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Crafting Faux Stained Glass

Mar 17, 2024
Hello and welcome, I'm Kimberly from the McClay Branch Library and today I'm going to teach you how to make fake



windows, so without further ado, let's get started first. You will need to gather all the supplies you will need. acrylic paint a paint palette or a paper plate and then something to wash your brushes with, like paper or plastic cups, a paintbrush, black paint, elmer's glue or any type of craft glue a frame and if you don't have a frame, You could repurpose an old frame that you could use for this craft. You can get one at the dollar tree.
crafting faux stained glass
They only cost one dollar. You will need a pencil, a ruler, a piece of blank white paper, and an image of your choice. So the first step is to select. the frame you're going to use can be rounded like the oval one I have on the right side or a square, a rectangular one, uh, if you're using the rectangular square, for that you'll need the ruler if you want straight edges, otherwise you won't need a rule if you are making a circular frame because you will have all the curved edges and you won't have to worry about straight lines, so the first thing you want to do is flip the frame over and remove the back cover.
crafting faux stained glass

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crafting faux stained glass...

After removing the back cover, you need to carefully remove the


from the frame and set it aside. You should take some windex and some paper towels to clean it. Clean both the front and back. I don't want any smudges or fingerprints or anything on it and then you're going to select the image that goes into your frame. Now it can be a


glass window template that you can find online or sometimes you can find it on Pinterest or it can just be an image that you are going to turn into your own template, a photo or a clip art image, if you are making your own template of stained glass and you didn't get one online, you will place the empty frame on top of your blank sheet of paper and if it is not blank, you can go ahead and skip to step 14.
crafting faux stained glass
So, you will trace the inside edge of the frame on the paper and then leave the frame to one side; You won't need it for now. and then you are going to choose your image. I found it easier to use clip art by tracing the image and making your own template just because like clip art it's just lines whereas if you use a photograph you have to make your own. lines throughout the image and it can be a little difficult to choose which lines to choose, so it is an option to place the blank sheet of paper on top of the image of your choice to create your template, trace the image and add a border.
crafting faux stained glass
On the inside you will add more details to the border and then you will fill the area between the image and the border with decorative lines just to fill that empty space so you can see on the left side there is a template that I found online a rose and then on the side Right is the template I created. You're going to place the class on top of your stencil and then you're going to take your puff paint, your black puff paint and a piece of paper, try the black puff. paint, shake the puff paint well when you do it before you do it and then you will trace the image on the glass with the black puff paint. uh you'll want to go slow so the black puff paint doesn't smear or run over.
There are a couple of cases where that happened to me, if you don't mind that extra little bit of black paint, you can continue if you do and you care about the consistency of your lines, you can use uh q-tips or even toothpicks to try to fix that just be careful when you do it don't stain it even more once you're done you want to go ahead and set the glass aside to let the paint dry and then you'll select everything. the paint colors you're going to use, um, if you know you want to use the color straight from the bottle, go ahead and put it on your paint palette or on your paper plate, if not, you're going to have to mix some colors, so you're going to want to mix your paints after you have put them all in there and then you will add glue to your colors and mix, mix it very well, you will want to add more glue to the paint color if you want the colors to be more transparent, more like stained glass, you will add less glue if you want paint to be more opaque and less transparent, paint your stained glass work of art.
I found it easier to work from top to bottom or inside out and turn it so you don't stick your hand in the paint in the areas you've already worked on, if necessary, after you paint it and let it dry go ahead and paint a second coat if necessary and let that dry as well, after it is dry you will go ahead and place the glass back into the frame. You will need to place it so that the side you painted is facing you, so that should be the side that is painted and has all the black paint should be facing you, so that when you turn it over and it is on the side you see, is all smooth and has no rough surfaces to finish the project, you will replace the back cover on the back. and fix it in place or you could use hot glue to hold the glass in place if you want this light to shine through it, it won't really shine if you put the black back cover in place because of that barrier once. do it, go ahead and display it in a window or on a wall and enjoy it, thank you for creating with me and I hope you had a great time, have a wonderful day, bye.

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