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Craig Ferguson Makes His Guests Blush and Laugh for 25 minutes ! ( Fixed Audio )

May 10, 2024
congratulations on the rar of OCC coins, the great success of the Network program, thank you, that's something else. Network's new hit show, that happens a lot, this is the first time it's happened to me, it's a very rare thing, I mean, Sper had about half a dozen of them, but they, uh, he's a fantastic actor, right? , yes, it is, he, he is a charming man, crazy, no, yes, no, I spend every day with him, it's totally fine, just maybe for you, maybe you're crazy too, you never know, tell me good about you. So the question is, are you in therapy right now?
craig ferguson makes his guests blush and laugh for 25 minutes fixed audio
I think so, what are you going to do with that thing? Are you in therapy? No, do you think you need therapy? What scares you? Megan, me, besides me, what scares you? Meg um, I don't know most social situations, you really are a little socially awkward, really, that's interesting CU, you're in a business that will require you to make a lot of idle chitchat, yeah, I've found that to be true in some cases. Would you be? Would you be happier if someone wrote a few lines for you to say yes? Would you do that? Yeah, sure, okay, thanks, wait in the meantime. you're okay here so puppets that require two men hey no don't start giving away showbiz secrets oh sorry it's a genuine fake horse it's not two men nothing you want to tell us about Santa Claus or the Little Mouse Perez.
craig ferguson makes his guests blush and laugh for 25 minutes fixed audio

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craig ferguson makes his guests blush and laugh for 25 minutes fixed audio...

This is late enough that kids won't get their hearts broken, right, it's never too late. I'm sorry for making light of a terrible tragedy. The lotion in the basket or receive the hose again. That's great. Perfect. He puts the lotion in the basket. or put the house in, put the lotion in the basket, Attiana says, uh, dear Craig, do you think you could ever do a show without using your own effects machine? I could, but it would be like having sex without your genitals. Why do I want to say it's the best? I bet you know, I think it's really fun, this is my job, how amazing, how amazing, I played harmonica in uh Assassins on Broadway, it's a restaurant, oh, it was a musical called Assassins, yeah, I'm looking for advice, I love you. man, you should come every night, it's the JK Rowling show, please welcome the first female president of Harvard University, ma'am, hello a b i b, having such a deluded intellectual show.
craig ferguson makes his guests blush and laugh for 25 minutes fixed audio
Hello, Hello, you look sensational, I mean, just wonderful. I love your dress and you tell that to all the girls no no no you literally say that to all the girls I do yes I do you're right well I mean it would be a little awkward if the girl came out and I said, what is that? shoes with that I don't think you're going to go with that okay, I have a question, although yes, is there too much cleavage? um, okay, this was, I don't know, Craig, why don't you tell me no? I don't know, but women get upset.
craig ferguson makes his guests blush and laugh for 25 minutes fixed audio
This was a backstage debate because it's actually about a new neckline because I'm a loving boy. Oh, congratulations, thank you very much, thank you, so this is something completely new and I'm fascinated. this, oh no, my wife, my wife went crazy, she went like this and then after the baby was born, good or bad, fantastic, okay, okay, then we have at least another year no, okay, well because I can't, this is all. What I do all day is just stay home and watch it all day, yeah, that's what I do, no, uh, well, when, when are you coming, then I'm halfway there, oh, halfway there, For you, that's fantastic.
Did you know who? the father is yeah, no, I wouldn't ask I'm Jeff, actually, hello, I don't know if it's awkward to break the news tonight, but I picked up the genitals from customs and got away with it, that's what it is. so the rest of Jeff wasn't involved oh no no no no no no hi dad, congratulations yeah, who would have thought that would happen? Not me, careful, careful, are you on Twitter, by the way, uh, I'm not on Twitter, I got on Twitter? immediately just to send you a message and that was it, we had a mini exchange on Twitter, oh yeah, which obviously left a very lasting impression and that's what you should get back on Twitter.
It scares me because people like careful licorice. so rude, who the hell do you think you are? and it's creepy like I don't know what that means, there's something coming towards you and you should watch out, it scares me, yeah, a little, now that you mention it, we better take it all. That was the program in case it was

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