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Craziest Ways Police Stopped Suspects - Caught on Dashcam

May 13, 2024
from the wild moment Hollywood


deployed a new tool to stop these car thieves and a high-speed chase in Estonia that ended with Spike's perfect strip to a thrilling chase through Brazil that some consider the best ever times and much more here are some of the



Police Stopped


what you're about to see wasn't a staged Hollywood chase, it was a real-life chase through the tight hall


of osasu Brazil some They have hailed it as the best


chase video ever. When it started when a motorcyclist and his passenger were seen doing wheelies and speeding through the crowded streets, a motorcycle officer tried to stop them, but this Daredevil had other ideas, he hit the gas and steered. our officers on a six-minute chase.
craziest ways police stopped suspects   caught on dashcam
Through the main streets and alleys of southern Paulo, the driver weaves through traffic, takes sharp turns and does his best to shake off the police, but as talented as this motorcyclist is, the officer is just as Well, things get more difficult when you turn into a tight corner. two-way roads, is it worth his life or someone else's life to catch these two? No, but he won't give up that easily. Unfortunately, things were only going to get more dangerous. Just look at how close they are to cutting off this bus that the police rely on in these tight Brazilian cities.
craziest ways police stopped suspects   caught on dashcam

More Interesting Facts About,

craziest ways police stopped suspects caught on dashcam...

Highly trained motorcycle cops to catch criminals Imagine trying to catch this motorcyclist in a patrol car, you would have lost him in the blink of an eye, the danger increases to another level as the traffic becomes tighter, our motorcyclist He is also approaching a red light and I wasn't planning on stopping when our officer was so close, but the motorcyclist ran away again. At that moment he realizes that he will have to do something drastic to shake this cop, if he can't lose him on the streets, maybe he can get rid of him in the neighborhoods. it almost worked if our biker had taken that curve, he could have shot down the alley while the cop stumbled down the stairs, but all good things must come to an end, even the world's most incredible police chase we've ever seen, based on his skill , bravery and knowledge of the city, we don't think this was our driver's first high-speed chase, it will probably be his last, although it is sad as both men could have made a decent living while Hollywood stuntmen replace That cop with James Bond and you watching an instant classic On July 12, 2023, the police are chasing two Teslas who decided today was a good day for a street race.
craziest ways police stopped suspects   caught on dashcam
Both cars traveling over 90 mph were headed toward an Arkansas State Police officer. They split his Cruiser and a Tesla drove by him. to the right and the other to the left, the Tesla on the right took an exit and disappeared leaving the Tesla on the left to deal with the police. The high-powered Smart Car speeds away as other officers join the chase. It takes our officer over 90 seconds to reach him. It may seem like an eternity in the chase time ahead, his fellow officer has


traffic in the left two lanes, forcing the Tesla to go over the police spike strips. 79 looks like 24 lane traffic stopping here, be careful like now you're wondering why not.
craziest ways police stopped suspects   caught on dashcam
He stops the car immediately. Police spike strips are designed to prevent blowouts. In most cases, spikes are removable, hollow pieces of metal that get stuck in the suspect's tire and allow air to release over time. According to one manufacturer, deflation takes between 12 and 20 seconds, but that does not mean that the chase ends in 20 seconds, this Tesla shows that it quickly continues running even with four studded tires. However, it prevents him from reaching maximum speed, allowing our officer to perform a pit maneuver. He was close, but he will have to try again, he takes a higher position, but aborts the pit when other cars get too close.
Trying would have been incredibly reckless and could have hurt someone, fortunately another opportunity was about to present itself. Oh my god, he changed that tire. Hey, now let's see what it looked like from the perspective of the officer following him. He hit the car 24. Well you can see where the Tesla lost its right rear tire if the rubber had stayed on it could have covered it and kept driving. It wouldn't have lasted much longer, although not on four floors. The police detained both


without incident. The driver had paid his cousin $500 to rent the Tesla. They were headed to Dallas for his birthday but now they will spend it behind bars.
He was charged with reckless driving. , aggravated assault and unauthorized use of a vehicle. There is a reason they don't allow those under 25 to rent cars. It's because they do stupid things like this besides pit maneuvers and spike strips. The police have one more tool in their arsenal. That has made catching criminals even easier. It is simply called Grappler. It is safer than a hole and more reliable than spikes. Police in Hollywood, California used one on December 26, 2023 to catch a pair of teenage car thieves in a stolen Camaro, apparently they had failed. The one they asked for on the hook that Christmas is like a portable net tied to the front bumper of a police car.
The net is a heavy duty yellow strap. All the cop has to do is hit the net under the suspect's rear tire in which he gets trapped. the tether connecting the suspect's car and the cruiser from there is like being in a fish on September 22, 2022, police in Arizona used the grappling hook to save an innocent woman from her disgruntled attacker while Amy, 39, he got drunk and thought she was driving behind her ex-husband, we assume there is bad blood between them because she started hitting the back of his car, only this wasn't her ex, she was an innocent lady who had no idea what was going on even with the police on top.
Amy continued ramming this poor lady's car, that's when they deployed the grappling hook and dragged her away like a drunk tuna. Amy was arrested for aggravated assault and fined $100,000 bail. Luckily, the woman she kept hitting didn't suffer any injuries even though Amy was supposedly going over 100 mph, maybe next time she'll just try marriage counseling. Yoga County is one of the 15 states that make up the country of Estonia. It is relatively new in the grand scheme of things, having only been incorporated in January 1990. It is home to around 28,000. people and a drunk man who found themselves on the wrong end of police spike strips, it was May 1, shortly after 7:00 p.m.
The local police were called about a man who had gotten drunk and decided to go out for a walk. His reckless and joyful ride quickly turned into a high-speed chase across the county. He sealed his fate after turning onto a narrow two-lane road that police were waiting for. with the spike strips ready to deploy, they watch as the car approaches once it is about to pass them, the officer throws the spike strip, it was the perfect shot, the spike strips hit the suspect's tire, causing him forced to stop shortly after his tires appeared to be flat. balloons balloons it's not clear what happened to the driver and how long he was running from the police, we can assume they had been chasing him for a while, it's not like the cops automatically resort to spike strips when the chase starts, the spike strips They come in many shapes and sizes, typically featuring a collection of 1 to 3-inch metal teeth pointing upward.
Police use portable teeth that they can quickly throw across the road this way. Ideally, they can remove them without hitting any innocent drivers, like these Estonian officers did. a pretty good job on August 16, 2020, police and Daytona Beach Florida


24-year-old Kevin Morales for speeding, but Kevin didn't stick around for a ticket, he stepped on the gas and led police to a high speed chase down I4 a. The helicopter kept an eye on Kevin while officers got into position with spike strips thanks to this skilled pilot. The police kept pace with his blue Honda hatchback and eventually ran this Speed ​​Demon off the road.
It took a few tries, although yes, the next car approaches you outside. Lane


him, did he get hit or not? Attacking a suspect's car is not as easy as it seems. You can tell how difficult a time it is when someone speeds over 100 mph. This is not a video game where cops deploy stripes along the road, they must time it perfectly to hit the suspect's vehicle and avoid collateral damage later, the police prepare for another attempt by Spike, meanwhile Kevin He tries to trick them by taking the exit, but the helicopter keeps the police on its heels, let's see if this second.
Spike Strip does the negative work, it's going through, hey, wait, could you get off here, it's coming out, coming out on Saxon, okay, it's not going west, or it's going west, going east, or it's going to continue, yeah , continue west, you are not taking the exit at sa. The officer under the bridge believes he hit Kevin if he didn't. A third officer was waiting up ahead just to make sure he was okay. He is on the on-ramp to I4. Good job. No one lasts long after passing over two spike strips at this point. Kevin is still running on borrowed time, that didn't stop him from going in and out of control and risking people's lives.
Fortunately, no one was too close when Kevin lost control. Ready, make sure you're under cover, Bud, they've got the information we don't know. who's on route but he's okay he's turning guys it looks like his tire just came off he just lost control he went into the median 62 Central sign four sign 12 sign 12 keep going so They almost


him, but the chase resumed moments later. Kevin put his car in the swamp seems to have it under control for the most part has a slight weave but is still in the center lane heading west seems normal speed almost fine is out is out again turning is out is in the is in the water in the units on the right side of the water they are covering each other.
Auto Air1 in the water. I affirm that he is right in the water. It's in the ditch. They haven't come out yet. The door is open, but he hasn't come out. Very good. Guys about to rescue, cover what you have. a white man exiting the driver's side, he is not running, there is also another person inside the vehicle, away from the car, away from the car, up, keep your hands up, keep your hands up, keep your hands up on the P, open your shirt, get your shit up, cop. They invaded the car and ordered Kevin to walk backwards towards them.
He was eventually charged with reckless driving, driving without a license and resisting arrest. As for her passenger, she seemed to care more about her phone and made the foolish decision to tuck it into her waistband instead of dropping it, how do you think that sounds to an officer standing a distance away? 20 to 30 feet? However, as far as we know, she was not charged with any crime, she was an unintentional participant in Kevin's ride if you enjoyed this video and want to watch it. another one just like it, make sure you click the link on the screen now, thanks for watching and make sure to tune in next time.

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