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Crack The Safe Challenge! Heist Board Game!

Jun 10, 2021
What's going on guys? Welcome to the battle universe. I'm talking about only one. Hello guys, you are not in the store. That's your camera. What's going on? Hi guys. What's going on guys? What's going on guys? Welcome back to the universe of Bali. My name is CJ. We have Patrick. we have Samantha and we have Woodland and today we are in the universe of



s. I just met guys today. We're playing a super fun


called Heist, one team, one mission. We came up with a couple of different rounds that will change the shape of the game.
crack the safe challenge heist board game
It's actually played and you guys will find out as we go, we basically have four different roles and we all have to work together as a team to break this vault and get all the gold inside. We have Samantha, hello, the lookout would lend us the lookout just the hacker hacker Woods is the hacker Patrick is the money man can you tell him some money? money bag money back money back and I'm the explosives expert self proclaimed expert we all have to work together if we fail we fail as a team and if we win as a team so everyone else has to do their part okay yang sure Stay tuned because we're going to be playing with these little pieces for the first round, but we're going to be playing with real items and it's going to get crazy.
crack the safe challenge heist board game

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crack the safe challenge heist board game...

There are a lot of difficulties and with this game it goes faster and faster, so we will do level one first to show you how it works. Oh, we'll bet on the destroyers, they'll have a better time than a blood blaster. So how is it going to work? Everyone grab a blaster from your wall. Okay, and if we fail as a team, we all lose a blaster. I bet I put this up, so I bet my boss Bobber, can I get the bow and arrow? No, and maybe. one right on top, yeah, keep screaming, the narrator in this little box will tell us everything we need to do to break the vault, the right time for those glasses, I just want to see guys, how do I look with those that I can see?
crack the safe challenge heist board game
Okay guys we're just getting started no one gets hurt so funny man hacker explosives expert okay let's play another one normally come on explosives expert take the headphones put down the gloves hacker get the drill , good job bro, funny man, take the map, yeah, Steve, watch out. the gargle okay we all have an article good job guys that's me if you have the article in front of you for hacker school and this means the channel was deleted now basically it gets a lot harder, We imprison like they are spaced, that's not right, what is it? up quickly it's backwards explosives expert take your headphones I don't know if you can tell, but the hacker's glasses are opening up well guys, obviously that round was super easy but now you know how the games were played, like this We are now going to replace all these items with real real life items and it will be faster and harder to discover each level.
crack the safe challenge heist board game
We've got Woods' Dirty Gloves that really light up my rails, plus we've got a drill, a real drill that we'll throw at each one. others, we have a head with explosives, those are real dynamite mmm must be Italian, yes, a map of the torch, where does this go to the


part? Yeah, did you say the


part? Nice park, in case you were wondering, I misspelled that it's March and then dude, that's Apple's answer, new MacBook Pro guys, we don't have millions of dollars, we're not throwing away a real laptop, calm down and says no one said it, we haven't even uploaded this, yeah, who are they?
You're talking, you make 3 mistakes in the entire level before the alarm goes off, so whoever has that wrong third alarm is out of the game. We move on to level 3. Here we go, explosives expert. Yes, the glasses, pass the flashlight to the explosives expert. press your button now get the map, take the explosives to the hacker, everyone get the laptop, the laptop, come on guys, explosives expert, get the glasses, create the laptop for the drill, the flashlight, lookout, get the explosives for the flashlight, use the laptop, the drill will change the map for the gloves pass the flashlight to the hacker everyone press your fun now move the exercise to training use the glasses take three million dollars careful get the glasses damn man get the explosives pick up the flashlight for the laptop the laptop is unwieldy explosives expert swap the gargle for the headphones pass the map to the hacker us almost amazing funny man get the drill big explosives for the flashlight hear the reason I pressed it twice it was because I pressed it I pressed it by accident but then he said and the gloves and I realized he had the gloves so fast mate, let's do a heist guys, we did it as a team, that means we can all keep our blasters, put it on again on the wall if there are other crazy and fun games like that comment. below let us know what you want us to try we would love to play click on this video right here which is a


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