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Content Court: TheQuartering

Jun 07, 2021
but it's even simpler: he's a black man who creates movies. His experience is that as a black man, of course, he will want to make movies and cast lead actors that represent his life experience. it's his story, he's telling it from the perspective of his life, so of course he's going to hire black actors and take it to the social justice warrior, the quartering, to take it to Twitter and make it a mad dash, imagine saying no. I don't see myself hiring white guys and being applauded. You know, first of all, someone asked him and he said, "Yeah, I don't look like myself, why would I hire white guys to play the leads in my movies?" If you look at actors like Martin Scorsese, he's never had a black protagonist in any of his films.
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Yes, in fact, that was mentioned on the next slide. Yes, Scorsese Spielberg has only had a few. You know, it's not an uncommon practice. You know Scorsese has. He said many times that he tells these stories and that they take place in New York and that they have to do with these Italians because that's who he grew up with, that's who he knows, it's not strange that, whatever it is, he's telling a story from his perspective, you know well if you're going to criticize Jordan Peele for saying he wants to cast black lead characters in his movies.
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You better at the same time go and tell Score Stacey and Spielberg that he needs to start casting black lead characters, which, by the way, if someone did that, you would. make a video about the social justice word they are so checkmate roommate so yeah on slide 11. Okay so after Jeremy's tweet Philip Defranco made a video covering the situation and then Jeremy He decided to make a response video and saying who he was. just pointing out the hypocrisy and what Jordan Peele said, so this is the video here of the corresponding response. Uh oh, most people who know me know I'm just making fun of the hypocrisy, um, I have some problems with Skye's statement, I don't like it.
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Personal issues, but I'm going to address them too because I like Skye. I think we are actually in a friendly relationship. We talk back and forth and you know she recently unfollowed me, but I think I know they sound like good friends. It's like damn. That's my only black friend. These are the people he hits two boxes for. Gay and black. What am I going to do without him? I'm going to address them too because I like Skye. I think we're actually in a friendly relationship, uh, yeah. I talk back and forth and you know he recently unfollowed me but I think I know why I think he gets a lot of pressure from people who run in his circles and don't really like me.
content court thequartering
I also think that maybe sometimes my shots are too spicy and it bothers them, but it wasn't spicy, that's a nice way to call what you do personally, like he literally told me that I had to do it and that it was healthy, so it was healthy how it cut me. out of his life, no disrespect to either of them, but you know it's not a false equivalency. My point is simple: change one word, imagine, imagine saying, hey, I just started at, I'm only hiring white people, yeah, it's totally different, I mean. That's just a totally horrible comparison: are you talking about hiring someone to work in retail or I don't know behind the scenes, in some ways we're literally talking about a narrator expressing his life experience through an actor, right in The cashier. working behind a counter but discriminating based on the color of your skin is unjustified it literally makes no sense straight white men because by the way he didn't say anything about either straight guy so I don't know why We're bringing in sexual orientation, the whole industry is full of uh um, you know, and that's why he, that's why we call him a cell sim, because he's pandering to all these notions of red pills inside the cell, although I feel like It's a very bad faith, poorly thought out argument, obviously, you know, obviously it's a really bad argument, but what he's doing is just pandering, so it's a simple cell phone, that's what floats his boat, that's what keeps your business going.
LGBT or women, I guess that. wouldn't be a fair equivalence, okay, drop that then, anyway, yeah, you must love his editing skills, he goes, here's my argument, wait, no, that's not a good argument. I knew something was up so I just kept going uh yeah like you mentioned Jordan. uh sorry no jordan jeremy also has a problem with the lgbt community I guess in this video he talks about how he has a problem with pride month from the beginning it actually starts off pretty good. I included a few little details in the right to keep that in mind as you watch this video, um, but I think we could jump right into that, sure, okay, I have to get something off my chest.
Black History Month is Silly, International Men's Day is Silly, International Women's Day is Silly, Gay Pride Month is Silly. It's all done now so this is what you're doing first of all, I'm glad you were able to get this off your chest. It's been bothering us so much. I mean, what's rattling around in his brain are really the makings of a social justice warrior. you're all lying in bed at night thinking about how stupid pride month is, you have to vent now your entire argument is based on a false equivalence, you think that because you're wasting international men's day, something none of us has ever heard.
By the way, and it doesn't actually exist, so you're making that sacrifice at the price of Black History Month and Pride Month, which are two historically disenfranchised prejudice groups, meaning gays and Blacks have been literally murdered for being who they are. so I really don't think throwing away international men's day and calling it a fool is a sacrifice worthy of being able to call pride month. Oh actually, the title of this video is Gay Pride Month and that's all it says, it's a scam. I mean, yeah, again, Sim Cell, this is classic selling, right? It's a way for companies to downsell you.
I can't believe he's tr and now it's another false equivalence. He's saying that Black History Month is the same as Valentine's Day, you know. There are a lot of holidays that check that box, but saying black when was the last time you bought a card for black history month or gay pride month like that, that's right, so not every holiday is a scam and , like some of them, actually you know that it is important for us to recognize these disenfranchised and historically discriminated classes of people, and again, the world does not exist outside their noses because they cannot imagine a world in which being gay or black or being anything different from your experience, okay, that's true, there's no more about omens, I'm not aware that the distinctive holiday is the new one, uh, it's the new month of men, the month of women, black history month, man, you can't include black history month with men's and women's month, it's not. just stupid, it's any gay month, gay month, people don't buy distinctive cards anymore, most people my age and younger don't really care about valentines day, it hasn't given them a sweeter day, Right, all these distinctive holidays that made people could be more personal for products, which it seems, could be more of a personal problem if you're not celebrating Valentine's Day, also portends that interesting doesn't work anymore, so That companies discovered, however, virtue signaling apparently works, at least it's an option for them. trade in your marketing calendar, you know a lot of my clients plan their promotions a full year in advance, usually many months in advance, and things like international men's day and women's day and women's month. black history, these are easy home runs, give them something to talk about. promotions and as a fan of, unfortunately, some, I've never heard of any of those holidays celebrated and the way you describe it, you have like Memorial Day, you have Labor Day, it's funny that you don't mention the ones that people uses like marketing as a marketing crutch, but then again, have you ever visited a black history month sale?
Yeah, no, I'm not really sure what the marketing with pride is. Can you imagine a Pride Month mattress sale? Just ask. If there's a sale at a mattress store, then you know it's a trade holiday by the way it mentions that, for example, gay pride month is a uh, it was created by Hallmark. Well, Pride Month occurs in the United States to commemorate June 1969, Stonewall. As a result of the riots, many pride events are held during this month to recognize the impact LGBT people have had on the world. President Gerald Ford recognized Black History Month during the United States Bicentennial celebration.
He urged Americans to take the opportunity to honor the two. of the forgotten achievements of black Americans in all areas of endeavor throughout our history here we have DC Watchtower on June 1st. You know, I'm sure that everyone, you know, all the little boys love to see two men kiss two, a woman and some kind of woman, a man and another man, with this I can get depressed, I can't, I mean , you can't make a point like that and then just say, oh, lesbians are cool, you know what I mean, gay guys suck, lesbians are cool, that's my point. about pride month, you know, naughty dog, i'm sure everyone supports this, you know, i follow you, naughty dog, to find out what's going on with the last of us or uncharted or other video game stuff, but no, of course , you have to change your logo string, you know, use this promo code, show everyone that there is no promo code for the record, there is no promo code, I feel like that's an important distinction to make, they're not trying to sell, you bought a bunch of cookies or cupcakes for your staff. and everyone gathered to celebrate, so he's so upset about his Twitter logo changing that he needs to make a video about it.
He also mentions that he follows them for stuff about The Last of Us, whose main character is so queer. the main character was like trans right, I mean I didn't play the game I just watched the media though well one of them is a trans character in the game but there's also the main girl who is a lesbian so I think It's pretty safe. I guess they care, they really care about these issues, Jeremy, and unfortunately I don't think they need to consult you. I love it. It's like I followed you for video game news and you updated your icon to have a rainbow flag. and now you've ruined it all that's social justice warrior talk okay it doesn't get any better I'd assume there's probably some evidence that it's all here baby it's all here they gathered to celebrate two guys, but I don't know.
I know again you can't make this point and at the same time say homophobic like that because it just makes you sound homophobic, everyone got together to celebrate two guys right yeah I think that undermines your point a little bit when you do when you say that's because you don't seem to like or respect gays because i don't think that's what pride month is about guys, but i think it's about more than just that jeremy, it's all nonsense, well, maybe you're well, great, long story short, he doesn't like movies with black people, he doesn't like black history month or gay pride month, so it's all good, great, that concludes our first charges for being a warrior of social justice.
Wow, what do you say on behalf of your accused? The quartering. I mean, you guys really beat me up with this one. uh, I mean, I'm remembering your problem with the cartoon that it didn't have big enough front torpedoes. I don't know, I mean. Maybe I could like it, I think of one of my favorite cartoons of all time, uh, Rolly Pollioli's mom, I mean, look at his darling's curves, if they redesigned her and made her look like a normal square robot, you know , I would be. a little angry, you know, she's in the corner and she's trying to get to the girth, you know, because she said he doesn't masturbate to those cartoons, are you saying on behalf of your client that he does?
I'm not going to be able to offer it, even I can't defend that point properly because obviously he rejects it, yes, so if you see that you are framing it incorrectly, you just have to say yes, I reject it and you are making it more difficult and So maybe he would gain a little more sympathy, but other than that, I don't care much. Can you message me after the show and I'll let you know? So basically your defense of him is that you want to masturbate to robots. uh, cartoons and so, um, have you ever masturbated to a cartoon? uh, that's not an appropriate question to be completely honest, come on, uh mmm, have I ever masturbated.The silence is a little deafening right now.
I have to say I am. not in


here, I'll remind you and hold you in contempt, keep it professional, okay, okay, so you did the rest of the defense? I mean, what the hell was that? I mean, um, it's trying to go from a quarter cut to a full one. neck, I don't know, he wants to be full, he wants to be completely tight instead of quartered, okay, okay, thank you and thank you, thank you, thank you, order uh a b, how would you respond to something so brilliant and articulate? defense um, I don't know, I guess he was so disconcerting that he left me speechless, I mean, there's a lot to talk about, I mean, even if we get off the first point, I just want to remind you that he is offended. that a show, an anime show that he doesn't watch, no longer has big breasts, in reiteration, that's all I have to say, okay, we deliberate now, going back to the beginning, the heart of this accusation is that he is someone who is so anti-social justice warrior that he himself became an anti-social justice warrior or social justice warrior reminds me of the old saying, beware those who look into the abyss because the abyss looks back, exhibition one, I'm undercover, too deep, if you ask me, he's mad at a cartoon he liked or didn't even like because her tits aren't big enough anymore.
He doesn't like the Black Panther movie because the protagonist is black and it's a shame that Pete, that young black man he's ashamed of. young black men for having a black role model in popular media, that's true, he thinks gay pride month and black history month are stupid simply because he doesn't have any use for mail wednesday international men's day well, in this case I have to say it's a pretty clear verdict uh the garrison is certainly a social justice warrior except the causes he fights for are just different but the outrage is trivial. Trivia is a plane that anyone can see, so this


decides guilty, guilty, guilty absolutely on all charges of being a social justice warrior and I sentence you.
There are so many bad things that can be like it's been banned from so many conferences and banned. twitter and stuff so I sentence you to be banned from twitter and demonetized 20 billion times okay let's take a quick break before we move on to our second criminal charge oh fish mongering and buffoonery well I'm looking forward to it . I'll be right back after this short break thanks to expressvpn for sponsoring this courtroom. Now I want to quickly tell you about the social dilemma at Netflix. I saw this movie and it is very good, very good documentary, it is about how technology experts created social networks to exploit. user data for profit they call it surveillance capitalism and you know your data is being harvested so tech billionaires can get even richer we have to do something about it we have to draw the line somewhere folks , that's why we add an extra layer of protection with expressvpn because we don't want them getting rich behind our backs until they cut us off, so I'll turn it off every time you use the internet, big tech companies mine your data by tracking your search messages and your video history, but when you run expressvpn on your device, it hides your IP address that websites can use to identify you personally.
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So in this section we'll take a look at Jeremy's harassment of cosplayer Christine Sprinkle, which ultimately led to Jeremy being banned from Magic The Gathering. Wow, I have to say that's an achievement. I had never heard of him before he was banned from all the magic and gathering events, yeah wow that's the media. He made a video criticizing Christine. He has since been removed by YouTube for violating the harassment and bullying policy. The video was titled Beta Playset. White knights prevent rape mtg cosplayer Sprinkle and um yeah and he made a lot of tweets about the situation so the videos what does that title mean?
What is a White Knights beta game? of the beta white knights present prevent rape why did you put rape in the title? That's so creepy. How odd. I don't even know, you could put rape in the title to be honest. Well, it was deleted, so apparently you can't. you want me to play, okay, yeah, it's Jeremy getting defensive. The last thing that made me angry on Patreon is a female cosplayer from the magic community crying in our video asking for money, let's be very clear if she wasn't a pretty girl. support would be about five percent of what she really is and two if she wasn't crying too.
The same is true if I said it better in a tweet, but basically if you're an average looking woman or any man you wouldn't have gotten. hundreds of clients overnight okay serial virtue signaling and crying for patreon dollars cosplayer c.s frankel run posted yesterday many messages on my facebook page again question my life choices immediately spread she's a professional cosplayer you know what she's a professional cosplayer for the fact that she has to request patreon dollars and then cry in her patreon video to get cuckolds beta losers to give her money, but you know what these guys, I have a type of people, this guy calls Any beta, I mean, like I'm not, I'm not someone who walks around with all the alpha male energy.
I think that whole notion of malfa and beta is really dumb, but man, no one gives me more small penis beta energy than Jeremy, I mean, let's be honest, come on guys, this guy calling someone beta is. crazy, I don't think she has any sexual interest, this guy urinates soy milk, you know what I mean, it's just what runs through his veins, his money, give him your money and don't you dare objectify his gaze, I want I mean, it's like an all-time white knight gold rush for these losers who think they have any real chance of penetrating this woman by penetrating, yeah, I don't think their fans, by supporting them, necessarily think that everyone can have sex with her and, by the way, they don't.
Not everyone likes cosplay girls like they have a patreon that's how their business works they don't get paid they don't have a way to monetize their work people support them on patreon that's pretty normal right yeah oh yeah I definitely mean that's one In the most popular ways, of course, we tried to find evidence of his crying that we couldn't find, like the original video that caused it, but something tells me that it really wasn't as bad as he made it out to be and anyway, what? that? Why is he getting so angry? Let this girl be mad because I recorded a Patreon video crying and begging losers for her money.
Oh yeah, you're a hero because Sprinkler you're a hero. I do not see her. say being a hero anywhere talk to some people about the topic of cosplay I think cosplay is cool it's cool in my opinion it's not really a service it's someone who likes to play dress up I think a lot of people see this fat stuff on My opinion, when I start seeing some of these cosplay, I start saying I feel a little movement in my pants and I see why I see one, so this is a trend I've noticed. he has a lot of anger towards people he's attracted to, I think he feels like he knows he's married, but he has an internal energy in the cell where he likes it, he targets attractive women that he knows he wouldn't have a chance with those women who would . they would probably despise him if they ever met him, which is true, because not because of his looks or anything, but simply because he is so chauvinistic and has a lot of anger towards them and she is kind of the object of his anger here because he is Like I don't respect what you do, but I'll let it go.
It's just strange. You know, it's really a furious prospect. Yes, we move on. On November 24, 2017, Christine tweeted that she was releasing her magic into cosplay costumes and outfits. In the wake of months of harassment, Sprinkle, who has been hired by Wizards of the Coast in the past and is considered one of the most popular cosplayers in the wizarding scene, spoke out about the harassment she suffered after Jeremy posted a rating video about her and other cosplayers. So this situation, as I mentioned earlier, has led to Jeremy being banned from Magic The Gathering and down here are different tweets from Sprinkle and Magic Gathering, so his entire video, which was removed from YouTube and removed from the Internet, I have deleted it. "I read the descriptions and from what I could tell he was looking at cosplayers and basically just objectifying and talking looking like you know lewd pictures of them and making sexual comments about them and it was all really creepy and weird," she tweeted.
It's been a tough year and I blocked him and didn't say anything about him because I wanted him to die, but without a doubt, Mtg. me and other Magic members so that's what she said about him apparently he's just been harassing her for an entire year because she was making money on Patreon in a way he thought was inappropriate Saturn and then magic, collecting fish or whatever it was. What was so poor? Why did you say it so magically? The gathering tweeted that it was saddened by what happened in the magical community this weekend. Cyberbullying and harassment are unacceptable and we support those who come forward with their experiences.
No one should be blamed. to feel unsafe or welcome we are working to be part of the solution yes i mean magic the meeting seems like an exclusive environment i really don't think they want people like jeremy to act like she's really committed you know very nice. of a fun player in the scene, right, they probably love people like her, she is very interested, she cosplays, she shows up to events, people get excited to see her and then you have these like Jeremy on the sidelines just with her for having a patreon because it's not a service apparently for him it's not a service what you do it's a service you know what I mean what that means so on the next page I have no idea what happened there so let's move on to 17 um slide 17 after he was banned he went on a crusade against magic, gathering and shore magicians accusing the company of harboring pedophiles, although jeremy made fun of the article, he made an article about sorry and although he made fun of , the article lacked any credibility to the extent that even the Daily Stormer refused to publish it, so let me clarify.
He got banned from Magic the Meeting and then she tried to publish a story about how they're harboring pedophiles. I was a member of that community for years, here's her tweet on Sleeveed Media. I guess I shouldn't spoil tomorrow's next article in the Daily Stormer about mtg shh. I don't want all the cockroaches to deprive their accounts now Daily Stormer Who. She brags that her article was going to be published there and they rejected it. Let me read a blurb here about the Daily Stormer. This is from Wikipedia or what I believe. Yes, it's just that this is established.
No, don't think that I. I'm exaggerating. This is what the Daily Stormer is. It is a Holocaust denial comment forum for American far-right neo-Nazi white supremacists who advocate for the genocide of the Jews and how they consider themselves part of the far-right movement. The editoryou were so ineffable, he's like the most ineffable human being I could have on earth, but no, I'm not, but I embarrass her, I'm just saying, hey, you know, even your ass is. it's not real in the movie that doesn't seem very woke brie larson this was in june when i made the video promise i don't hate white guys but lament the lack of inclusion among film critics i'm not judging you yes i want to see captain marvel yes you're interested in that movie, I for one won't watch it because Brie Larson thinks I'm overrepresented among critics and I guess I'm overrepresented among people who pay to see her movie, now he's a guy, he's so he's so outraged that is so concerned about social justice oh well you think there isn't enough diversity in critics well then there is then I won't do it I mean a white man isn't going to pay to see your movie, bold marketing strategy to attack the whites.
Men, uh, it didn't work out very well for 2016's Ghostbusters, maybe it will work for Captain Marvel. Now Captain Marvel has a gigantic marketing budget. They're in every movie I've seen in the last six months. They have had their trailer and. I'm sure the movie will do well, I'm not going to see it, it won't be a big deal, just like I'm not going to see it, uh, you know, thanks for the analysis, friend, just, star wars soyeri, Uh, no. It doesn't really affect them much even though Soy reads it, but I, for one, am not going to give money to someone who is clearly a racist and sexist individual because he doesn't really care, I mean, what's more racist is to say that there is no diversity. enough diversity in movie credits or saying that gay pride month is about dudes' butts or wanting to write for the daily caller who has a countdown timer on their home page for white genocide, get fair and accurate reviews, she wants her reviews to be from people of a certain gender and people of a certain color and by definition that's racism and sexism so I have no interest in giving money to Brie Larson given her disgusting opinions about people, okay, I mean, yeah, that's pretty far-fetched, dude, well, oh, so, that's right.
We, as we have established, she has made 60 videos about Brie Larson. One of the central criticisms of her is that she's a YouTube celebrity trying to say, "Hey, look at me, I'm just one of the beautiful people celebrating." I, then, would be to think that Will Smith, who is really the biggest perpetrator of that, who has nine million subscribers, would work, also you know, would be under the wrath of dismemberment, let's see how many videos he's made about Will Smith Zero Zero. About will smith, how come he doesn't love me? man, you know, i mean, i mean, i don't know, i think it's pretty telling that he didn't make a single video about will smith, yeah, when he was doing research.
I managed to find a single tweet that mentioned it in passing, but um, yeah, no videos. 60 brie larson zero will smith fortnite yeah by the way their channels aren't even that big they had like 400,000 subscribers. smith is on youtube rewind saying fifteen days so I mean come on how come he doesn't get a video? It's time to rewind, time to rewind, fortnite ah that's hot, it's rewind, that's hot anyway oh that's cool jeremy really wants to talk to brie oh my god tweet her and I tagged her in Twitter. I am offering Brie Larson the opportunity to address these comments.
Comments. Nearly 500,000 potential movie critics would love to know more about whether she really doesn't hate white men. He will give me only 20 minutes via Skype. I'll work around your agenda s-i-m-p good call uh miss dr mr phil new video he this is in response to your video captain marvel it's not for white men he called it please re pre he's begging his fans please share this she says no it's for white men, even publicly she tries to say she doesn't hate at all, is this what we saw? Yeah, because that literally doesn't even come close to what happened in the video.
She's not talking about film critics, not audience members, and she's simply asking. more diversity he, he, even she tries publicly to say that she doesn't hate white men at all, but her actions and words show that she is a sexist racist. Please share this bro, the fact that he tweeted at her is the saddest thing ever and she tagged her with 130 likes. Well this is when she takes a turn like the Bates Motel, this should really bother me. Jeremy bought a shed with the money he earned from all his Brie Larson videos. He calls it Bree's Shed.
Okay yeah so yeah it's a 12 by 12 shed if you want to play the video so this video is called brie larson bought me something amazing here's the video so obviously a lot of people gave me a lot of grief for making so many videos about brie larsonYou know, the thing is that they didn't understand that I'm a big fan. Bree knows I'm a big fan and that's why she sent me such a wonderful gift. Thank you because you know a lot of people said, "Hey, you." I made 20 videos about Brie Larson, are you obsessed? I hope this video from Brie Larson's movie covers it, but let's take a little tour of Brie's wonderful shot now, if you think this is reminiscent of a snuff film, just wait for the next slide, this is a beautiful 12. by slab 12 I'm going to install some beams up here okay so he's got the breeze shed now let's see where this is now something to consider okay Brie Larson won an Oscar for the movie theater where she got trapped in a shed and sexually assaulted over and over again. here is the shed in the room, you can see this is the shed, this is Bree's shed that he bought to make fun of her now, considering everything we've talked about, is this really a coincidence?
Can it really be considered a stretch to think that maybe he is? referencing a shed in a movie where she was raped and sexually assaulted over and over again and kept prisoner, I mean, is that really a reach? I'm not sure he always talks about his shed, I mean, there's more going on in sheds than just putting on a lawnmower, a fan, you know, he probably really put it in that shed, right, his wife is just sleeping there, the house reeks of urine, pee outside, like your animal, that's a good point in my basement, yeah, you think you think Bree bought you that. you know your wife controls all the finances you don't even have a credit card bro you know you pat you hand over your adsense check every month ah wow okay closing statements what do you think about brie larson's shed and about the sim rarely and everything please defend your client better than the other two times I don't know man, I might have to give my license back oh, you don't want to be a lawyer anymore, I might have to, it could be that you're ready to leave the room of the court are you ready you are saying that your client is very difficult to defend are you ready to retire as a lawyer I just can't I don't have anything my battery is low and my spirit is too well let me ask Do you think it's a coincidence that I bought a shed called Bree Shed who bears a very striking resemblance to a shed in a movie where she was repeatedly raped and held prisoner?
A brie shed that looks identical to a shed. from his most popular movie where he calls it the British hit and it has a sign in it yeah, it's probably just a coincidence, it sounds like you're on our team, it sounds like you're on the prosecution team, do you, do you want to come across . On your side, I mean, I can never be on your side, uh, Judge Klein, but you know I can walk away from the whole thing, no side, no man's land, well, let me ask you something, let me ask you some specific questions, what do you think?
I don't have anything either, say you understand my struggle a b Would you like to close with a statement? I mean, yeah, I don't think I really need a final statement, but I have a little theory as we go through this. I'm a little curious if maybe she just hates his wife and is taking it out on Brie Larson and this is all just pent up hatred. Well, he clearly has a problem with women, I mean, in general, when people have something deep. sitting like that, it probably goes back to childhood, you know, I mean, no, I won't, first of all, I'm not a professional and I don't know, but if I had to guess here, uh, you know, like a like judge as a judge and it is my place to speculate on the psyche of the obviously all good judges speculate and diagnose those on trial, but I would say that he probably knows that he has a problem with his mother, Freud would say and he is taken by the path of surrounding himself with women he despises, but his wife makes him sleep in the basement and urinate in a drain until the stump was too heavy, so she bought his ass a shed and literally took him outside like an animal. goes to pizza without him say no more and he has to sit in the back seat he sits in the back seat who does that right he's a quarter man some would say he's a quarter man some would say he's a quarter man brain some they would say it's a quarter inch all the way tight shoot a quarter load with the lotion a quarter load there we go um well it doesn't seem like there's much to talk about guys I will say I think we've reached a verdict here let's summarize by reviewing the evidence of a little celery again, it's overwhelming, an unhealthy obsession with any beautiful girl he considers unattainable for him and his partner, a little red ball contained in cells, you can be an insulin, by the way, get married, trust me. his wife definitely doesn't have sex with him, so he's an incel, in fact she may still be a virgin.
I don't know the nature of the relationship he has. 20 gay parents because of the way he was raised by an army of gay black men. uh he sure is insanely obsessed with pokemane, even when it comes to touching himself up and his loving hug, he's preternaturally and stalkerishly obsessed with brie larson making about 60 videos about her using the proceeds to buy a shed he calls the Bree Shed which bears an uncanny resemblance to her most popular film for which she won the Academy Award, where she was held prisoner and repeatedly sexually abused. Now, if I were Brie, I'd probably be worried about this man and I'd probably seek a restraining order if she were the wife of the garrison I know.
She doesn't watch his videos but maybe she wants to start watching what he's doing on the Internet. uh, you know, bottom line, he's guilty, man, he's guilty on all charges. I condemn you to never use the bathroom again, you will be pooping and peeing in the drain for all eternity and you will live outside like an animal in the shed and I think you are probably a virgin and I think it will stay that way until your days of goodbye, thanks, let's pee in my basement just remember that just because the guys are married doesn't mean they aren't virgins.
I have proof at least that I have a son. Well, unless you see proof that she is a virgin until otherwise stated. Alright, that about sums it up, thank you all for joining us here today in


court, we have found Quartering guilty on all charges and we wish you all a happy, safe and justice-filled week. I want to thank the prosecution and I want to thank Ai Ian, who has basically retired as a lawyer today he put on the robe and the books and everything and I want to thank everyone, zach and dan, for making this possible, thank you all, what is today, today's Tuesday, Tuesday, yes, no, so we'll see Friday after dark. you

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