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Jun 04, 2021
Sometimes they bother me for doing weird things with resin and


. There's a lot more you can do with


and then just pour river


s, for example you can throw five thousand bullets into a


or you can literally blow it up and carve it into a volcano. table hello friend, so the first thing we need to do in this construction is create a form. We're going to reuse the black rifle table platform because it's already covered with Tyvek and we need to cut two circles, so let's grab the router and a router template, we're going to do it around it, it's very different than a five foot circle, we have the approximate outside dimension of what I want the top to be here, we're going to pour this with a skirt, so it's not that kind of scary in the port with a one inch skirt and we're going to pour it with the skirt down, so to do that I'm going to cut a slot now to put the inside wall in just a short group after 22 Wow, oh, it was like that to pour this.
crazy epoxy lava table build
What we're going to do is create a skirt that goes around the outside of this. I'm going to edge around the outside of everything, it's an inch taller. that way we can get a one inch blouse and our skirts and to do that we're going to use this cardboard to cover some packing tape so that our resin doesn't stick well, so this cardboard is too flimsy to attach. inside and it's breaking, so I'm going to try to screw it in because, you know, screw it, we also want to pour the center post which is three by three by three, so we'll continue using the same Tyvek melamine thing and do it ourselves. a box and the perfect shape so I think I want to put an LED in the center of this because I'm


so I'm going to mount this piece of conduit on the inside and pour it around so I can cut the ends off. and take out the conduit and in theory it should leave a tunnel for lighting, who knows.
crazy epoxy lava table build

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crazy epoxy lava table build...

I'm going to mark the inside of this and before we put it in we should talk. It should be close to the center. I'm going to carve this. post to find out how these measurements actually matter, although I didn't think this was necessary, this thing turns into resin, so to make sure we get a seal on this edge, here we'll use silicone and then we'll screw it on and then I'll tape it off adhesive to make sure it doesn't drip, but we don't want resin to get on the fibrous edge of the melamine, so this is going to get a little tricky.
crazy epoxy lava table build
This sofa is good. Can you just get the good seal? the mold has dried overnight the caulking is perfect on time and for pouring The news team meets I don't know why I need a news team, let's get this right first let's pour this little box, we have this down the workshop of metal because we're probably not going to be working here anymore this week and it's going to keep it nice and clean so nothing gets in here and is out of the way, so get ready for the epic oh, it's a hole that doesn't look well, go back to where you belong, Damn, whose idea was this, this is my nightmare, we're going to drain the mold because we're not wasting as much epoxy and then we'll regroup and pour it the way I initially wanted.
crazy epoxy lava table build
It makes me so angry that it flows more, so after almost wasting over 500 dollars on idiot hairs in resin, we're going to go buy trash cans and see if we can make do with that, but first I bought a mask because it's the apocalypse, okay, home store. That's okay, because we're clever and ridiculous. Sam came up with the concept of trying to use trash cans or buckets or something that already exists and I can't believe we didn't think before doing everything terrible with everything. The terrible thing that exists in the other room is a dumpster fire, this is what a dumpster fire looks like, so we went and got a dumpster and now we have a pole here and we got a razor blade , we lift it and then we cut.
Turn this and cut it. Now we're going to cut the inside of this trash can to the height difference we want for the wall, so now it's at 8 inches or a little less. We'll lower it to 7. Because of the way this table is, I don't need everything to be perfect, flat, smooth and all that, so we can get away with the ridges and all the crap on this because I'm going to carve the outside of the table and flatten the top, so be clever, that's what you do when you're an idiot and pour your epoxy. Now we have a small trash can, by the way, we have parts of a trash can here if anyone is looking.
Call Sam, not me, so this is the concept: Now we can use these lips and this is how I originally wanted to do it, but Sam and I literally had a deep conversation for no less than an hour about the possibility of trapping air underneath . the bottom if we did it that way, we didn't do it that way and then we realized that we don't think the physics really works because the waters are denser, so they would push out the less dense volume of air and because it was flat. it has nowhere to get stuck on top now we're going to have the same problem here, but we don't care because it's the bottom, so we've cleaned them up now to make sure they don't float when we hot glue them on. floating aspects that way it doesn't float out of the cube and you'll see the method of this madness here hello container fire we're back unfortunately for round two we're getting a lot smaller oh there's so much resin in that one still buddy it could weigh 20 pounds , I definitely thought it would leak who made this mold, there is mold, who made this, so the rest that way is considerably less now let's take this where it belongs, let's go to your house, so We clean the suction cup with denatured alcohol, now let's try pouring, we'll pour the bottom and then we'll glue the top on, so now it wants to float, we have to find where we want it and I'll hot glue it on.
It's already shifting I think we're going to have too much resin because it's gotten a lot smaller now we're going to move on to this very clever method of putting the resin on the hot glue is on hold we're going to put a metal plate on top and that should hold all of this is kind of a squirrel, we just hope it's level enough that the payout covers all the way, we don't really care because I'm not looking for uniformity because I'm going to carve the hole. outside that's it, so I don't care if it's perfectly vertical and over all the ridges, well Sam, I only have like three liters of a very expensive resin left, okay kids, see you there for days, ready Paul, six days.
Later we're dry, but the metal plate won't come off, so it's time to hammer, oh no, it's crushed a ton over here, how did we miss that? Nothing like peeling off a few small trash cans to start the day. Step one, fold the trash can carefully, your wife. it doesn't scream perfect to you, it's the exact shape we were looking for, nothing went wrong, Lisa, so thick, but that's actually great because we wanted that shape of vomit, yeah, bye, and one thing I want to achieve is satisfying as such. pop piece, but there's almost zero chance, yeah, a little part of me thought like a little baby bald eagle, we got a little profit on this thin side because the thicker side has a little more vibe to it, so I'll put this out , I'm going to take the stem out of that box and then we're going to have to flatten this top, so we've got the flattening jig propped up, we're just going to flatten the top.
I don't care if it's square so I've basically just screwed it to the table and in about an hour all good beautiful people now that we have a flat top I need to mount this to that top somehow so What I'm thinking is that I'm going to rotate a cylinder. and then attach it to a big Forstner bit that I have and use it as a kind of tenon to have a center because I put a tube in there, we're going to screw some blocks on the ends, now this is It's going to be like an organic shape, it shouldn't need to be be perfectly central or perfectly cylindrical.
We're just going to stick it in there and set it up and hope everything goes well. Wish me luck, it's just a matter of moving everything. that didn't turn out very well, we have a 2 inch diameter flat spot here that I can then make a socket for, so let's remove these blocks and cut, let's try to get that tube out. I'm going to use my metal cutting saw because without metal conduit, dear Mac, oh, go ahead, I feel like fucking King Arthur, that's bullshit, I'm hungry, let's eat, oh hell, yeah, oh, that's good, mmm, shout out to the pit boss for sponsoring this


ing, super, super grateful to have a grill in the buy Sam and I love it if you want to see more of pit boss.
I have a link below now excuse me. I enjoy this meat dish. Okay, kids, run the drill. This is a drill. literally the definition of getting squirrel is a bowl of cereal, the cereal turns out to be plastic death, so now we have a post, when we put this together, we'll put it together, but what we'll do is cut off that spike and then we'll have to have this on a flat, square surface and then we'll mount this plumb bob on that flat, square surface and that should level our table or at least not look crooked or something, but we have to


a volcano explosion in the background there's still a lot of work to do.
My vision for this table was what I wanted to like. I want it to look like it has movement and something sticky and junk on it, so I'll carve it to look like this. It looks like it's leaking and I've never done anything like this before so it's either going to look like a shitty orange lamp or it's going to look really good. We could turn this into a


lamp, so I kind of got it right, because I'm tall. It works, but it's a little higher than my exit table. Let's start here. You should definitely have the respirator on vibrate.
Okay, this is a disaster. No wonder Jacqueline is


to be able to shape this thing. What we have here is a die. grinder with some of these cool bits for grinding rotary burrs, but I wrote there for their bits for a cutting grinder, all there is for wood carving, we will use them for resin, they work on a lot of materials, great, never had before done this. so I'm the first time, it's a charm that we love, so this is going well. Looks like I'm having a great time. It's actually super easy to do and actually very safe.
I don't joke like I have done. There used to be almost zero power carving and we're getting incredible results, wouldn't you say Sam? Sam said yes, so anyway, if you want to get into power carving, I have all the tools I'm using today linked below, definitely check them out. This is awesome, it's not sponsored, we're just having a great time. We need to start shaping the shaft, so the shaft here is shaft II and we need to make it a little more like an old Tony shaft instead of a long, straight, hard shaft, so. We want to keep this square shape at the bottom to permeate the axis at the base of the volcano.
It will be easier to fit us so that we can impregnate this axis into the volcano. I want to keep it square, it will be easier to build the blocks. around, but I wanted to come off the top of the volcano in a smaller round shape, so we'll make a mark somewhere ambiguous down here and then we'll figure out where all of our chef parts are going to go and then shape it, come on, so this looks like incredible. I probably spent four or five hours sanding, I probably need 40 more sand life. I like the shape, it goes in a perfect direction and the shaft also looks pretty neat. to make it look straight out of Dante's Peak.
I don't know if any of you were forced to watch it in high school, but I was forced to and it's haunted me ever since, but I don't know if it was like in For Better or Worse, but either way Dante's Peak has been on my mind, so to make the volcano for the base, we have these four pieces of pine that I had left over from our wood structure projects that I'm going to embellish. A lot of fabric is put together to carve and then blend around this and then add some accents and obviously set it on fire for aesthetic reasons, so put it together a little bit some brushing and some faux glue, you'll see it in a second and we'll get the piece right, our blocks are dry now I need to cut a hole in the center here to fit this piece and then I'm going to tape them together and we're going to carve it out and cut a hole so this comes out right. we broke a little but nothing, I don't think we can handle it, it's like a little house tip moment if you want to put two things together and you don't want to use double sided tape, CA glue, blue tape and activator, what we're going to do is put a pretty heavy amount of CA glue on both sides, this is much easier to separate than double sided tape, so the volcano looks pretty good, we're going to lacquer it because the carbon comes. on your fingers, as you can see, so I'm going to stamp it in there, keep it nice and black and then we'll take it apart and make a sort of mockup to start getting to that final shape, let's pray that I have some LEDs here and the reason why The reason you saw me fart with that hole before was so we could pass them through the center of the leg.
Our vision is to see if we can make this even cooler with some LEDs, that's pretty cool.I don't like how you can see it doesn't diffuse much, so it looks like a Christmas tree, so the thought was something like: do I want to turn on the LEDs? How cheesy can I make this look and I don't like the luscious LEDs but the flashy ones in a resin concept that can be done very well, which my friends have done, can't I make this work? I just don't know so our aggressive crag looks amazing this thing is split apart and then mock this table look I can't pour that well Sam we were literally trying to split something we used double sided tape on ago a couple of weeks and we sit here for about 45 minutes, it's so silly as it sounds. a fucking volcano the HOH I mean, that's great hair, my eyeball almost looks better in a photo.
Look at it, I have to send it to Brad, let's see what he thinks, huh, so what do you think is a solid idea? We are really trying. My struggle is how to get the color changes and I already think it may not be a bad idea. I have to get a test piece. I love it. I love it. You would appreciate it. I will talk to you. I have the input of the master in building plywood boxes now, do we really use it? Do we like it the way it is or should I wire it up?
I don't know, but first we need to glue it, so this is in a very They removed the glue, so this is pretty much what Brad was saying and I think I like it, like a sharper gradient on the top. It's time to drip some resin down the face of the volcano. We hope it appears. I actually have no idea if it will stay orange, we'll see, so my initial inclination is that this will work too much so I'll have to wait for it to start to harden and in the can we have the quick hardener. actually it says it doesn't give us a shelf life but my view is like just let it spit out naturally, okay the last thing we need to do is put the top on with some 5 minute epoxy and then it's time for today, sweet thinking eyes for the game.
Much to review this building. A great opportunity for the pit boss for sponsoring this. If you like this crazy project, you'll love this one. I lined up for you right here. I'll see you there.

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