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Customer didn't want to Pay! He Hated my Concrete Work!

Jul 02, 2024
Okay, what's going on? This is Tim Odell with Odell completely


and before we move on to part two of the worst client I've ever had. I just


to thank all the comments and support in the first part. It really was like that. It means a lot to me and my family as this is a family business, it really hurts us when we get jobs like this and clients that just don't


to pay us for whatever reason they may have, it's a bummer but all the support. You guys show us in the comments and the likes really help, it means a lot to us, so let's go straight to the second part.
customer didn t want to pay he hated my concrete work
I hope you enjoy it, it's around 5:30 in the morning, we're here now. a little early, we have to do a couple of things, we have to put some substances on the rebar, we have to mark some chalk lines, we have to rearrange a shape that the owner requested to have a little more room here next of the air conditioning unit and Wai. the


, so I'm going to put them in a time frame and get this going. The reason I got the job so early, like I said, was because the owner basically texted me or called me the night before to say, "Hey Tim, no." It's not like where these forms are.
customer didn t want to pay he hated my concrete work

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customer didn t want to pay he hated my concrete work...

I need these chains before I pour the concrete even though I already had everything set up for the next day, all the finishes, like lined up, all the pumper or all the concrete sorted, uh, the pumper, he basically asked me to do it. change the forms at the last minute, so instead of canceling all my finishes, the concrete truck and the concrete pump, I arrived at 5:30 in the morning to adjust all the forms that needed to be changed and then I also asked to change the PSI of the concrete which is another problem because we were set for 3000 PSI and he wanted 4500 PSI which increases the price and also since 4500 PSI shoots up very quickly we would most likely need more help , so I had a fight the night before I called the finalists to see if anyone was available to bring a couple more guys.
customer didn t want to pay he hated my concrete work
I was going to do this with just me, my brother, and another finalist, but at 4500 PS high I was a little worried about doing it with just three guys, so I ended it. call one more guy Not only was I really worried about the concrete coming loose, but I was also worried that if this concrete


't come out exactly how this guy wants this concrete to look and I mean, in every perfect way possible, this guy just finding more and more reasons to basically bully me at the end of the CU store I already instinctively felt like this guy wasn't going to pay me or pay me in full for whatever reason he might have, but he was already giving me very bad signs and Banderas reds everywhere because another crazy thing that happened was when he was talking to me on the phone about changing the PSI of the concrete, changing the shapes and also adding glue under the rebar.
customer didn t want to pay he hated my concrete work
I told him okay, no problem, we can. do all that for you, that's no big deal, but I need you to make sure you have all the cars out of your driveway moved, we're going to need the entire front access to your driveway for the concrete truck and the bomb and he basically told me yeah no problem but when the bomb came and the conquistador truck he was knocking on the owners front door it was about 650 right now because you know the concrete truck is trying to Install the concrete pump. he's trying to get ready and his cars are in the way in the front yard so I knock on the door constantly and then I call him too and he has this Amazon doorbell telling me to basically leave like I'm a lawyer so I keep calling finally he shows up at the front door and everyone saw this and everyone outside was in front all the finishers my employees pump the concrete truck he comes out yelling at me basically telling me to fuck off Get out you're waking up my family what's wrong with you?
At first I couldn't believe it, so I took a deep breath and asked him: Hello, is everything okay? Did something happen over the weekend? Did something tragic happen? on your family and him and then I think that's when he realized that everyone was behind me and he started to calm down a lot and say oh no, no, nothing, nothing, everything is fine and I just tell him, well, hey, We really need your cars moved, I mean. We need access to the front yard and that's when he got together and moved all his vehicles for me, but after that I basically had a terrible day and I was afraid I wouldn't get paid because this guy just seemed very, very unstable, so after From that point I told my brother, hey, we need all these forms to make sure we can remove everything today because we have to get out of this


I'm not going to come back another day and laugh at this. guy complaining or saying something bad about this slab of concrete, so if you


't see at the beginning that we were greasing all the forms because today we are going to strip everything, get everything out of this place and get out of here, no. only the owner was basically telling me that if we didn't get 4500 PSI he would basically cancel us for the day and then just tell us not to show up or tell the truck to leave if it wasn't 4500 PSI as well as As soon as the truck arrived on scene, went directly to the concrete truck and double checked that the cement was 4500 PSI.
I'm not really sure why I would have doubted it would get the 4500 PSI, but maybe I was hoping it wouldn't. to be able to get the 4500 PSI on time since it was a last minute change, so maybe that was going to be another excuse or reason for him to use against me to not pay me, but of course I got the 4500 PSI, so we got a stop. point here in the corner of our forums High point in the middle of those two drains high points right in the middle of those two drains another high point in the corner of the conquest right there so a lot of


from Rod here making sure everything is perfect so I don't know if you've ever dealt with a client as crazy as this but let me know in the comments if your client was crazier than this or if this one tops the charts it's also crazy because this guy is a contractor , you think he'd have some sympathy or understanding of what it takes to do this kind of thing, but then again, this guy told me he's an armchair contractor, meaning he just writes bids and accepts them;
He doesn't actually do the work himself and I'm not sure if he even knows how to do the work himself. I mean, that's why you literally see him in almost every time-lapse segment smoking his Vape just looking at this work because I think that's the only thing he does. he's good at that was another thing he was actually talking to me about at the end of the job also why he didn't deserve the full pay he had, basically being by my side and holding my hand every step away from the straw. He said because I wasn't supervising the job the way it should have been supervised, so I guess he put me through a very expensive master class program on how to supervise a job for basically all of my earnings on this job, but anyway, yeah he thinks we deliver quality or not, still we deliver quality.
I put in all my effort to make sure this job came out perfect for him and they still treated me like this was the first concrete patio I ever poured and here we are breaking down. all the joints on the slope came out perfect for the drains on this job, the crack control broke up very well and evenly across all the major crack points, the broom finish was a very beautiful light finish, but I mean , for him it simply was. It's not good enough, I guess him because he was even complaining about the concrete finish and you can see that towards the end about how the broom finish turned out.
Let me know what you think of the broom finish. I didn't really like the concrete curb, but I mean there wasn't much he could do with the base of the block well so high above the height of our concrete patio, unless he wanted the base to show. I mean, he agreed, but in the end he didn't do it. I didn't like how it came out, a lot of headaches on this one, a lot of headaches and it seemed like no matter what I tried to do for this guy, I wasn't going to be able to please him and like I was saying, guys, this is 4500.
PSI, so this one concrete fell on us, we were only here about two hours, it took us two hours to finish this concrete slab and it was even a little more difficult because of the concrete curb we put in, we had to deal with it and finish. that and remove it and this was getting hard quickly and then guys what I'm doing is I'm double checking these drains to make sure they're perfectly aligned with each other. I even brought the owner in to check it out himself. Since he wasn't trying to risk getting cheated on the STW, he was trying to avoid it in every way possible, but like I said, this guy found every single reason to say that he is the number one supervisor.
I'll have to make sure to take those tips for the next job, maybe buy a vaporizer. As you can see, I'm handing the drill to my brother who is next to the pool equipment right now, making sure he gets all the screws out before the conquest becomes too difficult. in those areas so we can get all of our forms out because like I said, I'm leaving this job site, this is going to be my last day and my last day and I'm leaving here and then you can see there too guys. We're double checking these joints with the Lin rope, making sure they're nice and straight and then taking the joint across the face of the sidewalk and then over the top as well so that joint continues, so these are the drains , they are actually pretty. nice drains, just finish the concrete on top and place them on the inside of the drains and then finish with a broom, all good and now here is the broom finish.
I would say this is a pretty beautiful broom finish. The nice, light owner thought he had doubts about you. guys, let me know what you think, we have the 100% nylon broom here sweeping everything and then here we are taking out these forms because like I said, I was terrified for my life, hand me over, it's got that mud in there too, there's a mud right underneath. your feet yes, yes, yes, pass me I'm GNA, all these things start happening, yes, hey, Shane, it's okay, be careful, Shan, it's all, it's all in one piece, I got it, be careful, don't leave let that fall on the concrete, whatever you do, so this was the last pass through this patio and it was shooting so fast towards us that we had to start putting some water on top of the surface so we could give it a nice finish of clean broom and how I was saying this.
It only took us 2 hours, so from 700 a. m., the well was actually around 7:30 because the homeowner kept us in the morning, not just because he didn't want us to come down until he saw the ticket on the concrete truck. Sure it was 4500 PSI, but of course it was, but here we are with the finished product after we removed everything, swept everything up and now we're out of here. I didn't walk out of there with 100% payment for the job, but I want you to leave some comments below. Guess what you think this guy paid me in total for this job? 20% 10% 30% 40% Guess and I'll mark the ones that are correct.
Let me know guys how you thought this patio turned out and leave some comments below. Also be sure to like, share, subscribe, and stay tuned for more in-depth, to-the-point videos from Odell. Alright, guys. I really appreciate it. Have a good time.

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