're all on their bikes.
There will be many, many on the road today and uh, this was the moment when everyone left, you can see they are getting scared, but it was also a really good sound, wasn't it? So it will be quite an occasion there

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