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Apr 18, 2024
I don't know what's been happening to me lately, but my clothes look like garbage lately. I don't understand, look garbage, it literally looks like garbage. It seems that I took it out of the trash can and put it on my body, oh. wait, I don't understand celebrities, they will spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on the craziest


for an awards show, although I will say that Katy Perry's outfit at the 2019 Met Gala was on, no, I'm literally going to swing from the chandelier that was Lizzy Gardner's dress. made with 254 credit cards I'm sure everyone was checking her for cash or credit um I'll do credit there you go thanks okay but in the next I've never seen anyone wear anything even remotely close to this dress bmas de Lady Gaga. it was super weird no it literally was it was super weird it's meat she's wearing a meat dress all these dresses cost an arm and a leg but they look like they're made only from household items that even I could make huh challenge accepted every The dress which I think has to be inspired by something I found in my house.
creating outfits using random objects
Yes, this will work. LED light strips. God, this will be the dream of all the Tik Tock guys. Yeah, I mean, we could be sneaky with this. I think all these games are still there. I'm still playing with me, okay, I'll take that and I'll take that. I was


that, so I chose five household items, which means I'm going to make five dresses at the end of all of this. I'm going to put on makeup, put on heels, and put on jewelry to give it the full effect and we'll see if it's really worth wearing on a red carpet or if it's worthy of being in the dumpster, but that's okay, I'm excited that Pearson Do it.
creating outfits using random objects

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creating outfits using random objects...

We have experience in fashion design uh no oh okay um what about styling experience? uh no oh, so this could be a work of art or a complete and utter disaster, probably the latter, okay, great, oh God, oh God, oh God, it's falling down, oh, there it goes. the cards, oh no, there goes the caution tape. Here are all the household items you could need to create the most extravagant, elegant and expensive dresses. Let us begin. I'll try. You know, I mean, how can I make this a Although get dressed, um, this is going to be hard.
creating outfits using random objects
I guess we'll start here and then just finish from there. Okay, I don't know, I don't even know what I'm doing if you guys don't know this. I love playing poker, so I'm hoping and praying that this one turns out and is great because I'm thinking this is going to be my dad. Oh, oh, gosh, okay, next is the knit dress last time I had so many. tissues in my room I was watching La La Land so I just wanted a happy ending to happen wow, this look, you know, I might become a tiktok guy after this.
creating outfits using random objects
If you had to make a dress, how would you do it right? So my idea for the bookmarks is to just glue them all together. I don't know, you know what this process is taking too long. I have an idea, now we are talking, oh yes, you see, now we will be ready in no time. Guys, I have another idea for caution tape. Who needs toilet paper? When can you wipe your butt with caution? Woo, I'll dress like this every morning and a Wintour will take notes, same with you, Edna Mode, okay, so my idea is.
Moving a little bit for the cards I think I'm just going to keep them punched and then try to have them. I don't even know how to do it. I'm trying it here. I'm really trying with my heart. I'm sorry friend. I'm not going to lie to you, I'm starting to get confused, this could work, you know? Maybe I should change this to jewelry. Can it be like a miniskirt? And all the haters thought this wasn't so. I'm going to work guys I'm about to get dressed yeah let's see if I can find a way to layer it oh stop oh this is going to be good if you made a dress out of tissues how would you do it?
They're all together now, wait, this is less work for me. I guess I'm just going to glue them all together to make sure they're nice and pretty and then I think we'll create some layers because You know these tissues are going to be transparent and no one needs to see my order. Why is it enough? Pearson, what did you do this weekend? Oh, you know, I just glued a bunch of handkerchiefs together to make a handkerchief dress, no big deal. I'm an allergic girl, pollen kills me every chance it gets, so this will be my great savior.
Well, here's the best. Should we try it on? I guess we'll try it. I was going to make a great transition, but now. I don't know if this is going to work. I can feel it tearing beneath my fingertips. This looks good here, oh my gosh. I love the way it cinches my waist. I have a problem. I bought the wrong LED lights. not the battery operated ones, in fact they are the ones that have to be plugged into an outlet, so this dress won't be able to move, but that's okay, I'll accept any challenge, yeah, just untangle this bad boy, we're almost there, oh.
Oh my god, I was having fun before, but now I'm not having fun anymore. I can't understand the LED lights being off. Rihanna said she shines like a diamond. How about shining like an LED strip light? Look, you can't just turn me on. You need an outlet, an adapter, an extension cord, unless of course you're 6'4 and have a mustache because then you don't need anything to turn me on. I'm serious, this year I won't need a Christmas tree because I AM the Christmas tree. I swear, if this falls and breaks, I will cry without crying into my watch instead of wearing it as a zipper or chain.
I'm going to use a zip tie so I hope this works. I don't even know if my body fits around this guy. I'm already breaking it. Why does everything break? Oh my goodness, do you want to see a piece of art? Well here I am, I'm just kidding. The artwork is what I just made. I spent the last 40 minutes on Tada, wait wait it's so long you need a better view, wait Tada oh my gosh it looks extremely transparent but a little shine never hurt anyone. I'm kidding. I'm going to put something on underneath. shines bright like an LED light strip shines like an LED light strip I guess you could say I'm shining when I say my social battery is running low and I need to recharge it.
You've heard of a red flag, but I'm the next level Caution Tape I'm not going to lie to you, these types of murders. I have a little train behind me. If I ever got invited to a Halloween party, maybe I'd wear this with a little blood or something, you know. the outfit inspo is um All my exes. I wish they were wearing this when I first met them, but you know, that's plus the fact that at this point I don't even know if I have any more tissue issues or issues, probably issues, oh my gosh, that's the biggest one. train I've ever seen Cho Choo ladies gentlemen don't pick your boogers pick me I think I just made the prettiest, most perfect miniskirt ever it's literally remarkable or bookmarkable comment bookmarkable it's a bookmark I was trying to make a pun I don't know, here is my miniskirt.
I think it's going to be good. I bought and made these five dresses for about $200, maybe I don't even know, but it definitely wasn't hundreds of thousands of dollars. Also look. In my room now I normally think my room is bad, but this is like another level. uh yeah this is the worst thing i've ever seen in my life, sure it may look like a mess now but tomorrow it will look like five beautiful red carpets worthy. dresses, so see you in the morning good morning, okay, it's time to get ready, okay, these will be the best looks you have ever seen, done, the hair is done, the makeup is good enough, we need the accessories, the heels of Of course, sorry my room is a little messy, the jewelry and now the show starts and now Pearson presents the spring 2024 collection,


trash in my house, oh man, am I adorned or what first step is the perfect deal?
We have a high crack in the floor. long dress with a perfect deep V neckline, isn't it stunning? Combined with the Queen of Hearts earrings that are absolutely generous and the most functional and luxurious bag ever, the bicycle card holder doesn't fit into almost anything. Yes, I would say this dress really. it suits me play your cards right and maybe you can take me home him that's nice oh my god god stop now all I need is a king next mark my words his world is anything but white and black because Crayola went and donated 12 million markers to make this dress shine, we have the most colorful collection on your chest to create the perfect outfit for spring, yes this dress has no limit, sometimes it's cool to color Outside the lines , be you, oh, you broke up, I'm sorry.
I guess I missed the mark here, give us a shout over here Hello, how are you over here? It's okay, I just speed up. It's okay, so proceed with caution. We have a beautiful latex train that leads to a long mini dress, but don't get too close. dangerous and of course we have an over the shoulder moment with her, she's a little tied up at the moment so she takes your photos while you can, yes I'm always the first one on the scene, piss me off and you might end up in handcuffs. Babies will love this one with Cry Me a River from head to toe in the best fabrics from Spain.
Kick off spring with a bang and a bang, carefully stitched, this 16t white dress truly makes you the center of every situation. Combines with open shoulders. with a unique pearl necklace and a bow to tie the whole dress, this dress is sickly, oh knit, yes, I am easy on the nose and eyes, if you were a booger, I would choose you first and last, ladies, gentlemen . Your sunglasses on because they are illuminated with the most extravagant lighting in the world. This dress completely changes the way we look at fashion when the lights go out shining. An impressive dance.
There is nothing this dress can't do. This girl will suffocate you. Your new look is true, I light up every room I walk into, your future is bright, but my dress is brighter, yes, I'm a chill girl, no strings attached after a long day designing fashion, you know what I like just disconnect.

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