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Consolidated B-24 Tour - Subscriber's Request! - Part 1

May 31, 2021
little diaphragm there and there would be pressure on each side it would act like a little I draw as a shock absorber we have all these cool little things original


s oh, there's the urinal oh, that's actually you I must like what you said a while ago, it's the effort, is it? It is not like this? We have a small sign under the Ford trimotor. There is a small bathroom in the back to help. Please don't use the bathroom in populated areas, of course, if you're over enemy territory it's not a problem, so all of this is basically to hide you and prevent you from rubbing against elevator controls and things that are obviously for the elevator.
consolidated b 24 tour   subscriber s request   part 1
This is a delicate instrument handle with great care, do not drop it or shake it. This could be some kind of job, I know what it would do, okay? Let's figure out how we get into the turret here to unlock the firing lever. I think I think this twist is okay, it's cool, which is just as original as the original cleanup, okay, there's a glass box down there, it's probably a Deadman switch, which means before you can operate the weapons . of the turn that you would operate right here, which would be azimuth up and down, this would be left to right, so you can run like this, you know, but all these turrets have Deadman type switch arms, so it's like you have to push towards down with your feet before this activates electrically so basically that's the turret you have to admit this is cool it's an amazing airplane to restore a long time ago ten years someone offered me a lot of money for this no , you
consolidated b 24 tour   subscriber s request   part 1

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