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Dark Cranberry Smokey Eye w/ Glitter & Glossy Lips | Makeup Tutorial

May 29, 2021
Hey guys I'm Kaity welcome back to my channel so today I just wanted to play with some


so I was thinking of using some


vampy blueberry shades. I love that look, maybe putting a little bit of soft gold


on the lid and just creating like a really classic pretty look, so I really hope you enjoy this video. Make sure you subscribe to my channel before you leave and click the little notification bells that notify me every time I post a video and check out all my social media links below and just dive in and see what we come up with.
dark cranberry smokey eye w glitter glossy lips makeup tutorial


have been very dry since I returned from my trip abroad and my lip balm is out of reach, so I'm thinking: Can I use a moisturizer? like a moisturizing base that works well, let's go with the moisturizer, I mean it's to hydrate your face, so the same mmm, much better, although this moisturizer has 15 minute SPF, so it can taste like it's eating sunscreen so my eyelids are a little red and smudged right now because last night I liked a purple cut crease and I used a purple liquid


tick as a base and normally when I use liquid lipsticks as a base it smudges eyes so let's start with the urban decadence itself adjusting complexion primer you know I love this and I'm just going to put this on my eyelids to even everything out a little bit and get rid of those veins trying to get rid of a little redness. brush brush brush brush brush all my brushes are so dirty right now that my life is literally a mess.
dark cranberry smokey eye w glitter glossy lips makeup tutorial

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dark cranberry smokey eye w glitter glossy lips makeup tutorial...

I'm using the Sigma Baked Precision Brush. I love this brush and I'm just going to put it all over my lid, so now I'm I'm going to use the nice soft matte full concealer on that Chantilly. I use it as a base for my eyeshadow. It is a full coverage concealer. It simply creates a clean, even canvas for the eyeshadow. I really want to try the Louise paid foundation. I hear it's amazing. stuff about that, but right now this is what I use and I'm just applying it beyond the brow because I think today we're going to smoke out the shadow, so I just want to make sure we have the base ready to go.
dark cranberry smokey eye w glitter glossy lips makeup tutorial
I know there is a trend going on right now to not put concealer on the lid to help deepen shadows, but I can't seriously follow that trend. Every time I try it, the eyeshadow just sticks to the concealer and becomes patchy. I don't mix it. I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong here or what, so I'm going to stick with the old translucent powder and gently set the concealer in place so the main foundation isn't sticky, so let's go. with the morphe at 12 PayPal on the morphe brush 827. I'm going to choose this red shade, it's not like a true red, it's more of a pinky red and I'm going to put it in my crease and use it. as my transition shade and in this palette 12p is like the mini version of the 35 a date palette, which I'm so upset I discontinued it.
dark cranberry smokey eye w glitter glossy lips makeup tutorial
I really hope they discontinued it to improve it and make it uniform. better version, but I was looking online to see if they had also discontinued the 12p palette, which I think they have, but I was shocked because I just found out that the 12 P palette means Picasso palette, which I don't know, I never liked it . I probably thought about it so now I'm wondering what all their other pellets are called because I always see them as a number and a letter so now I'm intrigued and I'm just going to gently mix that in. past my forehead to create a sort of smoky eye look.
Now I'm going to dive into the Violet Boss Eyeshadow Palette in Pro HG and I love this palette. You don't really see me using it too much, but I just think. It's a really pretty palette, especially if the shade we're going to use today is wine mache and dine, so I'm going to take it with my Sigma blending brush and I'm going to start deepening the crease area with this and then I'm going to move on. Back on my learning brush to blend all that in, okay time to step things up a little bit so you know I love wearing foundations under my shadows so today I'm going to grab the color pop ultra matte lip in the Avenue tone. and I'm also putting it on my lips today and I love using liquid lipsticks as a base.
This one doesn't specifically say it's safe for eyes, but honestly, I just use whatever liquid lipstick I have on my eyes and Personally, my eyes don't react to it, but if you have more sensitive eyes you should definitely make sure the liquid lipstick you you're going to use be ice safe and I'm going to use it with the morphe brush and 15. I love this. because it's very dense so it definitely sticks to the liquid lipstick but it's also a little fluffy so it still blends it out so I'm going to put it on the back of my hand and then apply it directly with the brush and start . apply this to the outer corner of my eye and blend it quickly into my crease and I like to apply this a little lower than I actually wanted the product to give myself enough room to blend it and it's okay if things get a little messy around this outside corner, that's why we did it, I guess, so we can get as messy as we want and we can clean it up and create a neat line later.
I'm just going to use a fluffy brush to blend everything out. So I'm taking some black from the Morphe palette and blending it into my outer corner towards my lash line just to give the look a little more dimension. We look a bit like a mess right now. but okay we'll get it so now I'm going to take some Fiat double sided


glue on the Sigma cream brush and I'm going to apply it in a half cut crease position and not Being too precise with this application because I always It can be fixed once the glitters are there.
We are just putting the product in now and then we will fix it later. I'm even going to go with a little bit of gold glitter. from astrology this is actually from one of their


lip kits but it's like a really pretty gold blue tint and I'm going to use it with the same brush that I just used and it's not to put on my lid so now definitely we do. to break up this hard line between the glitter and the eyeshadow, so I'm just softening the glitter with the same brush and then we're going to use some eyeshadow to help blend this line, just adding a little bit of that wine and dine. shadow that goes above the edge of that brightness.
I am obsessed with how this gold glitter looks and I like with the crab shade this color combination like yes girl I love this. I have a little bit more black on my brush and I just really go over the outer corner of my eye just to make sure again that this line isn't harsh between the shimmer and the eye shadow and then I'm going to go in with a smaller brush with a a little bit of that wine and diet and a little bit of the black and just go over where the shimmer meets the eyeshadow just to create a little bit more depth to the look and this is the morphe away 22 brush and I'm doing it very lightly .
I don't want any harsh lines that I just want something, so I feel like this look needs a black liquid liner, which is something you don't hear me say often since I'm not the biggest fan of it in my eyes, but I feel like this look just needs it. I'm going to take Iker's black Mackie magic liquid eyeliner and I'm just going to create a little winged eyeliner, that's done so now I'm going to take some


remover with a cotton tip and let's clean up this look a little bit because It looks a little crazy, so I'm going to clean up just under the wing and create a nice, sharp line and then for the rest of the face, I'm just going to use a cotton pad, we'll try to get rid of all of this.
As we can, I simply line my eyes and curl my eyelashes. Now let's apply some mascara, so this is Too Faced, better than sex. I'm just applying it to my lashes and today we're going to apply some falsies, so this is it. just prepping it she's ready for them and then some people would like to apply like a little scar on the natural lashes if they're applying false lashes because they know my lashes are going to be covered by falsies anyway so what's the point but I personally like to apply my usual full coats of mascara that way, my natural lashes look nice, black, full and long and then you apply the false ones on top and it's like, your lashes look.
Like a bomb, you know, for the falsies I wanted to choose a style that got thicker and longer towards the outer corner again to add that smoky feel to the look and I love Anna Care Joy because the medical lashes are in the shade Alana . Many false eyelashes really irritate my inner corner and after an hour, my eyes water and itch and I just have to remove the eyelashes, but their eyelashes are so comfortable that I have no problem with them, I can wear them all day and all night. evening. and we're ready, so today I'm going to use this look with some of the duo lash glues.
Okay, jokes, this is the Alana style, not Alana, same thing: potato, potato, tomato, tomato, the tab is on. I'm just going to burst. a little bit of mascara on top and then we're ready, so now I'm going to do all this on the other eye and I'll come right back so the eyes are ready and now we can move on to the face. I'm going to quickly grab your hair so we can get to work. I literally look like I'm naked right now. I promise not, but for today's foundation I'm going to use crazy Jacobs, do you make drops? just give my skin a nice luminous and glowing base.
I'm going to put this on and it will still have my glow on the face, you know, it's well lit, it just doesn't move, so that can add to the luminosity. go with it, just polishing it with a sigma curved kabuki brush. I love this for buffing with primer, guys. I have fake nails for the first time in my life. Those of you who wear fake nails all the time will be very proud. For me, it was my 21st event last weekend because I turned 25 last week and I was like, you know, let's go hide and get some fake nails and I'm kind of obsessed with them, like I can definitively say how the people become addicted. and I have to wear them 24/7.
I feel so professional with them. I don't know, the only thing George liked about them is that I can't scratch these things, maybe it's just the shape of them, but if you've been following me for a few months then you'd know that I just got back from a six week trip. through Europe and in Europe it was summer and here it's winter, so we've gone from a big contrast and my skin has been a little irritated and itchy and I can't scratch it with these things. Well, maybe this is what I used to do, but if someone said, "Oh my God, my back is so itchy, can you scratch it for me?
I was like that annoying person who likes scratching that spot, would like to do tickle to make it itch even more and then just get upset about it, oh, but I feel like I'm doing that to myself now, you know? I like tickling the spot that's really itchy and it's very frustrating, but I'm like? Alyssa I look cute doing it with these nails I don't know it was a pointless story but how about nation today I'm going to use Milani to conceal and perfect two in one foundation in Azure one I'm so close to finishing this. which is always satisfying so I just want to use it today to wear it and enjoy it.
I also love this foundation. I am currently going through my makeup collection, well I say there is basically a central bomb around me like behind it is seen or is. organized and yes, around me it's a complete mess, so that's it. is happening right now, but I was thinking about doing a makeup collection video because I know some of you have asked for it and I always love poking into other people's makeup collection, but because I actually have to get everything together and that's it. You know. I reorganized all my storage and I have a few more drawers to go into my room.
I also love watching people organize their makeup. I find it very satisfying, you know when it's like a quick one and they're just reviewing and then they'll see like the before and after. Would you be interested in seeing something like that, maybe more of a love style, really relaxed and I like doing makeup? I don't know, that scares me a little because I have never done anything like a vlog before, but I would like you to be interested in that. Yeah, I just like hanging out with me. In general, let me know what you would like to see on this channel, of course I will continue to do so. similar


s and how-to videos would you be interested in maybe seeing something fun like a full facial challenge videos like first impressions or how do you know how to use this on your face or would you like to see


s or reviews of a palette or anything?
Let me know below in the comments, yes, full concealer, today I'm going to use the it cosmetics under eye concealer, bye, this is such a full coverage that you only need a little bit. I love using it to cut through the entire look of Grace's eyeshadows. I haven't really used it as a concealer in a while, so like I said, going through my makeup collection, the products are likerejuvenators I haven't used for a while so I thought why not use this one today and I normally don't use it. I cleaned it up with a damp Beauty Blender, but I'm not going to get up to wet it, so today we're going to use the Morphe or Y6 brush and I'm just taking a little bit of that concealer to really clean up the edge.
For the shadow I look, I will take the same Too Faced Born This Way powder to set the concealer in place. use the morphe y11 brush and then just take the y1 brush with the same powder to set the rest of my face. I have a hard time having


er hair, as you can see all the foundation and powder in it, it's not a pretty look, I'm just going to contour. My cheeks today with the Hoola bronzer I benefited from just applying this to the hollows of my cheeks just to get a little bit of definition and then to warm up the skin by taking the Physicians Formula butter bronzer and just applying it around the perimeters of my face to blush . today I'm going to grab the Covergirl trublend blush and the medium pink on the morphe e4 brush.
You know, when you like to read something like the time or something and you look at it, you don't really get it, that's what just happened. Oh, highlighter. I'm going to use the LA girl strobe, a big one at 110, it's like a really pretty white gold shade and I'm just going to pop it on the top of my cheeks. I'll quickly give my face a spritz of Urban Decay all night. setting spray and this is just going to show everything off, so now I'm going to go ahead and do my lower lash line and mascara with the exact same eye shadow that I process on my eyelid and then I'll come right back, okay, easy, the eyes are ready.
I also just used the Marc Jacobs Highliner Matt to Jill. I crown in the shadow and find one on my waterline, so now we can move on to the lips, so I'm using the same liquid lipstick that we used on the eyes for color pop. in the shade Avenue, so let's just put this on the lips, so originally I wanted to work with those dark


red vampire colors, but I feel like I've gone more for a pinky purple vampire color, so I feel like this lip. The color is a little too red for the look so I'm going to apply a gloss on top so this is the Australis GRL boss velvety lip cream in the shade and it has more of that purple pink vibe so I'm just Angry, I apply this over it, okay, that's much better, it wasn't the original plan, but I mean, that's the fun thing about makeup, you never know how it's going to turn out either way.
I really hope you enjoyed this video and like the final look. Thank you very much for watching and I hope to see you next time bye guys.

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