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Craziest Things Found In Nature

May 06, 2024
Okay guys, set, these are the






, did you hear? I wonder what it could be. It's about not waiting, waiting. Oh, it's just that the bow or an animal isn't right, so here's the deal if you don't do it. meet me and Biffle is afraid of fish I'm afraid of the deep dark there will be a lot in this video so do me a favor guys you know show the channel like subscribe do everything okay let's move on I mean, Sunday needs love. Right now, uh, what's going on in Arizona, uh, oh my gosh, dude, that's so cool, that's the green screen, okay, let me explain, so the refracted light from the refractors made none of the pelicans, ah, I see, okay, this is one of those mosquitoes in Alaska. finally doing a news report for you all thanks for the news report man I'm pretty sure it's those mosquitoes or flies it's mosquitoes whatever it is move bro hi yeah oh god those are Jellyfish, right?
craziest things found in nature
It's not a strange flower. Aren't you supposed to pee on it? I'm in medical school. It's an elephant in reverse. A seal


in New Zealand. That's what I call your mom. I'm sorry, oh God. Hello, what does that mean? Who is that? Who is the target guy? of you is me getting out of bed I want to go play Among Us oh that looks like Zud with his little slicked back hairstyle right oh hey guys we have a picture somewhere yeah we have the double chin picture inside, whoa, it's okay, buddy, it's okay here. here there are more pelicans here more light reflecting on the pelicans, beautiful pelicans.
craziest things found in nature

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craziest things found in nature...

I like that this is a simulation 100, that's Photoshop, it has to be on green screen, these are Command and Conquer 100 ion cannons, okay, put explosions down there, put explosions down there, oh, it's like, wait, I want take a bite. I'd start sucking them, dude, I just want to jump. What happens if you jump in there, buddy? They'll impale you. What do you mean by ocean peaks? What do you mean, go for it on Sunday, go do it, hey, what is it? this oh I don't get it it's just oh no I don't like that I don't like that wait what is this this is in a cave that's Moss this is Ark what is it is Arc is R this is Ark survival dinosaur that's so cool it's a crazy I want to live there People oh god wait I thought they were supposed to be friends bibble it's actually shaking is it over?
craziest things found in nature
It's over here I told you he's gone he's a hyena dragging his ass in the dirt oh disgusting he just pooped on all kinds of dogs he has hemorrhoids dude fun ride by the way I almost have the weirdest butts I don't know why what do you know that, no, I don't know, I watched real Geographic stuff on TV, sometimes late. At night, stop looking, that's fine, are you a good beach? What is it? Okay, that's scary, it was the water under the sand, yeah, I think down there, oh, we like that, oh, we can invent a new sport 10, fishing, I'm depressed, no, what kind of looking down I'm leaving imagine that like in your like in your ear I would eat it actually they accidentally found a hibernating bear oh I would just walk in there and hug it oh hey man what's up well I'm gone?
craziest things found in nature
I left no no no no no no no no no no no the bear says what's up guys, you need something, it's red, okay, take it off, yeah, oh Patrick, oh, it's Patrick, yeah, put some pants on him. I found these fighter jets in the middle of nowhere on Google Earth, so I don't think you should find that I started my hike in this isolation. It's okay, it's isolated for a reason of


. I finally found the fighter jets I was looking for. You couldn't believe they were real, they were abandoned, okay, okay, how's that good shape?
Tell me how good that shape is. How's that good shape? This is by far the


thing I've encountered while hiking so far. Do you think they still work? Yes, this is one of the only ones. Real life dark ocean squid images and it is natural, 66 feet long. Have you seen those


for a long time and do they inhabit the deep oceans around the world? Researchers, this is why I am terrified of the depths of the ocean. Can we make it clear that it says between four? and a hundred million yes, what kind of statistic is that, what is that, that's going to eat your mouth, don't do that, don't do that, don't do that, it's a sea urchin, no, oh, it looks cute, That's not an acorn, I know.
I'm afraid, oh, it's a shark tooth. There's no way you'll find that wall up there. Noah's Ark is real. Confirmed, no, no, no, it's that a polar bear, a cub, it's not a cub, it could be a cub, okay, I have a question. Aren't polar bears supposed to be out in the cold? That doesn't seem very cold. Haven't you seen Zeus? Okay, can we just talk about how we went from disturbing to horrible and then it's like here's a bear sleeping in a field? it's just a mix of emotions hey guys he was sitting in the middle of the road this is one of the biggest cane toads dude that's cool this girl oh I wouldn't recommend hugging him but wouldn't you?
She wouldn't recommend it. holding it like it is in his hand I think it's poisonous yes probably oh so you're supposed to put it like a darkness you know no yes you're right you're right you're right look at this wandering spider no no no no no, no, that made me uncomfortable. I think I've seen this before. It's like a Tetris snake tree. It will be a spider. No, I love you, I told you that doesn't look good, it's a brown recluse, oh yeah, oh yeah, six legs, no. I don't want to live there I live there camouflage animals oh boy what the fuck puppy no that's it wow that's some Frills oh wow that's actually good for a second wait dude those those terrified by the way like maybe this what's that any mistake that can do that terrifies me, yeah that's that one leaf, leave me alone, okay, oh no, no, oh, we found this floating tree in one thousand feet of water, no, it's inches, no, no , it's not, it's just not, what if that's the On top of a pirate ship, there are so many things about this world that we don't know.
Humans simply don't need to go near water. That's true. For once, I agree with people. It's okay, there are so many things we don't know. our own world, why do we want to go to space? eh, go ahead, tell me, ah, we get it, you're lazy, what the day after tomorrow I would just drink it, yeah, that's how you, yeah, I think what is this. waves walking through the forest what Did you discover that it feels like a very strong spider web? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's a giant moth. Pew, it's okay, it's not as horrible as I found out there are no monsters, man.
I saw a giant spider was going to crawl out, I thought. It was going to be like a spider's nest, you know what I mean, yeah, it's gone, it's gone, I'm done, yeah, do the rest of me without me, what is it oh, it's an eel, oh yeah, bye, oh yeah, Billy, you're okay, it's an eel. It's gone, yeah, there's no fish there, there's no more water before, you're okay, I didn't see water from that far away, it's all over, you're okay, it's just amazing, it's rocks, your mom, where is this Antarctica? Imagine if it were like that.
Heavy metal wouldn't be so beautiful, wouldn't that be okay? It would be twice as beautiful. We found this while we were walking. I don't know what to say about that. OK. I think I think I'm done. Yeah. I think I'm done guys, hit the like button, hit the subscribe button, that was weird.

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