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Countdown Vampires (PS1) - Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

May 30, 2021
he'll take you back to playing shitty


s i'd rather have a buffalo he's the angriest


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room my bunker of ass and anteater farts about to play another game that's a steaming pile like steam is the smell visualized so today we have




to me losing this game was released by Bandai to capitalize on the horror craze of Survival Back on the original PlayStation, if you consider games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill to be the street fighter and mortal kombat of the horror worlds, then we'll count time killers, actually that's a bad thing with time killers. time this is more like the Shadow War of Succession of Horror Games Countdown Vampires is often considered a Resident Evil clone yeah if they cloned him from


and vomit with barely a trace of usable DNA I mean this game is a mistake malformed doppelganger that should be destroyed. with fire the game takes everything Resident Evil does well and is excellent this is a game people should have been fired for surprisingly even though they weren't the developers a company called k2 was relatively successful after making this In fact, in May 2008 they became part of Capcom and even helped develop this Resident Evil 5.
countdown vampires ps1   angry video game nerd avgn

More Interesting Facts About,

countdown vampires ps1 angry video game nerd avgn...

Man, I didn't realize how accurate I was comparing this to Time Killers. It's almost an exact parallel if you remember from the Mortal Kombat scam episode. Incredible technologies. Capcom hired the developer of Time Killers to develop Street Fighter, the movie, the game now K2. A company that developed a copy of Resident Evil went on to work on Resident Evil. Once again, Capcom hired a company that made imitations of their games. Work on the games they were eliminating, what were they thinking? That's the whole story, but now let me play the game and show you why it sucks, so oh, I forgot my Playstation self-destructed, hmm, well, screw me, it works.
countdown vampires ps1   angry video game nerd avgn
Alright, let's start counting


. One thing that blows my mind is that this game takes up three damn memory card slots. I have no idea why, but luckily I have the perfect memory card. The first thing you do in the game is enter a name and blood type I chose type a b for astral bastard and then we get this fmv cut scene which is playstation as it tries really hard to look cool and introduces us to the main character, mark mcgrath, from the band sugar ray, no, just kidding, it's generic. Some idiot named Keith J.
countdown vampires ps1   angry video game nerd avgn
Snyder was sent to protect a movie director at this horror-themed casino, according to a file you get in the game. Keith apparently murdered another detective, so to punish him he was sent to work security at a casino. How does that make sense? a murderer, someone who murdered people, murdered a detective and doesn't go to prison, becomes a security guard at a casino. Wow, the intro scene is all over the place, introducing a bunch of characters that never return to the game, literally none of them. these people are in the game except the security guard and this waitress and the security guard turn up dead a minute into the game so don't pay attention to this strange SWAT team guy, the movie director, the woman in the red dress and this gray cat. which show that for some reason I like the cat, although after an edgy late 90s montage a couple of strippers turn into vampires, it's like dusk till dawn but more like dusk till diarrhea , all hell breaks loose and this guy just falls trying to climb some stairs it's pretty funny then one of the stripper vampires falls into a puddle of cum or something and he goes back to normal this white water turns him back to normal she's still dead but now she's a normal dead person and not a vampire so yeah In this game, the vampire's weakness isn't holy water, it's white water.
Yes, if you are ever chased by some vampires, just hop on a raft and go down some rapids that will stop that blood sucking. You can shoot vampires with a dart gun and then. Spray water to change them back, but there's no point, especially when you start finding real weapons. The manual says you get a bonus, but that's a dirty lie, just kill them all, so like I said, the game is a total Resident Evil rip-off. even the horrible tank controls and shitty camera angles, they're giving me crow flashbacks, not so chrono, the game one thing Resident Evil is known for is the final countdown, almost every Resident Evil game ends with a countdown timer or self-destruct time. let me tell you that the vampire countdown not only ends with a countdown, it starts with a countdown, yes, no joke, and that's not all, there is also another countdown in the middle of the game, there is even a puzzle that has two more countdowns, they really went crazy.
They go crazy with these countdowns, so they got the countdown part, but what about the vampires? Well, it has giant praying mantises, werewolves, lizard monsters, purple gooey monsters that shoot bubbles, giant insects that shoot bubbles, three witches, and giant Batman not to be confused with Batman, the supposed vampires. They are really closer to zombies, they are also the least intimidating vampires possible, all they do is walk around like they are holding a huge and try to hit you every once in a while they bite you but most of the time they just try. to hook you and make burping sounds, they're technically vampires, but they're the worst vampires I've ever seen, so yeah, the game has vampires, so they basically name the game after two things that are in it, countdowns and vampires, according to that logic.
They should have named the game's graphics Barry. I've talked about how bad the voice acting is in the original Resident Evil before any tracks. No, but something is wrong with this house. Wow, this hallway is dangerous, but that pales in comparison to the voice acting. and countdown vampires this game makes the dialogue in the original resident evil sound like tarantino misato i'm going to take a look later you stay here i'm afraid of being alone keith you have to stay here what's wrong hey what's up come on, calm down, hey , calm down, the main character's voice doesn't really match his appearance at all, so anyway, back to the game, the first thing that happens is a countdown timer starts and you have three minutes to get out of this area, there's a pair. zombies, sorry, vampires that walk like morons, they can't even follow you up the stairs, they just walk in circles, the enemies in this game have some of the worst AI I've ever seen in any


game, artificial intelligence can't even be considered is more like genuine stupidity, look at this, these two zombies bump into each other and then get stuck, then two more come closer and get stuck too, this isn't even a glitch or anything, it's just the way they were programmed , the game has You're running from one end of the map to the other finding keys, ammo, and files riddled with spelling mistakes.
Thank you again with much gratitude. Has anyone reviewed this? There are missing spaces in many words, such as mystical force and pour, even one of the weapons is misspelled. in the menu the stun glove is called stun balloon, how do you misspell one of the first items you get in the game? My favorite is when you find the secret elevator at the stripper pole and it says there is an elevator, but there isn't. turn on the power i don't even know what it's trying to say the game seems complete with hardly any content there are rooms that are completely useless like here where you have to go down a ladder just to run a few meters and go back up another ladder why not just turn it into a long hallway?
There are also rooms that will be locked only for the key to be right in the next room, why even do that, just open the door? For a key that adds nothing to the game, I haven't talked much about the plot, but that's because there isn't much of a plot. There's a prophecy about a guy named Gels being resurrected and then there's this strange man in black following you. and then there is this girl named misato, every time you meet her the main character tries to get rid of misato from her. I'll take a look later, you stay here, how's your ankle doing?
It hurts a little, but I can walk, it doesn't help. Wait here, I'll be back, I promise you, get in the trunk of the car, it's safer there than anywhere else, it's like he doesn't want anything to do with her, but she's the only character in the game besides you. and the man in black. One thing I completely forgot. about this game its actually two discs halfway through the game you fight the first boss and at first i thought it was the final boss and then i finally got to move on with my life and stop wasting it playing this but no i had a whole disc . left and the whole second part is exactly the same as the first race here, get a key, go back there, use the key and get another one that opens a different door from where you came from, rinse and repeat, it's more fun to run to the store. and you go shopping and then you come home and realize you forgot more than just playing this and to be honest running errands in real life is more challenging than any part of this game here I am I'm at the end of the I play and look at all the items I have, I counted them and in total I have 834 bullets in eight different weapons and I'm at the final boss.
It's not like I've been saving my ammo. I have killed almost all the enemies. You might think I'm playing easy. or something like that, but no, I'm on normal mode, the only difference is that on easy mode the vampire zombies jump like frogs, that's something else, I didn't die once during the whole game, I'm serious, the only time I really I died. It was when I tried to die to see what would happen and it's as dumb as you'd expect, just look at this, the final boss or bosses are these three witches that float around and laugh, shoot dukens and hot triangles, but it's pretty easy to hit them, oh and The final scene is possibly the worst on the playstation, it's the chewing master and the leveling drunk, but what are they real vampires?
Misato, you mean, you've never heard of girls, girls are the emperor of darkness, what keith only am I? Just kidding, yeah, that's it, that's the best ending you can get. There is absolutely no reason to play this game. It came out almost a year after Resident Evil 3 and two months before PlayStation 2. If you thought this was an early release PlayStation game, I don't know. I don't blame you, but no, this came out in 2000, it was like a fart coming from the colon of the decomposing corpse of the original PlayStation. The ass looks like it could make a


One more thing I want to mention. There is a second story mode. It can be unlocked if you finish the game in less than 8 hours, unfortunately I was too slow and wasted 9 hours and 37 minutes of my life on this festering pile and the last thing I want to do on Halloween is spend another eight hours playing countdown vampires. I prefer to be masturbated by a jellyfish while I eat a platypus, I mean, eat the negative space of its anus, so this game die as a monster, you don't belong in this world.

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