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Daisy Brown: Raising Monsters, Reading Secrets, & Teaching Makeup

Jun 02, 2021
so here we are again, okay, you've been having fever dreams, radio time three, you gotta do it, you gotta do it, I gotta do it. I'm ready for it and to give this TV a couple of kicks first, but we're still in happy hair time. before here, so what's on the list today? I mean, tonight, okay, and more importantly, how do I want to open? Okay, so how about this? Don't you hate that you're late to the party? I mean, very late like me. I know I'm always late to the party or at the last second, that's classic me, but this time I really missed the exit while I was on the highway and here we are going around trying to catch it.
daisy brown raising monsters reading secrets teaching makeup
Again, I don't think I've ever missed a video track that caught my attention as much as Daisy Brown, if you want to talk about being late to the party, then man, I really was the least through the door, look. look at this for a second, well this channel appears on June 27, 2017. It causes quite a stir with its first video, which is now on its way to reaching one million views. The Expo nightmare covers him a month later as the centerpiece of a great new discovery. video showing on the channels many more videos were allowed following that conversation about Daisy Brown inspired by that coverage in the rapid viral power of the first video and then on May 1 of this year, when I was finally in need of seeing Daisy Brown . and seeing how wrong I was to sleep on it, the rain bought ways in the amount of time I've been ignoring something huge that's happening behind me.
daisy brown raising monsters reading secrets teaching makeup

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daisy brown raising monsters reading secrets teaching makeup...

I might as well have sat down to watch a Marvel Cinematic Universe movie for the first time, you know? Oh Seriously, I'm really late to this, but I'll tell you this. Initially I think there was no chance of covering something like this. Sign of cabin fever. Dream season. Everything he had already seen without seeing it. Everything they had told me. pointed in one direction, wait, wait on this one, don't touch it until it's sprayed, it's a certain brand and it has a certain look from the beginning that makes a strong impression, something that can't be undone immediately and on the one hand , I was On the other hand, I may have been very wrong in any case, everyone told me to look at Daisy Brown.
daisy brown raising monsters reading secrets teaching makeup
I've seen Daisy Brown and he was absolutely right in telling me to watch this because, wow, I have enough. a little to say for those of you who don't know what this is Daisy Brown is the story of a shy and innocent girl and her little monster friends, it's like one of those animes or mangoes that some of you like, except this one It's on YouTube so we can see every heartwarming moment in action a day or even a few hours after they happen. The tone is very well set with the first video uploaded about me feeding Alan.
daisy brown raising monsters reading secrets teaching makeup
Hey guys, I'm Daisy Brown, I'm just talking. the camera and I'll show you how I feed Alan, he's blind in case you haven't noticed, his eyes are very cloudy, he can't see anything, it doesn't hurt, yeah, he doesn't have any sensation. There he was just shocked, so he is blind and a little bandaged. He now has some skin problems and as you can see, he is nibbling for food, so I'm going to show you that his body is unique. He can only process sugar, so I'll give him these little sugar tablets to make him blind. He may be confused.
Here we go, he's following him. There you go. Attentive, informative patient. We already like Daisy and for a very special group of people. I'm sure Ellen was even nicer, she probably put a big goofy smile on some faces as she choked down what we were told like a sugar pill and continues to do so without biting Daisy as she points out as she pretends to continue at this. informative video about new baby cousin Eraserhead. Is there anything else we can learn about Ellen from this video? A trip of sorts to the video description shows us that Daisy isn't very strict with her punctuation and grammar, but she does an excellent job. convey to the President of the Navy her behavior on film by writing that Ellen is apparently also sick, so she is not speaking at the moment and had a dry mouth.
This information sparked a very popular response in the comments section from Meghan Muller, oh poor baby, if her skin is dry maybe she is dehydrated maybe you can dissolve a sugar pill in a glass of water for her to drink. I don't know if she can drink an ortho. This brings us to the next big video on July 30, 2017, let's talk about dad, science, Ellen and the basement, okay, hey guys, I'm Daisy Brown and this is Allen. He is now drinking a sugar water mixture himself. Someone commented on Allen's feeding video and said it might be a good idea to mix water with the sugar so you can have a little. a little more hydrated so I've been doing that lately and he seems to really like it and I hope it makes him even healthier because as you know his body can only process water and sugar, it can't really process food.
Well, that's part of the way it was created and we're going to enjoy that during this video because I know you guys are really interested in it. It didn't occur to me that


weren't common. Oh, naturally. because you all know I've been featuring Night Minds, you're a little more aware that


are a more common thing than most people realize, but it's worth paying close attention to. Daisy just said no. I don't know that creatures like Alan are not common at all. She made the first video of it without any sense of it being weird or how people might react.
This type of informal comment is important to understanding Daisy in her world and you can learn a lot. as time goes on, especially the way she talks about certain things or what she doesn't say anyway, answer some questions because well, not some questions, but rather one question in particular, a lot of people have felt a lot curious about my dad, so I thought okay, I'll talk a little bit about my dad because my dad is great, he's a scientist, he's very smart, like I said, he invented Allen, he works with genetics and DNA, yeah, he told me raised, and it was about a year ago when He, I woke up one morning and Allen was in the kitchen.
I know it was a year and a half ago. It was about a year and a half. Yes. I woke up and went downstairs and Allen was in the kitchen. He didn't look. So, it was a lot smaller, a little bit stickier and at first I got scared and my dad explained to me that he had been working on creating a type of life, a type of living creature organic material, and that's really interesting, yeah , my dad is super smart. Um, um, what have you been asking about my father? I don't. Oh, um, about the basement that some people have been asking about since I've been talking about how I've been looking in the attic for my dad's notes about Ellen because I want to know if there's anything I should know about Ellen because she's growing up now. and I want to know if I'm doing things right or if I'm doing things wrong, if I should change things and that's how I have been doing it. looking for my dad's notes when he was doing Allen um a lot of people have been asking me if I looked in the basement and no I haven't looked in the basement um because the basements have been closed since I was a little kid.
I've never actually been down there, so I asked my dad about this a couple of times and he said it's just that there's black mold down there and, I don't know, I don't know if many of you know about Black Mold, but no. It's something you want to be around. It can affect your lungs. It can cause problems in your immune system. It can give you illnesses. It can be bad for your body in general. I trust all of you. I caught that rather strange reference here, let's run it again just to make sure that immune system problems can cause you link diseases, it may seem like it's generally bad for your body link diseases ah yes, the really important thing in Dayz Brown who sent a complete message. many viewers who come to my Twitter and Tumblr have a lunch of questions on my head and demand that I watch this series, you know, I work as a reference like that and I hope that nothing happens after all for those who do not know the links, the disease It's a very important part of the art project, this house has people in it on a whim.
City comedy and it basically equates hypochondria and the fear that something is terribly wrong with someone, all of which is tied to the flaws and deficiencies of human perception in terms of judging. Chasing behavior or the differences between other people and ourselves, in a nutshell, carries the idea that you are watching someone doing something strange or exhibiting strange behavior by looking out, etc. and you're thinking it must be an illness or he might be crazy. It also brings to mind all these silly, ridiculous things you could do to solve or treat an imaginary illness or prevent infection of other people who have it.
Links Illness is a major web city comedy product. It's a very solid reference to one of the most important things they have. I've ever combined Daisy's explicit reference to Link's illness with the name of her monster Allen and maybe you'll understand why my inbox took a hit. Alan Resnick is a core member of the Wham City comedy and is also well known as the creator of Ellen. tutorial in a web series of art projects with metaphorical meaning centered on a rather naive, sheltered and strange man who seeks to share his knowledge and useful ways with the internet and is actually kind of like hmm, I said okay, come on, I know You can do this if you see a tutorial of Allen whose behavior reminds you of Allen's character in that series.
I'll give you a hint that it's not the Eraserhead Babies reboot here. Daisy is very similar to Allen in Allen's tutorial, she is a little more mature and stable. sure, but his behavior is immediately reminiscent of Allen's tutorial videos, as well as his video presentation, and if you don't see it yet, believe me, you will see it very quickly, it will be undeniable and Joseph raises the characteristics of Dacey, the monster that calls. Allen the format of the videos and a direct reference to Link's illness, yes you can bet I received messages about this and if you already know me well enough you can probably guess how I felt about it too and it brings us that part of the reason.
It took me a long time to cover Daisy Brown, kids, sit down, it's time to learn a scary new word in our little corner of the art world. I didn't want to talk about this until they were older, but the time has come. I need to talk about the game Jackie, what is game jacking in the field of online immersive storytelling? Game jacking is the kind of behavior you'd expect from a fan fiction writer who found the weird side of YouTube before finding Wattpad. It is a combination of the words. game and kidnapping, you're taking an item, character setup, or concept from someone's established work and plugging it directly into your own project to take advantage of another creature's property or feel included in their creation, like I said, fan fiction writing is found with a series of rj and web. territory where you invite yourself to the party and pretend that you're going to give the hosts your RSVP a long time ago when they don't even know who you are or, worse yet, you claim that you helped organize the event in the first place, considering the heavy that this field is. of art and entertainment depends on being able to trust that the elements of a story that claims to have a connection to the story actually come from the author of the story.
You can see how this is much more offensive and hurtful than fan fiction can be. Playing with dolls inspired by characters from a popular show and telling your own story in the privacy of your basement pillow to play the game is like going on stage in the middle of a live theater performance and pretending to be a character in the play. Confused and upset, the directors angry and the audience disgusted and abandoned by the experience, no one leaves happy. I've seen game theft attempts many times, it happened many times during camp germ activity, a series and projects happened that I haven't covered but kept up.
I keep an eye out and it's an established phenomenon that no one wants to happen in their ongoing series and when I see it I turn into a very cynical angry monster, anything that looks like game theft or seems like an intentional reference to another property for the sake of fact of doing it. The theft of plot elements immediately gives me a bad taste in my mouth. You want to lose my respect very quickly, go ahead and try some gaming if an author doesn't invite you to be part of the reality of his creative universe. Don't build an addition on his house and say we both live here now.
I've seen it before and I never want to see it again, as desperate as I know the desire is the pile of messages I get talking about a new web series involving a monster named Alan who could have been created by the disease. Link gave me a very specific impression. I didn't really want to take a look at it and make my fears come true, but here is the beauty and you, watching this video, alreadyI suspect that because it exists, I discovered that my fears did not come true and it is true that upon seeing Daisy Brown, any worries about the kidnapping accumulate like sugar in a cup of water.
Yes, the references are heavy and obvious, but there is no genuine crime to behold. here we, Danna, just dodged a bullet, signed pass for missile and now that leaves the question of why the references really exist in the first place, if this isn't a jackin game or some kind of web series version of fan fiction So what purpose does it have? It actually serves, in short, it is a message. Daisy Brown will play by a similar set of rules as you would find in the realm of off-the-wall advertising comedy. The nature of the game has been presented with meta symbols in the suggestion to search for information in places.
We normally wouldn't expect to find it keeping our idea of ​​what's happening more open than what we see at first, that's the message we've been given a form of encryption key and I'm really glad we waited so long to pick up Daisy Brown because It's only at this point in the series that anyone can begin to interpret things this way with substantial information. Normally, new web series give me the night vision treatment, but Daisy Brown is like a lie on par with a pet's scalp right now and it's been rolling out. a lot of content, Daisy needs no introduction or spotlight, we will give this a strong overnight treatment, incorporating the channel as a whole, everyone who already needed to be informed about this to invest has already heard it and if they did by The moment you open this video, you will be on board at the end.
I don't think I'm spoiling anything by doing this now. I'm just giving everyone a quick tour of the story so far and a good There's a reason to take a seat before things get really crazy, truth be told, although we need to approach things a little more differently than that we normally would - we're not following the same kind of strict blue road storytelling that I talked about in how to make a web series mainly because the big things happen slowly and the story is contained within Daisy's house is not one of our classics get in the car losers let's go hunt monsters road trip stories that have been filmed most of these videos are a slice of life o How-to pieces, little updates and vlogs from Daisy that give us insight into her feelings and past, as well as subsequent development.
It's 40% intense story investigation and progression and 60% storytelling of lonely girls and their monster friends. Let's go ahead and clean house so we have a path to forge without too many detours right away by watching this 60 percent of Daisy Focus content on the channel, you'll find random updates and furry pieces like in zoo video number two, my videos of garden cooking and, of course, the immensely popular Alan. Makeup Tutorials If you want to get a clearer idea of ​​who Daisy's once-friend


ie is from her life so far and how she came to be the way she is, we need these videos for more evidence to add to the pile. night itch, new year and friendship bracelet to give you an idea of ​​the days you spend and your thought process and behavior when you are not directly in front of the camera, we will open a night itch section and while we do it, I want those Of you who have been with me for a few web series realize how different this warm video is from much of what we've already seen in the morning at this point.
I just don't know what to do with it. I myself can't sleep right now, stop complaining. I've been having a lot of scary dreams lately so I don't want to go to sleep because I don't want the scary dream to happen again. I know why they started happening out of nowhere, but I just know that I'm so tired. I know I need to sleep, but I stay in bed for hours and won't be able to fall asleep until you guys, what's your favorite? place in the world Have you traveled anywhere and where have you gone? Have you seen the ocean?
Have you seen a country where a different language is spoken? Have you seen food that is very different from what you are used to? I have seen an animal that is not a cat or a dog or a squirrel or a mouse or something like that. Have you seen a really big animal? I haven't seen any of those. Daisy has a knack for getting personal while being filmed in a way that we're not very used to in this field, this whole video can make you feel like you're lying on the dock next to her just listening to her talk late at night and It is clear that this is the relationship she has with her audience, a friend to whom she is invited. her house that she can spend the night like this and lie in her room staring into space having the kind of conversations that only these moments bring.
Occasionally we get scenes where Daisy is presented as much more of an Ellen tutorial character, but then leaves the mask that is holding a leaf as we see in the friendship bracelet. I thought today would be a good day to make friendship bracelets or something. I mean, it's so cloudy outside, it's so cloudy outside. I just want to make something that's colorful like this in a second. It'll be ready in a minute, so here are the colors we'll use: we'll use orange, blue, pink, green and this pretty golden yellow, so actually okay, I read about this online and the way this works I'm going to make a chevron bracelet that's like an angle going down so we're going to take them all and oh no they're all different sizes okay okay I'm just going to cut them all out. so they are the same size oh wait you have this because sometimes when I'm in my room I'm hungry because I didn't eat any food and I started keeping it green. bell pepper here, remember I once kept a pizza waiting.
I don't have a knife here, so I know I usually save a lot of my biggest praise when things are done really well for the end of the video, but can we stop for a second and just appreciate that whole bell pepper moment so that Dixie is obviously not in great shape and feels the need to have snacks on hand and her idea of ​​a snack or possibly the only thing she has in the house that works now is a green pepper, so she just sits on the floor and chews a pepper acting like it's perfectly normal.
This is p.m. influence of urban comedy it's absurd it's completely silly and yet totally serious at the same time hilarious and heartbreaking Lee sad as meaningful as it is ridiculous I love this moment and she doesn't even exaggerate it, she just does it following precisely the flow of the character in the moment amazing purely amazing pepper great touch okay let's move on I learned how to braid my hair from a book when I was younger. It had pictures on how to improve your hair. You might not believe it when I was little. I used to have really long hair like it reached my butt.
Let's see if I can remember this. Am I supposed to leave it tight? I think it's okay. I don't think it's right. Nothing. Alright. Everything's fine. Oh wait. I got it, no, I remember, look, it's hard, I only have five strings, oh no, I had a strange dream where a lady was in my house when I woke up, except for some reason I wasn't afraid of her and I just I asked who. She was and she said she wanted it to grow healthy and then it fell off the ground and it was like a puddle that almost looked like pomegranate juice or something, but then it had like little clumps and pieces of gelatin.
I still don't know who that lady is or what she wanted, I mean, I know she wanted me to grow up healthy but I don't know what that means, I don't know what that means because I've never seen her before, um, I lost my place, but It's still okay, she was pretty, so after witnessing all of that with Daisy showing us what it's like when something affects her and she doesn't really recognize herself, let's see a little bit about how she feels. more candid and in front of the camera instead of completely hidden in the dark with the New Year's video.
I just wanted to post a real quick video about 2018 and because I've been thinking a little bit and I just want to get my thoughts out there so you guys can hear them and hold me accountable, so this year I've decided I'm not going to let the stressors get to me. I feel like last year I let that happen too many times, I let things get to me, so this year I'm not going to let the stressors get to me. I'm going to help Allen grow. I will help myself grow. I'm going to keep my plans alive.
I'm going to read more books. I'm going to continue exploring the Attic even though I know my dad's notes aren't there. I'm going to go to a library. Maybe what I really wanted to say with this video is that not this year. give up any more and I'm not going to give up on finding my dad, I know he's not in the house, I'm not stupid, I know he is, I know he's not here, but I'm not going to give up on finding him. I want answers like only once in my life. I just want a simple and solid answer.
You'll notice that the tax video had an interruption from the only other character so far who could provide one and I decided to let that section play to highlight something very. It's important that Daisy, the creator, wanted to mention at that time. This isn't a normal vlog channel and I know you respond easily and obviously Nick, we're watching a college-age hermit girl raise a monster in a petri dish, but I mean, in the sense that it's not about Simply lowering the camera and recording this moment from Alan's point of view as he crawls around is a direct statement: we are watching a work of art, it was an artistic choice, we can't be watching things with a strict vlog channel mentality . the format why that moment is paired with Daisy's brave and open New Year's resolutions video because it's meant to highlight what we just saw in other uploads the way Daisy feels what she's thinking and what she's going through It's important to the story we're in.
We're supposed to pay attention to this instead of just seeing it as an effect of the story's events. Daisy and her feelings, her struggle are the story, that is why much of what she feels about what has happened and why she became like this is the most hidden secret of the channel, each video has subtitles, they are shown in videos that they're silent, they're shown in videos where Daisy talks the entire time, they're shown on every load, and they hide story elements you'd never catch without them. The first major instance of subtitles giving us an idea comes along with the second upload on the zoo channel.
The silence of loneliness. The silence of longing. The silence of desire and contemplation. What do we do with this? What do these subtitles speak well about? Subtitles are primarily used to convey what a character on the screen is saying or an action. It is a way of communicating what cannot be heard in certain circumstances to an audience. These monkeys are not characters. Daisy is our only character. These animals are. We are not alone or wishing we had each other, but outside her enclosure is Daisy watching, this is what she feels and thinks, let's get ready now and visit zoo video number two to find out more.
If Daisy has secret messages, they hold on together. Familiarity with Emperor Tamron when he is a new father. He struggles to hold his twins He struggles to hide them Asking for help makes no sense No one will be able to understand him But I can't do this alone He screams into the void I need to hide them He says they're not ready They don't I don't know enough I'm a poor teacher She doesn't know enough This huge world will consume her This is the whole world This is everything outside of this place It is dangerous and cruel The world outside of this is allowed The pain clings to me or face the noisy, cruel and hungry world.
I don't think it's necessary to know from other videos that Daisy has issues with her father to understand what she's projecting emotionally into this one, you'll see a lot of that in the subtitles. Daisy conveys experiences during her childhood. talking to her father or listening to conversations she had with other people, all of these rather silly videos that don't seem to convey much else at first and more evidence of Daisy's behavior hide


from her past or perhaps a document about her general secret through the uploads on the channel we, as an audience, quickly get to know the bare facts of what we immediately want to know.
Alan the Monster is the creation of Daisy's father, a scientist who one day was found in the kitchen with the small growing specimen that would become Alan. Daisy ended up naming him and saw him more as a baby or pet who didn't share her father's overwhelming sense of power and created a new way of life that we know from the subtitles on the quiet video. I have done the impossible and I. I have created life where there was nothing before I can't believe you are crying over one of my greatest achievements I made this creature exist now it is now going to live in this house you were going to have to help take care of this creature these are simply the facts of life situation, there is no way to change them now we also discovered that it was notthe first time Daisy's dad was trying to do this and in the plant update subtitles we get this no, no, no, this can't be right, no. now let me work oh my god I can't fail this again I can't do another disgusting monstrosity I can't keep messing up don't go to your room Can't you see daddy's working?
I was sure this one would work. Why do it? they keep turning out to be disasters god it's hard as a beat but it feels like a miscarriage her heart is beating that's a small victory Daisy if you interrupt me one more time I'll rip your damn hair out interesting fact about that last mean comment three videos later Alan ends up ripping it out Daisy's hair. If you think there might be a parallel, you'd be right. Several of Daisy's caption messages reveal that her father was quite abusive with both words and actions and we see a lot of evidence that Alan is equally cruel, it's never something she says directly, it's always a story, it's always a memory, like the whole time she's making a video Daisy is remembering some trauma or finding a moment in the back of her mind, she's mentally preoccupied most of the time. or not, although considering that her father put her through a lot of pain, she dropped a monster to lift her lap without instructions and then suddenly abandon her without explanation, leaving Daisy to care for Ellen and hopefully discover the notes about him that were left and that's mostly what Daisy Brown's plot elements imply.
Daisy tries to find whatever her father left behind. to help her deal with Alan's growth and what he might become as the mysterious creature grows in very unexpected ways and she begins to develop a serious temper. Hey guys, this is Brown, so I'm stuck in my room right now because Alan is being a little violent. and I mean I keep my door closed at night and I'm doing that right now so if you're here I'm in the background it's best to just ignore it because he really wants attention so yeah Alan's growth. seems to surpass the thesis work by trying to discover what his father left behind and that is no coincidence: it is much more narrative than one would expect, as it can drive web series fans crazy by not receiving clues about the sci-fi or horror element of a story, that's because, as mentioned above, the story is really about Daisy Alan, it's just a part of it, and sometimes they'll be in a scary one.
Did you draw these? Did you draw this Robbie? I'm serious, stop, listen to me, you can. talk, does it still hurt? Did that hurt you? Ellen, yeah, honey, I'm so sorry, I'll never do that in bed, in bed, okay, yeah, okay, oh, um, do you have anything you want to say to people on YouTube? Everyone has been very worried about you. Thanks Owen, it's a bit bad, isn't it? But don't worry, it gets worse as we find out in the video that I'm outside. Daisy has made it clear in previous uploads that her father taught her not to go out during the day whenever she can help it and to avoid seeing people, but here she is breaking a rule by telling us why it started out bad and got worse, but Daisy's favorite food Y'all, I like what I really like.
Do it like this, I mean even after eating it for so long I still like it, yeah. Daisy is still afraid of cars and now she is afraid of Ellen, although she has been afraid of Allan and she let us know during the night itch video. I started to panic about Dad's notes, Dad's notes about Allen Harlan and what Allen is going to become because he's still growing up and he's growing up a lot and I don't know what to do, I don't know what to expect, but I just had a really real thought. scary and I don't know if it's true.
I'm really afraid that's it, what if Dad didn't hide his notes in the attic? What if I haven't been looking for something for months and I like it? I started thinking about why when I went to the attic I kept finding all these things I'd never seen Dad talk about, like a box of hair or a bunch of poetry or art books or all these photo albums. from people I don't know and I started thinking, why would Dad have left his science notes with all these things he'd never seen before? And then I started getting really scared, basically, today.
I realized he had been looking for nothing and I feel like an idiot. I feel so stupid because I should have known, but I should have known as soon as I got up there and as soon as I started looking around and seeing things like why would I have hidden something very important in a place with no lights? why would he have hidden it? I'm like I started thinking. I have no idea where the lab my dad worked in is. That's why, beyond the sense of morbid curiosity, viewers continue to pressure Tazie to find her tattoos.
Notes on Allen. He is a total mystery. A dangerous mystery. He may hurt Daisy. He has hurt Daisy and as we saw in the drawing video, he can be surprisingly deceitful and laugh about it, but Daisy. Daisy may never find her father's notes and everyone has this, where we delve deep into the core of what makes Daisy Brown a great example of the Knight Mine material and absolutely suitable for fever dreams and of cap. Okay, how do we approach this? It has layers, so I need to go through them carefully to avoid a disaster. I guess I'll continue to paint the missing pieces of who Daisy is and what's going on with her to begin who Daisy Brown is.
Well, we know that she feels alone, abandoned by her father, abused by her father, given a responsibility she never asked for, and physically hurt by her, including a moment of abuse in the same way her father once threatened to abuse her. she, she doesn't come out if she can help, she has a little understanding of the modern world and society and has a genuine phobia of other people her mother isn't in the picture either and we don't hear anything about it instead we have to read it. Daisy is willing to show the dented videos of her with subtitles, well, she's just willing to talk.
About the idea of ​​her mother and the subtitles, let's take a look at the mentions of Daisy's mother starting with the subtitles of another cooking video in the transcript, you will find that when her father was around, Daisy was apparently allowed to write questions and Put them in a box where she bends down to get an answer. The question they witnessed in the secession is: Do I have a mother? Her father answers Oh, Daisy, bad questions. Daisy then apologizes to her father, who stops responding. The absence of Daisy's mother is a very painful topic that is not talked about, she does not even know if she has a mother and that leads us to something very important that we must understand about the psychology of Daisy Brown, the messages with subtitles in the videos kitchen are connected to the end. of the second unlocking the secret of the first in that first cooking video Daisy makes French fries while recounting the experiences of what seemed like a mother giving birth and passing away immediately afterwards oh god I'm dying it's too much blood I'm going to die here it's that he survived yes he lived I did he survived and it's just beautiful oh I'm not losing that much blood dying is an art like everything else I do it exceptionally well oh honey let's stop shaking that won't make me survive Oh God please take care of this newborn oh Jesus please don't let him think I'm gone or that I didn't care let him grow big and strong let him do something great I can't believe it I finally gave birth and I'll never get to see this child grow up I'll never teach him anything I'll never get to tell him I love it goodbye honey goodbye a world in consideration of that whole section of messages with subtitles we can say this even if Daisy was told that her mother died in childbirth, she would never have been able to remember all that and people don't talk that way when they are dying .
This is very romantic, as is Daisy's perspective on the emperor marmosets at the zoo. imagining the situation created by his own memory of his mother at a time when his senses would not even be able to grasp what he apparently heard and even before that we have the most impossible situation of the legends in Allen's drawing in which Daisy describes his mother asking his father Curtis about a painting he loves and why he admires it. Lighting and shadows tell viewers a lot about the story. She saw the young woman illuminated like an angel, meanwhile, her faces in her mirror.
Hmm, she has no idea when she. I'm talking about how she's so cute nodding like she cares about Spanish art history what your favorite part of the painting is. Curtis the two then go over the symbolism of the piece that Curtis seems to have forgotten. This is obviously not something Daisy can remember. He wasn't even born, he doesn't know anything about his mother except a woman's possessions that he finds in a suitcase in the attic. Among the objects, he finds two things that stand out in particular, the Middleton who had tea bags inside and a small music box and a little box of music. little music and I recognized it was from the movie Alice in Wonderland.
I know this because I watched her while she was growing up. I've listened to that tune several times trying to see if my first impression is correct and I can say after playing it a few times that I'm pretty sure it's the Mad Tea Party tune. I'm not going to play the movie comparison clip because this is YouTube and we all know what will happen if I do that. although it is for obvious research purposes, but you know, the presence of at in with some tea bags inside the same box does not seem like an accident and as we already talked about when you drop the message that you are going to wham city comedy guidelines every Every time you put something in front of the camera, you make the decision to do it.
There is meaning in the action behind tea, the melody of what appears to be the Tea Party man in desi, instantly recognizing that it is from Alice in Wonderland because she grew up watching it, yes, combine that with everything we know about Daisy, especially considering her behavior with subtitles and a picture begins the way. You can also take note of the sweater she wears after discovering that Ellen can actually draw a lot later, which has a stacking teacup design if we wanted to have another Alice in Wonderland and even more of a reference to the crazy holiday of the tea, we got it, let's readjust our perspective now that we have more evidence on the table Daisy Browne is a lonely girl abandoned by her abusive father.
She was, mentally, emotionally and physically, really being taught not to go out if she could help. She has some understanding of the modern world in society and she has a genuine phobia of other people. Her mother has never been in the picture and she lacks the presence of a mother. At any point in her life, Daisy creates fictional memories of her mother that she places in the subtitles of her YouTube videos. In the meta angle of the story, we have references to Alice in Wonderland, a story about a young woman who lives a crazy adventure that has a lot to do with a joyful and voluntary madness and if all this were not enough to paint the picture about a very lonely and isolated girl who tries to hide her depression and anxiety, it gets worse when she explores the entire realm of subtitles.
In the second cooking video, one of the questions Daisy asked her father was: Can I marry another girl? she decided to tell Ellen a story in this story there was a beautiful queen who lives on the moon and she was in love with the queen of the stars we could even have seen one of these characters in a previous video the quiet video when Daisy shows us a photo she took when she was younger of a space lady, and of course, let's not forget Daisy's attempt at making a rainbow-colored friendship bracelet. In this video, she seemed particularly depressed, so Daisy Brown is now revealed to us as a lonely girl who never knew that her mother was abused, neglected and abandoned by her father.
She was kept isolated from the outside world to the point that she can barely relate to others and she does not understand Christmas or the unusual nature of the lab-grown monsters. She has rules about not going out during The day the only father in her life lowered her fear of people and cars when she broached the subject of her sexual orientation and was told she was stupid, she felt so alone that she formed a personality fictitious and memories of it. The mother can't really tell us what she really thinks without the silent method of subtitles and she is being attacked and thrown out of her home by the only companion she has, who she raised since birth, being Daisy Brown, it is an act of suffering . and has been suffering so much that it might be approaching the territory of dizzying insanity in the angle of the meta clue that the creator of this channel can take to make us aware that he sold out not just one reference but a few and when I finally realized I accounted for all of this in my initial review of the channel.
I felt totally swept away because Daisy Browne had done something no other web series had done: it created a sense of expectations in me that made me throw them away and play along with a real absurd concept that remains in the story as a person.willing to believe her while ignoring Allen's ridiculous nature, who is obviously some kind of paper mache puppet, and then use that power against me to lay the groundwork for a possible major plot twist, guys that Ellen might not even be. The real Daisy Brown could be deliberately angry and she may have used our habit of simply following a web series for the sake of the experience against us.
On April 16, 2018 we received Daisy's video called Need Strawberry about a cat she brought to the House, the captioned messages are unlike anything they've been exposed to, but everyone keeps asking is it real, is it fake, well , of course, it is false for you, but I did all this. I couldn't undo it if I wanted to, could I? crazy, yes, definitely, but I still really hope you enjoy what I made. I also hope this introduction isn't too jarring. I just couldn't help it. You will never hear from me again. I just wanted to introduce myself now, back on the show, honestly.
The author this changes everything, especially when he took into consideration some very early videos with subtitles in which again Daisy seems to somehow project herself as Alan when Daisy tries to feed her monster new sources of sugar, we get the following: this silly girl, frivolous and vain. this world was built for me, not for her, and I was built for this world entitled stupid ignorant, you are the blind, stupid one who raised you, that was one of her first videos; Daisy was doing this long before presenting fantasies of the mother she never knew and as she stated that this was not the only time she projected Allen's voice into a situation, Allen's update video in which Daisy talks about caring for A wound on Allen's neck also reveals, Dear Lord, I must have screamed myself hoarse.
My head is pounding, my neck is burning, everything hurts, but that doesn't matter, I'm growing up, look outside, so we come to a point of confusion and contention: Is Daisy Brown really putting on a show by making the most of our willingness to suspend disbelief? and just go with a story because that's actually the story where Allen is real and Daisy has a lot of problems that we witness, to what extent the message is a breaking of the fourth wall and, knowing Strawberry, He seems to direct too strongly and his writing. Being the actual creator coming up and saying thank you for seeing that line, of course that's fake for you, I get the impression that this is all part of the game, but maybe it's a fourth wall break and we're being missed. giving a lot...we needed a tap on the shoulder to put things in perspective all this time we were really wondering if


was playing with us or not?
Did we continue to believe her and play her game? Where do the subtitles come from? Do we think about it? that if they are for Daisy it means that she is suffering much more than we thought or that she is manipulating the audience fully aware of the power of the unreliable position of narrator that she has, if Daisy is not doing the subtitles and someone else is pulling the strings of the puppet, then we are dealing with something we can't even begin to understand and just look at Alan, look at him seriously, we had to willingly throw away our suspension of disbelief to accept that this crude arts and crafts puppet was somehow a real organic monster .
We had to swallow that lie. We all know that one way or another there is someone moving Ellen, whether it's Daisy using one of her limbs or a friend who has been cleverly hidden without the will to simply play along, used against us all this time by a character who will be revealed as a manipulator: Daisy uses our first impressions and our natural reaction as fiction-seeking audience members as a way to spin things, although to deliver a plot twist that would be impressive, she leaves us with a problem. Daisy, the lonely girl, is trying to trick us, how did she manage to achieve these effects?
She's totally isolated in the world, or so we think, and if she's alone, then how is Ellie moving? I admit, we're in kind of a situation. There's a whole mess of potential realities now just from the subtitles on that video. He knows Strawberry and it always hurts that they are at this intersection. I really hate these multiple choice points, especially when we already have so much evidence to go on, so let's try to keep things simple for a while. Right now we need to do an elimination process or at least that's what I was going to do when I first wrote my script for this video.
Daisy Brown has once again done something that few web series ever achieved, she made me overwrite my script trying to figure it out. a puzzle and then walk away to let my brain cool so far only every minute hybrid and these houses the people in it have ever done that to me. I wrote a little over three pages of possible scenarios of what might be happening and why in excruciating detail before realizing I was attacking this way too hard after coming back to it a night later. I can talk about this much more clearly and this is what I have: we don't have the evidence we need to block firmly. the nature of the narrative in its characters we don't have evidence yet to suggest what's happening, but we're not ready to make the decision, so instead of exploring a bunch of all-encompassing scenarios, we can tackle something much easier of handling conditional statements and branching paths after condensing everything I was analyzing over three pages and a good two hours of thinking, this is what I have to work with on the absolute basis that our true path forward is to base assumptions on whether or not Allen is real let's start with the easiest path possible here if Allen is real then Daisy is legit if Daisy is legit then it means the author is making the subtitles and can have power over what we see also what is our evidence behind this thing we have First, two things to rely on: we know that if Daisy is legit, she can't possibly be writing the subtitles because her writing style and spelling are terrible.
We see it everywhere in her videos, in her descriptions and on Twitter, she would need to do it suddenly. Make a drastic, conscious effort to write correctly for this and it just doesn't match what we know about her assuming her character and her Alan character are real. If she had to change the writing style, it means she was misleading us in this scenario. That's not what we're considering her as. What I said about the author having power over what we see. Remember the moment in the New Year's video when we had a random clip of Alan crawling on the floor.
Daisy didn't seem to notice. There are no comments about it anywhere. I looked in the comments section below the description and also on Twitter to see if anyone brought it up to get a response from Daisy. Nothing was sad, which leads to what appears at the beginning of the video. My dance. Frank Sinatra music tape playing followed by a very clear shot of Frank Sinatra's face on the cover of a cassette tape, this also takes place in view of a very bright blue chair in relation to what has already been established, We're working by Wham City comedy guidelines and yes We're working by Wham City rules, it means everything that ends up on camera is chosen, it's not an accidental pop quiz, what material is covered here on Night Mind, is very closely associated with the music of Frank Sinatra and why respond to all, hybrid by the character of habit, there is a The love for Frank Sinatra and his tactic of playing Sinatra's music to make his presence known as a habit well established is a character who lies outside the initial consciousness of the protagonist of that series, a powerful antagonist who can manipulate what we see and does so constantly now.
I'm going out on a limb and saying that Daisy Browne must be aware of when urban comedy and the everyman mix and is taking inspiration from both, without really considering that her official Twitter account follows the official hybrid account of the everyman, Geoffrey's account. Koval and the Evans account he interprets. habit and she is also following the entire team of ym city company, so yes, I think we are very safe and say that she is aware enough of all the work that I have mentioned to refer to the material coordination of the making of Blue Chair with Frank Sinatra could be a message.
I'm working with symbolism to tell you something. Remember that what I'm showing you may be a symbol and that brings us to the full summary of conditional statement scenario one. Daisy and Allen are legit. The author is running the case closed. subtitles and there is a kind of usual figure that has just become known. So far we've only admitted the power of using subtitles, but they could be responsible for Allen's random clips from the perspective of the monster himself, why the author? writing the subtitles and what do they have to gain by messing with Daisy's channel, are they really responsible for what we are seeing?
We don't really know, but they really are characters and this wasn't a fourth wall break. Creator of Daisy Browns, so we are looking at a story that is clearly being manipulated by someone in the universe, this could also explain the references to Alice in Wonderland, maybe Daisy is not crazy, the author is definitely crazy and the He's pretending to go through crazy things like Alicia's experience. Wonderland but as far as we know poor Daisy is going through events that leave a real impact and if the author's tip really was just the creator of Daisy Brown saying hello we are facing a serious derailment of the Loren world belt.
I really, really hope this wasn't a fourth wall break, just a shout out to the audience using the more secretive and information-laden aspect of the series, which would close the immersion too much and might also add sugar to the tank. gasoline from her car, so now we have to go through really confusing scenarios based on the other side of Allen's reality condition, if Helen isn't real it means Daisy is making it all up, if Daisy is making it all up everything, then she is responsible for the subtitles, if Daisy is doing the subtitles, then the author is an interloper or Daisy herself, now where does that leave us?
Some possibilities are developed in the first case. Daisy Brown is just a lonely, sad girl with problems trying to put on a show for the Internet to solve. with her problems, she shows her problems through the subtitles and the fact that she is doing this and who knows what poor fools started to help her achieve the illusion that Alan is real and moves on his own, in this case the author. is an intruder who uses Daisy's caption messages to make his presence known, but Daisy has been writing them all along In the second case, the creator of Daisy Brown is literally a character who plays Daisy, the creator of the web series exists in the universe, everything is fake, that's all. made up but has now attracted the attention of something real from the outside who calls himself the author again the author is an intruder on the scene hijacking messages from Daisy's subchannel in the final case Stacy is aware that her work is fake and is setting up a spectacle but she firmly believes in her power as the figure of the great author, having made a reality a reality in which she cannot abandon or stop what she has set in motion.
She's crazy, yes, definitely, but she did all this. She can't undo it if she wants to. would be the crazy interpretation of the tea party that takes the Alice in Wonderland references to their fullest extent. I almost want to float the idea that Daisy could be channeling more than one personality in the series, but we don't have enough evidence yet to really entertain that and that's good, that's where we are, we're all going to need more time to figure out which one it is. really the deal here, but these are the possibilities I can offer from the evidence gathered so far on jeans we haven't even talked about the potential symbolism behind the Allen aspects of this series from a writing standpoint and the execution, which impressed me how this Excel is no different, its power and subtle writing, how it relates to aspects of the character that we would never have known about, otherwise this video is gone.
However, it's been too long for me to address all the other things at the moment, and to be honest, it'll be easier for us to talk about everything else and it'll be more correct if we take the time to see what else we get. on the channel more evidence I need more evidence to be sure of the things I want to say we have to come back to Daisy Brown later to make it clear, although I will say that Daisy Brown deserved my attention a long time ago, I should have sat down I'm down to watch that months ago, she's really doing something different that counts for all people and Daisy is kind of an incredible combination of Allen's Allen tutorial and a really tired, distressed girl spanked or we can believe the turns we take and see how Allen reveals. ofwhich is really capable of giving you chills and now we can't help but wonder exactly what it is becoming.
We want to know more, yes, the stories about Daisy more than about Allen and the missing father, but we really care a lot. find more of the father's documents and see what kind of threat Allen becomes and you know I can't keep this setup anymore, send him back, shut him down again with the TV. I'm done with the cabin fever dreams, now I'm just past them. A lot of time doing intense analysis and elaboration of theories without making jokes. They are suggestive. We are definitely back to normal. Give me back the office. We're done here for now.
Thank you all for jumping into the conversation again tonight. Elderly. Thanks to all my followers on Patreon. who make it possible for me to wonder for two hours if an Eraserhead baby fan paper mache work is alive or fake and not worry about the validity of my career stay until the end of this video to see all their names thanks for joining me The doctor again tonight and wait. I already said I'm Nick Nocturne and I'm tired. You are tired. We are all tired. Let's go to sleep now. Play, sit still. Good night all. I love them.

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