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COURAGE - Best Motivational Video Speeches Compilation - Listen Every Day! MORNING MOTIVATION

May 31, 2021



is the key to life itself it takes courage label part of being hungry when you have been defeated it takes courage to start over if i could do something for you i would come into your life and give courage to your life and courage is the result of trust. You've never seen a brave person who didn't have confidence. Human potential has no measurable limit of any kind. It can go as far as you design it for us, as far as you have the courage to walk. Do you resist massive external pressure? Tarnish and anger is something that comes from relationships.
courage   best motivational video speeches compilation   listen every day morning motivation
You know it's external. There are days when we will doubt ourselves. There are days when storms will arise and we have to have people who say, "I have your." back you need to do this we need you the world needs this move on courage is not the absence of fear for what is the judgment that what you want is more important in your fear it takes courage to achieve your golden man it takes courage to be Successful patience and inner voice make you unbeatable. We have lived a life dominated by doubt and fear. How do you come in to take a bold step?
courage   best motivational video speeches compilation   listen every day morning motivation

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courage best motivational video speeches compilation listen every day morning motivation...

No more wood. I will live like this. It takes courage to fight back if you don't. have the courage to act life will change with you you don't work for anyone else you work for your mom you want for your sister you work for your chances you want for your grandmother you want for your family you work for your son she's not making any other man run she pleases , that's the broadest thing, a lot of people who were born in a missive situation, only I will never get out of this, so they won't, I tell people to say, well, I would like to have done this and that and that so you could I would have done it like that but I couldn't get out of here man, the bus goes by


day while you look at your life ask yourself what would your life be like what would your life be like If you decided not to worry about what people think about you, what would your life be like?
courage   best motivational video speeches compilation   listen every day morning motivation
If you decided to give up some of your fears, what would your life be like if you decided to become brave until you see life? If you decided to act accordingly. your dream, if you did what you felt in your heart, you know what brave means, Tom Ruskin and Randy Reed said that courage comes from a French word that means heart, how do you feel? He says it's college, you know? it takes courage to live simply most people go through life without letting themselves go because they don't want to let go they don't want to be blown away they don't want to be moved the courage to face life's swirling wind of contradictions the courage to love yourself the courage to love for years I was afraid to love the courage to risk the courage to be who you are says courage is not for another for metals applause immoral debts courage is what in that The moment seems most suitable to you , not just situational ethics, but what feels right in your heart.
courage   best motivational video speeches compilation   listen every day morning motivation
The word in the heart. What feels right in your heart. A great philosopher says that cowards die many times before they die, the brave never taste death, but once, what does? it means that people are not afraid no no it does not mean that they experience that fear and they move on and move forward how many people are dead now many people who allow their dreams to die many people who apply the idea is to remain inactive and collect dust many people have all this talent and ability that they are lying to be ashamed of them that they will take to the grave because they did not have the courage to be who they are and I say as you begin to look to the future and manifest your courage it is going to take


thing in you you have the courage to get what you want it takes courage to achieve your goals man it takes courage to be successful it's scary to be like everyone else doing what the masses do and following the pack that's easy it's easy to be comfortable it's easy not to try it's easy to give in It's easy to stand by and watch other brave people go out and achieve all this stuff you want for yourself.
It's easy to look at these people and make excuses for why they can do what you can't and say things like yes. , that's because they have this and I would do it if it weren't for this and that, all that is easy and let's go. I'm telling you, if you don't want to make a splash or are afraid of what people think, then you better prepare for a life of mediocrity. You better dress like everyone, you can talk like everyone, because as soon as you start to stand out. They will try to attract you back and it takes courage to get over it as soon as you start to change and I am sure some of you have tried and tried hard, you will get these people who want to stay.
You where are they because if you get over them, you're going to leave them behind and then they're going to have to admit to themselves that it's possible and that's the scariest thing in the world for them because that takes courage that takes balls of yourself. You need courage to change your life It takes courage to face your fears to get out of your comfort zone and say that's it, no more, I won't accept this anymore or live like this anymore when I let people treat me. so it takes courage to fight back it takes courage to get what you want and to start changing your beginnings you have to do it knowing that it will not be easy, it will be a battle, not just any valve, not just a fart in a playground this is a life and death struggle and it takes courage to face the tension but you have it within you I know I think you might like it I think I can and I make these


s and I use these tools to Try to convey to people who don't have the courage yet that They can do whatever they want, if you have the courage, you can be a victim of your life or the owner of it, but the choice is yours. to make there are enemies throughout life people who hurt you people who lie to you people who deceive you people who fear but there is only one enemy that can destroy you and that is the enemy within this enemy that you cannot escape, you can only meek because it lives inside your head enjoy trying to destroy yourself by convincing yourself that nothing you have never been nothing you came from nothing and you will never get out you will never change you will never achieve your dreams, you will never make a difference, you will never to trap the enemy inside, friend, it's poison every day if you let it, I imagine the enemy inside in a round cage in my mind and its circle in this. cage but he never takes his eyes off me my team is biting me to get into that cage with him so he can once again dominate mark line whose negativity all this lies all this paranoia all his stress all his depression all his anxiety already You know what it's called, that cage is my comfort zone.
I found that when that inner enemy is strongest and most powerful is when I feel comfortable and not trying hard to get bail, the


way to keep it under control is to work on yourself in your daily work. in the way you look at the world around you look for solutions instead of focusing on all the problems don't


to their lies about what could happen if you try something new and just try it, do this and constantly become stronger than that enemy internal is bigger and stronger so it is no match for you, you are unstoppable, but never forget this, you cannot defeat the internal enemy, you can only tame it, you can only make sure to work on your mind like a muscle in the gym, so you can It's still bigger and stronger than that, but the enemy within will always be there, circling around that cage watching you, it waits silently waiting for you to slip up, so keep it under control, work on yourself daily. and never give up everyday, we all face fears. opportunities that appear in our daily lives and the easy thing to do is simply walk away these fears can be anything from applying for a job telling that person how it feels to take that first step what I found in life until now when I think they all These things usually have one thing in common: the fear that you might find What happens if I apply for that job and don't get it?
What happens if I tell that person how I feel and they don't feel? Same thing, what if I take the first step doing whatever and get hurt? The fear of failure is deeply rooted throughout our subconscious, but most of us don't even know it exists. We continue with our day to day life telling ourselves. The reason we are not doing the things we should be doing is because there is a bigger fear, a bigger reason that doesn't really exist at all. If you are


ing to this now, I want you to consciously know from this day on that the real reason you are not doing what you should be doing and having the life you deserve is because subconsciously you are afraid of failing you are afraid of not getting it you are afraid of being told you're not afraid you're going to get hurt you're afraid you're going to fight face your fears once you admit this simple truth and start being real and honest with yourself you start to find it a lot easier to deal with because let me tell you something when you admit it It's failure, you're afraid of failure, it suddenly becomes nothing to be afraid of, everything you have inside of you, you have the strength to do anything, be anything, but as long as you let fear control you, You won't do anything, face your fears, there is a date. of Goethe and says that if you look at a person as he is, he will always remain that way or maybe he will be worse, but if you look at a person, this is good, if you look at a person as he could be, he will grow into what he is .
You should be right, we have to know what we stand for. I'm not talking about what your company stands for. I'm not talking about your family values. I mean you as an individual when you walk into a room what do you represent as an individual when the people around you see you what feeling do they have how do you leave your impression of energy on the people around you as individuals we have to do that is the first step we have to take when we talk about making your mark everyone repeat after me leave my mark repeat after me to make my mark I have to define my mission statement to make your mark some of you are going through are on the journey of becoming and you have to look at adversity with a new perspective, just by raising your hand, how many of you have experienced fear?
I need to nudge him a lot, so this is what fear means. Fear is restrictive. Fear prevents us from taking the steps we need to take to become the


. version of ourselves fear is what literally stops you from doing what you are supposed to do fear stops you from becoming the leader you are supposed to be now one of the things I have learned in my past is that leadership is not a title leadership is an action leadership is not the title you have you can applaud for that because come on leadership is not a title leadership is an action leadership is not a noun leadership is a verb leadership is not how you look or where you are leadership is the how you interact and how you treat the people around you.
I'm trying to tell you something. people leadership is each and every one of you right now are unemployed young professional leaders if you don't know what's going on you're a leader just because of the way you operate. I'm being honest, many of us are stuck in stagnant situations because we think we need someone to give us the car to start what we want. What is someone here supposed to do, literally is he supposed to dedicate his time absolutely to his effort in something new, like is someone here supposed to focus right now on his dream, his goals and his aspirations, the question I ask myself every time I speak.
I don't see this as a keynote. I see it as a task. What I asked myself. What I asked myself is that I operate not on my faith, but on my fear, but I will pursue it. my dreams and become the person I'm supposed to be and who loses out. I realized I wasn't doing this for me. Every time I do something, it's not just for me. There are people who are watching you right now on your journey. and you are inspiring them simply by the way you move. I will tell you that the only thing that will build confidence and that you need to get ahead in this school year is to let go of what other people think and live your version. of life because many students are living a diluted version of someone else they are living a diluted version of their friends how their friends want them to be they are living a diluted version of what their family pushes them to be or what society suggests they be in instead of being themselves, so do everything you can for yourself, whatever that means, what excites you, what pushes you, because I think our biggest problem is that we compare our behind the scenes with that of the the rest.
Highlights We compare our failures to everyone else's highest confidence points We compare our insecurities to everyone else's highest confidence points We feel like we're not enough, so we're coming with you, Whatever that may mean, the only thing I don't enjoy about my job is that I come to a school and when I was a student going to university I didn't see myself as someone who could really make an impact. I didn't see myself as someone who could really contribute, it was only untilthat I began to expose myself to share my ideas, putting myself in uncomfortable situations that forced me to grow, that I became an impulse that contributed to improving my school because I was part of it.
Realize that you have the ability to make an impact, you have the opportunity to change that story in your head come out because when you do amazing things happen this school needs your leadership they need your influence they need your impact it's time to show up we all carry things in our path we all carry these stories that are imposed by other people, by friends, by family, by society, by Instagram and what happens is that when we face a challenging situation, we approach it with all of those things, some of them. You believe the stories you have made up in your own head. the story of I'm not good enough the story of I'm not academically inclined the story of I'm not a


person the story of I can't really make new friends the story of I can't really have an impact On the people around me and now listen , I want to be very clear that I'm not the guy who's going to come here and tell you what stories to tell yourself, but I want you to get back to the place where you can start telling yourself better. stories stories that you are enough that you are charismatic enough that you are brave enough that you are not like them and that is okay because you are like you I believe when we stop believing the stories we tell ourselves in our heads and start telling ourselves news, stories that in reality They are aligned with who we are and who we would like to become, that is when we were able to change ourselves and change the people around us, but I want you to raise the question within yourself about how to define the snake in your life, that thing that keeps coming up and it's time to face it because this is what I know, every person in this room, students and teachers, has something that comes up that tries to get in their way and makes them want to give up and turn around and walk away and what I know it's true that defining that for yourself is the only way to overcome it.
We talk a lot about leadership when entering a new school. How do you present yourself as a leader at this school in the community? Around this, true leadership is leaning into the things you fear. True leadership consistently chooses courage over fear. True leadership has the courage and audacity to take on challenges. The things that don't make you feel good while inspiring other people to do the same. It takes courage to make a new friend It takes courage to defend that person you see on campus is not doing well It takes courage to get up a little earlier instead of late to join that group of students to get ahead It takes more courage to live a great life than you thought, so make the decision today about what brave act you are going to perform for yourself and the people at school.
Start by assuming the things you can really affect. that you can control and that you can impact because I see too many students entering colleges and universities who let themselves be defined by what happened yesterday, let themselves be defined by what happened last week, some of you in this room think that because of a test failed that you are a failure when the reality is that those are moments, not characteristics, and my personal belief is that we need to start seeing those moments for what they are, oh yes, that's right, a lot of people take risks, a lot of people go out.
There every day and they do something that has never been done before. Many people take a risk and do something special to help someone else. Why can't we recognize them? It doesn't matter where you go. No matter where you are. There's someone out there. right now that's doing something much bigger and then working hard to make a difference in this world. Why can't we honor them? Why can't we honor those service men and women? You have to consider the fact that there are great doctors there. They are great lawyers there are great teachers there are great mothers and fathers there are great people in this world we are all responsible we all have a duty we all have to serve whether you wear a uniform or not you have to serve, right? a service me can you be a woman in service? can't you serve? are you ready to serve?
Do you have the ability to serve? Don't worry about yourself You have a duty You have a responsibility They give up Why should you keep moving? Believing that we are always pioneers, we must serve, so this day we honor the service men and women who took risks, who gave their all, and if they come home, have the ability to hug their loved one. well done and there will be a new day and that day begins a new opportunity a new opportunity to make something more special happy let's see Stewie can justify anything and the worst of all is that you can believe this excuse don't look at me like that some of you have been defeated Iranian life you tell yourself you know what I got a GED no one likes me I said being an alcoholic no one likes me my own father you tell me I wasn't good no one likes me I'll just work on this A small dead end job, figure out what's next because no I have somewhere to go.
Some of you may relate to what I'm saying in some ways, in some ways you have disqualified yourself. I work with so many people who won't relate to that. No one can beat you, but you, no one can stop you, but the worst thing you can do is disqualify yourself now, fifty years old, I have a wife, I have kids, I have mortgages, I have bills, school's out, that's all about the real deal in this moment. You guys, is there any excuse for an adult not to get an A? I don't live, so when they go to work, is there any excuse for them not to be at the store?
Man, is there any excuse for your store not to be in a store? Is there any excuse for you to go home and not be a husband? Is there any excuse for you not to be a wife or a mom or a dad? It's an excuse because we're not a high school, it's low, we're not in high school, so on report card day I came home and sat with my mom and dad and made excuses about my seat, well, mine. , you know, I don't like to teach him, I'll teach him that like me. that's why she gave me a seat, you know, my mom would say that, teacher, so I won't give you anything, you will win this, no one can stop you, you know how to go play Minion and I got there, you know I had a goal to double My NBA Income and I Got There If you set a goal and you have the intention of getting there, do you know that if you write it down and look at it every day, you are seven times more likely to achieve that goal?
America, ladies and gentlemen, it can happen to you, it can happen to you, but you have to write these down, follow your own plan on tablets so they can be seen by the man and that man and that woman, it's you, my father took charge of falling, son and I wrote it, I said dad, I'm a simple NBA and I'm a son, what's your problem, your value system is ruined, you're smart, this family is about being a student-athlete, we wrote your decisions tomorrow and more or less, he doesn't Don't yell at me in robbery, you didn't criticize me, he said son, that's your problem, your value system is screwed, remake it and give it to me tomorrow, you know, someone, you guys can have more in life with its value system, school.
I'm most excited about Facebook and Instagram. So many kids are gone. You are not going to work. Why that golf car? My father taught me something very correct, but you know what you will do well and what you focus on, you will do it. If you become obsessed with marijuana, you will become obsessed with marijuana and you will get them, we smokers reward. I thought about it the other day. I'm from Chicago. I've never been to a third retirement party. TRUE?. I've never been to one. double vibe party I guess I have to call what you do well what you focus on fuels, so can I give you a little advice?
Make sure your value system is good. Make sure your value system makes sense. Did we say all the time? Well, what is it? the most important thing for you God family work and I know what you are going to write it will really be your heart makes sense what was in my heart with sports and that is not a lie my father said we value the sisters I read it the next day I said dad, Are you ready, okay, bad, I'll graduate from college in four years. I'm going to play in the NBA, then I cleaned up, but they had good success here in the summer playing in that, that's what I said I'll do. more money in business and I didn't know my father saying I like I want to take those girls out and look at it every time I realized that 2.1 became a two-dot line before I knew it I was selected to be president of business love Kappa the welcoming committee before knowing that starting people start and recognize me not as an athlete but as a leader in the school, suddenly I wanted the truth, I know it, I look at the truth, I know it.
I'm going to get an O'haven preprint as mathematically impossible Walters, you know what I'm talking about, so I went as high as I heard 2.9. I realize what I could have had if I had taken advantage. I've been a little bit more Mutulu my ass something you gotta listen to what I'm saying to be right now some of you used to be a Mattu last night can I get a witness? Now you are referring to a small school, you are no longer at the top. school childhood is over, would you agree and raise them and adult women think a certain way operate in a certain way and have a certain mentality?
I want you to understand that you are part of a legacy that you have heard about your love for it. I heard about your father's story now it's time for you to build your story. My father was a sharecropper in Tennessee. I heard all the stories my father told me when he was a young black man in Tennessee. He says son. I was called the n-word so many times. times I started to think it was my name but I busted my ass for you so I busted my ass I went back to college for you son I got educated for you lord everything I do is for you son look right now I want you to do it understand that You are part of the legacy, I give to you, your mom made sacrifices for you, your dad made sacrifices for you, now is the time for you to take the bull by the horns and impact your legacies.
Everyone with me, their mom and dad, has this store. grandfather your grandmother has here is our first story now you are building your story I was at an athletics competition one day now watching the 4x1 relay and I love a 4x1 relay because that first printer takes off with the baton in his hand and they run like the most as hard as I can, as fast as I can and when they get to the next athlete, maybe I'll stay and then the next athlete will run, but they back off, they just back off a little bit, Lynnie runs as much as she can, as fast as she can.
I can run 400 meters and they have it and it is very important to finish successfully because if you do not make a successful handover you are disqualified and the athletes next turn is to run as hard as you can, as fast as you can and then they do, take me to Hannah tonight the anchor car Lewis that egg answers Oh, the penguins, you say and that last one would be a meter. Wow, they come around the bend and all of you, he forms the elbows and bakes the process, finishes the words, so that's tracking and me.
I saw them Hammond was cane stick stick stick stick your father could be from Russia your grandfather could be from Cuba Colombia I don't know where they are from but let me tell you something at some point they are going to shout stick and appetite in your hand so we don't have time to do crap. I mean, what would you agree with? We don't have time to play anymore. Would you agree that you have to have that Pathan in your hand? You have to run as hard as you can, as fast as you can. you can and every day in his car in the


my dad will just talk to you like something horrible, man from Tennessee, education is very viable, you can't, values ​​education, William, education is important, son, that's the exit, education, working in education, taking the train, smart families, training. and development organizations posing as a mother of a family, dad, you were the leader of a family, you know, my dad would say, go get it, go get it, go get it, go get it, be sweet, be sweet, baby Go get it, go get it, be sweet, be sweet baby.
Every time I left the house my mom would say be sweet baby please sweet my dad would say go get it son go get it go get it go get it go get it be sweet go get it look for it, be sweet, go look for it, please, my family too. I know sweetly, I said go to the class and I said if I saw them, they were all going for it, you know, but the average person thinks the same thing, that way they could do more, they could be more if they believed more.

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