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creating the most USELESS INVENTIONS (patently stupid)

Jun 08, 2021
Okay, I call it anti-child repellent guaranteed to eliminate any infestation in a matter of minutes, gamers. Welcome to a game where you have to create a problem and then your friends have to find a solution for that problem, or vice versa, everything will go terribly wrong. wrong, I can already tell, so if you are part of the percentages that have not subscribed, subscribe right now and make sure to follow our Instagram because at 100k I will free a quarter of Blaza's face. Complete the message they sent you. your device, oh god, okay, people keep giving me attitude, no, that's too familiar, come on, you can think better than that.
creating the most useless inventions patently stupid
Socks for one people keep giving me baths, that's not funny, that's not funny, why am I not funny? I need a more powerful one. I don't know what I need a more powerful love I need a more powerful bomb dude I was panicking I can't think about this under pressure oh pick a topic I always poop my pants at weddings what do I create an invention? about that let me think here um no more weddings if I wear pants during weddings there will be no weddings look I get a card and it's an invitation to the wedding and then if you try to leave your house an FBI man kills you okay , write a title, no more weddings, write a slogan, or you will die, I don't know, red, I'm just trying to think here, oh, launch our invention, okay, this is the fun part, blaza, choose an option on your device, problem, I really need access to your mother's house.
creating the most useless inventions patently stupid

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creating the most useless inventions patently stupid...

They will beat her. I don't know, yeah, okay, laugh, what's your problem? Okay, people keep giving me baths and I don't like that, so I came up with the invention of the bath for cash, wait. really good that's so good that's so catchy oh it sucks so good at weddings oh my god that's terrible but don't worry I have a solution for this the solution here there are no more weddings so look This, you're invited to a wedding, guess what? you try to leave this man, fbi agent, guess what he does, he shoots you, that's extreme, it works well, you won't exactly poop your pants anymore, no more embarrassment, oh, get funding, oh, and now we can give it money to people we really like.
creating the most useless inventions patently stupid
I'll be honest I'll go to the baths for cash I mean that was pretty smart come on I guess don't be like zero juice oh my god cat baths no more weddings 700 at least I'm ahead of that way, oh, end. You have the same problem, okay, flower, you're doing market research, aha, aha, I'm reading, I'm reading, I'm always hungry, invent something, draw an invention to solve the problem, oh, we have to do it now, oh. Oh my god, okay, how can I? We can solve that problem easily, right, if you're hungry, just don't poop, we have a man here and we have this big thing that you have to insert in that area, wait, we should do. it's a little bit pointy, send it easy, just put it in and a tagline, just keep it there, okay, present your idea we have.
creating the most useless inventions patently stupid
I'm always hungry while I drink it well, yeah, did she open the door? Do you like to put her head like her? dollars out the door and she's trying to give you a cookie. I'm always hungry while pooping. Human sensitivity. This is going to get very weird. I will never run out of poop again. Oh God, what is this square? Good. I'm always hungry while pooping easy problem are you ready just put it in put it in put one in what are we putting right right right that sounds bad I should have shown the picture first okay what is that what is that that makes it worse no no no just keep it that way If you never have to poop you're never hungry oh that makes a lot of sense yeah here we go laugh ok come on let's go up well I'm always hungry while I'm pooping so I thought I'd forget about it. these old toilets where it just goes down the drain into the sewage systems.
I'm going to invest in recycling at its finest. What a great idea, oh God, what have we invested? There are so many good ideas, I honestly don't know, this is it. Too good, I have to choose Blazes, no, I'm going to choose the loop-de-loop, the human centipede and then I'll probably give it to your mom. The loop-de-loop, literally, you have all 800, well played. he deserved it, it was designed, it was pretty good, congratulations, congratulations, next round, baby, okay, time to do some research, I'm ready for this, okay, let's try not to make poop jokes this time, maybe I'm tired of hearing what I'm tired of.
I heard about Mimi's medical degree, that's right, I'm sick of it. I would like to support the rich. I would like to support the rich. Oh my goodness, oh, and let's see what message we have. I never know what to get Natalie's mom. I want. Nadway wrote that okay, I want to buy Nadway's mom. I will solve that problem. I never know what to buy Nadway's mom, so I don't buy her anything smart. I send it to Brazil. I'm sending the mother that way to Brazil. Here we go. it's perfect and this is the best part I can show if I want to show my title or something so I'll ask her but then I'll be like psychologically send her to Brazil, perfect, it's a double whammy okay.
Tbh, oh it's me, okay, I always presented the problem. I want to get in shape while I poop. What happens to the poop? He's getting in shape and shooting at the same time. It's perfect, just let it out, guys, everyone needs to let it out. So come on, I'll be honest, that's so cool, that was horrible, oh my god, I'd love to do that, so I was thinking, you know what else besides Twitch donations? That's the drone. Donate to your favorite Twitch streamers. make them richer, okay juice, they don't let me take my mom on planes, right, my idea was a mom launcher, so basically here I am meeting my mom for use.
Are you throwing away the juice? You are like me? I wonder what socks. Oh God, here we go, I never know what to buy that way, mom knows tomorrow's nomination, so the first thing I asked her was nice, so gentlemen, gentlemen, I'm a psychiatric gentleman. I send our two brushes now. I don't have to get him anything, okay, we have a problem, it's embarrassing to be on a date and not have a drip, what are we going to do? I don't know, man, we buy fresh produce, I don't enjoy my crewmate anymore, right, that's fair. a fair problem is great for one, what does that mean? audible badger I'm giving you my money I'm giving you my money okay okay okay okay for lying oh mom pitcher hey yeah you made it come.
Weightlifting, dogs are one, hey, me. I gave you that 500 that way I gave you that 500. okay, who will be the one who will do the question square again? very nice i'm tired of hearing about the medical meme title wait that was the one i wrote at the beginning ok how do we do it? get rid of the meme medical title i know we left him stranded in the ocean we gotta do like the waves here we leave him stranded in the ocean and then we gotta put some sharks in here those are sharks perfect we leave him we give him eating the sharks oh juice okay let's see this juice basically I'm tired of hearing Mimi's medical title all the time on the Monarch map basically this is the medical bay and it's a barricade at the gates of the medical bay so he can't get in and the title is medicine. the bay is closed it doesn't matter genius, it's okay, get ready, okay, so I don't know, I'm tired of hearing about Mimi's medical degree, right, so I don't understand why we just ask politely, right, and honestly, he's going to say no, so guess what we do. we're going to do, we're going to feed his socks now there won't be any more medical degrees because there won't be any more mimi, okay now all these things, you know, you're blocking medicine b, you're feeding them to the sharks I think we should get right to the point, you know, I say let's just use the shredder, that's literally, we won't have it anymore, that's it, bye bye, medical degree, okay, these are all great ideas, okay, I put in my votes, okay?
We're off to a good start, this is the last one that can win all three, let's see, here we go, my yard is infested with mold, no, that's silly, kids, my yard is infested with kids, okay, this is okay, this is okay , okay, whose problems are they? I have, I always wanted to explore outside. Well, my lunch break is always interrupted by Mimi's medical degrees. I guess she always wanted to explore outside. I mean, we just finished Mimi's medical degree. She always wanted to explore outside, but the sun I used, let's have the. sun here very angry eyes and then it's like hitting me no the sun kidnaps me that will work so the title the sun kidnaps me you're just walking outside you know you just want to get some fresh air and then bam the sun kidnaps, no I don't know, I don't think he's the best, but he's pretty funny, oh, I guess I'll go first.
Okay, so I always wanted to explore outside, you know? I just want to get some fresh air. You know, yeah, sure, but then everything. suddenly guess what happens the sun kidnaps me okay laugh my god it's infested with children what are you going to do about it okay i call it anti-child repellent guaranteed to eliminate any infestation in a matter of minutes oh youtube youtube that's a water gun , yes, yes it is not very good, you point it in the air and spray the water, yes, this is not fair, why would I go after the anti-child repellent?
I hate it when my armpit smells, you look at yourself, this is exactly what you look like when my armpit smells, you know what you're going to have to face, you're going to jump, wait, to be honest, I thought you'd like to put your arms over your head and block odors, as if you were protecting yourself. a bomb, no, you're just going to deal with it, okay, square, it's your turn, I hate when the left takes away its mess, what do we do? OMG I think we already know who the winner is, why is it so well drawn too?
Like I don't understand hey, don't get kidnapped by the sun, okay, final round, let's see, let's see, can anyone stop laughing? We're about to find out, okay, who's going to die. I like this one. I need an easier imposter game. I mean, right, oh wait, how do we make an invention out of that? How can I get an easier imposter game? Don't pair up with Mimi. Don't pair up with Mimi. Yes, easy, let's make a big drawing of Mimi. Let's put a giant that. he spends every second oh I go first okay okay then I need an easier imposter game honestly pairing up with anyone is an easy impostor game except a person don't fake it.
Easy imposter game if you are not with the meme god. okay blaza let's see I need an impossible DC game I'll just ban everyone okay oh god I need an easier imposter game but all I want to do is start a game they'll match me with this guy oh, they can. I'm not getting you out of the airlock if he's protecting you, that's true, that's true, so you're having a bad impostor game from anyone, this is just what you get, you install mods that were pretty good, okay , honest, I need an easier imposter. game, you know, I didn't know what to draw, you know what, so you just know, I did a simple, very nice job with the knife and stuff like that, it's an impostor killing someone, but look, look, that's not important, it's important that all. just subscribe right now that's what's important right now and don't forget to leave a like subscribe right now okay just subscribe right now you thick imposter and pray those were really good okay oh my god it's well, laugh, I think laugh alone.
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