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Control by Bryonato in 1:08:47 - AGDQ2020

Jun 01, 2021
okay and with that is everyone's favorite moment, it's time to see another speedrun here on agdq next up is


any percentage by Brian Otto hello welcome guys welcome I'm brian otto and this is


NE % speedrun first things first what language is we're running we launch Alex all I can see is vive la France yeah okay we're going to switch to French and French is right this was definitely the baddest for this and welcome yeah like I said, and Brian's automatic control is crazy. The game is a crazy speedrun. I hope you are ready. I guess just to give you a little preface.
control by bryonato in 1 08 47   agdq2020
He is a third person. A surreal action game developed by Remed Entertainment. They are responsible for a quantum break. Alan Wake and probably most notable. Max Payne, so they have a lot of history behind them. I'm going to join me real quick on the couch because when you guys show up, I'm KZ Frew and because I'm crazy, I swallowed a brush cutter, so excuse the abruptness. Dave Styria, my username is Covert Muffin and I have never played this game. Oh, and real quick before we start. I just want to say: wait, where's the camera? I'm looking here, overheat this.
control by bryonato in 1 08 47   agdq2020

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control by bryonato in 1 08 47 agdq2020...

Great, thank you all very much for meeting us. both donation incentives before the race even started, yeah that's super cool actually that's okay because this race skips around a lot and we're going to see some cool stuff so the timer will start after I pass Constans and I will tell you. down, okay, so three, two, one, so I'm getting ready for Jessa to scream an O here, so welcome to the Federal Bureau of Control, this is a secret government organization that houses and contains paranormal entities. Hey, oh, there's another one right there, luckily. You can skip the dialogue with the score wheel, that's pretty cool, so this is a game that relies heavily on the SCP base or the safe and secure base, which is kind of a creepypasta wiki that uses the same professional terminology to describe how it contains different types of paranormal things, so it's cool that they gave it a triple-A treatment more or less and that's why we play as Jesse Faden.
control by bryonato in 1 08 47   agdq2020
For some reason, we are drawn to this location because of something that happened in our past and we think "let's start with a bang where is where is the explosion? there we go there's the explosion Wow, okay, so that was a little better in practice anyway, so here's the explosion, right here, this was the director of the facility and he just shot himself in the head we're going to take that gun and this gun is going to teleport us to a location different are you following me? because this is not going to be less strange, so this weapon is very special and because we just touched this weapon, now we are the director of this installation and this and now we are in the AppStore plane and this. it's our cognitive and physical realm that's run by the board, which is what speaks to us at the bottom, they have some We kind of have an interest in what's going on here and here's the gun and this kind of special otherwise and then you don't have to reload the ammo bar will show up at the bottom and we want to do that and just Basically I don't want it to ever run out because it takes about five seconds to reload, it's very slow so there's going to be a lot of combat to manage this and make sure it doesn't run out of ammo, here we go, so we'll let it recharge a little bit and then we'll go pop pop pop pop oh I think I missed it, okay, I'm going to be fine, we gotta get started, I was close, yeah, there's a little bit of bloom with this weapon, so we have to be careful and now we're fighting this kind of red fog or this red light.
control by bryonato in 1 08 47   agdq2020
This is known as hissing. There is a kind of resonance. There is some kind of entity that we're not really sure what. Their reason is that they definitely want to ruin everyone here, so a lot of the combat in this game is based on spawn manipulation, so I will look in certain ways to make enemies appear in certain places and at any time I this. It's like turning on my camera in the middle of a fight like that, it's generation manipulation so that they don't go somewhere that way. I don't want them, this link here is always consistent, which is very nice, we go back and forth.
Up here we have the first type of miniboss in the game. This game has a pretty high risk of death. This game only has one difficulty level, so we're always playing Hello on this difficulty, so this chart here may be a little bit. a little scary, I didn't do much damage, they usually like to take more, so we're going to do some close combat to try to get a stagger, we're going to stack up headshots, there we go and then this guy I'm going to die okay okay cool there's the first bite and then the patented Brian coming out of the emote becomes cool so now we're going to clear a checkpoint here and we're going to do it with the help of our newfound powers and there is also some type. from another entity that is trying to help us, you will see it represented in similar little circles and things like that, literally, more on that later, so these checkpoints that we are clearing, you can basically think about them, speaking well of Dark.
Souls because they're like bonfires in a Souls game so it was cool that we came right after that, they're going to be areas where we can upgrade our character, upgrade our health and generally they're just safe areas so now. Let's go find other sane people here in the facility who haven't been infected by the hiss. I love scroll wheel jumping, that's awesome, and that's Emily Pope, she was kind of second and second in command to dr. Dear, who was responsible for much of the investigation here and basically wants us to help him figure out what normally happened.
I accept the menu there, but for some reason it is faster than RTA instead of gt2 to run backwards there and so on. We're on our first mission, this is a pretty tight segment, it's very combat and spam based and I really like playing here alone because when you make everything flow and feel really good, then the ice might grab that enemy. to spawn there and then I kill him instantly which allows me to go back to the spawn there and I'll try to look there so these two guys spawn great that's fine it's still pretty fast and luckily you can damage enemies when they.
We're in this kind of suspended state, here we go, so we take that guy down before he goes down and some enemies have shields, as we'll see like this, but our melee attack does a lot of damage against this shield, which is good. I'm going to do two hand-to-hand combat with this guy, don't just shoot both guys and go up there, come on, this is going pretty well. Oh, what's that drop over there? Tell me they're consecutive kills, they increase the weapon's armor damage, damn, okay, huh. There are random drops in this game that give you different weapons and weapons or in the player mods the weapon armor damage is okay, it's not worth wasting your time in the menu because most of the time we're going to be throwing and So coming up here has the best sound effect in the game, it's sure to be all downhill after this, this is an iconic moment for the race coming here, cute, definitely the best moment in the game, okay , so now we're going to make a pretty big jump.
I'm going to try to do a very tight jump from the top of this ladder, so I'll save myself about 20 seconds of walking and the best way to summarize the control and it contains phrases that we just touch a floppy disk and then we have the ability to throw things with our mind, so the floppy disk in particular is a power object and power objects are one of the main things that are stored here in the FPC and so now we are like the director and some other traits that we have now we can when we interact with objects, the power that different abilities will give us and this one in particular gives us telekinesis is basically, and every time I throw an object or hold an object, I'm usually going to be bunny hops or just jumping over and over again. because that's faster than just walking in a straight line, you want to easily get a multi-kill with that throw, that's fine, so we're not out of bounds yet, but that's about to change now that we have the ability to manipulate props like in most other games.
When you arrive, if you arrive late, the props allow us to do different clips, so I'm going to eliminate these guys. out of the way because they can be quite rude and they can chase me, we don't want that, so come on, oh, that's a perfect setup, okay, usually, if you don't have to maneuver this box the second time, it's pretty good, like that who see if I can do this right, so we call it a jump up, that one in particular, oh my God, I don't know why I went to a marathon, find it SOI, boy, joy, thanks to Justin and I really appreciate that jump because The boss fight is hard, we hook onto the box and then alt and then when we push up through the box we get pushed to the floor which skips the fight with Tomasi and then we execute Tomasi and that jump is known as without moss, it is confidence.
To me they only get better, these gif names only get better from here, so now we're visiting the Ocean View motel at the casino, this is again like the astral plane, a physical and cognitive realm, and if I get any of this, Lauren, forgive me. I haven't played this game casually since August, but it's like we can talk to my head, but anyway, this is a location that has a lot of meaning in the narrative, but for speedrun it's just an area where we're going to be thinking. . Fortunately, they are all, they are always the same, so there is no orange there and now the same thing happens with this thing here, this is the direct line that will allow us to communicate with the director who just shot himself through the bullet that is housed in this brain that was shot with this gun, so again it's a power item that has no meaning to us or to speedrunning, but it's something we have to complete and this segment here is mostly just holding where there is.
They like guys who scream pretty scary, we'll get back to them later, but we definitely have time for our first round of donations. Here is a donation of one hundred and seventeen dollars of shameful and disgraceful anomalies. One of my mother's Heberts. I had to donate and keep the correct choice of language I also received five dollars for the reveal oh let's not let this race get out of control Ryan probe redfoot loves you thank you can't wait okay you know I can't wait for all the control puns really get into my stream, so I move on, okay, yeah, fifty bucks from anonymous, really excited to control my favorite game from last year.
I agree not to alarm anyone, but this donation is an object of power. I love it, it's okay, so you'll notice a lot when you stop smoking. two menus in this game and exit two menus allow us to basically go back to our last checkpoint or just our last kind of save point or so, so there are really cool ways to quickly move around the map without having to . there's a lot of recoil and normally when you run this time without charges, normally when you remove the charge times it's almost like an instant teleport and most of the time it will also be a faster RTA, so let's talk to Emily again and Emily will tell us will make it known that the FBC's power supply is ruined, so we'll have to go down to fix that and this is where we are, if you've seen the interview. or you heard me talking about overdoing the surround sound, this is where things are going to get a little crazy, my sensitivity was crazy here, okay so let's try to do a pretty cool trick, it's going to be a menu overlay and this It's really very difficult to do in high FPS, so I'll see if I like a perfect frame.
I'll see if we can make it. I have to do it, okay, here we go, so let's see if this works. Let's play a video. file and then we will change the game state and I hope this works. I have a pretty generous estimate, so I've given myself enough time to try this at least five times. It is very important for me that you understand it. Come on. I've always seen it, you always get it on the first try, yeah, no reason, that's just not the case here, this is the best trick we've ever seen, wait, wait, did we get it?
No, I can usually hear myself jumping. I got a little excited. Okay, so what we're going to do is go back up the elevator and then we'll try again and then if that doesn't work, we'll go back up the elevator and then I'll abandon it. Let's try again, we're basically going to make this work so we don't really know why this trick works normally if you were just doing a run that would just leave you and we have strategies for not having this trick. in particular, but this is too good not to brag, yeah, let's see if we get them anyway, let's try first, okay, we'll do this inWe're really enjoying the aesthetic through that imposing opening, yes, there have always been some real monsters in the Phibes matrix, the latest here and with one.
Jesse's final line here he takes off his headphones Okay, that's really real, that's it, that was the control, that was the ashtray wizard, we got misty dynamite, they're here for it, thank you guys so much, thank you guys for watching and ride. that rollercoaster with me, I'm so glad we made it a little bit, thank you and we can't believe it's almost 2am. and then we have a great crowd, thank you, thank you for inviting me and for doing the secondary. shipping window thing that's amazing, I've been Brian Otto, this was control, have a good rest, gdq, peace, great race, man, thanks, that was Brian Otto with control, any% more all those bonuses, thanks everyone for donating so we could see all of that.
What's almost 2 a.m.? m.? Come on Brian, you're not that fast. It's okay, you lost me. I may have a little, but I have some donations here. $5 of the aforementioned tansu. Another runner wanted to donate what little I could during control to wish the girlfriend the best of luck take control donation for the runner's choice I also had another one here from iTunes $50 excited to see how the game I used to help her has changed I can't avoid donating during the control race good luck to Brian for the race and good luck to all the runners.
There's a little community money from a veteran host of ours. There is $500. They are from Ezekiel III. My community chat for agdq had a hype train in the stream and it's true. to the foundation to prevent cancer with wagons full of cash the donation is going to name the Castlevania archive named after the late great Neil Peart thank you very much for that donation Hales econia also received another $500 here from Jesse Cox controls his game of the year that's all my comment, good luck with the race, thanks Jesse, I'll be right back after a quick Twitch message.
Hi, thanks for staying with us here at agdq 2020. We just finished that check run and I'm going to read some more donations related to Wow, we have so, so many great ones, but I just wanted to try to complete as many as I could before I have to spend the $25 Mayday. Hi everyone, I'm a real SCP Foundation wiki staff member and I've been excited to see this all week, good luck and go fast. Afton Commander with a $75 donation. Thank you all for this great event and now let us take control of cancer. Here's one I wanted to read to the Jones family.
I sent $100. thanks for all the entertainment today is my birthday and what better way to celebrate than cheering everyone up running staff and twitchchat also much love to my son Alexander 100 extra if you read this a smiley face ok Jones please donate again. I appreciate it dynamite donated $30 saying dynamite Justin and Ashley sent $30 also long time watcher was the first watcher looking to help take control of cancer good luck in the race brian otto TV wolf snake gave $25 to the Foundation to Prevent Cancer cancer and said greetings from Finland ah T, the janitor here reminding my assistant to fix the coolant pumps and power converters, he will make sure to do it right, right, kikusui, donated by Sora.fifty or five dollars, hey, Bry couldn't make it but I want to congratulate you for running an amazing game for an amazing cause, you are one of the sweetest people I met at sgdq 2019 running around and acting silly and I hope to see you again at the Summer Games, quick done in 2020, also OOP less than three thanks for that kakuka Sora Nate tabby and Jeff donated $200 gdq has done a lot to bring us together over the years and it's great to see such an entertaining writeup from one of our favorite redacted lucky redacted akashic redacted had donated $10 if we have sliding magani and floating box why not donate charity emic good luck from behind remember to take control well one more here an audience request for me and then I will move on to the host Mic off here is $75 from lob and hey prolix .
I've wanted you to say this since last year's agdq. Shout out to people wondering what the opposite of in is, thanks lob me and yes that will do it for me, my shift is over. That was my last game to announce the marathon. I'm going to relax and enjoy our last day of racing. Yes, goodbye everyone, thank you very much for the support. I will give it to the wonderful ghost bird and she will take care of the next edition and we have a lot of great hosts prepared for you, so be careful, keep donating, remember we have many incentives, eyes open, appreciate everything you can do for our cause here, keep donating to PCF and I'll catch you. you'll be at the next event bye hello hello my name is ghostbird and I'm really excited to take the mic for this trauma center new blood series everyone is getting ready right now so I'm just gonna hang out with you and read some donations while we wait we have $100 pen that says awesome control race and awesome runner thanks for the cool night speed well we have more cool night speed on the way so don't go anywhere you still have something fantastic . donation incentives that are looking to be fulfilled, we have three for katana 0, we have pet the cat, upgrade 2 in hard mode and psychotherapy, so if you want to see any of them fulfilled, when you donate, make sure to select one of those donation incentives for make that happen if you want to look for something else, we have more coming soon later, we have some for the clone hero Dragonforce, the untitled goose game and the Link's Awakening bonus game, we are sponsored by Magfest.
Magfest has music and gaming events all over the United States. year, like mag stock by mag west and bit gen mcfist is a non-profit organization and events include live video game concerts, free play arcade tournaments and much more, follow us at Magfest on Twitter or go to WWE as well that for more information, mr. a minor for you, we have a donation incentive if we can reach 2.3 million dollars in total donations, we have a Mario creator for TAS waiting for you, it has never been seen before and should be fantastic, so let's get to that 2, 3. millions by tomorrow so we can all see it

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