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Creative People On Another Level

Jun 22, 2024
This is creepy, she's putting on lipstick, those aren't her lips, those are her eyes, her eyes are her lips and her eyes, but where are her real lips? Another


, part two, okay, what is she doing using her two hands, two feet and she is doing eight? works of art right now how are they so good even if I had everything in one it wouldn't be as good as one of those works of art what are you doing is this


or just weird oh she became the Queen of Heart I was about to make fun of her for being basic and then she turned into that toasted nail, oh bread on her nail.
creative people on another level
I don't like nails with food on them. I tried to have the longest nails in the world like mom, it didn't work at all, I can't imagine. do it with food go watch that video after this one if you haven't oh I've seen these they're artists and they draw it and it makes it look like the tree is cut in half that's crazy. I don't know how you do that as an artist. I don't have artistic skills like that, but that's cool until you get into it, face a plant, and fall. I'd like to see him play a prank on someone with that tree, what are they? making a green oh it looks like an octopus is coming out of that building


are just looking the dogs aren't even phased though the humans say oh my god the dogs say oh bro it doesn't even smell like an octopus made out of wheels without boots, Why would you do that?
creative people on another level

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creative people on another level...

What is the point? It's kind of funny, although imagine driving to the valet with that you just get on. You know, when they say put boots on the ground, this car means I 3D printed a main saber. I did not do it. I know you could do that I don't know what a Prime saber is oh oh, I didn't realize it was a saber mixed with a Prime drink. Everyone loves Prime. What are you building with chocolate? You know what I wouldn't want that? in my house because I would probably eat it all if I were a giraffe.
creative people on another level
This is Zadie's dream. Zadie loves giraffes. That thing is huge. My God, you would never want to eat her. It's too perfect. Looks great. Oh, and it's all chocolate. Can? Imagine messing this up. This guy spent thousands of hours painting this and then you just take a bite because it looks delicious. Sorry, Eraser, but I'm going to have to bite off that left ear. Chicken nugget earrings. No, no, we are not using food. like jewelry and we won't wear it on our fingers if you're hungry you just bite it oh no I'd be afraid to wear them because I'm pretty sure Zadie would take a bite instantly Rock makeup why?
creative people on another level
You're going to waste expensive makeup on a rock. Wow, you're even giving him a face massage. Heck, you're even wearing false eyelashes on a rock. It looks realistic, although you'd better not use it as a rare beauty or something cool. Oh, wow, that looks like it. It's real, although I made a wooden bag that looks heavy, maybe you want to work your arm muscles, so you want something heavy. Wow, it's really cool, it closes too much, it's definitely


, but I like light bags. I have enough stuff to make it heavy, you know, all the junk I put in it already remembered last year's crazy hair, that's amazing, that hair is amazing when Zadie's hair gets long enough to braid.
I want to try, that looks amazing. I wonder if I could use them for my arms when I carry Zadie. They look like a bunch of crayons and I shave them off. Oh, now I'm interested. Oh, that thing is cool. You can use it to store your colored pencils. Oh wait, you ruined it. those ya oh it's a model airplane where is this place? where does it exist? It's like a whole town, it's a whole airport, a lot of creative time that I don't have, but I'm glad they did it. Pikachu, why are you painting a Pikachu? card that could be worth a lot oh I bet they'll be really good you think it's just a regular Pikachu card and then wow okay this is cool.
I don't even play Pokémon, but it's a worthwhile collectible. more than the card was worth before Oh, this is creepy, why are we getting so close to that person's eye? Oh, what's going on? Ah, guys, someone tell me what's going on. Oh my god, is this a drawing? It's not even. Oh, I thought about it. It was real, it looks so real, it's just a painting, it's so crazy, how do you get sweat marks? Do you see tears falling? How do they even out all the pores, even the eyelashes? Everything seems so real. That guy is creative and talented. and like wow, oh, we love cupcakes, mmm, oh, a barbecue cupcake that's cute, it may not be the most creative, but it's definitely cute, and I mean, you want to eat it, right?
I know what I do, what does she do? She doesn't do anything to see here. only my Elizabeth line laptop case her case matches the seats why did you steal a seat cover from a train and then turn it into a case? How did you get that? It's great to paint the shoes. It's like when you don't want to. wear shoes but they say no shoes no shirt no service you're like me I'll take care of that what's going on here and then there's something on top what are those things I've never used those in my life you put on a pencil and then it's like the cover of a pencil, they're just erasers oh, it's Bart Simpson, it's an eraser it's like a work of art.
I want to know if it's functional and practical or I'm just going to stare at it, it looks like toast, oh that's like. artsy toast oh, that looks like avocado oh, I see that looks like some kind of Van Gogh painting oh, that's really cute, super artistic, I definitely don't want to drink that milk, but I like the idea. I would definitely take a photo on my snap and send it. Tell a friend what's going on here so when the fruit falls you can catch it all, are they going to shake it? Oh, stop, I've never seen this.
Okay, but honestly, a lot of oranges were lost. Do you see all the ones on the floor? They're just going to leave what happens to all those other oranges? Everyone in that apartment probably runs Sprints there and gets the rest. Wow, it looks like a Batmobile or something. Don't you want to throw this garbage away? Oh my god, they did it. I put it in a bag. I wonder how functional it is if it rains. Why is this guy burning a painting? it turned bright, was it some kind of warm color that changes color when there's something that just blew my mind?
I have no idea how it worked, but if you know, please let me know what this is. Oh, those are real mice, oh my gosh, wait, those are those. It's real because if those are stuffed mice that's just creepy. I've heard of


who like stuffed animals that are dead and they just like to do things like that and it became really weird to me, okay, this looks like a banana, but it's green, okay. maybe that's now what's happening oh they baked bread banana bread get it banana bread. I wonder if it actually tastes like banana bread or if it's just the paint, how did you do that?
Uh-oh, that's a guy who must have been hit by sand. furniture, oh my god, imagine walking past this guy and then he likes those moves, it would scare me, they have people like that in San Francisco, but they are dressed in 10, you think they are mannequins and then they say, ah, scare. Honestly, that would scare me. What are those ribs? She says candle cravings. That's a candle. No way. No way. It looks too good to be. It's a candle. Those ribs made me hungry and then I realized those aren't ribs. lava wax lamp nails those are great it's like a wonderful baby oh they glow in the dark I would like to have glow in the dark nails I'm going to ask for that next time I get my nails done mashed potatoes broccoli and chicken nuggets with a little bit of sauce on top if I just like sauce, except I hate sauce, okay, what are we doing?
We're putting something out and then what's like a whole wall of a dollhouse, oh my gosh, those rooms are decorated, so every room in my house. Wow, they took a lot of time for that. I mean, keep in mind that it's much more miniature than a real house, but that's cool. A beginner's guide to building a room box. I want to give Zadie a room box. What are you drawing? How about? I guess right now before I do this oh, I guess now I know it has to be a dog. Yes, if you commented that it's a dog in the comments section, then I know you guessed it before.
Don't cheat, it's like magic. We are lighting a fire. This can never end well oh, this is great, you know, those posters that people hang on their walls saying that at home this is how they decorate it, you can crochet your noodles, oh my god, this is like crochet, but with your dinner imagine having a scarf. made with noodles are right, but earrings and nails are definitely off limits for food. Don't even watch this video here and make sure you are subscribed.

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