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Create a WEEKLY CLEANING SCHEDULE for Busy Moms in 5 Easy STEPS | My Simple Weekly Cleaning Routine

Jun 07, 2021
Hey guys, I'm Cassie and I make time to laugh. I make videos on how to simplify mom's life and if you want to see more of them, go ahead and hit subscribe below and hit the bell next to it. I'm so excited. about today's video because if you're like me, this is something that can change your life, we're going to talk about how to


your own cleansing


that you'll actually be able to follow now, you might be thinking I heard that. before and I've tried every cleansing


out there and haven't been able to stick with any of them, why would this be any different?
create a weekly cleaning schedule for busy moms in 5 easy steps my simple weekly cleaning routine
Well, that's because many of the


routines you find on the internet have one of the top five problems with them. The first problem is that some of them ask you to do all the


in one or maybe two days. of the week, you will often be asked to do most of your planning on one day and perhaps all of the laundry on another day and When you finish cleaning for a day, you are exhausted, you may be in a bad mood and the last thing you you want to think about doing again is cleaning, but you have to do it again week after week after week and it's very


. burn when you clean this way the second major problem that many cleaning routines have is that they are unrealistic when I was searching for the perfect cleaning


for a mom with a new baby I found cleaning routines that just really made me feel lazy because these cleaning routines suggested I take out my trash every day of the week, they suggest I clean all my windows every week and I guess I'm not the only one who just doesn't have time to do all that, the third problem I see over and over again in online cleaning routines is that they are not tailored to your individual life.
create a weekly cleaning schedule for busy moms in 5 easy steps my simple weekly cleaning routine

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create a weekly cleaning schedule for busy moms in 5 easy steps my simple weekly cleaning routine...

If you sign up for a template, they will often send you the exact same program that they would send to your next door neighbor or your best friend and I don't know about you, but I don't have the same



as my next door neighbor or my best friend or any of my friends but these cleaning routines seem to think that everyone can clean the same thing on the same day of the week and that will work fine with a


schedule. Call me crazy, but I don't see how it's supposed to work. The fourth problem.
create a weekly cleaning schedule for busy moms in 5 easy steps my simple weekly cleaning routine
What I see is that there are so many things in each day that I was overscheduling that work, but only as long as your schedule and your life are going perfectly, they don't take into account any of the curveballs that life throws your way, like someone getting sick or you need extra doctor appointments on a given day, if something goes wrong during one of the days of the routine, your entire schedule will be canceled for the week and the fifth problem I will save and tell you about later. We


your fleeting weekly schedule because it will make a little more sense at that moment.
create a weekly cleaning schedule for busy moms in 5 easy steps my simple weekly cleaning routine
Okay, are you ready to dig in? Let's do this step one. All you need to do is grab a pen and some paper or, if you prefer, a nice printout. template I have a resource that I will leave below that you can print and everything will be ready for you to create your weekly cleaning schedule. The next thing I want you to do is make a list of all the things you think need to be cleaned each week. This is not a list of what your best friend thinks needs to be cleaned each week or your sister or your mother-in-law or your neighbor. second cousin removed twice or anyone else these are the things that will make you feel like your house is clean if done every week and leave out everything that doesn't need to be cleaned every week, for example, I didn't put in my I'm ready to wash my windows every week because that's just not the case.
It's not practical for me in my house if you live in a studio apartment, although that could absolutely be part of your weekly cleaning routine, so look at your house and what you want done each week to consider your house cleaning number three now that we are. I'm going to decide which days we're going to clean. I want you to grab your calendar or your phone or wherever else you keep your schedule and look at the pace of the week and the


ness potential of each day. Are there certain days you tend to? doing a lot of extracurricular activities with your kids or your weekends are usually very


and spent away from home while traveling or you generally relax more at home or there are certain days when you work late at the office, take all those things in Count count and see how much time, if possible, you can dedicate to cleaning on those days.
Each day you want to mark as a cleaning day, maybe put a small asterisk or star next to it if you're working with a paper calendar and write Write down how much time you're going to spend cleaning that day. You can do it as many or as few days as you personally want. I have six cleaning days a week and that means that each day I spend a very short amount of time cleaning, but my house feels clean all week when I was first deciding how to do my cleaning schedule. I was trying to do all the cleaning at four and on Sunday my house looked trashed again and it didn't look like I had done any cleaning.
When I spread it out throughout the week, I became much less stressed about the amount of time I spent cleaning and my house stayed cleaner longer, so if your schedule allows, I suggest cleaning for smaller periods of time, four to six days a week. week instead of spending large amounts of time cleaning one or three days a week, the number four divide and conquer, so now is where we're going to take that list of all the things we want to do each week and divide it between our days of cleaning if you are using the old-fashioned pen and paper method.
I suggest just making a


grid like this, with the days of the week in order and listing each item you are going to do each day or again if you want to use it. that cleaning schedule template that I have linked below, all you have to do is fill it in at number five, all you need to do now is try it and see if it works for you with your pace with your family and with your style of life, if not, if you're just feeling too stressful, there are a couple of things you can do, one is you can lower your expectations, you don't have to do all the things you originally listed on your list each week, maybe split them up . wait two weeks and see if that works best for you no one will care if you don't dust every week and no one will care if you clean your bathroom every week you can alternate things and clean your entire house every two weeks instead one if necessary.
I think the most important key to following a cleaning schedule is to make sure it works with your life. No, I promise I would also tell you the fifth problem that many cleaning schedules have. meaning, they assume your house is tidy if you've tried every cleaning program out there and if you do all the things I suggest in this video and it still doesn't work for you, chances are it's not. a cleaning problem but a clutter problem and I will also leave a link below on how to start decluttering if you don't know where to start and if you have a clutter problem and you solve it your house will feel a lot cleaner.
It actually feels like your house is clean all the time when you have it tidy, so check it out if you think it might be something useful for you. Okay, now I wanted to go over my


weekly cleaning schedule with you just to give you an idea. idea of ​​how simple you can make it and still make your house feel clean before you get into this. I just want to say that my house is about 1,700, I think it's 1,730 square feet, so if your house is much larger than this or much smaller than this it probably won't work for you, but if your house is a size Similarly, this might be a schedule that will work for you depending on your situation, so I just wanted to give this as an idea if you have it hard to know what you want your schedule to be, so on Sunday my only job is to tidy up the house and that It's because our weekends are busy, we like to go out and walk, we like to work in the garden, we like to visit. family and friends over the weekend and we are often out and about all weekend, even if we are home over the weekend we will often be running from one thing to another just enjoying being outside and having fun watching people we didn't know. during the week, so my only job again is to tidy up, just put everything in its place after all our weekend shenanigans and make the house look like it's in order again, so on Monday I do most of the cleaning. for my ground floor we have a two story house, it's a pretty standard two story house that looks like a rectangle on top of another rectangle, it's nothing fancy, just two stories, the 1,700 square feet are divided pretty evenly between them, so on Monday I will do it.
I do the half bath downstairs and vacuum all the downstairs floors and also do a load of laundry. I do a load of laundry every weekday from start to finish, and when I'm done, I mean, I fold it and put it away. places and if you want to see my washing routine, I will also put a link below. It's super simple and solves all your laundry pile problems. I promise, whether I have piles of clean clothes, piles of dirty clothes, or handling folded laundry that never gets put away, if you check the schedule it will really help you, so on Tuesday my task is to go shopping and it may not seem like a chore for many people, but shopping exhausts me. super exhausted afterwards I don't look forward to it, it stresses me out.
I tend to keep a running total of how much everything is costing in my head and it's always been an exhausting task for me so I actually put it on my weekly to do list because I don't want to have to do other tasks that day so I do my shopping on Tuesday and that load of laundry again on Wednesday. I'll tidy up the upstairs again after a couple of days of sanity. I tied it. Sunday can be a little tricky with the girls' rooms and them playing and stuff like that, so I'll just restart it, put everything back in its place and also vacuum the upstairs and then the clothes I wash on Wednesday are the sheets . and towels and I don't wash all of our sheets and all of our towels every Wednesday.
I break down what needs it most and basically do a full charge every Wednesday on Thursday. I do the upstairs bathroom, we have our master bathroom and the kids bathroom is upstairs and that load of laundry again and then on Friday I do the downstairs half bathroom, the downstairs and a load of laundry and yes you're paying attention and you're like hey that sounds a lot like monday yeah it's exactly the same as monday and that's because our downstairs is where we live most of the time so our downstairs gets the most of things, you think it's the dirtiest, that's where the kitchen is and it's just the dirtiest all week and I really like to start my week by cleaning the downstairs and I really like to start my weekend by cleaning the floor of below and that's totally my personal preference.
I don't feel like you have to do that at all. If that emphasizes your honor, it seems too much. I just like to have a well-vacuumed floor on Mondays. and Fridays down and like that it's just me and then Saturday is a day of rest for me. I don't do any cleaning. I do a little basic kitchen maintenance just so the dishes don't pile up, we basically just rinse. and put things in the dishwasher, but that's it and that's partly because it's part of my religion that I don't work on Saturdays, but also because I think


deserve a day off too and most


don't get one.
We are always cleaning, cooking and taking care of everyone else, and we never get the chance to relax and rejuvenate, so if you have never taken a day off, I recommend that you include that in your cleaning schedule as well and I promise that if your house needs to be cleaned that day, it will still be there waiting for you the next day and you will be no worse off and you will probably have a little more energy to continue your cleansing, but I highly recommend that you try to do it. take that day off if you can, okay and then the last thing I would like to say is that every day there are certain things that I do to keep up with house maintenance and that is that I clean my kitchen after every meal. and I'll also link my busy mom's guide to cleaning your kitchen the


way below, but basically, after every meal, we make sure the kitchen is clean and ready to go the next time we need to cook, we do the laundry and that is. something that is done every day of the week and we make our beds too, it's just part of our morning routine, it's part of my girls' morning routine, it's part of mine and I'll link the morning routines below if you want to see them more close up.
Also, I hope you're excited to try your new weekly cleaning routine. Leave a comment below and let me know how it goes. I'd love to know if this finally works for you, if you could follow through with it. and make it fit into your life again. I'm Cassie, with time to laugh. Go ahead and hit subscribe below and hit the bell next to it if you want to see more videos like I'll see you there.

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