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CUTTING Open UNIQUE WEIRD Fidget Toys Mystery Box Sensory FX Elements

May 01, 2024
We have another haunting toy


bag that is extremely viral and popular all over YouTube and Tick Tock t-shirts so many of you have been tagging me in different videos showing that they are a little squishy but they are supposed to be the items such. like Earth, oh yeah, wind, water, I don't know why I did what now I don't know what to expect, but these are none other than ASMR


effects, the popular




bag, we have made everything from effects pens


. which basically look and feel like this, we have made


boards and many other fidget toy mystery bags, if you are interested I will leave a list below for you to see, but basically the idea of ​​this one is that we have different types of shapes and


now I don't know if they feel different but I really hope they do it differently, what's the point of collecting them because there are eight to collect?
cutting open unique weird fidget toys mystery box sensory fx elements
I have nine bags and I'm 90 sure we have the entire collection, so I'm going to be able to rate them and see if they are different, please, please, please, I need them to be different. If they are all the same, soft but different shapes, I won't get too angry, but I will do it first. sad because you are going to break my heart and I am going to cry, cry all the time. I only know you five dollars, but I don't want to waste my money on anything, at least make it worth it and then I'm going to get mad and everything's going to go to the tree but uh I mean um we're civilized we're civilized adults here with the Monaco and a mustache and a top hat look at me I'm very distinguished and I'm playing with my mustache we're going to do this kind of civilization, do you know what you signed up for?
cutting open unique weird fidget toys mystery box sensory fx elements

More Interesting Facts About,

cutting open unique weird fidget toys mystery box sensory fx elements...

Can you see Salty Crafter enjoying real life? Look at her, he has his own castle and a crown. She definitely she is the ruler of this place and probably Salty Crafters like this because she has been Enjoy playing Royal Match a Match Three game with different types of puzzles where you can save a king from different scenarios. Yes, this game is free to download and has no ads, nor do I, well, not only are there no ads, but you don't need the Internet to do it. Play this game you will wait for King Robert to restore the castle to its former glory by playing match 3 puzzles and combining exciting power-ups you will be able to complete different types of levels and the fun is completing levels.
cutting open unique weird fidget toys mystery box sensory fx elements
You get to see the castle come to life and I know a lot of you love to decorate so this has that component to it that we enjoy and I have to admit I really enjoy the puzzles where we have to save King Robert from different types of dangers in your own nightmares with thousands of levels, yes, more than 4500 levels. Royal Match is one of the best ways to give yourself the royal treatment. Honestly, this game is absolutely relaxing and a great way to de-stress after a long day and if you feel like playing with a team, you also have that option in a real match, so you can work individually or with a team to compete in world championships.
cutting open unique weird fidget toys mystery box sensory fx elements
What are you waiting for? Check out my link below and pinned comment to download. Real match today again, the link will be below as well as the pinned comment. A huge thank you to Dream Games for sponsoring a portion of today's video so we can watch it at the back. We have different types here, so let's look at the leaflet that comes inside and then you have to let me know in the comments section below which one you like best. I have to say that I am very curious about rainbows. It looks like there's Orbeez in there, but please.
Don't make them all Orbeez, please, no, you don't know what I'm getting ahead of myself. I don't know why I'm getting salty. I haven't even


ed them yet, but if you're the salty type. like me, make sure you subscribe and click on all the notifications. We make all kinds of fun, strange and wacky mystery boxes and miniature crafts. Click on all the notifications while you're there, so let's go ahead and embark on the sensory


, squish, pull and crunch. fidget


there is a second music why are there so many? Let's start with you now. I'm a little intrigued by the bag itself because not only can we


it from here but there was also a fun design on the bottom down here. which I have no idea what it is what you're nothing for at all it was just my imagination there's only four semicircles in each corner at the bottom I guess they're useless okay let's go ahead and open it up let's find the flip the pen first see oh my gosh that's soft is that the animated thing that's not the brochure is that the brochure there's the brochure okay so we have a snowflake we have a flower lightning bolt rainbow cloud , a leaf that looks like the Canadian flag here.
It's for your own pleasure and then we have sun and rain. I have to say I'm really excited about the rainbow although I'm not sure what element it's supposed to represent maybe maybe water light Water and light we don't have Earth I guess the leaf would be considered Earth so I guess we'll find out , but yeah, let me know in the comments section below which of these you're looking forward to the most. Here they are on the screen, so it's easier for all of you to see and let's see what this label is. Why is there a label?
Ok, we have the interesting Sakura flower, oh okay, first things first, it doesn't look like there's Orbeez in there, which is great news, what does it smell like? markers that's


you know exactly the smell I'm thinking of that's exactly what it smells like I don't know why listen I don't care but it's pretty invasive and then there's this


label so I'm not sure why is this here? Because if you try to pull it, you might ruin the fidget toy, so I guess we're going to need some scissors like the ones I saw. To get you out, there you go, and here's the Sakura flower, it's a little bit on the sticky side not too sticky and let's go ahead and squish it oh clearly slime, okay, now I'm stretching it, it's pretty stretchy, there you go and it says smash, pull and crunch.
Now this has no crunch, it just has a wet sound. okay, for five dollars, right, let me check it out because there are similar products at the dollar store, give me a second, oh, for 97 cents, it's even cheaper than I thought, but I paid five dollars, no, they're 3, 90, so they cost four dollars each. Okay, that's cheap, so I guess if you like the thrill of mystery boxes, this isn't so bad, there's nothing special about it, so let's look at the next one, but check out the slime every time we get a double. I'll open it, it's okay, as long as.
We'll open it as long as it's not too messy. Next one here. Oh, by the way, what number was this? So the Sakura flower is the number 105. I know the numbers are there. I don't want to ruin the surprise. so I won't go through the numbers until after all here we go and for those of you wondering why I don't buy these and just make sure I have the full collection because I had to buy it at Walmart online in the US .I'm in Canada, I can't buy them in the store and check the numbers. I have to put my order to mom at the mercy of whoever sends them.
Okay, I can't choose them, so I have to wait and buy. It's okay, someone is nice to me. alright, the next one we have is oh the sun, hello, okay, and we have another one of these, this is so useless. Oh wait, if I'm going to rate this in terms of a disturbing toy, maybe a five out of ten, the only reason they say that is because I know at the end of the day this is going to end up blowing up eventually anyway, let's get you out and this one, oh, this one already feels better, so this is what the Sun looks like.
It's actually very pretty. I love the shape because this in itself is. its own jitter makes a nice sound and it feels good because it's soft, it has a nice texture and then the inside feels like beads, you can't hear it, look at that, you can already hear it doesn't feel like Orbeez, so let's go ahead and Let's crush. and look at that creak, oh my god, these are beads, okay, clearly, this is superior, this is clearly superior, wasn't that creak? here's the stretch, here's the crunch and squish, yes this is phenomenal, this one for me is definitely going to be higher on the scale. so I'm going to give it a 7.5 out of 10. and you can even try putting the beads in the corners here look at that, yeah, definitely a top one, a top one if you want the Sun, what was the number?
Oh no, wait. the sun is number one, I think, oh no, now I don't know, wait, I don't think the numbers match, okay, Editor Kitty, did you see the label when I took it out, what number was the label, because the back of the bag is here. one says 105 I think that was the first one, correct me, Kitty editor, okay, and the next one is 104. So I think that's the sun, right, yes or no, but I'm pretty sure 104 is the sun because the pamphlet is still inside and we haven't taken out the pamphlet for the next one and the next one.
I'm curious what other textures we have here. Hopefully each of these sets has its own texture, so maybe these two will be the same. This is different. These two are. same thing this is different these two are the same unless what they're doing is actually no I don't see a logic okay what we have here we have an agreement before we move on it looks like we have the rainbow and the number is three okay , I'm not going to touch it, let's just delete this useless thing, seriously, why is it there? This is so annoying because no one no one is going to keep a label, everyone says one here, all the labels say one, so this doesn't count, Kitty's editor doesn't count, okay, we have this one, this is probably Orbeez, so here is the rainbow.
It's definitely clear on the outside again. It's not very sticky. You can't just throw it on the wall and it won't stick, but it has a little bit of a sticky texture, okay, let's go ahead and review Orbeez 100 percent soft Orbeez, a colorful inside very representative of a rainbow, which I really like that choice, but it wouldn't have hurt them if they had added a little. a little bit of beads in there to add a little crunch so here's what it looks and sounds like here's the stretch it's actually really cute the stretch is cute the stretch is cute and The Squeeze which again is colorful and visually attractive, but in reality there is nothing. so I'll have to give this the design is cute I'll give it a 5.8 just because I'm being generous and the next one oh the cloud is cute and the cloud is number one I think we see number one I don't think so anymore number one, okay, let's get you out, this is so annoying.
I think it's Orbeez again, so here's the cloud again. I really love the color options that they have for each one and it's Orbeez, it tightens well, yes, Orbeez, look, we have greens, we have blues, we have white. Orbeez makes this glow in the dark thing, here's the Squish and the stretch is really cute, it's harder to see so let's bring in our trusty felt to create some color. The contrast here is very nice and here it is so you can see the beads a little better. Let me bring you closer. Voila it looks very, very nice.
I have to say I really love the color options for these, but again, very rainbow-like. I don't see anything interesting about this one that you wouldn't find at a dollar store, it's not as pretty as a rainbow. I'm going to give it a 5.5 so far, very good, although we didn't get any of the doubles, so let's see. what this one has to offer us this one feels heavier maybe it's me please give us something different and you are oh the snow and the snow is number six it's like a routine open things now it's okay from what it sounded like I guess this is It's also going to be slime, so we have the snowflake, oh no, that's different, okay, it's kind of putty inside, it's not exactly slime.
Let me show you the difference in grains, so here's the slime one and you can see the inside is really nice. of soft if that makes sense it's a lot stickier there and this one is more of a putty so it's got a little bit more of a consistency listen to that so we definitely have a putty and we have a slime so this is a lot stickier and this is much stiffer, you know, I think I'm going to open each one. I think I want to open each one of these, but in the end, okay, we'll wait until the end and have a good photo. of all of them and then we'll destroy them because that's what I do and here's the stretch so you can see it's a white heavy putty and The Squeeze and the snowflake design, which I mean, it's cool, but it's not my favorite, so I'm probably going to give this a three in the store, so I don't mind destroying it next time.
You are what shrimp are. I think that's the lightning bolt. two and we're going to cut this out since it's pretty white we're going to go ahead and put our trusty felt on oh there's more beads I mean beads they're definitely beads so this is what the lightning bolt looks like it looks like quite, very stuffed. I can already hear that listen just by moving it, you can already feel that there is a crunch, so okay, let's go ahead and crunch it, yes, absolutely yes, here is the stretch, let's see the beads clearly now. What makes me curious is if the beads are all the same color becauseinside because it looks like the sun has transparent beads Microsoft there you have it and here the same thing very nice I really like this creak it's a very deep creak yes, I don't love the shape, I guess you could play with it it's a little like that from side to side side, but other than that, there's something unsatisfying about it, so it won't get a high score, but the crunchiness helps, so I'll give it a 6.7 oh, that one's heavy, that one's really heavy, I'm actually curious to know what is here and why.
Is it so heavy that it probably has a larger shape? Oh, the maple leaf and the maple leaf is 108. Yeah, 108. And the usual, oh my gosh, look, look at this stickiness, wait like I said, it's not sticky enough to put on. wall but stick the paper look at this uh huh and now let's take this off I guess they put it there so people can't touch or feel the texture but I mean the numbers are on the back so it's okay let's of pretending we need this, it's a chunk, oh, I like the textures, so similar to the sun, we have this kind of fun Edge texture, it's okay to move in the corners.
I can see myself moving in the corners here, kind of like the crack, but other than that, it's definitely putty, yeah, it's definitely the same as the snowflake, absolutely the same here, yeah, there you go, so I feel like if we're going to cut them, we're going to go with the snowflake instead of the maple leaf, so let's stretch, okay, it's very easy to stretch, it's pretty stretchable, but again, these things don't last long, yeah, it's very stretchy, that's what it sounds like when you squeeze, okay, take off my felt because I wanted it to be that way. in its pure form done, okay, nothing special, it's putty so far, we've gotten each and every one, we've got the snowflake, we've got the maple leaf, the sun, the rays, the rainbow, right here, let's zoom out a little bit , we have our Sakura flower and we have a cloud technically we are missing one more, right, we have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, yes, we are missing one more, we have two bags, so let's open the correct one.
I don't want to spoil the surprise. I love the surprise if you tell me. a spoiler for something, my whole life is ruined, everything is gone, you break them, I like things that are surprises, okay let's move this up to now, we have beet, slime and Orbeez putty, so the last one should technically be slime, so we have this one here. Let's see what we have the answer is oh, it's a drop of water, so what is this? I think we all have them. Kitty's editor number three. Do you remember what the number three is? Please tell everyone and the water droplet here is number seven and let's go ahead and remove this thing from here and yes, it definitely looks like slime inside and here's the shape.
Yes, sure it's a drop of water, but we can see that there is a blue type slime. I wonder if the glitter is the slime itself. or if it's the real outside, so this is what it looks like, I can't tell, I think it's the real casing that is shiny and the slime inside is just light blue, let's listen to that clicking sound which actually sounds like water, okay honestly there's a missing opportunity here to make these even better, they could have added some charms on the inside to represent the elements but all they did was make the molds on the outside look like the elements but let's go ahead and open one of each, we have a slime. we have the crunchy beads, we have the putty and the Orbeez, so so far these will be saved, I don't want to ruin the rainbow one because that would be nice, look at it, I like it a mess, yeah I like it. to clean up a mess no so we're going to start with the driest ones first so I think these are probably the two driest clearly the crunchy one is the driest and then we're going to get to the putty so let's move on. and you open up there, you're curious if it's wet inside and you say, okay, they're really just beads, listen to that Divine sound, wait, they have holes, oh my God, don't be a mess.
I have this for a reason, stay there. Let's take a closer look and no, they're just full circles and no, I don't think it's liquid inside. I think it's just a trapped air pocket. I think let's take a closer look. Yes. I think they are just air bags. Yes because. They don't move, but otherwise here they are. I'll probably save these for future projects and the shine is definitely in the outer casing. It always feels good to just pop them out, yeah that was satisfying, so essentially there are just four different types of textures. so let's go get the putty and let's compare it to real slime, so let's cut you open, yeah, oh my gosh, come out, would you like to come out?
Yeah, that's putty, go up, oh my God, oh my God. See, it's a white clear putty type slime, yeah, it's definitely pretty dense, it's a little sticky, but it's definitely dense, okay, let's take the slime out and see the difference, and this is what the casing looks like, so the Color is really on the casing now. we've got the drop, let's get the slime out of this one, oh, that one actually has color, oh, that's smooth, come on, there you go, and the casing itself is shiny too. Look at that, oh yeah, it's definitely a lot wetter, that's how I taste it. things that are wet clearly oh wow that's sticky sticky sticky so you see here the difference and the putty leaves in depth this one just squish this one you can push so that's the difference that's the texture and that It's the other texture. this one takes shape this one is not right, you know what I want to mix them up, there is another sensory activity, do you know what happens if you get bored and they explode or something, you can definitely take the inside and make your own fidget toy with these, there you have it , now you have dual texture.
I think that's cool though, let's add some beads in there, oh no, this is turning me into ADHD mode, okay, let's put these Crunchies in there. You stay, no, they don't want to stay well, now there are beads there and it's actually a lot of fun. Look, they could have done a mix of textures, but no, they just chose a pure texture. Look, now that there are beads inside, it really feels here. pretty good, and now we're going to add a fourth texture because here we have the Orbeez. Now I don't need to worry about the Orbeez being too wet because there doesn't seem to be any liquid here.
Think about it, okay, let's open you up and let's see you, yes, oh god, yes, these are definitely wet Orbeez, so they feel like little tapioca balls and you can squish them if you squeeze hard enough, oh, apparently, don't wait, I got you, so here you go. what they look like and this is what happens when you pull them apart like little jellies so yeah I was definitely expecting this now. I'll put them here in our full combination now that we have all the elements together. Look, it wasn't that difficult. do was in sensory effects people make a combination have a special oh my god now I need to put this somewhere oh no oh but this feels good definitely a mess 100 a mess but there you go now you see everything that was in The elements of these sensory effects again here are all eight on the screen.
Let me know which one was your favorite based on what we've experienced and if you want to see more previous sensory effects videos, be sure to check out here and if you want to cook something miniature, be sure to click here until then. I'll see you grains in the next video.

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