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Conspiracy Theories and Our Lawsuit!

Apr 06, 2024
okay this theory I probably should have read this before starting the program because it's a little complicated it's not as easy as the lottery was designed to catch the Time Travelers I still don't understand no, not at all okay, okay, I don't understand I know how explain this, but glitter, so there are two companies in the world that make glitter, only two, that's right. I have already shaken one of them is called Glitterex Glitter X. It is very, very secret, they have a building that is not allowed. Inside, no one who works there can talk about it or where it comes from, they can't talk about how they make glitter, the process of making glitter, they can't say who they sell glitter to. oh it's like craft stores right no when asked one of the workers said you'd never guess who buys the most glitter from us we'll just leave it at that and then someone will be fine why can't you tell us What are they? buying glitter and they said because they didn't want anyone to know what glitter is, which started all these


and people were like what does that mean?
conspiracy theories and our lawsuit
Is there glitter and toothpaste? Why is it so pretty? Are you putting glitter on? your teeth or lipstick my theory is that lipstick makes your lips chap more these are little glitters inside to scratch the skin and make your lips talk more like where is the glitter who buys all this glitter and why do they want As far as we know it's glitter, I didn't do it, so I don't even know what allows me to throw out a few more


that some people think: do cities buy glitter and put it on their beaches, in the sand, so that the beaches look most beautiful?
conspiracy theories and our lawsuit

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conspiracy theories and our lawsuit...

Make it brighter. Is there glitter? Certain foods because humans are attracted to glitter, that's the number one thing: glitter everywhere, you'd say that, but if there's glitter on something, your eyes gravitate toward it, I mean, look at me with my glass. Brilliant, are you saying? For me, this is an iconic, yes, so why so much secrecy? What do you think glitter is on something huge? Wow or car paint, car paint, sure, yes, but no, that's glitter, yes, we know it's glitter, so who sells you glitter for car paint? I'm having deja vu like crazy. We did not.
conspiracy theories and our lawsuit
This hasn't happened yet. Seems?. I'm like, well, do you know the answer? No, but I just feel like this is all over. I've never had a deja vu. my life up to this point is kind of good, that means things are on the right track or that means you've done this before in an alternate universe wait, how am I crazy? Have we talked about this? No, you're scaring me. Upstairs, Chris, I saw a person who said, oh, he's into boat painting, but it's like, but his boat painting lesson isn't like a shock. That doesn't surprise me.
conspiracy theories and our lawsuit
I think the only thing you said that made sense was like toothpaste, right, that's crazy and for better or worse, and that would constitute a lot of glitter, right, all toothpaste has glitter in it and it's supposed to. You're not supposed to eat glitter, you're not supposed to get it in your eyes, since glitter is very toxic and scary, so they say one company buys most of it, it has to be massive amounts of glitter, right? Is there some crazy pop culture thing it could be? I could put on today's thumbnail, okay, okay,


Mariah Carey knows it, dude, that's why she made glitter.
Wow, she didn't care if she bombed well because they actually make glitter bombs. Okay, and she was trying to tell us that Glitter is on bombs, huh, do you remember any of this? No, nothing like that. That's okay, cool, cool, okay, well, that's my latest theory. Oh, we have a couple more minutes. Do you know what we are going to include? This theory I keep forgetting to mention. You said you had a theory about dodo birds. This is pretty much a warning, um, it's something, yeah, okay, Chris, do you know why the dodo bird became extinct?
No, I don't expect the dodo bird to be extinct. The dodo Airlines from Animal Crossing, you won't remember that in oh, so that's what I mean. people would call you like a dodo bird because you are so stupid. I know they said it. The thing about the dodo birds and this is, how about this? It's a


to some extent, it's a warning if you read between the lines a little bit, okay? The dodo birds came about because they were on this island and they were pretty much the only big dog on the island, they could eat anything on the ground, insects, small rodents and things like that, and they were the biggest.
So they didn't have predators, so over time they didn't really develop any sense of how to protect themselves from any kind of predatory environment. So when people started discovering this land they brought animals with them so the Europeans came and they brought like pigs and then the Spanish came and they brought something else so the reason the dodo birds became extinct is because they got so comfortable that they forgot their Survival Instinct and didn't even know that some would ever kill him because it was never in their DNA to understand that. so you're saying we have to watch our backs we're dodo birds what I'm saying sounded a bit like that we don't have hunters and gatherers anymore now they're just postmates and eaters the question is do we even know that things are a threat it's like If we know how deep the waters are until we drown in them no, maybe not, I don't know, oh some, but he'll bring his pigs and that's it, the dodo birds were very smart, they just didn't have the ability to realize Realize that they were under threat because it didn't exist in their reality oh, that's what we're like, the Tick Tock phones, all these aliens, we're the dodo birds and these are the pigs, baby, we're like 90 seconds from the Doomsday Clock, Do you know what that is?
Every year they have a meeting of the most powerful people in the world and they set a clock to see how far we are potentially from the end of the world and they have a thing where you can see from the '70s to now how far we've been on that clock it is. from Midnight how far we are from Midnight what I stood before you and noticed that the world had entered the realm of two-minute warning a period in which the danger is high and the margin of error is low when it is 80 seconds so in 1970 let's say I'm not going to be precise, but they will be great, they will be a great image right in 1970 it was like 20 minutes let's say okay and then they have a graph that shows over time where it has been, it has never been below a few minutes.
I think we might be at 90 seconds or 30 seconds, that's not actually 90 seconds, how is that yours? They say we're the closest we've ever been to the end. I mean, I mean, if the weather is any indicator, it's wild everywhere, right? It's like a fire warning when it's a red flag for fireworks. That way, why are we just? Here, chilling, we survived the countdown to midnight, live every moment like it's your last, okay, well, let's take a little break and when we come back, oh no, we won't, we finish the O' recap Reilly on today's episode of The Shane Dawson Podcast the kids learned was 90 seconds until the end of the world hopefully we make it oh uh Chris went to a bar where the fat guys had wet dicks and why do religious people hate to the gays Chris went to a gay bar that had a wet butt contest plus porn on TV um Fruit roll ups and ice cream are the best oh my god in the best Tick Tock food hack ever run and put your ice cream inside your fruit roll, delicious, beautiful and crunchy sugar. enjoy plastination is when they fill a body with plastic and have big cocks, the boys learn all the plastination, humans have big tatas and penises, friend, greetings to all the cutting fans.
Community we are watching, you know a lot. the cooks cut off the calls like they normally do, they are watching the kids answer many calls from the cooks and we realize that the community is big, wait, who's going? Mr. Krabs, Mr. Krabs, have you ever thought about the fact that you sell Krabby Patties? sells his own eyes, that's like having a human, hamburgers so human, whoa. He is a psychopath and Krabby Patties are shaped like a crab cage in which they trap him. um update. Snow White, the seven dwarfs said they were going to work. The Seven Dwarfs said they were going to work um oh dude it's confirmed that serial killers definitely wear it Netflix Oh confirmed by Netflix serial killers wear it hey dude but no Chris it's not a suit Chris could be a zero, you'd like when I think about the re-enactments on the shows where it's like he was so kind and lit everyone loved him and then he murdered.
I can't imagine being on an operating table in a strange room and I finally like to take one last look and it's Chris. smiling at me, oh dude, though that reminded me of something else I could put in the murder thumbnail, no, I guess, because we're putting this episode up soon, um, I guess they used a clip of me in the middle, some documentary from Malaysia, dude . Yeah, they didn't ask a bunch of people being like Shane at the mflopo cork 2K, it's for a second and I'll take it, what do you say? Oh I did not know.
I say this is crazy, we're both Netflix stars, baby. Tiger King and me, you in the new kitchen, yeah, and now we can put the flight to Malaysia, whatever on the Thunder, he laughs, okay, he makes the Fruit Roll-Ups, it's a party in question. News. I have a genuine question. Are they clicking because they say conspiracy? the title or should Shane try something different, well I have an update. Shane tried something different once and no one clicked with it, so I don't know what to do with it. Diet Mountain Dew is orange juice, it doesn't, yeah, that's crazy shocking. news Diet Mountain Dew is confirmed to be just orange juice glitter, we don't know where that is, what glitter is, where it comes from and how it is used.
Oh, the growers are just growing. Growers are coming together and Buy your Shane Dawson merch at Shane if you want to identify as a grower too you can be an ally too we're all woke in our own way yeah if you're gonna drag us down for doing one thing just remember that we. We are all woke in our own way and you will also be friends with someone who has green text messages. Oh yeah, you're a texting elitist. It's not elitist if you are. If you are shaming people who have green text messages. I'm offended for us. as an ally as a blue texter as a blue who identifies as a green texture due to my poor service and my house Apple continues its world conquest by making us all subconsciously hate green textures Shane calls Ryland an elitist but really just hates husbands oh Wow, the shots fired her husband, elitist, what is this day of public slander?
We all work in our own way, um, rest in peace dodo birds, rest in peace dodo birds, you couldn't fly, but you were serious and you know what it was. great symbol for us to watch our backs as humans and we are the dodo birds, of course, that was powerful, that was it. It felt like a hate comment that was intense, yeah dude why is your mouth blue? Oh, because I ate a squirt. Oh, I was just. funny, I had a couple like a minute ago, okay, it's cute, though okay, guys, that's all we have for this week's episode of the Shane Dawson podcast.
Be sure to follow Shane Dawson's podcast on Instagram. You are subscribed to all. podcast platforms and watch every time we upload content on YouTube, make sure you follow us all individually, we love you a lot too, we'll see you here in two weeks, well, thank you very much, I think that was an amazing summary. Like this was a really good episode. I feel like I was onto something, but I wasn't, um, yeah, there you go, I hope you enjoyed whatever that was. Let us know in the comments where you think the glitter comes from and what it is.
It's really a great way to like strong energy, yeah, bye.

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