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DATE FORT CHALLENGE - Last to Leave will Reveal Stalker after 24 Hours of Boys vs Girls

May 12, 2024
what does this look like? Oh my god, she broke it. Wait, they're coming. They come to work. I hear some furtive voices. Hey, what are you doing in my tunnel? Get out of here. I came to make a special delivery, so I brought a small gift. I brought you a diet mountain dew oh thanks chad enjoy it how do you look that regina no one brought me a mountain dew what do you want to drink georgina do they have some cranberry juice regina wants some cranberry filling?no shit thanksgiving , blueberry filling, oh, okay, wait, what are you whispering?
date fort challenge   last to leave will reveal stalker after 24 hours of boys vs girls
No, nothing, what are you whispering about? You should come back, bring me that cranberry filling, chad, I thought you'd want some cranberry juice, oh yeah, the juice, just bring me some. Back up, it was so sweet that Chad brought me a drink, I know he's a good husband, even if we're on separate teams, he's still thinking about you Melvin, I need a drink to start the conversation and make Regina Pete, how about this? 78x big thing come with me Melvin you have to come here too let's continue the chat I'm going to deliver this to the car for a second down there I'll give it a tug, that means you're pulling me back, wait what's that noise?
date fort challenge   last to leave will reveal stalker after 24 hours of boys vs girls

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date fort challenge last to leave will reveal stalker after 24 hours of boys vs girls...

What's so cute? Hi Daniel, I miss you, it's me, your girlfriend, that's my girl, wait, she's coming from the phone, she must have left you a voicemail on your phone, where is she coming from, it's like right here, hello, hey, it's me, Daniel. he is answering he doesn't know what a voicemail is. I can't wait to meet you in real life. Can you call me back so we can schedule an appointment? Yes, of course, of course, I don't have my phone right now. I'm sorry though, daniel, it's a voicemail, you can't talk on a voicemail, yeah, I'm listening, I gotta pick up this damn phone, Chad, let me hand it to you, I'll get the phone, bring it back and you can call her, if she.
date fort challenge   last to leave will reveal stalker after 24 hours of boys vs girls
Still interested in me Regina didn't embarrass me that much hurry up before it's too late special delivery special delivery Hello hello ladies here's Regina's cranberry juice oh wow I've never seen your


it's amazing right? Yes, let me look around. You better tell Daniel if he wants to call his girlfriend again, he has to go. I see he was sent here as a poacher not to steal the phone. I came to deliver the cranberry juice. Thanks for the cranberry juice. You can go now. Okay, they're protecting him very well, we have to come up with a backup plan.
date fort challenge   last to leave will reveal stalker after 24 hours of boys vs girls
Okay, I almost have Daniel's phone number. Regina has it in her hands. Daniel, you have to go get your phone. Okay, yeah, I would do anything for this girl. I'm getting my phone back I'm going in I can't ruin my relationship with this girl Here we go He's coming Oh oh wow I came to get my phone I came to call my girlfriend You're trying not to make me fall love huh you want me to be single for the rest of my life life this is my phone ah give it to me we talked to your girlfriend actually yes we told her about your


your foot wasn't right okay what did she say?
Well you should call her you said pu you should call her back hey it's me daniel I'm sorry how are you yeah you want your phone take it guys they just threw my phone away it's outside the


do you want to talk to your Girlfriend, you have to go. outside the fort you guys are idiots oh you want your phone back oh sorry we got your little nips okay just


the store and lose I'll get you back get out of here guys red alert red alert my phone is outside the house The


threw Daniel's phone outside the forts it's not that far oh it's so close it's right there how do we get it without leaving the fort and losing the


Thank goodness we're here next to the kitchen. maybe there are some utensils we can make, daniel, they took the phone, I know we already have a plan, look at this, we're going to take the transparent tape, we're going to create a loop like this, we have this rope and a little bit. notch we pull this if it lands on the phone we can take the phone back that's cool man that's cool here we go yeah cute Chad oh Regina what a problem I've been drinking Mountain Dew chats I gotta go pee soon oh No. Come on, but I didn't want to, you know, be rude and Chad did something so cute.
No, no, no, they set a trap for us. Chad did this for a reason. What the hell do I do now? We can't


the store. Well, Dale got the phone from him, maybe he left the fort, let's see, look here, here we go, I have to get up very gently, oh no, can you reach him now that he's close enough? Yes, I'm trying to reach it. Luckily, I'm chatting while I play. with super long arms grab my feet melvin yes I have it oh no they have the phone yes yes we have the phone yes we have to defend ourselves go call that girl oh no they got her phone back it's not okay baby focus oh god focus fee don't think in the water and the water falls ah that's the opposite I'm sorry oh oh I have something I thought something what a hurry ew no regina have you been here with daniel too much thinking about these girl things no, do you think I'm supposed to come in here, okay, daniel, call her, i'm really nervous, don't be nervous, put it on speaker, even though i know it's real hello, uh, hey, it's daniel, oh, the guy from the mall, yeah, yeah, I'm the guy who knows approached you. and she said: can I have your phone number? and you gave it to me and where are you going well, how are you doing, is it going well, thanks for calling me, maybe one day we'll go have something to eat together or something, sure, ask him what's up. what are you doing for Valentine's Day What are you doing for Valentine's Day?
February 14, 2021 What did I say? I am free. Daniel invited her to our safe house. It's too soon. I just called here for the first time. Tell him you can't wait. Look, so it's a


on Valentine's Day, why don't you ask her out right now? This is going so well daniel, she thinks you're cute, you think she's beautiful, invite her here right now, oh listen, I know I said that, but I just don't want to hey uh bae um I'm going to have to call you again oh okay um it's okay to talk to you later okay um i miss you bye you're so awkward i don't know how to talk to a girl oh you guys have to give me tips on how to talk to beautiful women baby okay no no we can do this come on I need to go, Regina, we have to win, we need a plan, you have a husband, yes, he is supposed to protect you and provide for you.
You're safe when you're in danger, yeah, and you're definitely in danger right now, why don't we set up a plan to pretend you're in danger, so Chad has to get through his fort to save you. Well, whatever you say, hurry up, okay, pretend that I'm hurting you, do you hear what's happening is my help? It is my duty as a husband to save my wife. This


is over, wait Chad, wait a second, it's probably a trick or something. I'm coming for you what's up what's up I need to get out of this store right now and straight to the bathroom that's what a farvey husband is here we go I have uv thanks to the bathroom and the best husband award goes to chad why are you looking? to me like that, you really did that, chad, you understand what you just did, chad, oh well that means, guys, you're going to shave your beard and take me on a fancy expensive date, no tacos for you, hey, me I feel like a light and airy person.
Okay, okay,


, big lost boy scream, you gotta


who you are, oh god, oh, there's another video text message, you wanna know who I am? Yeah well here's a hit, this guy has been a fan of yours for so long. that was years ago and years ago we had like 200 people at that wedding okay, well that's a pretty big clue, that's a good clue, we're getting closer to finding out who the


is, we'll find you, but anyway, thank you very much. for watching, thanks for subscribing to me and all my friends here, soon we


find out who the stalker is, yeah, and then you can have a girlfriend, oh yeah, let's do a kickbump.

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