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Dale Jr. Download - The Time Dale Earnhardt Whipped A Guy’s Ass

Jun 04, 2021
I've been a great representative of NASCAR from the beginning, one of the guys that was willing to go and do and help promote the sport outside of the little bubble of the industry. You've been like this since the last two years. years is something you're very proud of, yeah, just why, how did that develop? Yeah, like Howard at a young age, yeah, he wasn't like that, no, I don't think a lot of guys are. Yeah, I was never like that, to be honest with you, you know, a few years ago, I was very I didn't want to do anything, I was very shy, I didn't like doing anything and you know, I got into sports.
dale jr download   the time dale earnhardt whipped a guy s ass
I feel like you open up a little bit and feel a little more comfortable with the fans and doing things and, honestly, you know that doing things outside the track and other markets, things like that, is healthy for everyone, you know, it helps sport, it helps you. help yourself I don't mind doing it you know, I mean, what else do I have to do if I don't have any prior commitments? You know my job, obviously, you know your job comes first, you know I won't do it. I don't miss anything because of it, but yeah, I just like doing it.
dale jr download   the time dale earnhardt whipped a guy s ass

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dale jr download the time dale earnhardt whipped a guy s ass...

There are usually fun opportunities too. I mean, you can't expect to do the things you want to do all the


. You know, some


s you have to bite the bullet and go for it. I know radio shows and any podcast, no, I just enjoy doing it, I have no problem with that and no problem with anything, yes, there are a couple of things I have said no to, but they are a little off, sorry yes You said no to anything you just didn't want to do, not because of a schedule conflict or anything like that. Yes, they wanted to.
dale jr download   the time dale earnhardt whipped a guy s ass
I forget what the show was called, but they wanted it to continue as a blind date show. I was like you. You'll never see me doing that, yeah it's me and the dancing stars, yeah if I ever see you on Dancing with the Stars I could delete your number from my phone, would you? Dancing with the stone, no, you would never, you would never, you would never do, Dancing with the. Stars, there's no paycheck you can make to make you want to do it, give me a number, I paid you a million dollars, ooh, what if you don't have it, but I can ask you for it in a few years, maybe I mean a a million dollars? something different for you come back and ask me if yes, I don't know, I wouldn't no, I just don't want to, could you know what Michael Waltrip ruined that for everyone?
dale jr download   the time dale earnhardt whipped a guy s ass
I mean, if you had any ideas. I can go on here, I'm not going to sound like a fool, but then Michael Waltrip, then Michael shows up, we're in bikinis and it's like you know what I'm not going to do, there's just no money. Was it worth it, yeah, yeah, I just couldn't make the damn sauce and then stay breathless awake for someone to judge my sauce and what was a TV show recently I saw you on it was the news, yeah, I made magnum p.i, It was perfect for you. and I didn't even know you were going to be on it, the show came up after a race or something, like it was after something I was watching and then after the AFC championship game and then I saw that it was like Blaney just enter this room with an element VI, yes, and there was who was the other, there was someone else who was famous in that scene, there was Ken Jong, the dry guy, that's right, there he is and there was a player of football was there XO, do you have a football player?
Oh yeah, he was like Eddie George, yeah, yeah, a huge guy who could still play today, that's what I felt when I was watching him. No, yes, interesting, but it was fun. They filmed it in Honolulu. Hawaii and I were already there on vacation, oh yeah, so I was, I was on, I was on another island and it just happened that they were filming the day of my trip, so I just stopped by and now it's inconvenient, yeah, yeah, It's like 50 miles. What goes back to your original question is how blinding does a lot of things.
I mean, you would never wobble. I was always traveling anyway. Yes. I was traveling anyway. I was there for 10 days. I didn't want to do something. for 10 days and I just can't do it, who you were out there with, it was myself, Darrell Wallace, his girlfriend, my ex roommate, his girlfriend and then Henrichs Mackenzie's hammer came out mm-hmm, so it's a good moment for that group of us, Chase, Elliott wasn't there and he was invited, oh yeah, wow, no, he said there's a no, there's a big conspiracy about you guys actually inviting him, invite him everywhere, he just he likes to say no when he says no and He sees that he doesn't realize when he says those things that he was invited to Hawaii and he wasn't and he told him to turn them both down and when he says those things on live television like he doesn't I would understand the hatred that arises. because people don't know, people think they were actually mad at him and didn't invite him places when we did this, they resorted to screenshot texting conversations to prove that chase actually turned them down or he was invited, yes, are you happy about that? your big TV movie as a big cameo Hollywood cameo was better than oh hell no a teammate Sharknado a Sharknado 24 yeah I don't know what that's what you're talking about.
You remember Keselowski, his teammate was on Sharknado. I have you and I get. Yeah, a big shark came down from the sky, Nate, I thought that was pretty awesome for Brad. I thought it was funny. I would love to be eaten by a shark. I can't read NATO. That's the whole premise of the movie is to be completely what is this? about the Guinness Book of World Records, yesterday you were taking some selfies and how it worked. I don't see what could have not created the record, no, we missed it by seven, so it was a hundred, we needed 169 to win and so on.
However, he's said you can take three minutes so 100 the record 168 and I think we would have surpassed it like we started off a little sloppy so I was here and they had two lines of people coming. So I just went back and forth and some people were going crazy and taking a picture of themselves. I thought, oh, we have to be quick here and the start was bad and then they started bringing people out and they like it. They threw a man in and started to get faster but they missed by six men, yeah, I thought we were going to make it real easy, you know, I mean, you think about it if you get one a second, you know, it's a hundred and eighty, so try it again. again maybe next year in Elena, yes, but it wasn't my idea.
I didn't think I was going to have fun doing it because maybe I don't want to take selfies. You know, he said: I don't know. Being known for setting records in taking selfies, but it was actually quite fun, you get competitive at it like anything else, but I didn't hear I didn't hear it, I mean I heard about it over and over again about you. by doing it I didn't hear how I don't know the results either but that's why you didn't find out because I lost yeah it seems like you would test for that if you know if people are going to lollygag all of a sudden.
I mean you're going for a record here, I don't care what it is, if you're going for a record guy, you need people, you want to know his 40-yard dash time, at least if you're going to do it. I'm going to contribute to your records, yes, the guy there, Lolly, in this book was also there and, yes, yes, I got a question on Twitter from a dirty media follower. Crazy people want to know what's the craziest thing I have. away with that dad never found out I'll let you go first Ryan um, that dad never found out there are some things I don't think he knows, but I'm willing to admit it's hard because my dad isn't here to kick my ass. right, he doesn't know about this, I'll talk about it.
I got a really bad speeding ticket when he was 18 years old. I had two in one year. I was 18 and I haven't received any since then, which is good and that's because mom put the fear, mom and I, right, Babla, it was bad, it was more than a hundred, no, it was like 93, you know, 45 , man, I know, and it was all like a court thing, it was reckless driving, right, although there wasn't any problem getting in and out so the story behind it I wasn't just going to 90 I'm not just doing it I was running away from the police was completely valid I just stole a convenience - yeah I'm just going to get away so you Anyway, have I ever been a Carraway, the fast Carraway the day before on Saturday and we were leading the whole race and we had to restart and Ross Kenseth he just sent me around the bend, a follow-up ball back to San, Matt's son, Matt Kenseth's son, and I finished second. not for Ross Ross finished third Jeff Volts won the race and then I was like replaying that in my mind the next day I was dropping my sister off at gymnastics and I was mad and angry and I just went and passed the police officer. and I saw him look at me, I thought and stopped when he turned around, he didn't cut me off, I thought, I know, I'm sorry, but yeah, that's the dad doesn't know about that mm-hm, he could figure it out oh wow awesome that even you had the new court dates and everything and he didn't find out yeah and mom knew it oh yeah mom knew what mom was I wonder if he knows and he just had a conversation with mom and mom said I handled it, everything's fine, maybe a resistance and I know he doesn't.
I'm sure he wasn't aware of this the first year, maybe he found out eventually, but in the past, what are you going to do now? but now I don't speed at all, I've had enough, I spent eight in seven years, did the policeman tell you who gave your dad his first ticket? That's the one they would always give me. I got four tickets before I turned 18 and each different police officer told me. I got four tickets before I turned 18. I haven't had one since I answered this question from my followers. The craziest thing I got away with was probably the baseball mailbox.
Yes, that's it. That's bad. Wow, and he would have destroyed me. Yes, anything new. I would have been right, oh yeah, and the only thing that kept me from doing that was we had this STM with a sliding glass rear door, yeah, and we hit one of those plastic barn-like mailboxes and some of it went in there and He gave me a mark on my neck and then in the corner and one time we missed the box and hit a big box of the truck is this the UH is it you in the Parkers is this the Parker implying no, he has been implicated I think I think It's you in the park Hank Parker, give your witnesses here, yes, the police are coming, this is the other thing too.
I guess I can't believe we tried. He lived at one end of his property. Dad had about 300 acres that I lived on once. and only on Halloween we would walk to the other side of the property, in the back there is a path with all these trees and it was perfect to hide in those trees and throw eggs at cars, but the real thrill was trying it. cross the property without dad noticing, you know? Because that's like knowing everything I know about your dad, that you can't shoot, yeah, no, I mean, but trespassing on his property, that'll get you killed, he'll probably chase you. him on foot and he attacked you well because he didn't show up in a fight over the cat?
He had his arm in a cast because he hit someone. Yes, yes, you really know that story. I didn't know this story, so a guy was working on a tractor. during the day on dad's property fixing a big tractor and saw some deer went to a bar later that afternoon at happy hour drinking with a friend told his friend about the deer the more they drank the braver they became they decided they were going to back to daddy's property in the dark around the dark jump the fence and shoot one of the deer right daddy and his farm manager are walking the power line and they're at the tree line walking this power line I happened to be there that day, yeah, and they heard the gunshot and they saw the deer run down the power line and fall, so they hid in the tree line and waited for those guys to get close to the deer and when they got to the deer, dad he just ran after the one with the gun, yeah and tackled the guy and broke his hand on his face, oh geez, and he didn't do it.
The only reason he stopped hitting the guy was because he recognized the guy's voice once I got in his face, I guess once he started saying hello, man. stop, so daddy Hill, yeah, daddy held him there until the police came, but he ended up with his cat's eye on his arm and he went to the banquet with that cast and he stinks his black and white cast and he told everyone a lot of things . the story told everyone how it happened and why you know because what he told everyone, well, he didn't, I, he, he didn't tell everyone, you know, I have, he didn't want people to know about his deer, right?
I don't want any more people showing up trying to break into his property because he had a lot of money on that property and he would have, you know, he wasn't looking for it and he just wanted them there because he liked to watch. him and then told him a different story

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