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Mar 18, 2024
The most popular answer wins, choose the answer that you think everyone else will choose, but be careful if your answer does not give you enough points, you will drown in lava, you guys are used to being popular because the most popular ads will win, ready to be in that storm, as long as you're not used to being in lava. Okay, okay, okay, yes, okay, the answer with the most points goes up. Okay, what's the first question? That's the first question. Okay, I got this, oh my gosh. you should definitely put that in there uh yeah I have my answer um okay this oh I did it well okay oh okay oh okay you stole my answer um well I mean there's something like in the movies there's a lot to choose from um I know there are so many oh I have one, I have one, I don't listen to music, okay, wait, what, oh, because you spelled it wrong, are you kidding me, okay, I need better


, I need better


, um, let's go with this, um, oh, oh, oh, you.
correct answers save you
I feel like I just saw it in the face but I'm going to try it yeah, come on, think outside, oh come on, it was the most popular, which one is the most popular? oh lava lava oh, I put fire oh, what do you know technically since three of us put the the same answer is not more popular um what what oh worth what I have oh wow oh this is what a golden retriever is that's exactly what it is is a good dog I put a chihuahua the best best little laptop yeah did you really do it?
correct answers save you

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correct answers save you...

I smelled it absolutely fine I know how to spell angry I need a good answer better concentrate you know what I'll tell you what I wish I had right now um uh sure it's bad for me that's not a power let's see I wish it was fireproof Wow, I got a good response at that time. I set the flight time, the travel time, oh, so I could fly away from this lava. Wow, okay, hello short people, how are you today? Oh, this is fixed. I don't want to hear them talk. being short, sorry guys, what did you say?
correct answers save you
She said he was a chihuahua. Ratatouille is no no because it is not a cartoon, it is computer generated. It better be popular. I even think Ian would be specific about that, but I guess he's right when it comes down to it. to my media input I'm very picky and he still hasn't responded oh that's right sorry I'm out you have to play nice I got it oh oh look I told you I know what I'm talking about let's wait. Song Bob, oh yeah, about um, you missed two letters, who lives on a block under the lakes, I'll see them, spell it right this time, it's probably not specific, I put in Ratatouille, okay, cool, I didn't put it in now, okay, oh no. one plays that, honestly, it seems overrated, yeah, oh, she went under the lava, oh, my head was very alive, we're not going to see anyone else's answers, but, okay, up there, she goes here, She's alive, oh, hello, Cam, it's okay, yeah, yeah, should I?
correct answers save you
Put Chihuahua back on, okay, I got it, I got it, everyone has one of these, hey mine was just a few, oh I put the dog on two, so I have six puppies, oh it may not help me , guys, guys, guys, are you okay? um Zayn Zayn, I think Okay, I think we're tied, oh, this is a nice area, yeah, I think that will ever happen here, right at the Jaws in the Water, yeah, maybe I'll have to think simple because I want to say something else, but I think, uh, I. I think we all know the right answer, I said, but oh wow, everyone said, but uh, yeah, looks like you made the right decision, all the water is already rising, yeah, oh boy, that was good.
I like that shark and there's a really big fish waiting for us. just snowball okay okay guys no I don't think this game will do well swimming in Frozen oh wait a minute you swim in summer no in winter no it was a popular answer how many people, it's okay, I guess. took this poll who took this poll something says here guys swim was tied for first place answer the biggest berry sauce okay next question oh this one's easy oh you know it's okay no matter what it was supposed to be what your favorite ice cream is Lo I forgot how to spell it right Tim I can't believe this is spelled c-h-i-h-a oh oh here we go ok I remember husband oh of course it is oh wow vanilla was more popular than chocolate oh that's a lie absolutely betrayal Zayn we played vanilla Minecraft again overrated I I'm so close to just jumping in, guys, what if Ratatouille is the best flavor? oh no oh no oh um give me another answer, okay Dan, can you look, okay, vanilla ice cream, oh, that would hurt someone like a rat, um you're not supposed to see the answer, oh, sorry, this is not what happened.
Family Feud, what oh, you said, oh, ah, you were wrong, you know what he deserves for the whole swimming thing, wow, wow, shark, um, okay. for the plate, it's made of vegetables, okay, you know, you know why you two are helping her and not me, oh, okay, you know, maybe it's like, um, intuition, that it's a fruit, No, he, oh, he's actually right, I mean, wait, no, he's not dad. It's not a vegetable, potatoes, it's been there all this time after you didn't realize it. He was busy thinking about running to me, brother. I thought no, we noticed that potatoes are not a vegetable and yes, tomato is a fruit, it has seeds inside.
It's a fruit and as everyone knows fruit goes on pizza and vegetables don't have food inside what you have I have I have I have the best answer so fast because I'm amazing listen if there's anyone who knows how to get rich it's me, just I put gold I bet you just put gold I didn't just put gold I can't put YouTube put YouTube put YouTube I put mine gold okay I'll trust I don't know if you should but YouTube I said YouTube so I win guys you go to the mountain , you take your pickaxe, you get the gold, you put it in your pants too much for yourselves, yes you are right, oh no I don't like this right guys, bad news, the area where you respawn is underwater thanks I want take a walk let's go for a walk in the most popular answer oh okay oh oh tomato oh wait I can't say the vegetables enclose it well, I took it out oh wow wait what did you say?
Yeah I said Apple but it's a golden apple oh at least you have a point it's still an apple I didn't need to be so specific Ian it should be at least as good as Zayn's if not better I honestly like it . Honey Chris, more to be honest, let's see, wait, a dog on your crush, a word you could use for both, uh, I got it, I got it, I can say, wait, I can change my answer oh no, ah loyal, he's loyal and yet bacon has more points, boy, I'm not clowns anymore, oh no, no, no, oh okay, at least some, I'm up here, now come down, they're little clowns.
I didn't want to play that game anyway. I've finished now. I'm done with that. period, you can do about two, okay, oh, okay, you're okay, hey, hey, I have an idea why you put loyal, yeah, yeah, oh, I wonder what the best answer would be, try Facebook, just waiting, I'm waiting, what, oh, okay, she found. a better answer anyway, oh man, those clowns are getting closer and for a better view, oh yeah, I'll help you too, hey Alpha, how's it going, how's it going, I'm trying to stop, I'm trying to help her drive, mounting a good response.
Am I blocking your arrows, come on, blocking the most popular sport, um, sports ball, uh, Ian ball, no, no, evil, uh, answer, you know what I'll help you here, I'll help you here, there, okay, Okay, okay, I got it. you're going to put in a bad answer, okay, no, that's not what oh, okay, yeah, it's okay once you put in what it is, wait for the attitude, that's how you spell it, you don't literally put two e's in Ratatouille, what you want, oh my god, guys. I don't think she won, okay, okay, it's the best time because Splinter carnival and the clouds are hungry, it's great, yeah, I don't want to see the clouds again, okay, where will it start, oh, okay um, highly favored. at least it's an answer, I'm trying to keep it simple, what was it, I got a good one, what did you do, I said, wash the dishes, oh okay, okay, I mean something that's probably easier, it's okay, okay, I feel a little better now, oh.
Oh right, I thought about that too. I went for the non-obvious answer thanks, I'm smart, good for you, yeah, you're pretty close to be honest, um, uh, Song Bob, um, none of you shoot me with an arrow. I'm not going to shoot you with an arrow and I have I have something okay, okay, well at least I could fly now I can, oh, that works, I mean, the pepperoni is shaped like holes, yeah, I'm confused, okay, it's okay, okay, I got it. yeah, right, oh, unanimous, no, no, I, I'm, I'm, I'm going to answer, oh scary, okay guys we're getting more arrows, oh yeah, oh cool, you know what I mean clowns because they're scary, that's definitely on the mind right now um um let's see I could have easily said what I want to say but I'm forbidding myself from saying it because it's not there oh, that's very mature of you, what were you going to say?
What what what Avengers, ghost vampire and Batman What's the difference? Guys, I feel like we're getting really close. Are we all tied? I think it seems pretty much even a type of weather. Okay, I don't know, I don't know whether to answer. your weather or to answer uh other weather uh do you think let me think let me die uh okay I have one I have one I have one and it better be good come on uh I guess that's the weather hey we live here yeah wait but aphmau you might also notice that The ceiling is getting closer oh no oh no, I don't want to get crushed.
They're going to stop me one way or another oh wow wait let me see if I can get it. your fence

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