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Cuban STREET FOOD in Havana!!! We Hit the JACKPOT!!

Jun 03, 2021
This thing is stuffed with sea


, you can eat it like you called a crab that handed over the cloth. Our best Cuba


tour began on the west coast in the famous city of Venice, where we gorged on their unique version of Portland itself, oh my goodness. oh yes, today we are heading to the big city that was the capital, Havana, welcome to the city of Havana of 2.1 million inhabitants, today we are looking for some


food next to me. Cuban native and old friend or client, that's right, we are. here in Havana and why Sonny has the cool car and I get it today we're looking for


food in Havana.
cuban street food in havana we hit the jackpot
I've been told not to expect too much, there are certain cultures that are unconditional. Street food cultures like Vietnam in certain places. not so much maybe there are more in these places called palledorous what is that handsome or good tell me paladar is it a family restaurant but at the same time any restaurant that is independent let's see the food let's go up and see if Sonny and I can endure a full day of q13 no no no no no no no no no street food in Havana is about simplicity, being creative by using affordable ingredients that are easy to get here in Christo Park, a food vendor follows these exact rules in At home is baking dozens of these of your own creation, then you hit the streets and start selling, sir, how long have you been a thing?
cuban street food in havana we hit the jackpot

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cuban street food in havana we hit the jackpot...

Four years. I see almost six years. How long does it take to run out? I usually do two hours. We are sure. he is like this, this is coconut, the one that has a texture like this and this is what is cheap. Can I try this with the cheese? Yes, let's do it, let's do it, you certainly can, to make it look like a biscuit, a little bit of bread with a little bit of jam and a little bit of cheese. On top of that, yes, and this is like a base child with the Connaught on top, what kind of coconut do we call it coquito?
cuban street food in havana we hit the jackpot
What they do is like boiling cinnamon coconut sugar for half an hour, you feel that everything evaporates and this is a result, they both laugh, ah, it's a reduction or amplification of coconut and cinnamon, let's ride Oh mmm, I like it, it takes a while to get used to, it's kind of a dry cookie and then it's okay, oh no, there's a little bit of jam in there and then you're like, wait, that cheese It's cheese. I won't see which one I like the one you want swish sweater although there is nothing better what are your thoughts?
cuban street food in havana we hit the jackpot
I'm looking at your face. I still like it better, yes, but what do you think of that? I like this I love this it's like my love what do you say to your friend that they should date someone and they say they tell me about themselves and you say they're nice and they're pretty sure I got that treatment a lot in school high school, right down the street? The food cart has caught my attention, don't tell me this is a thousand level avocado, are you kidding me? Look at this, I've never seen an avocado, avocado, yeah, I think I remember you telling me a long time ago, yeah, like we have avocados that big. like a watermelon of course no, it's not possible yes, okay, here's a special machine.
I want to see this in operation. Can we try it? Yes, it's super easy. You just need to turn. Okay, I can handle this. If you have it. Check it out. I have it and it's completely like skin, you see, I have it, you see how long it looks like a grapefruit texture inside, no, we have a density, it's okay, it's our right, it's good, be like an orange, actually, the orange It used to be bigger here in Cuba we produced many mornings now I think the pollution went down and the quality also went down a lot because the land has not been cared for as well as before that's why we don't have better quality oranges but there was a time when this was a fire very important of the Cuban economy oh, it's good, it's concise, everything was sad too, that's Cuba, it's a good brother, that's the reality, yes, trust me to get me out of the oral trivia of sad fruits, a sugar rush very necessary Cuban. churros and churros on the sidewalk Lagos, the most local stand you will find in all of Havana, this is the evolution of the churro, it is perfect.
Oh, forgive me for even finishing a look, take a look, man, we're standing on the street eating a churro, you know? shoes, yes, invented in Cuba, no, Mexico, no, it comes from Spain, it had a lot of Spanish tradition, that's why we inherited churros in our culture. Greetings. It looks like a cactus, doesn't it? Maybe that's what people think about Mexico. because it looks like a cactus that is a good role in the future I like that like me it has some imperfections like some parts are fat some are thin and crunchy do you know what is wise inside the sugars dense second milk condensed milk you know?
I love the condos, yes, it's super, it's really sweet, in this case they put in some churro that takes care of it, they are building on what the Spanish originally started, it wasn't something that you see the evolution, now I love it, one of the most unlikely. -Cuban Cuban food that you will find in Havana friend, this is a pizza that has true peace. Pizzerias are everywhere in Havana and no wonder every street food we encountered has something in common, they have very few elements, food scarcity is not it. Uncommon here seventy to ninety percent of the country's food is imported after the 60s, when we have a big crisis, we have to create foods that are simple, easy to prepare and very difficult to make wrong, so if you sell ham sandwiches and you run out of ham you are out of luck, but the pizza The pizza really only requires four ingredients water flour tomato sauce and cheese each Cuban pizza is a personal pizza made for you and only your ingredients range from ham, sausage or even hot dogs, but the way they eat it is their own style you flip it like a taco exactly let's go for it this is delicious it's super doughy I love how doughy that hot sauce is it's covered like a sour hot sauce our salsa tomato yes, yes this is good, friend, actually this is something that people eat at 8:00 in the morning, it's easy and fast, you fill yourself up and get going very well.
This is where Havana relaxes on the weekends. John Lennon Park on the corner, a government order. statue created in their honor in 2000, this is a bit disconcerting considering that Beatles music was banned in Cuba when the band was most popular a decade before these days, a more culturally liberal Cuba plays music of all kinds since this park, attracting locals who could grab a drink or eat some of what we have here, so here we have croquette honking, which means Fanny's bread croquet table. I come from France, from Crockett, does it cook well like seasoned fried mashed potatoes?
Basically, oh, it's very good and then this is the same thing, but in a sandwich, yes, it does anything because of its simplicity and practicality, it can fill a lot of space. This used to be Cuba's favorite sandwich, especially in the 90s, Coquette fried bread and a little ketchup, that's all. You need here to have a good time in your mouth I like it, there is not much to say about it, just, simple, simple, soft bread, fried potato, a little tomato sauce, a little tomato at the end, it's not potato , is made of flour. I am a dad, not a dad, to me it tastes a lot like a dad.
I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, but man, this is filling me up, it feels good, let's have some beers. I saw someone with beer there, let's see that beer until a few years ago. A while ago, private restaurants in Cuba were illegal, so due to an economic crisis, the government made some reforms and that's how Paul was born. The dollars are family or private restaurants that were originally run from people's homes and many are still here today, hidden in the suburbs of Havana right in front of the house of the owner of the paladar our house is right there the cafeteria ala barbacoa is located a place where filmmakers and artists share ideas and have some food this is a Cuban restaurant food served quickly making the most of it what they have as their hamburger Bank mom will give bread to which hamburger since meat is scarce their hamburgers are made with pork when I try it right now I have many I don't know if I've ever had like a pork hamburger or a hamburger but It's really good, very juicy, it looks like Cuban fast food, yes, but with good quality, can you talk about how it is prepared for service?
What is fast? It's how you prefer your team to act quickly. Everything is prepared today because your goal is to keep everything fresh. What have you got there? What I have here we call dough holder for this dish that epitomizes Cuban cuisine, at least in the eyes of the oral, this is something my mom used to make when I was a child, simple but colorful and seductive, or a large portion of grilled rice. pork chops and locally grown seasoned vegetables and sides, this is a pork chop, you know, normally pork chop for me can be a little dry, but it's so good it's exactly yeah, but the way they prepare it here it is super oily, but it has a balance. between that make not too dry neither by film nor oil that I love to finish the dessert made inside a reused soda wine right here what you are drinking here they caught it they put all the ingredients in it they boil it when it cools it becomes like this What you are doing It's really good, very sweet and smooth on my tongue, the perfect way to end lunch.
Cuba is a place of creative expression and fierce entrepreneurship that hopes to unleash its innovation in this city. A little-known polidore is delivering seafood one way. completely unique in Cuba check it out we are doing an interview in an inconvenient place but it looks great it works ok I am satisfied satisfied sir what is the name of your restaurant La Scala Hulu and you are none other than Julio himself? you lived here before it became a place where people could come to eat. This was his family's home seven years ago. He decided to turn it into a restaurant because you can see that it has a beautiful view.
I understand that this is how the palate is built. It has started, yes, now there are people who own restaurants, but back then that was impossible, so the first step was the family, the constant itself, it was like a test, can you tell me what makes your restaurant so special? When we enter the house we don't feel like we are entering a restaurant, he invites us to his house, he just wants us to welcome him, what we eat is what he will cook for his family, sir, thank you very much, yes. and wide shots joining us at the table mr.
Julio and his wife it's a beautiful afternoon. I know we missed the sunset, but it still looks beautiful here. All the seafood cooked here comes straight from the ocean, no, not the ocean far away. I'm talking about the piece of ocean in front of his house. The owner catches it himself or has local fishermen catch fresh fish like this tuna. His daughter and also our head chef Masha prepare it and then combine it with onions and mayonnaise to create a filling for these banana cups. Slices of banana are molded and fried and crispy and filled with creamy tuna, this is banana and then inside they put this wonderful tuna and mayonnaise until now to get it hmm bingo, simple, delicious, crunchy and then a nice, delicious tuna salad if you call i have a cross section this is done with CGI you will put up a laser so you can see what the inside is like this is a joke that is happening right now next on our menu are small sections of lobster tail cooked in a secret tomato sauce and chili, let's try this office have a robust and delicious lobster tail, this is a tradition to put sweet potato with any seafood oh really, the sweetness of sweet potato with the sourness and saltiness of seafood, let's put some of tomato there too yes, thank you, I can try it like that and you also prolong the experience, I usually eat the entire lobster tail in two seconds.
I like our final dish, chickpeas, seafood soup, this is filled with seafood, there is so much they put here, Julio tried it in Spain during the holidays and has been cooking it ever since, but with his own twist he replaced unavailable ingredients like the Spanish ham with seafood he caught in his backyard. They cook it all in a big pot with a secret mix of spices, chickpeas, beer, tomato sauce and garlic paste, okay wait, I guess it's not really a secret after all, I have to dislodge some of this to to be able to get to the broth for you, brother, they don't pretend to be meat to eat all that, right, this is for you, man. you're the custom owner I mean they give you what you called clown head yeah it's called crab hands no one called Crescent well the cop's hand how you eat crab hands okay look here oh , you see, tags, we have technology here, there.
Come on, oh, right there, see you all over the panel, try it, you got it. I've never seen a dish that has more seafood and more variety, as if each bite is a little different. Flavor to print texture. There are so many things there. I ask how much it costs because I know that in the US if you bought it at a decent restaurant like Arnold and your mr. probably like twenty five thirty dollars from what I'm saying, it cost $6, that's ridiculous, he saved, that's a hook, yeah, he's proud of it, it's so fun, so I just want to say one more time, thank you so much, adapt and get over this.
It is the spirit that is felt in Havana,From pizza to 5-star seafood, what really makes Cuba tick isn't the ingredients, it's the heart. Hey guys, before you go, I wanted to read some of your comments. TWA says great content. Stupid channel name. Augusto Roofs says this is it. Dumb, you and your channel art, Patrick Bateman commented curated stupid channel, there's too much hate in the world right now, the things you say matter, so next time don't spread insults, don't spread hate, spread cheese, You think I was going to say love, right? cheese spread cheese, you could put anything amazing on it, this is such an important message that we decided to put it on a t-shirt that you can buy now, how's that?
I think they can be cut all together mmm, one take, okay, good cut ofresearching and filming to edit and master our team of 10 people, the best food review program ever, works hard to implement food entertainment for trips of the highest quality twice a week. If you like what we do here, consider supporting our patreon. Patreon allows fans of the show to contribute a monthly sum and receive a host of extras such as early video releases, private Q&As, and more. To learn more about our Patreon, check out the link in the description box below. and, if you can't donate or don't even feel like it.
That's okay too, we're happy you're here, that's all o Oh guys, look at ro on Instagram, that's his main platform of interest. He does all kinds of artistic endeavors. It is a great pleasure, Aurel, thank you very much. That's all. This guys, I'll see you next time, peace.

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