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Jun 09, 2024
Which is good for everyone, today's videos are going to be about how to turn up the


while you're drying, believe it or not, both sides of my head right now are dry and fuzzy and I'm just trying to show you that your routine is important. In this video, I'm going to show you the do's and don'ts if you want to achieve more




with your


style, even if you air dry it because you may have a hard time getting volume in your roots and


. on your curls, which is ultimately destroying your style and not giving you the results you want, so let me show you how in today's video I want to address this as well.
curly hair styling mistakes to avoid tips for volume and definition air dry
I know I sound terrible, the volume is not down, my volume is off. It's not the volume of my


, but my voice is small, it's a little hoarse. I had a birthday week of help. Thank you. I haven't fully recovered so I'm trying to stay hydrated and you'll have to bear with me if you want everything. details in this video just the answers i'm sure you do it right so keep watching there will be about five phases in this process so let's start with phase one the washing of course before we dry our hair we have than to comb it before


, we're probably going to wash it well, you see, this is very, very, very important, as I have said in many of my previous videos that a good proper cleaning on wash day will result in a good style .
curly hair styling mistakes to avoid tips for volume and definition air dry

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curly hair styling mistakes to avoid tips for volume and definition air dry...

Now I've moved on. and I washed my hair and did it right because doing it wrong hurts so I thoroughly cleansed my scalp and hair to remove any buildup that might be weighing my hair down and when I conditioned I applied it to the mid ends first instead of piling it on my roots, something that many of us tend to have a very bad habit, so don't put conditioner and product directly on your top, but on your ends and ends and run it through your hair and you can see. More on how I wash my hair and some of my wash day videos but now we're going to start with the


so in phase two let's talk about the products that we're going to be styling with Chu is used to a lot of products with Really heavy ingredients.
curly hair styling mistakes to avoid tips for volume and definition air dry
You can tell that the product is very heavy based on its viscosity or its value. Any ingredients like shea butter and coconut oil can greatly weigh your hair down, especially if your hair is fine. So, what you should do, especially if your hair is fine, is use more water-based products that are fine and light and phase 3 texture which is the application now in this world of infinite techniques today I will be sharing my technique to achieve volume and definition at the roots this technique is proven because I know it doesn't just work for me. I use this technique in the salon with all my clients when I style their hair and I apply it with all textures from waves to 4c coils and everything in between, so here's what you can do.
curly hair styling mistakes to avoid tips for volume and definition air dry
I'm not going to take John's side. I'm going to cut my good side here, I'm going to hold the humidity well, so I'm going to explain the dos and don'ts of application number one, what you don't want to do. Therefore, don't do it. The first thing is that my hair is soaked. I don't want that much moisture in my hair, but I'm going to add even more moisture with products and the reason why I think is self-explanatory. It's going to be really heavy and take forever to dry so I really try not to completely soak my hair so it drips, but I like to make sure it's enough that I can hear the squish and I know promise it will.
Next, go through my hair evenly and easily. Please do not apply the product directly to the root. This will wait too close to the scalp and will really weigh down your roots, especially if you have fine hair. Now, what do you want? What you want to do is when you're applying the product, always start at the middle and ends first, rake it in and make sure it's saturated. Flatten the hair to make sure you hear it. There is enough and start with a little first. always add a little bit more and then as you apply it to your hair you get a little bit down to the roots and now let's take a look at how I'm fully applying this product so here I am using the Denman brush and I see a lot people when they use this brush they brush downwards every time you apply products when you apply downwards you are pulling the curl from the root now this will cause the curl to pile up on top of each other. another and actually not being able to bloom where you can see on the side of doing, instead of brushing down with the brush, I work in vertical sections and comb out from the scalp outwards and up and out, well this goes to work. is to create more individual curl definition rather than having them all clump together in this thick ring, whether you're using a brush to style your hair or you're just using your fingers, you always want to work with the scalp, so either Move your body, move your head, but maneuver so that you're not just pulling down.
I usually don't like to stop completely upside down because although the top may look fine, the bottom may look like a bird's nest when you roll back. above, so I like to work the size out and I trimmed the top section, as you can see the top of my head is trimmed. I worked everything on the sides and outwards of the scalp and everything on top, up and out. Always off the scalp guys, really bear with me with my voice. I'm struggling, but I'm doing it for you and lastly, you see, I start applying my gel to give it hold and help with definition. m Flying Gel I find that the more you put on, you can get more definition, but it can be harder to break up the cast afterwards and then harder to get the volume you want, so on the opaque side you can see I use a generous amount of the gel considering this is only for half my head and then the way I applied it was a bit of a no-no.
I really worked it up by running it through my hair, which not only uses a lot of gel but also now breaks up the definition and puts gel in the curls. I don't like putting gel on my curls. I want to put gel on the outside of the curls. I am actually in physical pain from this, let me take control and do things properly. on the do side, look closely, you can see on the do side here. I want to apply my gel. I actually just put it in my hands and then squeeze it, so yes, this is using less product and won't come close. your roots, but you can always apply a little to your roots if you want.
However, since we're here for volume and we want volume at the roots, I'm not going to put too many holes in there, which I really want to do. It is just to refine the outside of the curls leaving the roots with the least amount of product now I am going to move on to stage 4 unfortunately the longest stage of this process is the one where we will dry the hair now we are going to let nature take its course and I will be air drying throughout the house. Now what you don't want to do here is be a statue, what you do want to do is move your head a little and stimulate airflow.
My number one problem with air drying is that the roots never get as much love as the ends, the ends are free flowing and as they move they will be first so I like to change the movement of the root to get more volume at the roots and while I'm air drying it, I will very gently flip my hair in the opposite direction that I want it to fall so that it falls with more volume and when I flip it back I will have more volume even though I don't want to keep it in this position all the time, the reason is that however dry your hair is where it will want to stay if you want a lot of movement and volume in your hair then you need to move it, not touch it. move the curls very subtly and you'll get a lot more volume, so walk me through the air drying process, let's see how long this really takes.
Set a schedule and hopefully everything will be dry soon so we can come. Come back and finish this video today. Well everyone, it's been 30 minutes and it hurts. My scalp is either very wet and cold here or this side is pulling much faster. It would still be wet. I still have a long way to go, but no. I don't know if I'll be able to sit inside anymore so I'll sit outside, God, it looks okay mmm, I'll sit outside so I hope the heat can evaporate some of the hair, but keep in mind it's summer here.
I usually don't like to air dry in the summer, especially if it's humid, but let's check the weather for a second, yes the humidity is 40 percent, but I need heat to help dry this hair, so I'm going to do it . It's been more than an hour. God okay well this side I've been trying to go around and around just killing the game when you compare it to this it's literally so wet who does this and why? My scalp is cold, the ends are getting dry like they are. We are definitely drier but very humid up here.
I'll be like this all day almost three hours later, we're finally here. I could not wait any longer. This side has dried for at least 40 minutes and the side is still a little bit. wet in some areas I haven't fluffed it yet. I did nothing. I was just blow drying and like I said I would, now we have to move on to phase 5 which is the fluff and finish now if I really want this to be a nice light voluminous style. I don't belong to any wrinkle products. I'm actually just softening the plaster. This is what I like to do, so this is my method for softening the cast now.
I usually see that we have this big tuft of curls here. I try to part this while it's wet, but this gets away from me, so I'm going to part this now very gently, but the reason is you don't want to cause frizz, which is why I like to do it when it's wet beforehand, but here we are, everything is okay, we're all good and then of course I like to fluff the root and I always do it from the bottom. I want you to take note of how much movement there is, the curls have their own individuality, they all belong to their own families, oh, you know, this looks so good now on the side it doesn't feel quite stiff, quite stiff, it's a lot of product, but not only that all my curls are bunched up in one area, it gave me a feeling really elongated style there's nothing wrong with it, it's just different, you can see maybe a lot more curl definition, but if you want volume, if you're doing something like I did on the boring side, this could be your problem, so I'm going to try sponge this and look, I'll show you.
I think oh my gosh it's so thick that if you don't turn it up right away it's almost impossible to get it after this side of my head is literally heavy you can see it's a lot straighter. at the root, then on the new side and I can try to fluff it up for days, but it will really want to go back to its natural seat because that's how it dries, that's how it was applied, you have to put the volume right. from the beginning with light products with your application technique and with drawing and without further ado this is how you should do it, you can still get quite big hair on the first day after a few hours, but on the first day with air drying it all depends on their techniques, what do we think?
Everyone, which side do you prefer, let me know in the comments below and if you're not someone who likes to air dry, like you're a diffuser person, then you should make sure you've watched my diffusion video, which is. my original dos and don'ts video that I made side by side and all the things you are doing wrong when you are broadcasting and all the right things you should be doing when you are broadcasting also let me know any other future videos you have You need me because I'm here for you. This has been great. I have to go wash one side of my head now and see you next week see you later peace the bigger the hair the heart of a stir I too feel very much product I just can't okay how come My hair is wavy at the roots and


at the bottom?
That sound is okay on this, oh wait, that's just me, oh yeah, it was okay for everyone.

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