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CRAZY! Spicy GR Yaris & WILD BMW E92 M3! // Nürburgring

Jun 07, 2024
That's a very stylish purple knob, but look at the rest of the color scheme, so it fits perfectly. True, true perfect weather to eliminate Marcos gr. yarz and to the OG audience who are not only watching on board, but have probably been watching for a long time. Remember Maros as the producer behind Diana's YouTube hits uh Struggle Bus yeah yeah and if you haven't seen it check out the video in the video description because it's an absolute gem and give Diana a follow too and a like. and uh listen on Spotify no we didn't manage to put it on Spotify I think not yet not yet maybe maybe in the future yes anyway since everyone is here for the orts and the cars and the uh gr yarus so we already drive a Of course, we had one until we sold it, but this one is out of stock so it will be interesting.
crazy spicy gr yaris wild bmw e92 m3 n rburgring
It's been built by mkr engineering, the slra team shop that I started racing with in my first race in 2019. uh the car handled well so I guess uh I guess they know what they're doing, probably at least From what we can see on the outside, we have very good airbags, we have blue brake pads, so you told me22 of infinitely very Well, we have the most important modification on a Yarus: a different seat or at least the position of the lower seat, in this case it's both, it's a pull position with different rails, different supports, of course, so a little lower, and you told me off camera, it's still there. a little high, even a little is still a little high, but you don't lower it without losing your yes, because, dear Toyota, why these towers like the ones that cut them off, put it lower and again?
crazy spicy gr yaris wild bmw e92 m3 n rburgring

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crazy spicy gr yaris wild bmw e92 m3 n rburgring...

Well, sorry, I need to keep nagging. We have to keep complaining because that's the worst part of the car because the car is amazing, but the seating position anyway uh As for power, stock stock, you don't need more, no, I can't take more, so there's no bumps, uh, earrings, which ones do I have? I have no idea, it's the one that's equivalent to the KW Club, yeah, so okay, it's good for road and track or TR, so it's not the TTX, okay, for road and track, but I guess with the configuration mkr of course we can see some camber in the front so that's good so you know the values ​​7 aha nice 2.7 so that's the most you can get from the DNA racing uni ball.
crazy spicy gr yaris wild bmw e92 m3 n rburgring
Well, whatever it's called, cool, anything else we missed, well, it's a brake cooling kit from Speed ​​Engineering, yeah. and it's the Airtech Motorsport differential cooling kit, which is one of the weakest points of the yis, so you can lose rear traction, oh okay, instantly, so it's completely spontaneous, you lose it and the car says Now you have front wheel drive. It's nice when it happens in the courts in Sweden, yes, no, it's not necessary, you don't want it to happen. Well, I guess let's go in and do a lab excited, excited, let's do a lap, you know we never did? a ride together I never instructed you in the past no really never we've never been in a car together wow that's awesome so that's the first one wow and how the shifter is nice, I love it, yes I love it, it's completely useless, but it's fun, the tires are fine, I guess so, the brakes too, yes, the Enders have a really good bite, yes, it's on rails, please, thank you, that seed really sucks, everyone hates it when They drive with me.
crazy spicy gr yaris wild bmw e92 m3 n rburgring
I never understand, now you know, I really know, yeah. maybe i should invest in the second po position, yes if you carry passengers often enough then it might make sense, yes i do it's amazing it reminds me of our old es in the sense that the airs make the car even too good, yes. you can't play with that no that's more boring yeah that's more boring oh yellow the brakes work at least yeah no the thing is you know it was a lot more fun with the PS4 yeah and it spins you know you could break it on Trail very well. overse yes of course you could really play with it now if you do you're probably going to lose the car yes yes yes yes you could use a little bit higher gear out of gear it's unnecessary here sweaty hands , power, power, power, yes, this is the yes the disappointing F, yes, now the M3 is going to overtake this, probably even behind this, so the traction control is not completely disabled, no, it still pulls del Ste so I never experienced that maybe I'm too slow, I don't even know if it's traction control or just the fact that maybe the power steering pump can't keep up with the big Saks, yeah maybe , like I said, the M3 is going to pass us now, okay, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, oh oh.
What's so broken buddy, yeah, that really scared me again. Very short, oh, the wheel spins, yes, sometimes and maybe a wheel in the air, yes, I made it, yes, we did our first lab together, yes, and friend, I tell you, this lab was very expensive. for me because I have to buy a secondary room for the car, you know everyone hates it and all people get sick from the messages and you say, stop complaining, what's your problem, it's really me, you know I like it, Why do you complain? I'm in the same car, you know, it's so different that I didn't want to greet us with the M3.
I'm uh, well, yeah, I was really into it, yeah, yeah, like I lost a couple of traction, so it was like I did my best. stay ahead, yeah, yeah, but of course this car would be faster than this one, but it's not the car, yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no, I mean, no, it's also the car because the handling of this It is unfair. Well because the pedal cam came off somewhere just before Flance Garden, I think it's okay or after FL, after the jump, I don't remember, but you'll see 3/4 turn like in the corners. I'm already flat. the gas is like there's a lot of grip with these tires and the overdrive system is uh it's really good not like you said it's an amazing card from the stock or it's a GT GT GT what is GT?
Something maybe 350 or something, sure it's a Shelby, but in any case, um, yeah, the stock seat is the downside, luckily here I have a PO position, you don't, yeah, yeah, but actually you could see the difference, then um and uh, what? Also, saying that the tires have a lot of grip is a plus and a minus because you can accelerate very early, but it makes it almost boring like we said and, well, it's not boring, but it's less fun than on the PS4. It's less fun and therefore, like for example, corner entry is slower because it ends a little bit.
I wouldn't say it's under direction, but you can't, you can't rotate it, you can't rotate it, you can't rotate it, break it down a little bit and I would. start turning and everything would be fine, this is what you can't do but you have a significantly faster corner exit because you already like it, the Apex is much faster or at least not the Apex but just like the flat section , you can go flat almost like in the middle of a curve, you don't have to wait because the car will just go away and it offers a different experience, it's amazing, but like for example, if you jump from one car to another, I wouldn't need to remember if I'm going to drive. like I don't know, we did it today uh R8 or some other super car or not.
I did a Corvette today, for example, with rear-wheel drive and not-so-sticky tires and you say H, I need to be more balanced. in acceleration and the same here I just started driving it. I needed to remember like ahuh, okay, here's the limit, we can get a little closer, we can be late earlier, step on the accelerator, step on the accelerator, etc, etc., so, but that's how it was. Amazing, I mean there was nothing that was unpleasant or silly or stupid yeah I'm glad you like it no definitely definitely and you know the setup is different than what you would expect it's less difficult yeah but really I love it, no.
It's good, no, the setup is good because, in fact, it's like you said it's important not to have a car that's not too hard because otherwise it's like not going to work in the ring with all the yes, yes, all the potholes, etc., but this. I just did it, just good, I liked it, perfect, I'm glad you like it, thank you, then I'll see you in the next song, I'm not going to wait, I don't know, yeah.

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