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Creepy Games - EP15 GODZILLA NES

Apr 05, 2024
welcome to a new episode of craig haynes today we will go back many years more precisely to the time of the 8-bit generation in the time when video


were pure representation and our imagination wandered uncontrollably awakening many emotions but these emotions are not always liked experience them for real, so guys, sit back, turn off the lights and enjoy this new episode of the creep i


. Alex had always been a big fan. The beauty loved to spend entire days playing just one thing, but there are more. Godzilla. Alex managed to reconcile. these two passions when Nintendo released Godzilla Monster of Monsters for the console, according to many it was a mediocre game but Alex, who received it as a gift for his tenth birthday, did not pay attention to these opinions, playing it day and night many years later Alex decided to buy it a new NES with Alex had to make many trips to find it but it was Sonic Billy who found a copy and gave it to him.
creepy games   ep15 godzilla nes
Alex was so excited to receive this game that he never asked Billy how he got it. Alex started the game and hearing the 8-bit theme song smiled like a little kid playing tag brought him back to a dimension of calm a dimension he lost after the events that happened during that game Alex had forgotten how much fun it was to smash things. when he saw bullets and objects coming from all sides that, given Godzilla's size, were impossible to climb, although Alex was starting to get tired, he managed to start the battle against the first boss for half an hour, a dark cai about squids. which was not part of Godzilla's filmography, gazzola used to push


into a corner of the map, preventing him from moving through his claws until the end of the move, the latter caused no damage but by preventing


from attacking, he made the stopwatch run away and consequently start the fight again, which was very annoying, however, for some reason, when in the park area, Alex there was some kind of glitch, his attack did not stop, the timer should have stopped After 40 seconds, but it lasted five minutes, even the graphics began to ruin everywhere red blocks began to appear.
creepy games   ep15 godzilla nes

More Interesting Facts About,

creepy games ep15 godzilla nes...

Alex was strange about what happened and decided to finish the game and restart it. He couldn't stop with a small mistake, restart and defeat both Gazzola and the next one without too many problems. Chief Voghera shortly after arriving at the next planet Mars noticed a new oddity on the map where Varun's piece should have been. There was the icon of the titan Saurus. In the game I played as a kid, there were only 10 fallen bosses. and saurus titan was not one of them alex was convinced of this strangeness thinking that in the original version of the game there had to be saurus titan but when he was replaced by vara, Alex became very excited about all this because he realized that he was playing a different prototype from his favorite game, so he was in a hurry to pass the levels to see Titan in action again before he could block the attack, but this time the problem occurred after his death. extended now instead of going towards the background it seems to be consumed by the glow as the monster's eyes began to appear randomly all over the screen these glitches made Alex understand that something was wrong with this game when he fought Voghera again I noticed that The boss was twice as big as the original version for Alex.
creepy games   ep15 godzilla nes
The boss was harder to beat than the version he knew. Once he fell, a new bug appeared. Molière's extension, a giant was breaking and melting. Alex was about to fight Ethan Saurus. I was worried about possible clicks, however, the boss seemed to be normal and even if all the two-legged monsters were almost the same height, the saurian titan expects a little taller, but since the saurian titan seemed taller than godzilla in his film debut, alex liked this, alex won. The boss battle, but instead of proceeding normally towards Jupiter, continues towards Pathos, the protagonist realizes that Pathos is apparently a planet like all the others, but the map is blue and the final boss was violating in place of and now as one would have expected.
creepy games   ep15 godzilla nes
However, the Jupiter game was produced in 1988, as is possible since the 1999 film is perhaps an advertisement for the film, while the game features an unreleased tune missing from the previous version. The levels of the planet are of two types, the first is made of blue mountains on which stands a blood-red moon with no enemies in the second the background the ground is covered with swollen orange eyes there are only a few bats there is a song from a horror movie the minibus voghera and gaz now do not seem The first should have the appearance of a flying robot, the second is an alien abortion with an eye in the brain and an almost skeletal body, after defeating the real rapist boss, In its place has appeared a red tribal mask. at a level reminiscent of hell without heaven.
In the background, a fire appears, too elaborate to be in a game. The music seems to be composed of a slow, static drum that instead recalls the heartbeat at the top. From the bar with the spikes on the waist appears the Godzilla writing race so he must escape from a red skeleton that has the same mask that appears in the level menu if it touches you or you die let's remember that it was supposed to be a game for children and this monster is terrifying the next world is a trans the protagonist begins the third map still shaken by the images he had just witnessed discovers that the new monster on the map and Olga the protagonist wonders how it is possible that a monster introduced in a The movie 2000 was already present in a game from '88, by continuing to observe the map, the protagonist notices the never-before-seen box represented by a question mark and thus becomes aware of the test levels that he will find on each map from now on.
In each level of the quiz, the player character finds on a screen that contains the object of a small face to which the protagonist gives the name of the face that asks a series of twelve questions that must be answered with the appropriate buttons, yes or not, most of the questions are extremely banal or almost completely meaningless. However, some questions are very personal and disturbing, unpleasantly involving the player. After the player has answered a question, the face changes expression for about 8 seconds before moving on to the next question in the series. divides the total of 23 facial expressions into two categories that he understood and those that he could not interpret respectively 11 and 12 after having answered the 12 questions of the first series and the protagonist leaves the questionnaire level and faces two canonical levels, the . first set in a green temple and the second in the blue mountains during the course of this second level one of the bosses of the non-moguer map suddenly appears despite defeating it with ease the protagonist wonders to what extent this version of godzilla is willing a ignores traditional rules by introducing bosses and random levels, the protagonist notices against his will that the red face icon has appeared at the base and that the game's music has stopped, preparing for another chase, the level begins and immediately starts running. , reached after a few seconds by our snake, the level looks very similar to the previous map with the only exception that it is made up of a series of obstacles that float in the path while the protagonist is forced to jump over them or overcome them. getting off, the red monster makes its way or remains effortless despite the difficulty, the protagonist manages to finish the level and lets out an exclamation of joy to which the monster left alone on the screen seems to respond by looking at him through the screen and the blood in his veins freezes after taking a break, the protagonist returns to the game and reflects on the various questions that he had left unanswered for a long time because the monster had looked at what the new bosses meant, the quiz completely levels place scenarios of the levels who created the game reaches the conclusion the only possibility to get answers and play again until the end has entered the new world the dementia begins immediately with the test level the questions begin to become stranger and more disturbing The first level has the same graphic base as that of the blue mountains but with the entire background and terrain recolored green and adding water, thus creating a transparency effect impossible for an NES game.
There are no enemies in the initial section and they soon appear. a cliff overlooking the water. forcing the protagonist to go down the next level opens with the writing screen, a cold and unforgiving sea environment in a kind of castle prison made of blue bricks with a slight static effect in this level, the protagonist realizes that the game is capable of making The player experiences real sensations and feelings anxiety restlessness cold or heat and at this point the protagonist makes the decision to finish the game regardless of the cost and begins the final level of the world, the escape of the red monster by choosing to use Angus the choice turns out to be correct, the level is indeed similar to previous ones of the same type, but with a river of blood flowing under the ground, the ground soon ends and the protagonist is forced to immerse himself in the river of blood that made the red monster.
Do not hesitate to follow him transforming into an aquatic monster with a new attack a tentacle coming out of his mouth trying to grab the player the protagonist still manages once he escapes and heads towards the fifth world there are two landscapes to explore he chooses the lower one the first level and a forest with a very black background using motra increases your feeling of insecurity after the forest the protagonist can choose whether to play the level with the hourglass or the one on the television screen choose the second option a screen with an animation and the music of the quiz levels starts and he is upset because he had a t-shirt with the same image as the screen, then he clicks on the hourglass and a level starts all brown with floating devices to measure time, he calls it warp weather. appears in the game's original enemies and three types of colored hourglasses.
The last part of the level takes place on a grassy plain. The protagonist believes that the game created him based on a memory of his and then gets scared. The moon opens the humanoid edition after a moment of silence a creature he calls a moon monster comes out of the water, it is the most difficult to defeat of those he has encountered and the protagonist manages it with difficulty before returning to the menu he has to face a terrible moment that remembers the game he of a girl who liked Melissa who suffered from a mental disorder that led to episodes in which she had no expression trembled and remained silent the protagonist worried about her one day he saw himself throw himself under a truck and he will die, the game reminds him of this with a series of images as if it read his mind and wants to test him, so the protagonist believes that the game is alive and is in mental connection with him, but he cannot let go. of playing under the forest.
It is a television icon in which there is a very different animation from the previous one. The music is that of the map of Neptune and the image seems to be of a fish man. Then you press on the golden brick icon and you find yourself in a golden maze level with Insistent music accompanies a level in which Motra has shrunk and was the ideal character since flying was necessary. There is also a statue that has the same expression as Melissa. It seems that the game finally fixes it and allows her to get out. There are only two more worlds left.
The next nexus ex tus with two temples, one white and one red, a pyramid and two other buildings that cannot be understood, the new bosses are communicated to them by saurus and not from now on the level begins to filter the questions of this quiz are very strange to the question would you like a new monster the answer is yes the player does not know the new monster obtained very similar to rodano but with a different head he chooses it to start the next level it ends as a furry dark blue Creature with a head in the shape of a skull and His name is Solomon, able to fly, shoot lasers, scratch and kick but not crouch, the enemies he encounters are easy to defeat and he defeats the enemies against a minibus.
However, after you have beaten the level, a strange screen will appear with a picture of Solomon and the writing is still the best. 1973 This screen will appear in each level won with Solomon and you decide to reuse Solomon in one of the levels with the icon. representing a column with colored dots that at the beginning of the level turns out to be a totem. The music actually has a Native American sound composed with the same instruments as the etro p forest but more disturbing, the player continues in the level for several minutes but in In some places the totem that seems to observe him turns out to be empty.
Upon returning to the map, the player finds instead of the headquarters a crucifix and not the icon of the infernal beast, since in the other worlds this confuses the ideas of the player himself who tries it. to start the level with solomon the writing solomon cannotenter here appears, therefore you decide to use godzilla the level turns out to be a cemetery the musical theme is an 8-bit version of prayer for peace from the first godzilla movie after two minutes the player finds a being that comes out motionless and He immediately thinks that it is an angel guarding the dead, which gives him a feeling of peace, but at that moment an infernal beast appears, causing a change of scene in which the tombs are desecrated and the ground is made up of bodies soaked in blood, the angel however acts as a shield for the player who manages to start running before being killed, the monster devours the angel and returns to follow the player who, however, manages to escape before the end of the level but the screen screams You will pay for it, which leads to the sick beast. to turn his gaze towards the player himself assuming a terrifying expression the restless player advances to the last world zenith by zenith the player recovers solomon and angus but immediately realizes how anomalous that world was not only because of the mysterious whistling in the background but Also for the disturbing images that made up the levels, the face seems to be varnished making them want to vomit and the screen continues to fall to pieces dominated by writing that after a few minutes a screen appears with simply the writing magazine which remains fixed for 30 seconds and then returns to the level where however the monster itself finds itself in front of another dead end with on the right side of the screen a creature hanged with a column and an umbilical cord from the belly of the corpse the boss of the bat-type level comes out. very agile with quite a few difficulties he defeats him so he chooses to use godzilla the level that calls on an organic level being visually the most unpleasant with a macabre atmosphere he sees a loud humming music that he immediately encounters and monsters but goats that, being very strong, decides to avoid going through the level towards the only possible direction, the background in fact the level takes place on platforms that, in addition to housing increasingly abominable creatures, slowly absorb the player's monster and, if it remains still for too long in the same plane, the player even ends up feeling physically ill immersed in the macabre and disgusting scenery of the level, finally reaching the boss, another abominable creature that hits with difficulty ending the level that the terrified player selects with Godzilla at the end.
In the last level, however, the player finds himself facing a completely empty level, in fact, Godzilla and simply alone on a black screen shortly after, however, the player feels the faint but familiar sound of a drum, finally appearing. red, the beast stops the first thought that comes to mind. Alex's mind is that of having to fight against Red, the creature that has kept him company throughout the game. How can he beat a creature that kills only with his touch? It is impossible. Fortunately, Red loses the ability to kill with a single hit, but to stop him.
Alex is still the hardest battle to face, so much so that if he had known what he would have encountered going into this game, he wouldn't have done it. Alex realizes the mistake he made fighting him as Red sinks his swollen claws in and feels like he did it too. he has been pierced and is in genuine physical pain what alex is feeling pauses the game to check his condition there are no injuries but it looked like his shoulder was torn alex realizes he has seen and been through so much since the start of the game but the physical pain exceeds any limit it would have been disappointing not to see the end but for Alex it was no longer worth taking the risk.
The ex tries to get up to take another screenshot but realizes that he can't do it, he is glued to the chair and can only move his fingers. and yolks a new message appears on the screen Alex understands that if he had not managed to defeat him Red would have killed him so much that he realized that he had played with something that he could not understand is that it could have cost them their lives there is only one way out alive kill tear alex has to rely on his reflexes as there is no way to predict the enemy's attacks and defenses he feels any attack suffered by Godzilla against himself but trying to avoid one blow he inevitably becomes vulnerable to the next suddenly the eyes of red start to glow for alex there is no way to dodge the next attack when red hit him alex screamed like he had never done before in his life alex at this point tries to pause the game to recover but red stops him by attacking him again alex counterattacks with a heat ray over and over again until his energy is completely exhausted he wants to make red suffer the same pain red goes into aquatic form just before time runs out alex didn't think time would affect him but black is grateful because it helps him to decide what to do, he decides to fight the next two forms of red with the previously encountered monsters, so the next one and angus rus alex shoots heat laws at that red to avoid them, he decides to leave the screen and then a wave of mines. fall from above alex at this point charelle if you have to learn why then i let myself use the red controller attack alex from the left of the screen now i could no longer predict the next attacks, in fact the red one kept moving from random directions forcing to alex in perpetual motion, the angot heroes are almost gone, but along with him, alex with a spar and goes down to the flying form and the spin shows that the idea of ​​​​fighting red with motra turned out to be terrible.
Note, the red instantly overwhelmed him and his health meter was devastated in space. of only 15 seconds it fell to two measures she says hello red he did something unexpected he extended his hands he took note and ate it note alex feels like he is dying crushed motra died because of his stupidity and now alex is forced to share his pain the transition of battle the map doesn't last long but for alex it felt like an hour the pain was driving him crazy he absolutely wanted this to end he never wanted something so hard there is still hope there was still only one monster solomon to fight red alone he can't save his life, but apparently Solomon is involved in something with red, as this message appears at the beginning of the fight, red takes Alex off guard by burning him with demonic fire, but this move benefits Alex Reid, he used all his energy. and he could no longer use his final attack making him easier to defeat just before the terrible slash determines that the latter flies away trying to crush solomon red fails and shortly after he tries to devour himself as he had already done with Oprah but This time he would not have been successful Alex believes he has won however Red does not sink to the ground and still cannot move from the chair a message appears Red rebuilds his body transforming into his final form transporting Alex to hell Is everything there ?
It goes back to the first encounter with a more real scenario, however, just like Ren's strength, the music exploded producing a loud scream, a raging drum of death, Red's new amount of health scares Alex, not even alone, I wouldn't have had the chance to be. in fact, defeated in a few seconds after being crushed by red's foot with his finishing move, there is no hope, i am a dead man, subsequently alex sends heroes, but he is also overwhelmed after taking a small amount of health from red , red has fired him. a barrage of incandescent ag on his face until he collapsed another moment of indescribable agony alex asks red how he knew his name finally alex understands the reason why Melissa had been tortured for years knows why he had been mocked for death from Melissa and so that the game knows that he knows because he is responsible and this time he would have killed Alex too.
Alex returns to the map and sends Godzilla to the field to resist on the map only the icons of Godzilla Viread and the fifth monster. stay Alex had totally forgotten about him, the ex manages to select his icon which begins to shake but before Alex can activate the red monster he gives Alex the final blow stopping his heart his hands go numb but Alex with the last crumbs he tries hard. to pressure Red, he believes that at this point he has won, but he is wrong, a new force prevents Red from killing Alex, giving him his sight back.
Melissa's words move Alex, who has something else to fight for with her help. Alexa manages to free the fifth monster. definitively destroy this infernal abomination acacis is the strongest playable monster the only one that can give alex hope of surviving his fist that turns into lamé inflicts enormous damage sea and still has a lot of life left with one last blow all this would destroy his body he has sunk into the ground as he disintegrates he is accompanied by the sound of triumphant music alex is finally able to stand up bin issa's death had been avenged and his happiness is interrupted by thinking of all the pain suffered by all the other monsters they had fought and that they were dead Alex is crying harder than ever in his life but the game is not over yet Melissa still has something to tell him after finally finishing the game the protagonist has the intuition to disconnect the console and separate it from the game by placing the objects in two separate drawers, once this is done, save all the screenshots taken by the computer and abandon yourself to a less than restful sleep.
Upon waking up, she spontaneously feels the desire to investigate what happened, so. He meets his friend Billi and asks him to accompany him home. After initial disbelief, Billy is convinced that the story the protagonist tells him is true and assures him that it was not he who modified or manipulated the cartridge. him in some way, but he received it in turn from another boy with whom he has always exchanged video games. Billy contacts the third boy and tells him what happened, asking him for explanations, but his friend responds with fear and disbelief that he knows nothing. and then quickly hangs up.
From that day on, the protagonist feels much more paranoid and apathetic than ever and can do nothing but think about the game and its nature, sometimes asking himself questions about Red's true identity. He is almost tempted to try to return. to play it to see what could happen, but it never goes beyond connecting the NES as he cannot find the strength to play it again, so the protagonist decides to get rid of them by throwing them into a lake not far away. from home once he reaches the shore, however his mind spontaneously goes to Melissa and he is convinced that one way or another the game saved her soul and that therefore she could not destroy it while she still wanted to get rid of it. she. finally decides to sell the cartridge to the suitors, she knows perfectly well that she is behaving like a coward and selfish but it is the only solution she has managed to come up with to get the game of her life in any case, it is also for this reason that the protagonist then decides to document what happened to keep it alive in his memory and warn anyone who finds themselves dealing with this game deciding to turn it off at the slightest strangeness may have been the right choice, maybe Alex should do it.
They have destroyed the game without caring about anything, but after trying Godzilla Nes, we know how his mind is set for today's criticism episode on extermination. Here I will give you an appointment in the next one and I will tell you. I wish you a good night.

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