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Corpsegrinder - Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction?

Apr 17, 2024
This is Jorge Corsi under Fisher from Cannibal Corpse and you're seeing every ounce of Loudwire here with Mr. corpse grinder thank you very much for coming to see me. I appreciate that, so you said Wikipedia is


al for you personally in the house, some of that is yeah, okay, I hope to make you proud in this segment. I brought up some things about you. let's look at Wikipedia today, so my guess was




, well you can tell, I guess if you remember these things, but first of all, you were born in Baltimore, Maryland, yes maril, a


, yes, a fact, okay they're wrong if you expect where they had me previously oh no not you other people have been wrong my case for Alaska you know on Wikipedia it says you're a fan of the US Olympic women's curling team no I know.
corpsegrinder   wikipedia fact or fiction
I know the first thing about curling. I don't know how they got there. I did it. I did a previous interview where someone asked me about that. I have no idea. Is incredible. Thanks to whoever posted it because it's great. San Antonio Spurs, yeah, that's what I mean, I don't hate them, that's not true, but I drew for the Wizards, you wash well, so I would say that's fiction. The Saskatchewan Roughriders of the CFL. The Saskatchewan Roughriders CFL got A and V, that's fiction being from Baltimore. We had studs one two year old, we had the studs, they wanted a Gray Cup in their second year, I still had other jerseys at my house and then they became, I think, the Montreal Alouettes, so if I was going to support the Canadian team, yes, all writers. but you know they probably got that from Terrance and Phillip, oh yeah, the Rough Riders, right, yeah, I probably like to say that someone can hear it and a lot of killers and the Denver Broncos, yeah, really, we don't have to be one arm , says. that you listen to a lot of Amy's hardcore, like him in her amazing favorite bands, Bad Brains, um, yeah, I never got to see them either, that's my last movie, okay, oh no, the baby is not Roy, but war zone, okay, oh, I was supposed to see. them so many times in Baltimore so many times man and they always cancel them the one time I saw Rabies Kromaggs playing at the 9:30 club in DC and he was like he was there with them doing stage security or sometimes today.
corpsegrinder   wikipedia fact or fiction

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corpsegrinder wikipedia fact or fiction...

I love you today too, you know, judge, and you know, you know, all those old bands from old New York City, not just a straight line, but commercial things always seem to have a little more, you know, can you hear us, justifier . I love that stuff I love it I never see it today either Alex Webster our bass berries are gone I'll show it to you and I'm like a horrible motherfucker on the monster Wikipedia page says you quit a band in your hometown in Maryland and wine to Florida in '91 to join Monster 9090, okay, it's a bit fictional what kind of band you were in in Maryland, it was a death metal band, we had some songs that were death thrash, maybe even some hardcore influence, It is called ironically. or a corpse grabbed straight from the dead song yeah okay I don't know if it's there or not but you know it was and I say never I don't think I've checked out the monstrosity of Wikipedia because I just want to go to Wikipedia once someone He told me there was false information there and he just wanted to check it out.
corpsegrinder   wikipedia fact or fiction
I thought, are you really kidding me? I think it has improved. I think there are some things that have changed. since i first saw it i used to have my birthday in december december what's your birthday just in case july july 1970 it's 69 in the air the viola album said that all the vocal tracks that chris barnes had originally done for the were rerecorded album and vile was not the original title no, that's good, it's true, I would be recording the vocals and vile, it was not the original title, it was created to kill, created to kill, it was the nurses, that's the title.
corpsegrinder   wikipedia fact or fiction
I think about Chris' title, okay? there was a specific, he didn't have a full album finished, there were just certain songs that he had finished and I redid them all in '97, he said that Rob Barrett left Cannibal Corpse after you guys had an argument about musical differences. He didn't argue with any of us, okay, he left, he had his reasons, I think more personal, but it wasn't any of us, we weren't like a big explosion, no, no, no, he just said he was leaving and then you say that you yourself added the phrase Alliance to the liner notes of the album Kill was this my gratitude list in your gratitude, you almost responded that it was on my gratitude list, okay, what does that mean the Alliance?
Well, it's Warcraft, there's a word. which is this, you know, it's my tattoo, that's right, that's the symbol of the Horde and then there's the Alliance and there's two different factions with different races like the hordes, their orcs and trolls and the Undead and the Alliance like humans and gnomes and you know some others. I hate dumb races and, um, yeah, so you can have PvP battles and I was constantly having done some interviews and people knew that I played on the Horde side, everyone was a fan of the band, like it would kill you one time. you know, because I gave some people some of my character names, so the kids gave me t-shirts, I think they had them custom made, like yeah, sweet, that's cool, so that's all we can, we can declare right now that the corpse grinder is a racist World of Warcraft Blizzard Entertainment implemented a non-playable character called Gorge, the corpse grinder, in World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King after you reveal your interest in the game mm-hmm , that's awesome, that's cool, yeah, I'll use the Boreal Tundra.
I do not do it. you know what that is, it's a stage, you know, it's an area, you know, but I went with them and took pictures of my other characters, oh yeah, come on, screenshot, you have to do it. When I saw that, I swear when I got it. I am because I understand. all the expansions, like now, you can do a digital download, but back then you had to wait in line, you know, or yeah, or well, you know where your store was and World Warcraft was doing so well back then There was a line and I remember it.
I bought it and heard some rumors. I know people from Blizzard, you know, and I went and looked around and thought, "I can't believe it's so amazing, that he said, you want to buy them, you're just scared. I found out I saw." him, you know, and a friend of mine who plays in another band that I sing in and he plays Warcraft II and I was like a friend, you'll never believe it. I took a picture and sent it to him, yeah, that's awesome, that's so awesome, man. Do you really know that and the person who told me is like I told you they were going to do that?
He warned me that he's like a friend, I swear they always do what you know, like you know cult characters there, you know, they mess with the name a lot. a little bit just so you know mate, I have no problem at all, it's amazing, it says you didn't speak a word until you were five and in high school you only excelled in frog dissection and football, no, no, I . Sorry, totally sorry, that was the Wikipedia page for Nathan's explosions. Sorry, that's an easy mistake to make. I can understand myself, but that was not influenced at all by your childhood, that frog, I put some hooks. but Oh, fisherman, literally tadpoles, you know what I mean.
Deb as a Fish is about the giant bullfrog on a hook. Well, I mean, I don't know that. I've never used a bullfrog, but you have tent poles, really tent poles. You get the beer samples only for the converted frogs. I mean, yeah, put them on a hook. You avoid the stumps of the trunks. Enough money. You're good at that. Speaking of Metalocalypse, you made occasional guest appearances where he voiced the metal masked killer. Yeah, very true, amazing, so when Brendon was little, I guess Brendon probably asked you to voice that character. What was his intention with that?
Well, what we were doing sounds like the underground tour and he just came up to me and was like, “Hey, me.” m Brendon, I'm, you know, I have this cartoon coming out, we heard this cartoon was already out. I'm not sure if they had already released the first episode or if they were coming out, yeah, this was like in California and he's a second us. I would love for you to be in this, you know, and he told me that James would. I think Kirk I'm going to do some voice work or whatever, yeah, long story short, you know, I fought California and you know I did other things that they never put in. and you know something I did, I let myself be seen, I did the kid in the Dimmu burger, oh yeah, I'm going to go, hey, things may be falling on the findings I made, you know, the myth of the mentalist killer, I made a guy in one of What was the Blues episode when they learned the blues?
There's a guy, there's a hippie guy who is very depressing and it's like the speaker hit him over the head Trina. Yeah, I did and you know, the murderer in the middle murders a guy I liked repeatedly. I did it a lot, yes, and I went there. I met Mark Hamill when I went there. He was in the studio doing the vocals and he was there doing the vocals. Yeah, I took pictures with him and Tommy and then with Brendon, so it was even quick. You did it before you even knew you were essentially Nathan Blast.
Yeah, they took me into the studios and showed me all the storyboards, you know, and just some of the new drawings that they had, like there were all these photos. me and like Conan the Barbarian and that those were the two people I guess they would like it okay this is him this is how you got to do it yeah it's a showed me that everything was amazing it was great man lyrics from the Campbell corpses. says that you guys never think about anyone in particular who you're trying to kill or harm in a lyric or song that's true you never think about anyone you never take inspiration from the real world you don't really know that I mean yeah I'm sure we'll leave it I'm telling you right now, although I will say that the time to kill is now since the murder record when I sing, especially when it first came out.
I was always thinking about the Alliance, yeah, and I'm not playing around, man, I used to. Let's say on stage they used to say this goes for everyone who plays Alliance oh and Alex wrote the lyrics, you think I'm right at that moment about Alliance and I say will you make it yours? That's the point, yeah, well, you know, but I saw that it was like, you know, this was, you know, I think I might have even started to just say Alliance and then you know, time passes now or whatever, but so he said, hey, you know, but anyway, yeah, I mean, no, I don't know, at least I couldn't have been on stage or in the studio thinking about hitting someone or hurting someone because I'm not violent. , yeah, just the virtual hit, a little Hank 3 and a little whiskey, and life is good, man.
I know I don't want to hurt anyone. I get it, I get it. I get it all out on stage, but it's not like I'm focusing on one person to make it too short. I really can't say. I mean, I've screamed a little. people on stage, but I'm not going to go on stage to hurt some money, no, oh, we all appreciate it very much. They'd probably beat my ass, come on, thank you very much, body crusher. I also really appreciate you reading before Black's November 3rd. Is it November 3? Pick up that disk. He will kill you.
The Fischer Body Grinder, where will I do it?

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