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Dams On The Mekong Are Having Devastating Effects

Jun 05, 2021
I think I sigh, an incoming whirlwind. I called the convert Eva and saw many people who use my knievel for life. It is a very bad situation in Mecca, where now people have to worry more and pay more attention to how to protect the Mekong makan river. riba is getting lower in March 2010 the water reached its lowest level in 50 years the main cause could be found in man's attempt to conquer nature to tame the rapids and roar of the Mekong with a cascade of


the Mekong one of the great rivers of the world crossing six countries from its source high in the Himalayas of Tibet 4900 kilometers long its journey ends in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam rich in fishing, wildlife dolphins and extraordinary biodiversity this is the Amazon of the Southeast Asian in Maconie will save everything that gives food a kosher bath for life because I can, when you know you have food, you can, you can get food for the plant hell of the Mekong River, everything, everything and it's really important to people.
dams on the mekong are having devastating effects
Mekong River, same thing. I think Mikami, what is it?, but the dark clouds are gathering. storm of controversy looms over the future of this great river black clouds beckon the Mekong is moving towards a huge damming program whether the river will be devastated by


a cascade of dams and reservoirs are being planned in the halls of boards of Chinese hydropower corporations Thai companies and Other promoters that could change the Mekong forever are Chinese, Thai and Malaysian companies, development banks, technical rats and business lobbies. The Mekong is the dream of hydroelectric potential for an energy-hungry region, but for the fishermen, the small farmers of millions of villages along the Mekong, this taming of the raging torrents with a cascade of dams is not a dream, the dream from this developer is a fisherman's nightmare. 65 million people in this region depend for their food and livelihood on a healthy Mekong that has long sustained their ancestors if fast-moving currents are transformed into calm reservoirs.
dams on the mekong are having devastating effects

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dams on the mekong are having devastating effects...

The Mekong will be transformed into a devastated ecosystem because life depends on the mecha rêveur and it is not only the effort of loving people and not only in play time it is an essential blouse and even Laos depends on the face of the Kong Kuti cow Roy. a teacher an environmental activist in Chiang Khong on the Thai side of the Mekong has educated 55 communities in a lively campaign to save the Mekong before


a higher income will have damage in China has problems many problems with the gigantic Sulwon Dam at 292 meters height it is the highest arch dam in the world, almost as tall as the Eiffel Tower in Paris its vast reservoir covers an area of ​​one hundred and ninety square kilometers the operation of these station dams does not affect the flow of words of the Weaver mention by which does not affect the water beneath the Michael supply, Australian Mekong specialist Philip Hirsch has a very different assessment of these dams.
dams on the mekong are having devastating effects
The Seoeon Dam and the new hydroelectric dam are of quite different order. These are dams that will fundamentally and permanently affect the hydrological flow. Mekong regime throughout the system Thai teacher Coochi points out that China has not changed its policy at all. One night, I'm coming, China still plans to build four more dams without consulting the communities living downstream of the headlong rush of hydropower Plans to build more and more dams continue. China has scheduled a total of eight dams on the upper Maycomb in the Lower Mekong. Eleven more dams are being promoted in Laos and Cambodia.
dams on the mekong are having devastating effects
I would actually propose slowing down the piece and taking a timeout from the tunnel and watching. on the feasibility of the entire process, also consider alternative developments, how is it possible that a company can even consider erecting a dam just a few kilometers from the ecstatic beauty of the drinking cone waterfall in Laos? The Don district of Laos is known as the 4,000 islands. They are a pristine wonder of nature and are instrumental in the development of Laos as a leader in ecotourism in the region. The mega malaysian company first plans to build a dam right here in cambodia vietnam thailand they can't who is alone because she is my friend from downriver to the end and an absolute down so if they block this channel i'm not sure if the video does Let the fish eat food security, people's lives are here and it keeps us in the future, it depends on who is alone.
The Lao government is not conducting any studies on this project. the Lao government has to rely solely on the information provided by the company, which essentially means they have the fox guarding the henhouse, the Dance Hong Dam project and two more dams across the border in Cambodia. The snap ring and sambal would be the final blow to the survival of the May Kong dolphin population, as this is the last remaining habitat of the Irrawaddy dolphin in the Mekong, so a dam anywhere in the Mekong would likely would have a


effect on the dolphins. The Irrawaddy dolphin has long been a near-sacred site. animal in Cambodia certainly a revered animal in Cambodia Cambodians totally depend on fishing, as I mentioned in the consumption rate of koma in terms of protein intake, so it is worth around 250 250 million dollars. dollar at the point of disembarkation and in this way you continue to earn between 8 and 12 percent of Cambodia's total GDP.
It is very high and represents more than 30 percent of primary production is aquaculture, so the fishing sector is very important in the long term. of nutrition in terms of economy in terms of employment in terms of biodiversity and also in terms of tourism people in Cambodia the economic systems here in particular agriculture is adapted to a river that overflows almost every year the floods bring water that is necessary to irrigate rice fields, floods also bring in sediments and nutrients that are essential for maintaining soil fertility, so if somehow this flood cycle is controlled, interrupted, or even modified to a relatively small degree, that could potentially have huge impacts on agricultural systems food security in Cambodia the Mekong fishery, which we have discussed as the most productive and important in the world, depends greatly on that pulse of flooding that occurs every year, as you know, there is this remarkable phenomenon where the river that connects the Tonle Sap the great Cambodian lake with the Mekong reverses its flow every year when the Mekong is high the water flows towards Tonle Sap the area of ​​the lake that you only saw expands four or five times the fish can going out into the flooded forest to breed and to feed this essentially becomes an incredibly productive nursery for fisheries, the fish then return downstream to the Mekong and migrate upriver to Thailand.
According to that family, there are thousands of species of fish along the Mekong and most of the fish. species that need to migrate to give birth to a new fish that you know from Apple Creek, any modification to the hydrology of the Mekong puts this incredible system at risk and at risk is the largest inland fishery in the world that captures around 3.9 million tons of fish a year valued at almost 3 billion dollars. This is a basin that has the largest continental fishery in the world and the second most diverse after the Amazon, so the issue of fishing is the main problem that must be resolved and the owners must demonstrate that this can be resolved falls on the promoter of these projects, the cyberbully dam is very important, it will first be condemned if it goes ahead, it will be built in the Macomb mainstream outside of China, insignificant in the city, recently the World Wildlife Fund for Nature. issued a report saying that a giant catfish, the Mekong's iconic species, will become extinct if the SIA Corps and nearby dams move forward in that section of the river.
Another 41 species are likely to become extinct because if the Cyber ​​e dam goes ahead it will simply open. suing the planet opens the floodgates for the rest of the main Mekong dams to go ahead, indeed once you have cyborg, you have a lot. I didn't say that the famous dam is a dangerous building for the people in my house. Eva, everyone got money from a demander, then from Eirik, easy money for me. You see, this $3.8 billion project for the father, but the dam is financed by the four largest Thai banks. 95% of the electricity will be sold to Thailand, the dam's builder.
Bangkok's chokehold on Chang Corporation plans to make considerable profits if opposition grows among Mekong citizens, demand that dam builders respect the international nature of this river and the rights of Mekong citizens shared by the Six Nations in a similar development. you have different similar mentions, if you are talking about infrastructure development, you can see that you know the construction of the bridge day, but there are also many conceptual developments that you know are ready to be the livelihood of the people, particularly the poor and vulnerable . groups you have to think about development for whom it is important that the developer or the government sing development for whom who will benefit from the development the question must be answered carefully I think the most important point is not how much money we are going to earn or lose with these projects, But who is going to win and who is going to lose.
The people who are going to lose are generally the poor, the rural population, the people who are being spent a lot by the Lao government or the regional governments, international organizations. A lot of time trying to alleviate poverty trying to reduce the poverty of the country and it is those people who are on the verge of poverty who will be affected if the three of them say that no more than I believe everyone really happy our really happy government got hit and we try to find another way to get the power to get energy for our people and develop the economy there is a need for energy however there are different types of energy that would generate a sign by name and you know for example like biogas, biomass, they are decentralized, we call the central energy system, former senator dr. krycek - Navin served as chairman of a parliamentary committee on parliamentary good governance that investigated the environmental impact of dams on the Mekong, where they are going to build the dam in Siam.
The Mekong River will be


for the rest of the Lao countries. Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and 18 million people live in the very fertile Mekong Delta. I think Vietnam in this case has a large amount. We have to consider how important the Mekong Delta is to the economy of the entire country, also in terms of biodiversity. The delta is where there are the largest number of fish species compared to the entire Mekong River, so Paris's adversity is important. Fishing is very important in the Mekong Delta. Agriculture is extremely important, especially rice production. Vietnam is the second largest rice exporter in the world.
There is a dam that I will push on the river, it is blocking the sediment and it is not just the quantity of sediment, it is also the quality of the sediment that is important and that can completely change the ecosystem of the Mekong River, I mean, the cumulative impacts . The cascading dams could be a massive disaster for the people of the Mekong Delta, so they share that that could be a disaster for their lives. Vietnam's point of view seems to be very clear. Do you think it is reasonable to ask for this 10-year period? construction delay that is every game Vietnam fully supported the strategic environmental review a special study on the impact of dams on the future of the Mekong the review recommended that no more dams be built for at least 10 years Cambodia's two prime ministers I In April 2011 they held a summit meeting in Panama where they asked the Lao government to suspend the buried wish.
They also said in their statements that they felt dams on the Mekong, including the SIA brewery, should be suspended for at least 10 years. the loud government promised to do a review of the process, there are already too many dams in Thailand so they will never be able to build a dam in Thailand again, so big companies like Chalk and Chung are going to Laos to build big dams even while decision is made for this The Ayah Brewery Dam was supposed to be under review by the Lao government. Conch Aang wasted no time in building a road to the dam site.
His message was clear. International consultations and Mekong River Commission agreements were irrelevant. We have called them who did not do it. coming to the Parliament chalk channel does not respect the law in Thailand are all your obligations to Parliament sovereign language is a construction company is a company that is there to make profits for its shareholders, as far as I know it is not a company that adhered to any principle of corporate social responsibility operates without environmental studies or when they do whatthat they do very badly, they do not need to do it, they did not feel obliged to do AAA in a comprehensive way and, therefore, if they are told that they can go ahead and they will build the dam, they will go ahead and build them, they consider that we are responsible to our shareholders and that we are there to make a profit, whatever it takes us down the river, whatever it costs other countries along the river. or whatever it costs the people living along the river their focus is on their own bottom line if they can get their way growing protests against the cyberattack led the Lao government to hire an international consultant, Pirrie Energy, based in Zurich Puri.
The Lao government and the damn Thai builder Can Chang have been working closely in Namland to build a dam in Laos. The PDI reported on whether the dam complied with the Mekong River Commission's guidelines on dams. He gave the green light to the dam builders he provided. a seal of approval for the Lao government to open the SIA brewery. Damn German trained civil engineer, dr. Chen hua Ming is an advisor to WWF on hydropower. This consultant, this Swiss Finnish company, has advised its client's developer to move forward despite unresolved issues. The compliance report has no credibility with the MRC countries or MRC development partners because it was done unilaterally and commissioned. to a consultant from the Lao Ministry of Energy and Mines.
This was completely outside the MRC process; He is simply a business consultant. report by a company that is seeking contracts the dam was inaugurated byi Energy found their contract and were handsomely rewarded with an eight-year contract to oversee the design of the dam and the engineering that religious seniors helped Macomb Provinces at the north end of Noddy's. sends a letter to the Thai Environment Minister to urge him to take a position of not buying electricity from cyberedom and welcome the power purchase agreement between the Thai utility company e-cat and the company Chalk and Chung Thailand will buy 95% of electricity to Mekong Dam villages and NGOs have filed a case in Thai calls to stop the poor contract.
The parent company in Helsinki is being investigated by a government-backed tribunal. Peru Cave barely misses the misleading advice that helped the current Laotian government push through its devastating plans to dam the Mekong in SIA bori against the 1995 Meagan agreement this is not how responsible corporate actors in the industry should act the government insists that companies must adhere to Europe's OACD corporate social responsibility rules both at home and abroad, placing ambitions of failure above the spirit of cooperation of the Mecca Agreement Peru has decided to also jeopardize the livelihoods of tens of millions of people this is unacceptable poori has denied all these accusations we want to emphasize that we have no conflict of interest in the SIA Berry Project, it was natural that we were willing to continue in the project, since This way we can better monitor that our recommendations will be implemented.
MRC experts found many flaws in the 2011 pie report, some of them are very, very fundamental, but strangely enough, the report recommends going ahead with the construction of the dam and fixing the problems in the way You don't get on a plane, for example, because you're not sure how to design it yet or you're not sure how to land it. Puri assured diplomats The latest technology would provide more than 80% mitigation for fish, but many scientists like Dr Meng dismiss these claims in Switzerland: fish ladders only deal with a small number of species, while the The Mekong is teeming with hundreds of different fish, building a fish passage based on Switzerland's northern European experiences and transferring them from the Mekong to a large tropical area.
The river is simply not a serious matter. This is a dam that is so benign that they claim it practically does not exist. This is basically nonsense, it's ridiculous, it's a communications sales gimmick and it's sad in the eyes of people who have no experience in dams and hydropower. problems and is basically a honey trail for political decision makers the construction of the dam has begun in a world of increasing natural disasters the construction of dams in earthquake-prone sites is a major concern the earthquake of March 24, 2011 in Myanmar also inflicted damage in northern Thailand and Laos as dr.
Sappin, a Thai earthquake expert, explains that yes, that perfect was pretty big for Thailand and that people in that region are registered as 68 on the Richter scale, which is pretty big. This terrible destruction occurred just a few hundred kilometers from where the Thai chalk company and Chang is determined to build a dam even in that area. Now it says that in each area there were a lot of big earthquakes recently, there were a lot of 26.3 about four or five years ago and close to the area, so that indicated that the area was also prone to earthquakes, so there was a little bit of concern if They were hit by an earthquake larger than they had, then if the dam collapsed, a kind of tsunami would occur inland in the area of ​​the dams on the Mekong that threatened man-made destruction. disaster that could destroy food security the threat of earthquakes only adds to the dangers posed by hydropower now the developer wants all downstream stakeholders, people and government to blindly follow him as they take a leap of faith towards a uncertain future and watch them make a decision very risky Woollett game based on biased advice now the stakes for 60 million people are too high for such a gamble this is simply too high a risk to go ahead if the cyber dam goes ahead The already endangered giant catfish will soon pass into the realm of the extinct, many species of migratory fish will become extinct and a unique ecosystem is doomed.
Can the world allow the gradual death of the mighty Mekong Dam by the Mekong River? There should be a river without them, a river that would give life and biodiversity. from China to the sea there should be no dams at all, that immense, a damn liberating fist, the local people, they said, well, the development project, they bring brightness to the eyes, but darkness to the heart. You know, the people here were born in it. The Mekong is like blood, as I said, the Mekong and the river is the beginning of life, so if the Mekong is destroyed or damaged, I will be sad, will the children of the future ask where all the fish have gone?

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