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Control Freak Attacks Dogs & People When They Make Sudden Movements - Toughest Dog I've Dealt With

May 08, 2024
You are a good boy? Are you the best boy? This dog is a bully. He has never confronted her in this video. Prince will confront him and I will see possibly the most


ling dog I have ever seen in my life. life is going a little bit for me right there nothing terrible he looks pretty normal


brought him in with a muzzle because he bit the owner's sister she moved out


he didn't want her to move into his house and he bit her arm and her hurt this is by no means the most aggressive dog I have trained.
control freak attacks dogs people when they make sudden movements   toughest dog i ve dealt with
This is not the most dominant dog I have trained. This may be the most


ling dog I have ever trained and you will see what I mean by that. and you'll see how Prince and I deal with this and we're going to deal with this by letting him know that he's not the biggest dog or the


dog, but he's going to get his way for a long time because I have to figure out what's going on and it was confusing. for a moment because look at him, he looks so cute, he looks so normal. We're doing the handshake method right now.
control freak attacks dogs people when they make sudden movements   toughest dog i ve dealt with

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control freak attacks dogs people when they make sudden movements toughest dog i ve dealt with...

You may know my handshake method after shaking the owner's hand. on my own property we know for a fact that it is unacceptable for the dog to look at me, look at this sweet doodle, it can't be like a Conan Corso, a Presser or a Rottweiler, yes it can, many of them can be a very dominant breed, so that we are going to take out Prince now you will see that his nature looks quite normal, like nothing big, then Prince will go. I want you to watch the two seconds after he


Prince every time he does it. to him printing three times I want you to see the seconds later right here so he basically said okay you moved.
control freak attacks dogs people when they make sudden movements   toughest dog i ve dealt with
I got my way now. Now I'm just going to smell you like you're standing there, dog, I'm going to smell you. and you will see this several times, he will constantly be sniffing Prince and then he will say yes, but you don't smell me and he will control or try to control Prince's


until Prince finally gets mad at him. him and tells him that he can't do that and yet he says: yeah, I didn't love that you attacked me, but I don't really care that much, so then I'm going to attack him and he'll try to bite him.
control freak attacks dogs people when they make sudden movements   toughest dog i ve dealt with
Me and we're going round and round with this guy now, how does a dog get like this? A dog becomes that way because he is born that way. That's the truth. You can't condition a dog to go up to Prince, right? here it's okay and then just look at this eye contact after Prince walks away and goes where he wants to go, he looks him right in the eyes and says don't


unapproved moves again constant dog this constant I do things to you that's what this saying prince I do things to you I smell you I'm going to you don't do things to me now to the original audio of what I tell the owners in real time of what I'm feeling at this moment he can't do it to any dog, he can't do it to one person, he thinks I'm not saying I think he's the


and biggest dog, he has a serious attitude problem and don't do it, because you saw what I saw, yes, you saw a Good dog came out, you saw him obsessed with that dog, smelling that dog and saying, "I'm going to do this to you, dog," and the moment the other dog tried to do something to him, he said, "Take the F off me." I do. you said it I do this to you you don't do this to me and he was ready to fight for it he was ready to go to battle in this battle of Egos and he still hasn't let go yet he says I I'm going to follow you Basically I'm going to do what I want with you and you're not going to do anything to me or I'm going to fight that's exactly what he's doing he's into it he's into it but he likes it for the wrong reasons he likes it for control reasons so how do you help to a dog like this?
You help a dog like this by winning the battles he's used to winning battles with




, he looks at this, he hates it. that you see how he ran to him and then he just didn't and then he hated him and I'm over him at this point. I'm completely over this behavior. I tell the owner to grab it because it's the first time I've done it. I will grab him and grab him many more times after this, look at him, look at Prince, he says, no, that dog is moving in unapproved ways and I say, I don't care anymore, I'm asking him to move because I'm done. this behavior now I'm controlling the neck, okay, you've seen it, maybe you've heard me talk about it, controlling the neck where you have four, four fingers or two fingers in the neck area, now let's go back to the original audio, it needs to someone. your life out of yourselves to dominate this guy, he just won the battle with Prince, he won and he knows he won, he just needs to lose a few times against him, against me, against you, I saw you up there, it's hard to get. him in a Sit down


he doesn't feel alone you tried it you did it we need this guy to sit down and submit whenever we feel like it and it's hard, it's not an easy thing to do look at the way he blows out of this distance look right now He comes for the fight and


push him and that hardly deters him, so I have to keep going, I have to keep going and what I'm doing now is breaking the obsession in his brain. which he has to control other


and specifically Prince, so he is trying to watch Prince.
I'm countering. I hold his interlocutor and counteract the glances to keep him going. Where is that dog? Does that dog go to unapproved areas? He looks. To the left he looks to the right and all I'm doing is counteracting his


with my hand. I have my hand on his neck, that was a big move to the left, so I pushed him, he's going to move to the right. basically breaking the pattern in his brain that says I have to know where this dog is now I'm starting to see it slow down at that point I let him go he got the point you have to break the patterns in his head He just has to lose No I don't care who to loses I don't care if he loses to you I don't care if he loses to me he has to lose the guy like you guys would like to look up the term too big for his britches it's very appropriate come on buddy get ready I want you to start doing this , okay, any time, he's okay, you said, did you see there, uh, no, I missed it, so Prince ran and he just wanted to come have fun and he just left.
No, you're not and he just stood here and Prince said, "It's okay, he doesn't want anything to do with him." Yeah, yeah, what does that tell us about his vibe? Yes, he is a bully. He's a bully and he's not kidding. You know, and he's a problem, good boy, I have to give Prince love during these situations, you're a good boy, you're a good boy, you're a good boy, you're a good boy, he's a good boy, he's very controlling he's trying to control Prince's movements he's him and I think it's probably the same with the


in your house.
I see you know, I mean, why would it be any different get him out of here get him out of here get him out of here come back he's not the center of your world you have kids don't get him out of here hey what is this this isn't and don't do it with your arms no doesn't walk walk walk towards him it's okay, you're good, he's gone, he's gone come, come back, come back, come back, come back, pet Prince, this is your new, this is your new favorite dog, get him out of here, get him out of here, hey, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, come, walk, walk, walk, come back, come back.
Prince is your new favorite dog Prince is your new dog Prince is your new favorite dog it has to be the attitude that a dog like this has a controlling dog a dominant dog they cannot think that they are the center of your world they can be the center of your world I don't They don't care, they can't think about it, look at it from the outside looking in for the first time. Mom is paying attention to anyone except him. I told her that her prince is her new favorite dog because she has to believe it in her heart. letting this guy be the center of his world, he can't be, he knows he is and he can't know it.
Good job telling the dog to get out of here because he has to get out of here. being on the outside looking in often these people have to live their life to ah and then here goes a boom prince and they'll stay away look look how he comes back and it's a great game he loves it look at the tailgate now for original audio I think there's a level of control like he's obsessed with the movements of people and dogs a little bit like who what are you doing what are you doing are you a good boy are you a good boy? the best boy, oh my moves were not approved by him, so he would attack me, that is unacceptable.
I'm over this behavior. I'm over this with him. I'm over the control issues this dog has. The owners have to get over it. They're over this. He's with us on the board and training right now and he's getting a hundred times better. You have to deal with your dog who is acting like this in a sensible way, don't listen to The Jokers out there talking in such a high tone. oh, you're a good boy, you're the best boy, you think that's the reason to growl at someone, it shouldn't be, yeah, no, now there were strange little movements there, yeah, there was like there was something like that and look and all these things.
Do you think he's dumb enough to think I'm being mean to him by saying, are you the best guy in the world? are you the best boy in the world? Isn't he? He's saying that's not what I want you to do right now. just he needs and then he needs to lose these battles you know he has to lose these things he's too big for his britches did I start that fight with him right here I started that I didn't start that I decided in my own house be nice to a dog and go and you they could go well, they didn't know the triggers, Joel, I don't need to know the triggers, if the triggers are, I can't grab them over the top instantly for no reason, that's a trigger.
Like I understand, the dog is like he was nice to you, why are you grabbing me? Can I leave? Oh, you are the best boy in the world. Can I do that to a dog? Can anyone do that to a dog without it growling and taking me away? Spate, he didn't leave like he came into my space. I'm just telling you this because with extreme upbringing or extreme training or extreme therapy or something, you need extreme behavior, this is so extreme that we need the extreme treats. Don't fix this e-collars don't fix this love doesn't fix this um you guys don't fix this the target fixes this yeah and even when you guys are a little mad at him, which you're not really mad at him, his tail is like I didn't really understand it much, I didn't really get it from Prince, you see.
I remember seeing it very vividly at the end, just Tail Going, yeah, not like that now. I mean, pure happiness, it could just be stimulation, um, I think that gave him an impression that, oh, people can do that to me, has anyone done to him what I did to him? Well, I did it before, but it was me, so it was you. yell at him, but yeah, and it's never the target that does it, yeah, dog or person, the target needs to do it, that's our biggest problem, we can't let a guest do this, no, not in a million years, yeah , I get it, so you know, I think. who was probably like oh wait I can't just bite that lady's arm like she can do something to me like crazy Joel, did you know I'm not provoking him to do anything?
I'm basically saying how a guy in his own house can like to move around in his chair if he wants, like I own this house, yeah, I should be a little scared, I should be a little scared, but still, the line just to be close to you, go, do a good job.

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