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Convert Your Coax Into POWERFUL Ethernet

May 01, 2024
If you got rid of


cable TV provider to help you save money and become a cord cutter, you may have tons of this


running through


walls and it just isn't being used at all, in today's video that I will show you. how to turn this


ial cable into a super fast


cable to build your home network so stay tuned welcome back to another video my fellow cord cutters and even if you haven't cut the cord yet this video should be able to help you out. Now, whether your house came pre-wired with coax throughout the house or the cable company went out and ran coax through all of your walls to run it through your house, I'm going to show you how to retrofit this coax and turn it into ports.


now before we start, don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell so you don't miss out on future videos like this and with that being said, let's go ahead and start having a solid home network.
convert your coax into powerful ethernet
It's pretty vital nowadays because, let's face it, most devices we have have some kind of Wi-Fi built in. If you have something a little older, you may have a wireless Wi-Fi router that looks like one of these or maybe You're like me and your Wi-Fi router is built into your cable modem and one thing I want to point out is that if your wireless connection is built into your cable modem, you can bypass it if you want. Many people commented saying that they couldn't invest in their own wireless router to boost their signal because their wireless router was built into the modem, you can skip that's what I'm currently doing so if you're looking to upgrade your system I recommend upgrading with a mesh Wi-Fi network.
convert your coax into powerful ethernet

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convert your coax into powerful ethernet...

Now this is a network that will have multiple devices that you are going to spread throughout the house if you take a look here. I have this guy from TP Link. Your Deco . connect to each other wirelessly and create a good network, the problem is that since these devices try to connect wirelessly depending on how many different walls they go through, they may not get the fastest signal possible, that is why these devices are here I have something called a flyback feature and that will allow you to connect an Ethernet cable to the separate satellites to boost their signal, so I have another one here.
convert your coax into powerful ethernet
This is the newest from tp-link. This is your Deco xe75. Pro, this is definitely a great system. In fact, I'll review it in a couple of weeks. This video is not sponsored by TP Link. I just have a few other things here because I wanted to talk about that backhaul so being able to plug a network cable into the back of these satellite routers will help boost that signal now unfortunately a lot of people don't have Ethernet cables in every room of their house but They do have coax, don't they? There are a lot of different devices you can use to


your coax to Ethernet.
convert your coax into powerful ethernet
I'll leave some of those links below if you want to check out the one I'm going to look at in today's article. The video is called Screen Beam now essentially this one here has coax on one side and on the other side it has an Ethernet port and a power port. This is a kit that comes with two devices, one of these that you are going to place in the room that you want to


this into, the other one will obviously be on the other side of the coaxial cable. They now sell some of these right here that will allow you to continue using your cable TV, so if you haven't cut the cord. and you still have cable in your house, there are devices that do.
I think they are two coax on the end that will allow you to split it and still use the TV if you want. The one I bought here is a mocha 2.5 adapter now mocha stands for multimedia over coax alliance and that will essentially be the speed at which you will be able to transfer now 2.5 is fast and since I plan to use this as a backhaul for my mesh network I wanted to get the most option quick available now, let's go ahead and install this and test the network and see what kind of improvements we're going to get.
Ok so I have the two device starter kits and each device will come with its own coaxial cable power cable ethernet cable and splitter if you need it let's go ahead and install this okay so I'm a little embarrassed about the rat's nest what we're going on here, but hey, all for the sake of proper testing, so I've got my cable modem right here, it has built-in Wi-Fi. I talked to ATT and they said just don't use the built-in Wi-Fi if you don't want to connect something else, so here we are. OMG, is Deco on? That's going to be this guy right here, this is the Deco xe75 Pro.
We have other devices connected here so you can see the one at the bottom, right in the middle, which will be. connected to my cable modem, so I have a black cable coming out right there and it actually goes to this switch, so it goes into the switch here and comes out of this one here and now it's connecting to our display beam right here. so the screen beam is plugged into power, connected to ethernet, on the other side now I'm lucky enough to have all my coax cables going straight into the closet, here this one goes to the studio, so I've got that plugged in now, let's jump into the den connect the other side of this and configure that and test the connection speed, here we are on the other side of the room.
The Deco is now installed at the far end of the house, away from the other side, so we'll probably get the lowest signal between the ones it jumps between, I think like five or six walls, what I wanted to do is, since this It's still wireless, it just has the power plugged into the back, so that's it, it's connecting to the other one I wanted. to see what our speed was, we're going to run a speed test here to see what kind of speed we're going to get on this device, so we're getting 252 down, we're getting 158 up now I pay for a thousand up and a thousand down , so these numbers aren't the best, but I was expecting those numbers and they're still pretty good considering how far it goes and how many walls, but we're going to try that return. function with this device here, so what we've done is plugged in our coaxial cable here, we're going to plug it into the back for that carry back function and give it a second here to sync and then we're Let's go ahead and try it again to see if our speed increases.
Well, we've given it a few minutes here. Now it stopped flashing red. We are back online. You can see that it is connected to the back hallway. Now let's try. Check it out and see if we get a huge increase in our speed, so we are now getting more than double what we were getting before in our downloads. Wow, and a huge improvement in our uploads now that is simply due to the connection from our persuade to set up backhaul and be able to get better speeds from that, that's super impressive, okay, so let's talk about another use case while I'm building my smart home.
I get a lot of these hubs, we have Philips Hue. we have Lutron Hub we have a SmartThings Hub right here all of these have to be connected to a network but I don't want them, you know, in my networking closet, there are too many things that I would like to spread around the house, so by installing one of these, now I can put them all on one side of the house. We're going to go over here and use our coax port right here, so what? What we've done is we've taken our screen beam device right here.
I have connected it to the power. We have connected a network cable at one end. Now I'm going to take the coax. We're going to screw it to the wall right here. right now that we have it connected and our ethernet connected, the ethernet is actually running up to this switch here, so this switch now controls a bunch of different devices connected that will control all of my different hubs. Here that way I can place them in the best location to get the best coverage throughout my house instead of having them on just one side. There you have it, if you have a coax cable throughout your house, take advantage of it and convert it to ethernet and really get incredible ethernet speeds with your old coax that you no longer use.
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