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Create Self Watering Pots Using Old Recycled Materials

Jun 05, 2021
Hello YouTube, welcome back to basics, as I promised in my previous update, today we will look at how to make some





. You may have seen other YouTube videos on the web that show you how to use two buckets to






bucket. The top bucket holds the soil. The bottom bucket will hold the water. The amount of water that will be in the bucket will be the amount that will be in the bucket. will have this edge now if I move it towards the sun here, I could You can see that it's darker here, that's basically how much water you're going to have now.
create self watering pots using old recycled materials
Many of those on the web. Have you used five gallon buckets? These are three gallon buckets that I purchased from a local supplier. it means you can go to restaurants, ice cream shops, etc., a lot of these companies are just launching this and I was able to pick several and I'm going to do it now the traditional style, what you want to end up doing is Cut a hole in the bottom of the top cube and you're going to place a net pot on it. This will be filled with soil placed at the bottom. You also cut a hole there and for the irrigation tube, which is just a piece of Pipe like this and put it together now.
create self watering pots using old recycled materials

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create self watering pots using old recycled materials...

I'm sure you can find all those on the web too, but let me show you how you can do the same thing


a pot. Now the most important thing about


this is you're going to use your lip, you need a lid to do this, if you don't have a lid you can use a cake plate and I'm going to show you that also take your clear lid and basically just cut the outer edge. of this here and we will use it as a base for the bottom of the pot. Now what I like about using the single pot method is that I can control the height that I will be in this pot, now you know.
create self watering pots using old recycled materials
I've read and seen that vegetable plants usually only put down roots 12 to 10 to 12 inches, so I didn't really want to use a five-gallon bucket. I know it can go further, but I don't want to use that much. ground, so what I did was I measured how far from here to here, about 11 inches, I'm going to do my pipes and everything for that now let me show you with the lid, okay, I've cut a center part out of the lid and this is where my network disks will go. Now what I'm going to do is use this, yeah, take it out and save the cap for something else later, this is going to be my base and You can see that I've also


d a hole that's going to be from my water feed line.
create self watering pots using old recycled materials
Take your net pot, place it in the hole or this is where you are going to place the hole. This one will go on top like this. now you're going to pack this net pot with soil and you're going to pack it very tightly and you're going to have a watering tube for this when you put this in the pot. It looks like this. This is what it looks like done now as I do. I said: I'll show you later in the video how you're going to pack this with soil, but here's the basic concept using just the bucket, a mesh pot, the lid and the feeding tube, okay, I told you, I said We use



, well, the only thing.
In fact, you may have to buy this tube. Let me show you what I have done using other


. Okay, if you're like me, you probably have a lot of these net


lying around, maybe not, but them. It can be a little expensive sometimes it depends if you order them online if you buy them locally but if you like me to plant a lot of plants like this you probably have a bunch of these in your house well I have them anyway so these They are exactly the same size, so I am going to recycle this material and use it to make the watering can.
What I'm going to do is you can take this and put enough holes in here to provide an opportunity for water to come in. Now I take this. drain hole sizes that are here. I mean, I'm sure some scientists figured out that this was a good size to use, so I match it. I'm going to drill holes here and show you the product, okay, here. I have now drilled holes that are the same as the ones on the bottom. I don't need it to go any higher than this. This still gives me a nice solid base for my cube and what I'm going to use instead. now it's a cake pan instead of a lid, let me show you how I'm going to do it.
First, get a star cut here and I'll show you why. Well, this is what we have done with our cake pan. Now I just measured this. You can see the circle line that was on the top outside of the green pots I had drilled holes in, so this is the size I wanted to use. Now I just place this on top. of that and bending them all towards the inside of the pot, this will fit over this pot and also prevent the inner pot from moving when it has the soil. Now let me show you what it looks like inside the bucket and there you have it now, this gives me a nice, solid, firm grip that I have here.
I have the pie plate, you know, it was actually from the leftover pie dough that we had or had. I needed to buy some, so yes, if necessary. Spend some money at a dollar store that sells these nine inch pie plates for 3/4 of a dollar and I had to buy some extras for that, but I wanted to show you how we can make this completely out of


material now that when you use the other. method you could have, you have to drill a hole here for your feed line, let me show you what else I do there, you got it, there are no holes to drill, no tools required, the only tool you need is to cut the tube, now you have a You can see I have a good one, you can see from the shadow.
I have a lot of water I can use for this. I have reduced the amount of land I will need for this. the pot is now about 10 inches my tube has been cut to 13 inches which takes me about an inch above the lip and takes it to the bottom of the reservoir okay one last very very important step to do when If you're building this, you want the water inside the bucket to be no higher than the height of the wick pot, so the easiest way to measure this is across this, against your bucket, find your mark and I'm going to go down here. and you're going to drill a hole there you have it and this will allow the excess water to come out and we'll show you a little bit later and there you have it we're ready to go so just to recap buy yourself a ten foot roll of this cost about six five six dollars of soap at Home Depot, this is the water quality pec line, super pec line, get some old pie plates, use your old pots from previous years if you got them and find a retailer that might be launching these kinds of pots, you know, they might have tomato sauce and spaghetti sauce, that's the kind of thing, but you can do all this for nothing, which is basically what I do if you conclude that it costs forty to make it. cents. so let's fill this out.
To see how this works, this pot will end up acting as a wick that will bring water to your self-watering pot. Now the first thing you want to do is add some soil here and compact it very firmly. so you light your wick now I'm just using a professional mix for my peppers and tomatoes so that's all I'm going to start with now you really want to make sure you pack this really well now you can do this. whether it's in the pot or not, but the reason I'm doing this, you'll see in a minute. I want to keep this a little bit away because the curves of my cake pan are going to stick out there, so let's put this in the center of our pot and I'm going to put the pipe cleaner in and as you can see, this gives me the ability to push these parts inside the pot, which is also, and allows me to make a connection between the soil here and that. cell, so let's start now.
I'm going to pack this up nice and tight here. The next part is to lay out our feed line and that's as simple as doing that. That's all. Now we just fill the remaining part with soil. Well, this is where the ultra hot pepper series will continue. These are these plants that I started from seeds in February. They were transplanted into these pots using the double cup method on March 11. I think there are two now. months and a half, almost three, so they are doing very well and it is time to get them out of here, let's see, we have a good route out of here.
I don't want to destroy this at all, so let's open this up and put them in our pots and here's my Moruga scorpion. Oh I can't wait to try that one and the scorpion now to keep it moist. I'm going to put some mulch on top here. We should keep a lot of moisture in here when we water it, keep the raisins down. The main reason for that hole here is to make sure that we fill our water tank, but it's not going to overflow and we're going to have standing water. into the ground so just grab your hose put it on the jet setting and fill it now keep filling it until you see it overflowing it shouldn't take long and there you have it it's full you can see the water coming out.
It will get to a level that is good and when this part starts to dry, the wick will attract it, so there you have it. This is how you can make yourself some self-watering pots from recycled materials. I hope you liked them.

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