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Croque Monsieur Sandwich: The Old Versus The New Recipe ( Cooked in a frying pan)

Jun 08, 2021
Welcome back everyone and thank you for tuning in again to the French Cooking Academy. My name is Stefan and today's





, also known as a toasted ham and cheese


, it's a real world-famous


, but it's a French recipe, so if you haven't seen it. I don't make the video on Tuesday, but to talk about the analytical things about the



, you can see it at the link on the screen. Today I will show you two versions of tomato coq Monsieur, the classic homemade version, a simple one. economical and then we're going to look at the second version, which is the old style from 1900 on how to make a croque monsieur using the


pan and also a piece of thread and what are you, sir?
croque monsieur sandwich the old versus the new recipe cooked in a frying pan
We are in this croque monsieur making now keep watching the video if you want to find out and we are going to cook so as we saw in your last video there are two types of croque monsieur


and let's start with the homemade version of the economical version as I have already said before this one that there coat it with butter then you have cheese and ham ready there is nothing else now the bread is a little soft so I'm going to give you some advice instead of taking hard butter like this and try to spread it and break the bread use one of those things and melt some butter and I'm going to put some butter on my brush, the kitchen brush like this and you can apply this on your bread next one you don't move the butter on let's add some cheese now the cheese many people say you have to use grated cheese.
croque monsieur sandwich the old versus the new recipe cooked in a frying pan

More Interesting Facts About,

croque monsieur sandwich the old versus the new recipe cooked in a frying pan...

I mean, how do you know that we basically invented sliced ​​cheese, which is a square that's perfect? so you take a piece of cheese, a slice of cheese, a little bit of ham that goes with this and then another slice of cheese it's that simple, then you take the top, you put it on there and this is ready to cook. Now let's look at the second one. version and now for the second version, what were these? He's making it in 1900, it was very special, but the croque-monsieur he makes when you order it, which I discovered reading in books, I really think is being


in modern times.
croque monsieur sandwich the old versus the new recipe cooked in a frying pan
It went backwards instead of progressing because back then there was a lot more attention to detail, so the croque-monsieur from before, from the 20th century, it's cheap, it has whole wheat bread, this is difficult, this is difficult for these guys in the time when a croque monsieur was made. Basically, you have to cut the hard pieces out of the bread and that means you're going to trim everything like this on every side and corner now if you think this is going to be a waste and you can use it as the perfect addition to eating. with your soft boiled eggs and I have a video on this so we're going to take all the sides and then we're going to put the butter in when you're done cutting the bread you get this and this is just the white part of the bread. same as before I'm going to use the trick with my brush and the butter once we're done with the butter just like before and we're going to do a slice of cheese, then the ham, another slice of cheese and then we're going to cover it and hit it, look that, okay, so we've made a sandwich, we've got the cheese and the ham and everything, and the last step, which is that whole fashion step, is when we're going to use this thing here, so apparently you need to use a rope, so you put a piece of rope and it says you have to make a bundle.
croque monsieur sandwich the old versus the new recipe cooked in a frying pan
We'll be a sandwich, so I'm not the best at this, but you can try to make a pack by making some. Cross like this, hold here in the middle, turn it over and cross again when it turns that way because it's easier and then you can thread this through one of the ropes and then basically from here you'll just tie a knot and tie it together. your sandwich when you're done. You've wrapped your sandwich, you've got this excess string and you basically tap it out, take a little scissors and cut it all off and voila, we're done.
We have made the economical D SiC aversion not the first version, as you can see and hear. much more elaborate and older gourmet version of the croque monsieur from 1900 now let's cook these beauties we're going to cook these coca cola Monsieur in a


pan you start in a frying pan over very very low heat and then a good pinch of butter and these things are not for the diets as soon as the butter melts, you're going to take your toes, we start with the classic and you're just going to move it around to make sure you have all this good butter, cut it up.
You leave the heat on low and you use one of those just lit and you're going to cook it on each side for four minutes, after four minutes you're going to check your toast and as you can see, it's got a nice color here before. You put it back in, you have to add a little more butter, that's always the trick and time is up, turn off the heat. I'll set it aside, we'll do the other one, just check real quick, oh, it's nice melted. I'll put it to the side and we'll do the other one, another second one, so first I can see that it's very useful to handle the little rope, the same process is done in four minutes, what a nice car, a little butter, turn that thing. on the other side WAPA and there it goes for another four minutes before we're done when this is


, I'm going to open them all up so we can see the result of both the classic and the old version, so let die. second D the first the classic I already cut it - eh to save some time it is niacin and crunchy if you want to see I hear the cross very crunchy and very cheesy it smelled good but I think the cross has really prevented it from cooking it is a groove in all parts, so you get a little burnt here, it's a little hard on the sides, it's still very enjoyable, as you can see here, it's nice and soft, and you know, a good Chasen toast and now, its old version, fresh from the pan so the first thing we need to do is open a little present because I think it really gives that opening your prison effect, so I'm going to open this train, so that's a little inconvenient, but I I like the effect.
You know you need to open your little package, something like next Christmas, when it's open, we're just going to try to cut that beauty out, so let me try to let you make something crunchy, that's pretty good, okay, so you can see the piece . of melted cheese here and look here it's matte and warm so it's really good it's very easy to try to slice it it's also very hot and I'm just going to take a little bit you don't bite as you can see that's the one I'm going to use it's very soft and I'll tell you mmm okay, in my opinion, when you look at these things you can see that without the big crust around it it's much easier to eat and much more delicate than the dining experience. or the gas that if you experiment you get it with this old one really better and then the classic one with the big crust around it which is a little hard to eat, this one is very easy to eat and the amount of cheese and ham plus the amount of the bread is just the right amount so it's all mixed together it really melts in your mouth it's absolutely beautiful but that's up to you guys the old version the new version the not the first one in my opinion have a bit of a problem with the rope.
You want to impress your guests, maybe using that little piece of string to make your bundle and removing the cross is just that little extra effort that will show you and prove to you that you are really trying to bring something good to their table, but that's just my opinion Anyway, I leave you with this video of croque monsieur and we will return to the usual recipes next week starting Tuesday. I hope you have a good time and I will see you next time bye bye

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